PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Tues., Feb. 10, 1976 The weather Inside today Moitly sunny tbis afternoon. High near Area news ........ 10, 12, 18, 19, 23, 34, 25 SO becoming colder. Clear and colder B usiness. 32, 33 G ard en in g.........31 tonight with low lS-20. Clear Thursday iianrIfMter lEiipntng Jtprali Classified 24, 25, 26 O b itu aries.........14 with high in mid 30s. National weather C om ics...............27 Old Codger .... 30 forecast map on page 24. Dear A bby.........27 People ......... 29, 30 Manchester—A City of Village Charm Editorial ...........4 Sports . 15, 16, 17 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1978- VOL. XCV, No. 112 THIRTY-SIX PAGES — THREE SECTIONS PRlCEi FIFTEEN CENTS In ravaged Guatemala Rescuers struggle ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ to reach victims GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala a 200-bed disaster hospital to be in- t(ie hardest hit area in Guatemala, — One week after a deadly stalled in the southern city of Culapa Another 9,000 persons died in ■ WA earthquake rocked this Central as a recovery center for the 20,000 in- Chimaltenango, about 40 miles west Amercan nation, rescue workers still jured from nearby Chimaltenango, of the capital. struggled to reach victims and sur­ vivors in remote mountain areas. A government spokesman predicted the final death toll may reach 25,000. International aid — including urgently needed food and medical Directors give schools supplies — has helped alleviate some of the most crucial problems in pop­ Instant Lottery funds ulous regions. But officials have not been able to reach many isolated ’The Board of Directors Tuesday them off the welfare rolls. And, by a villages, where thousands may still night approved giving the Board of unanimous vote, it approved a $4,500 be buried in the debris of their Education imm^iately the $62,581 appropriation for tutorial services shattered homes. due it from Connecticut's first Ins­ for 15 Vietnamese refugee children in Although the government put the tant Lottery. the schools, to be financed by a THE SAVINGS BANK OF MANCHESTER HAS ^ official death "toll at 17,032, Under an act by the 1975 General federal grant. presidential spokesman Guillermo Assembly, the allocations must go to In other financial actions, all by un­ Estrada said Tuesday, “The final school boards and the only question animous votes, the board approved; death toll will be somewhere raised by many municipalities is, • A $6,654 allocation from the between 20,000 and 25,000." “Must the funds be given school Capital Improvement Reserve Fund The government asked the United boards in this fiscal year, or can they for money due the state for States to send in eight two-man be held for the new fiscal year?” reconstruction work at Broad and Green Beret teams from the Special ’The state’s attorney general has Hilliard Sts. Bicentennial flag raised at Bentley School Forces unit stationed in the Panama said the law is hazy on that count and • A $3,621 allocation from the Canal Zone to help search for victims needs clarification. Special Taxing District Reserve A Bicentennial flag is raised beneath the U.S. flag during ceremonies Tuesday in front of in isolated mountain areas. Manchester’s board voted un­ Fund for the last payment on proper­ Bentley School as the student body witnesses the event. Mrs. Harriett Duff, left, represen- The teams — consisting of a animously to give the school board ty it owns on Oak St. paramedic and a communications the first $62,581 but indicated the se­ • A $2,000 transfer from the (k)n- ■ tative of the school Parent-Teacher Organization, presented the Bicentenial flag to the specialist — will. be lowered from school. Student Debby Jezouit hoists the new flag after Debbie Hare, right, finishes cond sum, expected in June, and the tingency Account to the- Probate helicopters into villages that are in- Court Account, to erase a deficit fastening it to the rope while school principal Douglas Townsend watches. The flag will third and fourth, expected in the next accesible by road. fiscal year, will be figured into the caused by inflated costs for supplies. • hang permanently in the school lobby at the end of the school year. (Herald photo by Pinto) The state of Alabama has donated 1976-77 schooL-budget it will ap­ • A $3,750 claim settlement for propriate in May. Kathleen ’Thompson of Manchester, At Carl Zinsser’s suggestion, (it stemming from a September 1971 fall FREE PERSONAL CHECKING was Zinsser who points out the oh an Oak St. sidewalk. Directors balk at pay hike plan possibilities) the town counsel was • A $495 pay raise (only $242 for Savings Bank of Manchester free personal checking means your account. instructed to cheqk into state this year, retroactive to Jan. 1,1976) requirements for the allocations. for the duplicating-room operator — no monthly service charge and no charge for numbered stan­ Now you can have one stop banking at the bank that pays By SOL R. COHEN recommending pay raises for about He said he received an explanation create new cycles, and we’d never The board approved two other ap­ by reclassifiying her to account dard checks. A minimum $100.00 deposit is required to open high interest on your savings, Savings Bank of Manchester. Herald Reporter 55 top and middle management per­ only by reading newspaper articles catch up.” propriations to the school system. By clerk. A frustrated and unhappy Board of sonnel, to correct inequities among which, he said, were as clear as John ’Thompson remarked that the an 8 to 1 vote with Zinsser opposed, it In order to permit the town counsel Directors Tuesday night balked at them and other inequities when com­ Weiss’ were unclear. recommendations only compound the approved a $22,676 appropriation for time to study possible collection, the taking any action on proposed pay pared to wages for union personnel, Prignano said be is in sympathy inequity situation. He said the the work incentive program, board tabled a $961. charge-off of raises for Manchester’s top and mid­ with raises this year retroactive to with Uie employes and believes they proposal gives substantial pay raises financed by a federal WIN grant, ft water and sewer fees owed by Tracy dle management personnel and Jan. 1,1976. deserve raises but will reserve judg­ to those subordinates now receiving provides 41-weeks employment for Cole on the 111 Walnut St. property labeled Town Manager Robert ’The board instructed Weiss and ment until complete information is overtime and receiving more pay three Hartford redidents and takes he formerly owned. Weiss’ request and report in­ McCarthy to prepare a more com­ received. than department heads. complete, inconclusive and in­ plete report (a professional report, is Willhide called the report “hit-and- He too recommended more study adequate. how Director Paul Willhide miss, hit-and-miss.” He predicted of job functions and clarification of Weiss’ recommendation (the described it) and indicated con­ there will be no improvement in per­ the pay-scale formula. Youth wins $10^000 report was prepared by Assistant siderable opposition to pay raises sonnel reports “unless we get a Jack Goldberg suggested that the other than at budget-making time. professional presentation.” WITH AN ADVANTAGE Town Manager Charles McCarthy) board go slow on approving the pay With stars in his blue eyes, 18-year- matching number. His fellow Pascal Prignano set the tone of the ’That presentation, he said, should would increase Manchester’s salary raises, pointing out requests are employes confirmed it. discussion when he chided Weiss for include an explanation of duties, old Paul Tranchina of 80 Chapel Rd., base by about |49,8(X), at an im­ coming in every week for additional \^ e n he called home, his mother , not clarifying his recommendations. responsibilities of employes, South Windsor is on cloud number mediate cost of about $24,900. He is funds to erase shortages. “Let’s see wouldn’t believe.it either. "Because relationships to superiors and subor­ nine. t how we make out with them before I’m always telling jokes,” ’Tranchina dinates, the rationale for the we go ahead with this. I wonder He won $10,000 with an Instant said. One of the cashiers took over recommendations, relationship of where all the money we need will Lottery ticket purchased shortly the phone and convinced his mother. earnings of each classification to come from?” Nolx^y enlightened after he reported for work this mor­ He said he will bank his winnings. anothet, and how classifications are him. ning at Top Notch on N. Main St. It In the next breath, he said he will buy determined, among other points. News summary Weiss agreed that budget time is was the second lottery ticket he had a brand new car, a Corvette. A black “And, lastly,” said Willhide, “in no the proper time for pay raises but in­ ever bought. one. And maybe some new clothes. Compiled from United Press Inlernalional way would I go for retroactivity.” sisted there are times when interim Tranchina has worked at Top Phyllis Jackston, Vivian Ferguson At first he couldn’t believe it when raises are advisable. Notch for about two years as a shelf. and Carl Zinsser also said pay he scratched off the film and saw the' policy from playing down cor­ He said the directors should take a Stocker and a cashier. State porate scandals to full in­ revisions shduld be made only at good look at salaries paid top per­ HARTFORD - The latest vestigation and punishment of budget-making time. sonnel, compared to what similar state tax revenue figures are $1 them.
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