DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 52 – Year XVIII – No. 1, 2003 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE Proceedings of the XVII International Conference Organised by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care The Identity of Catholic Health Care Institutions November 7-8-9, 2002 New Synod Hall Vatican City ARCHBISHOP JAVIER LOZANO, Editor-in-Chief CORRESPONDENTS MOST. REV.JOSÉ L. REDRADO, O.H., Executive Editor REV.FELICE RUFFINI, M.I., Associate Editor REV. MATEO BAUTISTA, Argentina MONSIGNOR JAMES CASSIDY, U.S.A. REV.RUDE DELGADO, Spain REV.RAMON FERRERO, Mozambique REV.BENOIT GOUDOTE, Ivory Coast PROFESSOR SALVINO LEONE, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD REV.JORGE PALENCIA, Mexico REV. GEORGE PEREIRA, India MRS.AN VERLINDE, Belgium EV IRO ENEDETTINI R . C B PROFESSOR ROBERT WALLEY, Canada DR. LILIANA BOLIS SR.AURELIA CUADRON REV. GIOVANNI D’ERCOLE, F.D.P. DR. MAYA EL-HACHEM REV. GIANFRANCO GRIECO REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS, O.C.D. MONSIGNOR JESÚS IRIGOYEN EDITORIAL STAFF REV.JOSEPH JOBLIN REV.VITO MAGNO, R.C.I. DR. COLETTE CHALON DR. DINA NEROZZI-FRAJESE DR. ANTONELLA FARINA DR. FRANCO PLACIDI DR MATTHEW FFORDE REV.LUCIANO SANDRIN REV.BERNARD GRASSER, M.I. MONSIGNOR ITALO TADDEI DR.GUILLERMO QWISTGAARD Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE VATICAN CITY; Tel. 06-6988-3138, 06-6988-4720, 06-6988-4799, Fax: 06-6988-3139 - www.healthpastoral.org - E-MAIL: [email protected] Published three times a year. Subscription rate: 32 € for Europe, 30 $ for countries outside Europe, postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR, Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Spedizione in a.p. - art. 2, comma 20/c, legge 662/96 - Roma Contents 6 Address of Homage 27 2. English Speaking Africa to the Holy Father Rev. Edward Phillips, M.M. H.E. Msgr. Javier Lozano Barragán 30 3. North America 7 Address of the Holy Father Dr. Richard M. Haughian John Paul II 33 4. South America H.E. Msgr. Carlos Aguiar Retes THE IDENTITY OF CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS 35 5. Asia Rev. Yvon Ambroise thursday 41 6. Europe 7 Sr. Maria del Camino Agós november 47 7. Australia Dr. Francis Sullivan 10 Inaugural Speech 52 The Survey of ‘Federations, H.E. Msgr. Javier Lozano Barragán Associations and Groups Connected with Catholic Institutions 11 A First Approach Working in the Health Care Field. to Catholic Hospitals What Sustainability for H.Em. Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini the Future?’ Dr. Fiorenza Deriu PROLUSION II. REFLECTIONS OF EXPERTS ON 17 The Essence of Identity: ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, SOCIAL Catholic Health Care Institutions AND ABOVE ALL RELIGIOUS in the Contemporary World CHALLENGES IN GENERAL H.Em. Cardinal Karl Lehmann WITH A VIEW TO PROVIDING SUPPORT TO THE CATHOLIC IDENTITY OF HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS I SECTION THE CONTEMPORARY STATE 58 1. In Politics OF CATHOLIC HOSPITALS H.E. Msgr. Diarmuid Martin I. IDENTIFYING THE ECONOMIC, 61 2. In the Economy SOCIO-POLITICAL, CULTURAL AND Prof. Uwe E. Reinhardt, RELIGIOUS CHALLENGES THAT FACE Dr. May T.M. Cheng CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS ACCORDING TO THE VARIOUS 72 3. In a Social Perspective GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS H.E. Msgr. Giampaolo Crepaldi 25 1. Francophone Africa 76 4. In the Religious World Rev. Jacques Simporé, M.I. Fra Pascual Piles Ferrando, O.H. 112 5.3. The Hindu Perspective Prof. Vitthaldas S. Bhat friday 8 116 5.4. The Identity of Buddhist november Health Care Institutions Dr. Masahiro Tanaka II SECTION III SECTION ILLUMINATION OF THE CONTEMPORARY WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO IMPROVE REALITY OF CATHOLIC HOSPITALS THE IDENTITY OF CATHOLIC HOSPITALS BY THE FAITH 80 1. The History of Catholic Hospitals 120 1. Mission: Improving the Mission Rev. Rosario Messina, M.I. of Catholic Hospitals Sr. Mary Ann Lou 86 2. Identity in Faith in Catholic Hospitals 124 2. Improving Initial and H.E. Msgr. Oswald Gracias On-going Training Rev. Leonhard Gregotsch, M.I. 92 3. The Principles for a Solution to the Contemporary Moral Questions 128 3. Improving the Identity and Issues of Catholic Hospitals: of Catholic Health Care Institutions Methodological Guidelines and Structures H.E. Msgr. Angelo Scola Rev. Francis G. Morrisey, OMI 98 4. The Principles of Pastoral 135 4. How to Improve the International Practice for Today’s Catholic Association of Catholic Health Care Hospitals Institutions (AISAC) Rev. Jesus Etayo Arrondo, O.H. Rev. Michael D. Place, Std 108 5. Inter-religious Dialogue: The Identity of Health Care Institutions Saturday 9 108 5.1. The Identity of the Jewish november Health Care Institution Prof. Abramo Alberto Piattelli 109 5.2. The Identity of the Islamic 139 5. Improving the Catholic Religious Health Care System Aspects of Hospitals Prof. Kamel Ajlouni Rev. Angelo Brusco, M.I. The illustrations in this edition are taken from “Dieci secoli di storia degli edifici ospedalieri in Europa” by Dankwart Leistikow, Edited by C.H. Boehringer Sohn,1967, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany 6 THE IDENTITY OF CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS ADDRESS OF HOMAGE TO THE HOLY FATHER Most Blessed Father, charity within the Church, who carries out her mandate received from Christ, the divine physi- We are truly very happy and we deeply thank cian, who told us: ‘heal the sick’. This internation- Your Holiness for having wanted to receive us at al conference will also reflect on the new prob- the beginning of our seventeenth international lems, responses and prospects of Catholic health conference. This year the subject that we chose, in care centres. Immediately after our conference we agreement with Your Holiness, was: ‘the identity will have a meeting with the continental represen- of Catholic health care institutions’. After a reflec- tatives of the Catholic hospitals of the whole of the tion on the word of God, we will study the present- Church so that our conclusions can be translated day situation of Catholic hospitals, then illuminate into practice. that situation through theology and inter-religious Your Holiness, as the root of the unity and the dialogue, and conclude by studying the most suit- resoluteness of the Church, is the only possibility able guidelines for pastoral practice. that we have to achieve an authentic communion Holy Father, I would like to present to you all the in the world of the Catholic health care institutions scholars who are here, who have come from the so that in them there shines forth the charity of the five continents of the world and are taking part so Good Samaritan, through a deeper faith and as wit- intensely in this seventeenth international confer- nesses to a resolute hope in resurrection. For this ence. But first of all I would like to point out to you reason, Holy Father, all of us wish to hear your the thirty-three speakers and moderators who will venerated words so that from the outset they will throw light on the subject of the conference with guide our study and lead us to turn it into life and their deep reflections and contributions. communion in the 108,000 health care institutions One of the programmes of the Dicastery that in which the Church carries out her pastoral min- Your Holiness entrusted to us is specifically the istry. world union of Catholic hospitals, in order to fos- H.E. Msgr. JAVIER LOZANO BARRAGÁN ter their mutual help. The circumstances in which Archbishop-Bishop of Zacatecas President of the Pontifical Council for the 6,038 Catholic hospitals of the world work are Health Pastoral Care, very diverse. These hospitals are tangible proof of the Holy See. DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 52-2003 7 ADDRESS OF HOMAGE TO THE HOLY FATHER I hope that Catholic health care institutions and public health care institutions may be able to collaborate effectively, united by the common desire to serve the human person, especially, the weakest and those who, in fact, are not socially insured. Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and the of God and St Vincent de Paul established hospices Priesthood, for the recovery and care of the sick, anticipating Dear Brothers and Sisters, what would later become modern hospitals. The network of Catholic social and health care institu- 1. I am glad to meet you on the occasion of the tions was gradually created as a response of soli- 17th International Conference organized by the Pon- darity and charity by the Church to the mandate of tifical Council for Health Pastoral Care. the Lord, who sent the Twelve to proclaim the I cordially greet each of you. I extend a special Kingdom of God and heal the sick (cf. Lk 9,6). greeting to Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragán, In this perspective, I thank you for the steps you President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pas- are taking to put fresh life into che Confederatio in- toral Care whom I thank for the kind words of re- spect he spoke in your name and for his overview of the goals of your conference. I am pleased that your Dicastery promotes this annual initiative which is an important chance for reflection, debate and dialogue between the ecclesial and the civil world on such a priority goal as health. Care for the sick and evangelization The theme of the present Conference – “The Identity of Catholic Health Care Institutions” – has great relevance for the life and mission of the Church. In fact, in carrying out the work of evan- gelization, in the course of the centuries, the Church has always associated assistance and care for the sick with the preaching of the Good News (cf. Motu proprio Dolentium hominum, n. 1). Gospel requires care for the sick who are uninsured 2. Following closely the teaching of Christ, the divine Physician, several saints of charity and of hospitality, such as St.
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