Q LEDGER , ENTRIES ULisra • THANK9QIVINO DAY, 1807 FIFTY-SIXTH YBAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1948 Stamp collectoru In all sections of NUMBER 30 I have been reading, with In- the United States and Canada are terest, THE AMERICAN READER, purchases of the dollar "trout published in 1818. We were im- stamps" that are the Michigan con- Mrs. Mary Moore Power of the Prews Vindicated i pressed with the frequency with servation department's new method which patriotic Hems appeared and Vining Retires I of the expressed need of watchful- of collecting license fees from trout Dies at Age 97 By Michigan Election Results ness so that citizens of our country fishermen. Mrs. Mary E. Moore, who lived ml ht Friends in Lowell have received liyPfCP^^ All] flAtl ' 8 progress In sound thinking, The 1M9 stamps which show « most of her life in Lowell, passed By OriM fWr -M«ttai*r MlfM««Ji M-t AMoelatton news of the death of Mrs. Archie Overseas Aid Plan 'development of free enterprise and rainbow tiout, printed in red, now After 27 Years away at the home of her non in- |,he ea,0U8 L. Klepper on November 8 in P IT J PL'IJ J guarding of their rights a;* being shipped fo license dealers. law, Carroll H. Perkins of Grand LANSING—Is the "power of the Charlotte, N. C. following an Illness rflr IfPPnV I hllflrPII!and Pr'v"egos. The department sold more than Rapids, Saturday morning at the jress" waning in Michigan? 1 Vl Holds Oatstamliof Record of several weeks. Her funeral was Fo r Needy VIIUUIWChildrenI Her() are eJttractl| fro|n ^ 400 stamps of the 1946 Issue—first age of 97. She had been in her Republicans are Inclined to Crow ,erTnon year the new license-colleoting usual good health until about a that the 194S election majorities Ih Rites This Friday held at the MacEwen funeral home -The happiest day of my life was on PATRIOTISM printed As Af ricoltaral Agent In Charlotte with the Rev. Cradall the day my brother died, and I got ln the book' and delivered by a method was used—to outatate col- week preceding her death although Iflchlgan fully vindicate the presi. reading the Episcopal burial ser- to wear his warm underclothes." :,hen noted minister on Thanks- lectors and It is believed that Mich- For Kent Coantj she had been bliLd for a number Did not a majority of the Vetera igan philatelists bought several avor a Republican nominee for For William Briggs Th s Bl,n ,e 180r7 The retirement request of Kent of years. ui w # i ' P ' horrible sentence ' times as many. Funeral services were neld in President, a Roptfbllcan nominee Mrs. Klepper was the former!wail wrltten in an essay by a ten' . constitution of the govern- county's agriculture agent, Keats for the United States senate, a sub- Funeral services will be held Phyllis Rae Bolter, born in Lowell, year old German irlrl m ""der which we live, was not The 1949 Issue is printed In K. Vining, in ,hia twenty-seventh Grand Rapids on Monday at one this Friday at St. Mary's Church „ „ numbered sheets of 20 stamps. o'clock with burial in Oakwood tantlai majority of Republican May 8, 1912, the daughter of Mr. qh . * . t u imposed upon us by power which year of senrlce to area farmers was, . „ .omlnees for Congress, a 23 to 9 C.,8:00 f?r P'C;. William Bruce and'Mrs.^Ray Bo'lter7(n'ee Wraiece She had been asked to write on we dare not or could not resist- As of October 31, license dealers granted Thumday by the state ce™ 7' , '. u. ^ w. Brlijgs who paid the supreme "The Happiest Day of My Life", but devised by the men whom we had reported aales of 181,342 She !s survived by a daughter, Republican majorly In the State Ecker) both now deceased. board ol agriculture at Lansing. Eenate and a 61 to 39 majority In sacrifice to his country February and she did. delegated to form it, and adopted stamps of the 1949 issue. LaVanche Moore, of Grand Rapids. She was the granddaughter of The state board granted Vining he State House of Representatives? 12, 1945, while serving In Italy. Today In the state of Michigan beca"«e we approved it. It * * * Mrs. Moore was a member of nte nent 1 be the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. R ub a six-month leave of absence to Park Congregational Church, Grand Democrats point gleefully to the ' " w" Oakwood the Christian Rural Overseas Pro- . «P "c®n because we deter- There'e a story going around eernpter W become effective Jan. 1, 1949, Rapids, an honorary member of the Trumaruman upset In the face of y. ^hV* moved from Lowell to Ash- fram taTnlhe mTdVt ofT^Ign about a plumber over at Lansing:terminating his service with full J. Morgan Smith Ten of Grand pollsters' prediction of fll vilie, N. C, with her parents many relief to the hungry who wrote to a government official (retirement in Michigan State col- y r tue th of Rapids and a former member of triumph. And the surprise def years ago. |chlldren, the cold children, the ^fl^ . " . " ^ stating that he had found hydro-Heg. extension work. bewll 1 re cf Republican Governor Kim SI; Besides her husband, she leaves ' e d children o f the world- virioUB U chloric acid good for cleaning the Cyclamen Chapter No. 94. uwia uu. »ha» «eg>8iators of ancienr t times y Democratic Nominee G. M two sons of a former marriage. lost' kids like that ten year old ,'^3 V r ™ w ! " .! clogged drains. He asked the offi-. Order of the Eastern Star of lab0r,d 10 rm bu: not ac- Lowell, Lowell Congregational Williams Is held up as proof of Donald Jr., and LeRoy Gardner, Hrl In war-atrlkfln 0.m,.ny, '° ' ciai about It and received this re* l ecllning press. Sponsored by Catholic Rural ^"'pec^atW^r,'0".; ^ P»y: Church and the Loyal Lowellltee 15 and 12 respectively, of Charlotte, Mrs. Moore was dearly beloved by In both assumptions the power o and two slaters, Beryle and Life, Church World Service, and h " "The efficiency of hydrochloric ,nf all who knew her. She maintained the newspaper is predicated on Catherine, Mrs. Daniel Scott of Lutheran World Relief, this plan, Tn ^a th«n ™HM .n l acid is quite IndUputsble, but the a sunny disposition throughout her belief that the press Influe Charlotte and Mrs. Benjamin W. known by Its initials CROP, is ried into execution. VlgorouS, corrosive residue is Imcompatlble entire life and was a credit to her through the editorial page. Wright of Washington, D. C., an an effort to give gifts-ln-klnd from ifree. The collective patriotism of with metallic permanence." day and generation. ly such assumption is far off base! uncle, Lattelle Ecker of Detroit, an the American farmer to the rural ages ripened Into maturity.' The plumber was quite pleased aunt, Mrs. B. J. Williams of Wil- and wrote that he was glad that, Under the American plan the son, N. C., and many other rela-l Olft. th.t Ulehlgu Farmer, can jJ__ ' the official agreed with him. Back! public wields power at the ballot tives and a host of friends ["P"® 'rom their harvests and live- adapted^to,rhr^enru,s,'A,|^'',,h.sua came a second letter: box by strength of majority action. The burial was in Charlotte and stock pens will be collected on a f the people It is a cnnsMMmln The people arrive at their dec! 0 "We cannot aaaume responsi- Michigan Bell Co. the many beautiful floral offerings state-wide canvas during CROP where the poorest member of »h« wisely or unwisely, as the result werii testimonies of the high re-.Week, December 28 to January 2. community is conscious of a oer bility for the production of toxic! information, right or wrong, fu and noxious residue with hydro- gard in which Mrs. Klepper was| Each community will have a feet equality with tbe richest In mnde available through various chloric acid and suggaet that you Tourist Toll Traffic held in her community. individusi part in giving a carload respect to the protection of his media of mass communication. from Michigan "Spirit of Christ- person, and the security of his use an alternative procedure." Such information appears in th# mas" train which rolls across the property; and where he taiifht to Again the plumber was pleased news column; in pamphlets, Shows Big Increase state on January 18, headed for feel the Importance of a member and he wrote aarain thanking the; azlnes; on lecture platforms the port of Philadelphia and of the body politic, by having equal official and agreeing with him. The I Figures released this week by the motion picture newsreels; on Be Sure to Buy " church-agency distribution over- ivolce in the election of persons to official finally wrote to hm: Michigan Bell Telephone Company radio air waves; even over tfit seas. hold the most Important offices of "Don't use the hydrochloric stfbetantlate reports that the tour- back fence among neighbors. ist season this year was the busiest Tour local county agent will government, and by being himself add, it eata hell out of the pipes." If there has been any power, u of any of recottl. has been the power of the Pfc. Briggs was bom in Grand give you the details on this pro- ^ a"y with others eligible to fill * * * Christmas SealsIgra m which Is planned to reach the first office.
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