
, OHIO AND CALIFORNIA TAKE U. S. TITLES T ne f irst Jun ior Championshi p and the United Stairs Open Tournament, held in July, resulted In some of the most hot ly-cont ested play of recent y earl. The Junior Champlonahlp, whiCh t ook place in Chicago, w.u won by Cleveland's L,ury F ri edman, shown he re at a pOlt.mortem of all important game. Among the onlookers is the new Open Champion Herman Steiner (I triped t ie ) . The f ie ld in which Stei ner WO" hi s t it le at P ltt, burgh was the ' ;!.rgest and str onge.t to dOlte for this fixture. CHESS REVIEW IHI " crUIII CH i n ",AO AIIHI EDITlO '" P UB~ ISII E D IS'I' I. A. H orowitz &. Ken nelh Harkne .. INDEX f EATURES American Chell Champion. __ __ 14 NEWS The World of Chen ___________ 5 Gamel From Recent Eve'lt . __ __ 18 THE PROMISE OF rtl'flt Junior Chaml)tollshi l) was nn un· OEP .... RTMENTS QlluUfled SIlCCCSS: a. largo (;n l,·y, full ot Ga me of the M ont h _____ ____ ___ 16 AMERICAN CHESS enthUSiastic youngsteJ's. an np[)I·ecinble Pictur e Gu ide to Chess ______ __25 Posta l Chell _______________ ___ 29 nu mber o( thom displaying unusIl:lI gi ft s, r- V~R lIince the Amorican tca m's cata.· 'Ve JlOW know, wher·c we only conJec­ Reilderl' Forum _______ ________ 2 I: trophlo deCeat In the nadlo i\fateh of iReader.' Games ___ ___ ___ ______ 38 lIIred berore, lhat we are developing the SeplembCl', 1945, Amel·lcall cheu Illay­ r Oli taire Chess __ ___ _______ ____ 40 groat mastorll or tomorrow, ns we]l ns the e'·11 and o,·gunlzattons havc beclt giving great audie ll cc which will (J agerly tOllow serlol1s thought to OUI" defects 11Ild how EDITORS thclr achievements ami enjoy their mll.a· I. A. H o rowitz we cnn remedy them. tC I·pleccs. K enneth H (lrknl!l<II CHESS REVIEW hns devotcd sevcral The U. S. Opcn Tournament, rollowl ng E X ECUTIVE EDIT OFt editorlnlll 10 the S\l bjeet. In "Whnt's F'red Helnfcld right on the heels or tho junior event, Wrong WillI Amadcnl\ Che~s?" (Novcm· POST AL EDITOR produced tho largest entl·y ever lIecn in Jilek Si rale), l3altCIl ber, .1945) tlle edltorll (lealt wllh lome o( the OilCll chaml)lonsbip- ln Itself a proot ASSOCIATE EDITORS the reasons for our defeat, Ii ll tC(1 Ollr ot the vitalUy ot the gltme today, Dut Iteuoon I" ne. Trvlng Chernev (' iller orgnnlzatlonal defeeta, and pro­ wilat Is even mOI·c importllllt, more tban Albert S. PinkuS. J. W. Collin. I.osed I·emcdles. It qual"ler of tho entralltB WCI·C Icss than ,Ineral Offices: 250 WMt U tl1 Str<:el. elghtecn ycal'll old! And, 1111 llIa.y he seen It ...· York 19. ~. Y. Sales DCJ)nrtmcnl In thc Jnnuary, 19·16 lasue, lho Unltcd Room 1323) open dally. excclJt Sun­ Slates Clleu J:'edernUou's plnns tor the frolU the account of the tounlnment, ..0)'1. from 10 a. m. 10 6 p. m. Tel­ tbese youngsters played a Icadlng role phone: Circle 6-815$. rorthcomlng U. S. ChampiOnship Tour­ frolU the !lrst round to thc last. ~ "u Hel ted m lln u.crlpu a nd photo· nament were discussed. These plalls 1lph. will no! be retu rned Iml ... Ie· !Lad !lsIIUl·cd an enorUlOUS advance fOI" Hecently, while arranging a file o( pic, :ompa n le d by r e t urn p o. t~g e a nd ,elr. ,ddreued enllelope. Amcrlcnn chess by a'llt1I·l llg a [ali'ly dlf· tures covering Americ:m chellS events or ~I&.~S nl-:vlI;:W I. published mon th ly (used geographical represcntatlon of qual­ the pa:!:t mlcen years, ono or CHESS RE­ iktOber to lillY. bl' mon!hly .J une 10 Ifying I)la),ers (or the National ChaUlplon­ VIEW'S edllOrg was struck by a sad rea· kPtember (totll.l o f len I .." e. roe r II hip. Dy giving every I"~gion of the C{l ll n· ,ellt) by CHESij HEVIEW. 150 Wel l tU I"C common to so many of the pllOtoS: Ih SII-eel, "ew York 19. N. y, P rinted tl·y a chnllce to particIpate in the title '·the sallie old rnces." J}csplle 0111' nation­ U.S.A. Entered nillceond-cinu mat­ tuurncy on every level IroID the lowellt Mill' 6. 1944, at the POll Omce &t al rcputation I"or being youtbful and pro­ e.... York, N. Y. under the At ! or to tile hlghcat, tho }o'ederatioll took the gressive In outlook, our chess lite was r<: h 3. 1&79. gl·eatelt step ever made to popularize succumbing to h:lrdenlng of the :Irterles. ~lII~a O~tes : A, ten Iuucs lire pub ­ J"IIet' ller yen r. malilng datel llr e c ll t::ss In thiS country. I-'or the 10ng·tel·1lI Now, with tho emergence or gi rted young cd. npproxlmately nve week8 Mmrt. effecl or the F edorntlon's nctlon was 1)layel·s, the situation hu s challged; tblll lob\lr luue I~ nlalled about (ktober I. lut.. -<:edhl/t luue8 about ell ery 5 bound to bo a. nota ble increase In the time wc call lu·csent Bome now (aCOs . tiki thereafter. AI aetond·t lal. mllil !lu mber or [h·st-c1ass AmeriC.'tn pln)'el·s. l'erhapa tilelle very players, 0'· othel.. like oftc n de layed, ellow Interval of 6 A month later, CHb'SS HBVIBW C{lll­ 7 weeki between JaIlU", before con· tllelll but stili unknowll, IDay bo the sLan :tI1lnl:" )'our CO PY hllll been 101t. lIidered tho overwhclmlng advantages or or OUI" 1900 or 19a2 Challlpionship Tour­ blcrlpllon Ratn: OM )'oar 13.00, n rating sy .. tem, whiCh is 110W In the nament. ~ o ycnu $ii.GO, (Iu·eo years H.50 In 'It United State., U. S. 1'01l01l10n•• 1IroCCSS or hehlg worked out. The intro· And so we come il:u; k to l:Ist month's ~n&dll , NeWfoundland, Srmln and dllCtion or lIuch a s)'atem is ol\ly lIeculld ellitol.ial :lnd Ita I·ermln, which IIhould 'lJI-American counuics. Elsewhere; lW I>e.r year. hI imporllince to the new champlollshlp be Camilla,' by IIOW: 'fho Unltcd States (Wnlle of Addren: I"our week,' no· regulations liS a means of pol)ulnrizillg Chollsl"edCl"ation has fu lly done Jta II hare, (tt 1'<!(lulred (or eh"""" of nddreu. chess III this COUllt l·y and stimulating «ben ordcr;"$:" a cha"ge 1.10111" tur· by wIse and encrgetlc 1)lannlug, to 4Ish uu IIddrcu 'tcncil Impre.. lo n keen COlll llelltlve conditions. relllc,ly our Oll- rllel· organlza.tionnl de. tom tho wrapper of a roce"t luue J( flU. Cit " . Addre.. ellllnges co.nnot be In the )Olay Issue, t11e reactloll s to tho fects. A largc numbel· of young players laIde ....·!thout the old a ddre .. u well Ra.dio Mntch defeat were reviewed, tho are JlOW mnklllg thclr al)l)carance on tho ..,. thO new one, etpyrlllh l : C'l1l':SS REVIEW I. COpy' lessons Hgall\ formulated, the mOI·a l national scene. Are thclle develol)ll)cnts ",hied 1~4& by CHESS REVJEW cloarly d\"awn: Gel behind Amcrlcan to be a !1nllll In the IlIln : are they to cdcr Inter"atloual COll),right Conven- 4In. All rll>lIta nrc rCIICrved, Including ChellS! Lust October we werc alllllullllcd. hn\'o no Ingling ereect; 01" nre wc to have .. right of rC l>rOduction In whole or 1'0 lhose lew wbo a re defeatists 0 1· npn· n. vigorous e ll ellll organixntion, with more .. r-rl tn any torm. New'lIaper the» thctic, It may have seemed that Ameri- and morc Amcrlcans dmwn to tbc enjoy· .0:11""" lire 1I."nled permiuion 10 .,010 from CHESS IlEVIEW, but only call chess round Usel( in a mOl·aIlS. ment and I·cltu:ntlon wh lc b cbcss a((ol·ds? 4 full credit b glveu. Other publlen ­ ...... mutt obtain "'",cial perml.. lon The oven18 of July have shown \19 that The allswer !les wIth tbe individ ual . ..... ltI"lI". American chess was never morc active, chesBplayer - with yon, the reader of , more nllve, more full of proml.c. The theac linea, Get behind American Chess! ~ (iS IIEV IEW ,....".$IIPI< ...... ,,.. CHESS REVIEW, AUGUST-SEPTE MBER~.~19:::4::6:.... __________..; l_ POCKET SETS Reade rs are invited to use th ese colu mns for the ir comments on matters of inte rest to ch ess pl ayers. FROM MISSOURI the player who has no moves should lose. Sirs: 2. No a(ljolll'lHI\tlllts in cross' board pIny! Either a right t o the e nd or a dju· CHI~SS IUi:VIEW'S latest appeal to all LEATHER CHESS WALLETS di<:ation will Cllt out analysis that Is not <'lwsllplayers o f Ame r ica t o COIlle to the No. 236: Chess wallet, leather inside and nid of A merican ehess in a. big WHY a ll owed during netual play but is in" out. Closed si~e 4" x 7", P laying surface dnlged in by too many during adjourn· strikes a sym pHthetic chord in me and 1 5';<;." x 5%,". SqtHlrcs slotted to hold ments, lnn HU l'e it will to mrrny, many others.
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