COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1999 -- - SESSION OF 1999 183D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 57 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PISTELLA, ROSS, RUBLEY, SATHER, SAYLOR, The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. SCHRODER, SCHULER, SEMMEL, SEYFERT, SHANER, S. H. SMITH, SNYDER, STAIRS, STERN, STRITTMATTER, E. Z. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TRUE, WILT, WOGAN, THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, ZIMMERMAN and ZUG PRESIDING An Act amending the act of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537). known as the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, further PRAYER providing for sewage enforcement officerpowers. REV. NANCY DAHLBERG, Chaplain of the House of Referred to on RESOURCES Representatives and pastor of Chapel Hiil United Church of Christ, AND ENERGY, 16, 1999, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: Let us pray: No. 2071 By Representatives DALLY, GEORGE, 0 God, we offer our prayer this morning for the world You SAYLOR, PIPPY, WALKO, BELARDI, E. Z. TAYLOR, brought into being, the world You love. We pray for the vital LYNCH, READSHAW, FREEMAN, SURRA, RUBLEY, products of labor and harvest and also for hope that envisions a LEDERER, SATHER, SANTONI, STEELMAN, SCHRODER, brighter future. We pray for patience that builds connections YOUNGBLOOD, TRELLO, BROWNE, HARHAI, HARHART, McCALL and STERN among.. people . over time and enables new understand'mgs to form. We pray for urgency in our actions to preserve creation and to act An Act requiring telecommunications carriers to change a responsibly. We Pray for resiliency, for in this place, frustration is subscriber's carrier selection for local service and regional and long our Darner and discouraeement- is our friend. And lastly, we orav distance toll service in accordance with the Federal Communications for love - love to guide us, to permeate our lives, Commission's verification procedures; and imposing powers and duties On the Pennsylvania public utility omm mission. source-~~~~ of~ hsoiration~r so that the we cm. <, hold, and the yearnings we confess might be accepted and acted Referred to Committee on CONSUMER AFFAIRS, upon by Your great power. Amen. November 16, 1999. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NO. 2073 BV Re~resentatives DEMPSEY. ARGALL. I ~ ~ ~, BASTIAN, BELARDI, BELFANTI, BROWNE, (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and CAPPABIANCA, CAWLEY, CLARY M. COHEN, COSTA, visitors.) COY, DeLUCA, FAIRCHILD, FARGO, FEESE, FICHTER, FRANKEL, GEIST, GEORGE, HANNA, HARHAI, HERMAN, JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED HERSHEY, JADLOWIEC, LAUGHLIN, LEH, LUCYK, LYNCH, MAHER, MANDERINO, MANN, MARSICO, The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the Journal MASLAND, M~C-L, MICOZZIE, S, MILLER, MCKOL, of Monday, November 15, 1999, will be postponed until printed. ORIE, PHILLIPS, RIEGER, ROBINSON, ROEBUCK, ROSS, The Chair hears no objection. RUBLEY, SAYLOR, SCHRODEQ SHANER, B. SMITH, SOLOBAY, STABACK, STEIL, STERN, STURLA, HOUSE BILLS E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, TRELLO, WILT, WOJNAROSKI, INTRODUCED AND REFERRED YOUNGBLOOD and YUDICHAK No. 1960 By Representatives HERSHEY, DeWEESE, An Act amending the act of March 1 I, 1971 (P.L. 104, NO.^), known as the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act, further defining BARLEY, CAPPABIANC4 FARGO, ARGALL, ARMSTRONG, .'income." BAKER BARRAR. BELFANTI. BENNINGHOFF. BUNT. CLYMER3 'OLAFELLA, Referred to Committee on FINANCE, November 16, 1999 FEESE, FLEAGLE, FLICK, FORCER, GEIST, GODSHALL, GRUITZA, HALUSKA, HARHAI, HENNESSEY, HERMAN, HESS, JADLOWIEC, LEH, LYNCH, MAITLAND, MAJOR, McILHATTAN, McNAUGHTON. MYERS, PESCI, PETRONE, 2124 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL,-HOUSE NOVEMBER 16 No. 2074 By Representatives DeLUCA, TRELLO, SENATE MESSAGE BARRAR, BROWNE, BUNT, M. COHEN, CORRIGAN, CURRY, LEDERER, RAMOS, STABACK, STEELMAN, ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION WALKO, WILLIAMS, LAUGHLIN, MANDERINO, FOR CONCURRENCE 4 MARKOSEK, PISTELLA, WATERS, YOUNGBLOOD and SOLOBAY The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the , following extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was read An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania as follows: Consolidated Statutes, further providing for local authority to erect traffic-control devices. In the Senate November 15, 1999 Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, November 16, 1999. RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), That when the Senate adjourns this week, it reconvene on Tuesday, November 30. 1999. unless sooner recalled by the President Pro Tempore No. 2076 By Representatives MAITLAND, MASLAND, Of the senate;' and be it further RESOLVED, That when the Senate adjourns the week of BELFANT1' CORRIGAN' DEMPSEY' November 30,1999, it reconvene on Monday, December 6, 1999, unless FICHTER' FRANKEL'GEIST' McCALL' SEYFERT sooner recalled by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; and be it and TRELLO filwhpr.-. .. .-. RESOLVED, That when the House of Representatives adjourns this An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, NO.^), known as week, it reconvene on Monday, December 6, 1999, unless sooner recalled the Tax Reform Code of 1971, further defining "value" for purposes of by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. realty transfer tax. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of Referred to Committee on FINANCE, November 16, 1999. Representatives for its concurrence. On the question, HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Will the House concur in the resolution of the Senate? INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Resolution was concurred in. Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. No. 314 By Representatives LEDERER, RYAN, w McGEEHAN, TIGUE, PETRONE, WOJNAROSKl and LUCYK BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE A Resolution memorializing the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee.. of the United States Postal Service to consider and The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman, recommend lo the Ln~tedStates Postal Ssrv~ceBoard of Gobemors the Mr. Perzel. lawe of a commemorart~estamp hononng \etnans of the V~emamWar Mr. PERZEL. Mr. Speaker, I move that the following bills be taken from the table: Referred to Committee on INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS, November 16, 1999. HB 47; HB 483; HB 542; No. 316 By Representatives ARMSTRONG and THOMAS HB 590; HE3 866; A Resolution extending the time period for a report by the HB 951; Subcommittee on Information Technology of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee. HB 1071; HE3 1238; Referred to Committee on RULES, November 16, 1999. HB 1274; HB 1346; HB 1474; HB 152; SENATE MESSAGE HB 598; HB 948; HOUSE RESOLUTION HB 1611; CONCURRED IN BY SENATE HB 1686; HB 1687; and The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, informed that the HB 1585. Senate has concurred in HR 182, PN 1769. On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. 1999 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAkHOUSE 2125 BILLS TABLED ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS OF SPONSORS The SPEAKER. he Chair recognizes the majority leader. The SPEAKER. The Chair acknowledges receipt of additions Mr. PERZEL. Mr. Speaker, I move that the following bills be and deletions for sponsorships of bills, which the clerk will file. placed back upon the table: (Copy of list is on file with the Joumal clerk.) LEAVES OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take up today's leaves of absence. The majority whip is recognized, requesting a leave for the gentleman from Lebanon County, Mr. ZUG, for today's session. Without objection, leave will he granted. The Chair hears no objection. The minorim, whin.. Mr. Veon. reauests a leave of absence for the lady from Philadelpha. Ms. BISHOP, and the gentleman from Ph~ladelpha,.Mr. BUTKO\'ITZ. Wirhout objection. these leaves will be granted. The Chair hears no objections. HB 1611; HB 1686; MASTER ROLL CALL HB 1687; and I The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take today's master roll HB 1585. call. Members will proceed to vote. On the question, The following roll call was recorded: Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. PRESENT-199 Adolph Fargo MarkOsek Schroder GUESTS INTRODUCED Allen Feese Marsic0 Schuler Argall Fichter Masland Scrimenti The SPEAKER. We have a number of guests today. Armstone- Flpagle Mayemik Semmel As the guest of Representative John Pippy, Katie Thomas, the Baker Flick McCall Serafini Bard Foicier McGeeha" Seyfert winner of the "There Ought To Be a Law" contest for Mr. Pippy's Barley Flankel MeGill Shaner legislative district. Her bill has to do with enhancing the littering Barrar Freeman Mcllhattan Smith, 8. law. She is serving also as a guest page, and she is here today with Bastian Gannon Mcllhinney Smith, S. H. Banisto Geist McNaughton Snyder her parents, Cynthia and Keith, as well as her brother and sister, Bebko-Jones George Melia Solobay and they are all seated in the gallery. Would Katie Thomas' family Belardi Giglioni Metcalfe Staback please stand up to be acknowledged. Belfanti Gladeck Michlovic Stairs Benninghoff Godshall Micouie Steelman The Chair welcomes to the House floor today Birmelin Gordner Miller, R. Steil Dr. Joseph Hedash and his wife, Audrey, and their four boys - it Blaum Giucela Miller, S. Stern GmiUa Stetlet sounds like an Irish lineup - Casey. Craemer, Coli and Connor. Boys Mundy Bmuoe Habay Myers Stevenson They are here today as the guests of the gentleman, Mr. McCall. Bunt Haluska Nailor Smnmaner Would the Hedashes please rise. Buxton Hanna Nickol SNrla Here today as the guest of Representative Bastian, a constituent Caltagirone Harhai O'Brien Surra Cappabianca Harhan Oliver Tangreni from his district, Mr. Clair Saylor, who is president of the Cam Hasay Orie Taylor, E. Z. New Centerville Volunteer Fire Company. He is seated
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