a Sagamore 2/16/71 One Thelander Award up for grabs All fo ro *n atudents attending free The Theiander Award, a cash prise dents et IU P U I Papers must cow high achook or coliegea in M anor t f 1160 . will be given to the student form to standard research require­ County are iavtled to attend an Bubmittuig the beet paper on a subject ments and should be typewritleu taco * a a house on Feb » . from M o ^ htttoncft] interest the history Gtadehnes are available in the history pm. at tha InM nw tkaal Canter o# affiea. Indianapolis IMS West 42nd St ^with purchase of The popart may be either aaeigned The award w named in memory of T h e students' families art also term papers or research done inde­ Pro# Theodore IW aih r Jr., a welcome to attend \ pendently by the student All entnes one at regular price member o# the IUPU1 history deport Rodger Cotamaa from the should be submitted to the htatary ment from 1947 to 1971 Mayer's office and Jan Dtggim, department chairman, no later then Indiana Department o# C o o r Good only at: Taco Bell Candida tea for the award to be March 12 Per further urformation. meree, will be present to offer sented at spring Hooors Day contact the hittory department. 3502 W. 16th Street the city and state governments Um* on# coupon per custom* respectively offer good tvu February 26 1976 Interested foreign students should call the International Can Bitch Box Lerat90-l*i Ones ties: Just a suggestion why meantime we. as well a ! others, must MCAT DAT LSAT BMAT don’t you put a map next to the ele­ rely on individual sources to obtain Chain exhibit opens vators on the first floor of the library materials, recommendations and showing locations at boohs by noor’ counoeiu* in the field o# m usic-and An exhibit of Chairs will open ORE OCAT ¥AT SAT Answer: According to Mr Frank it can prove to be discouraging We Friday evening. Fab 17. with a public reception from 7-16 pm in Brey hand of Blake Strait Library, propose that the Music Department the Herron School of Art Gallery. there are already mapa on each floor (?) of IUPUI be expanded, material U SE 16th St I.H. IH-ECFMG-FLEM'VQE by the elevators showing the location wise and IU PU I develop student as­ The exhibit includes worts by of all material located on that floor sistance so that the undergraduate faculty members and students in NATL DENTAL BOARDS • NURSING BOARDS However, there are a taw insecure majors trying to get all o# their re­ * 4 Hour* ciea due to the expansion of materials quirements out o# the way don’t ioae which Chairs" are portrayed in since the maps were made last sum sight of their main gaol Sigasd, n not only their traditional forma, Th ere IS • di mer Brey also mentioned that signs undergraduate music majors but in paintings, drawings and are being prepared that will make it Answer: According to Robert L other ideas related to chairs This exhibit. continuii* Fieees Cea Ceded easier to identify the material when Campbell of the School o# Liberal Arts you are looking for it. there isn’t much in the way o# help through March J, will be open to (317)463 7S41 Oeesiteo I think it would be a good forthcoming Campbell feels that the public on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am 7 pm. Classes for MCAT (OUCATIONAI CCNTf 6 idea to have a section o# the Hideaway with Butler so close and Bloomington TEST eeCBARATtOM Lounge designated as non-smoking not that far away. IU is not going to Wednesdays from 9 am 9 pm. and and DAT now forming setClALtSTS SINCE ISM Answer: Help is on the way! After duplicate the effort or spend the Fridays 9 am 5 pm in the Herron Gallery discussing this with David M Paul, money to expand the school of music Serving Bloomington IndlsnspoMs. South Bend end Weel Lafayette director of the Union Building < under here at IU PU I Campbell stated that For tecHSRi In other cMte* ceN toft trss:600-229-1762 which the Hidanway jurisdiction it takas more money par student to moot the Candidate' CBRters I r Meior OS Cities Toronto, Puerto Rico end Lugano Switzerland falls), he has agreed to cordon off an educate music majors than others due session schoduM area of approximately SO seats (20 to the price of instrument* and equips percent of capacity) If it ts shown ment He also pointed out thet IU PU I Frank Blum, a candidate for this area is too small, it could be ex­ just doesn’t have the space to sat up tha affice of student body presi­ panded in the future (Nona: This practice rooms and instrument dent, will sponsor a "M oot the Haiif6HWood area has been cordoned off already storage facilities The only thing he Candidate informal discussion n/VtCcorru to between the time of conversation and can suggest for you music students is on Thursday. Fab 16. from 11:36- Custom Crafted the printing of this article | to get down to Bloomington as soon as 1 pm. in Cavanaugh Hall. Room 106 Students are urged to attend Wood Furniture Question: Many of us will be tram you can and take advantage of its full BROAD fem n g to IU-B next fall but in the program RIPPLE 629AI 255-2166 •• String # e # * VuST MOVErDVED* ' e • 256-526* reTurquo** • 9 SAAeTeeti u m #LKMdSavw jJS BirdFeeehee % • Ony* Amber CowMomMcpst • Tiger Eyee Cord HeNhiSlrendB • 6308 N. OuIlford J 10%d»count for students J Broad Ripple Village J .lourt Tuee-SetU-5 e 251*7878 #e8«*#e#ee»*6 FACT OR FICTION FACT: A watertoed waJghs Im b p«r aquara foot than a rafvigarato r. 922 Weatf laid Bfvd. • 3 0 d a y trial 317-288-1711 daily 11*8. S et 11-8f Sun. 1-8 * H E Y m a n ! K n o w w h k * c " H * floor is? iGoTActA** inane o*i 'NCGtfTlATmS LAhOff DlSfVTCfi ! r s Our Yi«w • • .but names can never hurt Winter always seems like a Tim tune te come down with new and hitherto undiscovered variety of disease, even as you read this, is exponent mg its worst influenza epidemic since I N I Much as hurricanes have always been named after discomforting >1 loesses often seem to be given the names at far-flung (usually a country of which a great number of people are suspicious > or common barnyard Maybe its just the Hoosier coming out m us. but the barnyard animal maladies don’t sound nearly as scary as the germ s from across tho-ocean-vanety Sure, chicken pox and swine flu can be serious, but somehow they just don’ t seem quite as dangerous or insidious is (shudder) the Hong Kong flu or German measles-or the latest in rwxvimmunizeble diseases, the Russian flu Who knows what kind of funny bugs them fum ners got* > When you were a little kid. laid low with German measles, whose fault did you think it was that you were sick -especially after staying in bed all week watching old war movies on the tube’ And did the doctor or anybody ever explain to you about the battles going on inside your body between the germs and the white blood cells* (Gosh, even the good celb wear white!) A youngster with a vivid imagination < perhaps enhanced by a high fever) could almost imagine troops of Comment he I meted rubella germs, goose-stepping across intestinal walls towards the lines of the good-guy corpuscles It seems about 15 or so years too late to name a nasty disease after the Standardised teacher evaluation urged Russians, though A national epidemic of something called the Hum an flu when anti-Moscow sentiments were much, much higher could have resulted in some As university faculty members all of us make a tub*tan To increase the stature of teaching in the School of Set stirru p speeches, commentaries by experts and torchlight parades As it is now. Ual contribution to teaching Indeed, moat of us will agree mce and initiate a formal procedure for teaching evalua we can only consider their flu part of our cultural exchange < Just wait until they that teaching as s criterion for tenure and advancement is a Uon, I propose that s single standardised form such as the get the American flu next ye ar!) highly important one Yet. no formal procedure for reliable Student Instructional Report be adapted for use by the The way that Hollywood. Madison Avenue and everybody else has picked up on characterization of effective teaching has been established School far student evaluation of faculty that every non the current outer space-UFOwhat’s out there that we don’t know about mama. As is the case at moat universities at the School of Science tenured faculty member submit te htoher chairman evalu we wouldn’t be surprised if the world of medicine went cosmic, too. < Someone the dossier presented by department chairmen to support slions once s year and for two consecutive semesters pnor has already said something to us about a psychologist who was having “ close en­ promotion and tenure has been extrem ely important te tenure considerstions that tenured faculty memetrs counter ’ sessions ) Plastic surgeons may start fighting scar wars. proctologists submit evaluations to their chairmen once each three However, there are inherent weaknesses in a system that might find a renewed interest in Uranus years.'that the farm be used for all courses taught in the relies almost totally on evaluations of teaching as trwfc We re getting feverish down here.
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