Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 9-23-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1975 Volume 57, Issue 22 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1975." (Sep 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ford .· escapes sho~ting unhurt SAN FRANCISCO (APl-Presi<l<>nl Organi~ast year in an errort to rree and it folloWed by two weeks an al· the Sec...,1 Sorvice questionable 1isI. and Ford was shot at Monday by a woman kidnaped eiress Patricia Hearst. tempt on the Prrsidenl 's life in they chec:ked her put and JIIUSed her." who poli"" said was cited Sunday ror The wo n was carried bodily into Sacramento by a disciple of mass· illegal possession or a gun and the St. Fra is HOlel. where ~e was murderer Charles Man50n. Earlier The SecrPt Servict! had nO immediat" questioned ' by the Secret Service. The held. An arriag!lm~nt was set for 5:30 Monday. a N-year.,ld man was laken commenl on..the report. President was' not injured. p.m. PIyf. into custody after allegedl~l showing a An official or the Delanct!y SlI'ftI Ford was emerginR from a hOl el An hour after Air Force One 1001< off. note Ihrealening Ford's life 10 a holel Foundation. which helped administ"r when I he shOl was fired . and Police Lt. White House Secretary Ron Nessen. employe. Ihe S2-million People in Need program Frank Jordan said an alert patrolman contacted by radio. said of the Joman said l\'oore was questiont>d at in Ihe Pally Hearsl case. said a Sarah denected the woman's .3Ik:aliber pislOI P1:esidenrs mood : " In a word . he is aboul 2 p.m. Sundav in fronl of hpr Moore had ..... rkod in its om.,.. .._ a as Ihe gun went off aboul 35 10 40 feel rclaxro. ... residence in the city's Mission..-Dist ricl. bookkeeper. from the President. Robert Meade. tell~vi sio n adviser 10 " In the course of the conversation. she As the-cheers of the crowd turned to th e President. s..,id. "Ford was not liit­ was searched and officers found a gun. Conroy also said il had been <l<>1.er· mined that the wootan was 'no" accom­ screams, Ford was rushed by Secret he is fine." They broughlrMc- Immediate'" 1.0 I.h ~ panied by a man. as ....,ported by ""me Servic(' agents into a wailing limousine ~ The PrcsiciE' nt 's mOtorcadl' sped Mission Sfation and confisc:all'Cf the away from the hotel second s after the pi stol." ". ne-ws media. '~ II has twen ronfirmed and sRed 10 the airport. The presiden· (hal she aeled aJone:' he said. tial jet took off about :l) minutes later. shut. racing toward Iht' airport at 70 A San FrancisC'o polic(' captain. A woman identified as Sarah J~an m.p.h. It was aC('ompanit'Cf by motor-. William Conroy. said the woman had The gun apparently was denected b~' Moore. '45, was taken into custody im­ cycle police and ;1 poli ce helicopter . been ChL-ckt'd b\l (h(' Secret Service on a policeman just as it was fired . Conroy mediately arter l.h«; shot rang ~ ~e The Presidenl 's wife. 8('lt\'. was Sunday and had bt~n d eared. said Asst. Inspector Gary Lemos spoi . was a known actlvist who had bL"en in­ waiting for him a t tht' plant'. h~;e . _. "Tht, St-'lT('t Servin' examin(.'(i her ted the gun. pushed the woman to Ihe food II was. Ihl' st."O(·o nd in cident of the day. " $h(' volved with the massive giveaway I . and passt"Ci her." he said. was on ground and lOOk her gun away. gus 'Bode Daily 'Egyptian Gus says the gUn lobby's case is get· Tuesday. 5elllemt>er 23. t97S-VoI . 57. No. 22 ting weaker all the tIme. 'Rail shutdown blasted 1 for economi.c pitfalls I . J By Chu~k GiameUa ConRail under Ihe t'SP. Dally Egyptian StalT Writ.r Pari of Ihe 240 miles of Irack 10 be A plan Ihal would cause Ihe abandon· abandonl'<l runs from many of Ihe menl of 240 miles of rural Illinois Southern Illinois coal fields 10 Chicago ·1 railroad track came under heavy at- and some of it connects much of central lack al Ihe Illinois Departmenl of Illinois wilh Peoria. These lines were.. Publi~ Transportation hearings in Car· studied b)" the Unile<! States Railroad bondaIe Monday. Administration (uSRA) and deemed Thomas Bevirt. representative from ,toc! Unprofitable to be contained in the illinois Departmenl of Local Gover· ConRail. nmenl Affairs. said rail abandonment The slalislics used bv Ihe USRA to could place economically troubled determine which lines to abandon were areas in deeper financial problems and fermed ' 100 old 10 be meaningf~I ." by lurn healthy communities inlo finan· Waller Wills. professor of Agricultural dally unhealthy units. ' Induslries al SIU. "U rail lines ~re abandoned. causing A prOVISIOn of Ihe FSP tha, would unemployment to rail workers and their allow local governments to subsidize 30 shippers. this. in tum has a mulliplier . per cenl. wilh lhe slale paying Ihe olher effec!t on units of government," Siver. 70 per cent of the upkeep and said_ ·restoration of abandoned rails, would He added that unemployed workers be financially impossible for mosl rom· pay less sales tax and no income taxes munities and other units of governmerft or which local governmenls derivp Ihroughoul Illinois. Bervil said. some revenues. The Staggers-Simon bill. introduced The Final System Plan (FSPl of the inlo Ihp U.S. House of Representatives Regional Rail Reorganization ACI of would call for a Iwo-year. loti per cent 19'13 (RRRAI' provides lhat rail lines subsidy by Ihe federal government to nO! contained in Ihe new Comolidaled keep Ihe ' proposed abandor.ed lines Rail Corporation (ConRail) are 10 be open. Passage of Ihe bill is pending. abandoned unless the communilies Ihey The question of political 5eQ!e. in conjunction with the· State, ramifications in the complicated issue provide adequate runding 10 keep Ihem ""nlers around Ihe added rail Iraffic. open. • hence added revenue, 10 those areas ConRail was established under terms where traffic from Ihe abandoned lines of tbe RRRA to incorporate Ihe rails of • is funneled. the financially troubled Penn Central. "Any tleci";on made in government SI U defensive tackle Rod Sherrill time remaining. The game story Railroad in 13 midwestern states. Three has political ~am;ncations . '. Sen. Ken· takes the.lass 1b Indiana State ~rs on Page 20. For more hundred and seventy-nine miles of neth Buzbee. D-Carbondale. who was hard. State beat the SaIUkis 23;21 ptctures...see Page 3. (Staff photo Illinois ~ack would be taken over by p...,sent at Monday's hearings. said. «t a field goal scored with no by Jim Cook) Decency committee plans vfole~c;e study concern existed in the arPa violence, By U ..... ""_ mation available 10 the public te, utilize or violence is first on the group', priority o.Ily EgypIlu sa.rr Writ", in any way" wishes. Bryant e.plained. he added. IisI beea..... members want to get a Some df the information sources the " People won't be hearing rrom the Chrii&ian perspective of the issue, The group known as the Citizens for group will consult are doclorate theses. group called Cilizens for Decency Bryant said. The committee plans to Decency Steering Committee i$ com· newspaper articles and periodicals. again. e.cept for its two-year stoo,- or . useUW; poeoIogicaJ study or violence to piling and categorizing inrormation for The committee will also conduct a sur­ violence." Bryant said. The grol!P 'wilJ l8ICOVer~ the sinful nature or man. • t,.".year study. it plans to conduct on vey on Ihe public's reaction 10 violence. SliU eJ<ist but probably under anolher Bry_ said: violence. While conducting the study. Bryant said. .• name, he said. • Kenqeth yrlbon,. ilSsistant proressor the group also hopes 10 change its name "We are interested in other things in The present name makes people 'im· in the sru Crime and Corrections Cell· and image. the community besides mi'ssage mediatetyffiink of the massage issue," fer, said · ""'I the .-fulness or the "We got '· inter~ted in. violence parlors," Bryanl said. Bryant said. ' • . group's study wiD depend on the typt! or bee...... or the big iric:rellse 1ft VIolence . During the group's last campaign. "A lot or ~ in our group arP •..n. data it uses. in the nation:' said ........ y Bryant. people were asking why its members "Reliable, valid data is always userul' chairman or the committee. '''llIe facts were nO! conCerned with OIher. i~, ::r~:. t..,SO ::. :a~~! a..::m: . m maltinlr cIecisioas, but bla.d data is prompted lIS to .do the studf because . said the Rev. J . Wl-att George. terested in other things in the com· DOl " :tV'tIiun said. tbiJICS· -.-... bMI even in our com· research chaiiman for the Citizens ror munity such as the free clinic, drug ·The group _ to be IoakiDc in the tIItIIIIly·" . p.ce..cy Steering Committee. YIOIence abuse and helping wtth nursing ricbl _. but the yalidity ollta study Upon completion or the study.
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