Pennsylvania Directory of Radio Selinsgrove Sellersville Shamokin Sharpsville Shippensburg Shiremanstown Slippery Rock Smethport

Pennsylvania Directory of Radio Selinsgrove Sellersville Shamokin Sharpsville Shippensburg Shiremanstown Slippery Rock Smethport

Pennsylvania Directory of Radio 35. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Licensee: Lane Broad- Sharon Group owner: Allegheny Mountain Network Stations. casting Corp. Net: ABC /D. Format: Adult contemp. Jim Net: Westwood One; Allegheny Mtn. Net. Rep: Dome. Riley, progmg dir. WPIC(AM)-Oct 25, 1938: 790 khz; 1 kw -D, 51 w .-N. TL: Format: Adult contemp, news. News staff one; news N41 13 10 W80 28 25. Hrs opn: 24. 2030 Pine Hollow progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. Simpson, WILK(AM)-See Wilkes- Barre. Cary Blvd., Hermatige (16148). (724) 346-4113. FAX: (724) pres; John Salter, gen mgr, gen sis mgr & progmg dir; WKGV(AM) -See Pittston. 981 -4545. Licensee: Connoisseur Communications of Rose Bishop, pub affrs dir; Robert H. Lynn, chief engr. Youngstown LP. Group owner: Connoisseur Communi- WKRZ(FM) -See Wilkes- Barre. cations (acq 1996; $5.885 million including $1.5 million noncompete located FM). Net: Somerset WMGS(FM) -See Wilkes -Berm. agreement with co- ABC /I. Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Format: Nostalgia. WSGY(FM) -Listing follows WVSC(AM). WUSR(FM) -Feb 27, 1993: 99.5 mhz; 300w. Ant 1,014 News staff 2; news progmg 22 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 ft. TL: N41 26 09 W75 43 33. Stereo. Hrs opn: 11 AM -2 plus. Spec prog: Pol 6 hr, It 2 hrs, relg 2 hrs, infomercials WVSC(AM) -Jan 15, 1951: 990 khz; 10 kw -D, 75 w -N, AM. Linden St. (18510). (717) 941 -7648; (717) 941- 12 hrs wkly. Larry Weiss, gen mgr, Scott Kennedy, opns DA-1. TL: N40 01 31 W79 05 42. Hm opn: 5:30 AM -11 7629. FAX: (717) 941 -4372. Licensee: University of mgr, Thee Nixon, sis dir; Tm Foley, nati sis mgr, Dave PM. 2046 Husband Rd. (15501). (814) 445 -4186. FAX: Scranton. Wash atty: John D. Pellegrin. Format: Alterna- Hanahan, progmg dir & pub affrs dir; Joe Biro, news dir; (814) 445 -5905. Licensee: Ridge Communications Inc. tive rock, jazz, world. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Charles Ring, chief engr. Group owner. Forever Broadcasting Inc. (acq 7-16-97; Class 5 hrs, relg 4 hrs, blues 7 hrs, loud rock 8 hrs, urban grpsl). Net: ABC /I. Format: Oldies. News staff one; news WYFM(FM) -owned with WPIC(AM). Oct 25, 1947: contemp 6 hrs wkly. Joseph McShane, pres; Beth Hol- -Co progmg 8 hrs wkly. Targetaud: 35 -55. Tom Slobozien, mes, gen mgr; Ken Herbert, stn mgr; Mike Yates, mus 102.9 mhz; 44 kw. Ant 455 ft. TL: N41 1310 W80 28 25. stn mgr& gen sis mgr; Jerry Lyons, opns mgr & progmg dir; Suzanne Pieski, engrg mgr; Peter Sakowski, chief Stereo. Prog sep from AM. 4040 Simon Rd., Young- dir; Ken Austin, prom dir; Shannon Green, news dir, Jim (44512). 783 (330) 783- engr. stown, OH (330) -1000. FAX: Boxier, chief engr. 0060. Net: Westwood One. Format. Classic hits, classic WVIA -FM -Apr 23, 1973: 89.9 mhz; 5 kw. Ant 1,250 ft. rock. News staff 2; news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: WSGY(FM) -Co -owned with WVSC(AM). June 15, TL: N41 10 55 W75 52 17. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Public 25 -54. Kelly McGrath, sis dir, Scott Kennedy, progmg 1966: 97.7 mhz; 3.5 kw. Ant 430 ft. TL: N40 01 31 W79 Broadcasting Ctr., 70 Old Boston Rd., Pittston (18640- dir; Lynn Davis, news dir; Mark Morris, pub affrs dir. 05 42. Prog sep from AM. Format: Country. 9606). ( 717) 655 -2808; (717) 826-6144. FAX: (717) 655- WYSN(AM) 15,1981:1330 khz; 5 kw -D, 35 w -N, 1180. Licensee: N.E. Pa. Educational TV Association -June DA -1. TL: N39 59 33 W79 05 41. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1330, Net: NPR, PRI; Pa. Pub. Format: Class, jazz, news. Sharpsville 1348 Cannel Dr. (15501). (814) 443 -1677; (814) 443- News progmg 31 hrs wkly. William Kelly, pres; Larry A. WTNX(FM )-Licensed to Sharpsville. See Youngstown, 1330. FAX: Broad- Vojtko, vp; John Campbell, vp dev; Geoffrey Hoyt, sis dir; (814) 443-4267. Licensee: NorLin Ohio. Rory Giavenucci, prom mgr; George Graham, mus dir; casters Inc. Net: CNN, Westwood One, Motor Racing Net; Radio Pa. Wash atty: Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper Joseph Glynn, vp engrg.'WVIA -TV aff il. P.C. Format: MOR. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: WVMW -FM-September 1974: 91.5 mhz; 100 w. Ant Shenandoah 35-64. Spec prog: News. Ronald W. Lorence, pres, -185 ft. TL: N41 25 57 W75 38 06. Stereo. Hrs opn: 14. WMBT(AM) -Mar 19, 1963: 1530 khz; 2.5 kw -D, 250 gen mgr & chief engr, Norma J. Lorence, gen sis mgr; Marywood University, 2300 Adams Ave. (18509). (717) w-CH. TL: N40 49 30 W76 13 33. Suite 1530, Radio Brad J. Lorence, progmg dir. 348-6202; (717) 348-6272. FAX: (717) 961-4769. Licen- Station Rd. (17976). (717) 462 -2759. FAX: (717) 462- Marywood Net: AR. Format: Alternative. see: University. 3423. Licensee: WMBT Broadcasting Inc. (acq 9-86). South Williamsport News staff 2; news progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: 15-25; Net: AP, Westwood One. Format: Oldies. News staff one; young adults. Spec prog: Black 2 hrs, class 7 hrs, jazz news progmg 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus. Uzal WZXR(FM) -June 1, 1968: 99.3 mhz; 410 w. Ant 1,230 10 hrs wkly. Dr. David Bradbury, stn mgr. Martz Jr., pres; Frank Jordan, gen mgr & progmg mgr. ft. TL: N41 1242 W76 5716. Stereo. 1685 Four Mile Dr., WWDL -FM- Listing follows WICK(AM). Williamsport (17740). (717) 323-8200. FAX: (717) 323- 5075. Licensee: South Williamsport Sabre Communica- WYCK(AM)-See Plains. Shippensburg tions Inc. Group owner. Sabre Communications Inc. (acq 3 -9 -95; $900,000 with co- located AM; FTR 6- 5-95). For- WSHP(AM)-Dec 5, 1961: 1480 khz; 500 w -D, 20 w -N. mat: AOR. Paul Rothfuss, CEO; Dan Farr, pres, vp & TL: N40 02 17 W77 32 23. Hrs opn: 6 AM -10 PM. Box E Selinsgrove gen mgr, Kevin White, rgnl sis mgr; Ted Minier, progmg 77 W. King St. (17257). (717) 532-5118. FAX: (717) 532- dir; Monica Hues, news dir. WGSS(FM)- September 1967: 88.9 mhz; 12 kw. Ant 6344. Licensee: Allegheny Mountain Network. Net: Ra- 620 ft. TL: N40 57 06 W75 45 03. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. dio Pa. Format: Country Targetaud: 30 plus. Spec prog: Susquehanna Univ., 514 University Ave. (17870 -1001). Gospel 12 hrs wkly. Cary Simpson, pres & stn mgr; Spangler (717) 372-4030; (717) 372.4100. FAX: (717) 372 -2757. Cari Simpson, opns mgr & prom mgr, Zoe Eliason, gen Licensee: Susquehanna University. Net: AP. Format: sis mgr; Tom Klingeman, news dir. WPCL(FM) -Sept 30,1991: 97.3 mhz; 1.75 kw. Ant 610 AOR, educ, jazz. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: ft. TL: N40 38 26 W78 47 45. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 34 18 -34. Spec prog: Country 5 hrs, sports 4 hrs wkly. WSYC-FM- February 1975: 88.7 mhz; 100 w. Ant 155 Spring Rd., Grantsville, MD (21536). (301) 895 -3292. Larry B. Augustine, gen mgr; Joe Bums, stn mgr & ft. TL: N40 03 32 W77 3120 (CP: TL: N40 04 30 W77 31 FAX: (301) 895 -3293. Licensee: He's Alive Inc. (group progmg dir; Harry Bingaman, chief engr. 15). Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Shippensburg Univ. (17257). owner, acq 3- 18 -97; $105,000). Net: USA. Rep: Com- (717) 532-6006. FAX: (717) 530 -4024. Licensee: Ship - mercial Media Sales. Format: ContempChristian, south- WYGL(AM) --Jan 16, 1967: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N40 Net: Format: pensburg University. Westwood One. AOR. em gospel. Target aud: 21 -54. Dwayne Johnson, gen 48 59 W76 Hrs opn: 24. Box 90, Rt. 204 & State 5213. News progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 16 -25; college & sis mgr. School Rd. (17870). (717) 374 -1155; (717) 374 -8819. area high school students. Spec prog: Black 3 hrs, class FAX: (717) 374 -7444. Licensee: Sunair Communica- 2 hrs, jazz 3 hrs, blues 2 hrs, world 2 hrs, SKA 2 hrs, tions Inc. Group owner. Air Communications (Wiggle techno 3 hrs wkly. Dr. Jack Megaro, gen mgr. Starview Network) (acq 3- 15 -84; $322,350; FTR 3-19-84). Net: USA. Wash atty: Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Han- WEGK(FM)-Nov 22,1971: 92.7 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 700 ft. dler L.L.P. Format: Contemp hot country. News staff one; Shiremanstown TL: N4004 29 W764801. Stereo. H rs opn: 24. Box 4368, news progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 plus. David Lancaster (17604); 1996 Auction Rd., Manheim (17545). Bernstein, pres; Scott Richards, gen mgr, Dawn Marie, WWII(AM) -June 1987: 720 khz; 2 kw -D. TL: N40 11 28 (717) 653-0800; (800) 222 -1013. FAX: (717) 653 -0122. W76 opns dir; Paul Hartman, gen sis mgr; Shelley Marks, 57 09. Stereo. Hrs opn: 6 AM- sunset. 8 W. Main St. Licensee: Hall Communications Inc. (group owner, acq (17011). (717) 731 -9944. FAX: (717) 731 -4002. Licen- prom din Lisa Richards, mus di r, Shelly Marks, asst mus 1- 16 -96; $2.3 million). Format: Classic rock. Target aud: dir; Nat O'Brien, news dir; Harry Bingaman, chief engr. see: Hensley Broadcasting. Net: CBN. Format: Relg. 25 -54. Robert M. Hall, chmn; Arthur J. Rowbotham, News progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; Christian. pres; Bill Baldwin, gen mgr, Loren Good, gen sis mgr; Spec prog: Gospel 2 hrs, polka 7 hrs, Indian one hr, blues Glenn Brooks, nati sis mgr, Karen Youtz, prom dir; Dave Sellersville 4 hrs wkly.

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