<. '.''A- , - -almost any moforjrehicle that" I. "nVcWrtn and Chronicle wetcwrfes ".'. might ventureTKrdugh town. • l^Qgifi^ LMtan to the Editor. All iettera rnuit .-' :••• •but whomever hadon-a pair of : certain the «gn»tur» and address of the 1 V;t' - ..cowboy spurs in his' lite." » Works by Mozart, Chopin : presideHtof The Friends aj^ 31? ... ;!%i - -:, ^» Scfoabls set • rojects^nadeJix^he-hoiha-r^Crflniorti -secondary L^^ • ' Andrews, who carries a .38 andOebussy will highlight the .N. Union Ave.- " •!• • • , . " * •AB -Exhibit. ana banners. The lite HourH s for the exhibit will be scious of his -limitations and Itichnef.onFrii •,April30,at ;, A-^L May 3 in the auditorium of the skills class at the High School 1 Cranford Public Library.'. 3:15to5:30p.m..and6 ;30;to.9 got tothe nearest phone, to fl p.nO. at Union SPECIAL has' dyed fabric using early .p.m.On Saturday, May 1, the" notifj^Ditzel as, the horse The recital. is sponsored by'. warn I The'Misplay will include methods and assembled a exhibit will be open, from '10 dashed' west in Orange ^Vyp. 1 The Friends of the College of NI.I.SKflTS SI • items made by boys and girls, large quilt. .',"• ; .'•• • a.m. to noon.ahd.l to ,4 p.m. Ditzel set but in his van and. Union College and marks Dr. Wk.hkk.rhp. - Other: items on display will in the 7th grade sewing cyclej'. , ; .'• ''•'•'' :. encountered :Kilo. near' Ridmer's. 10th appearance at.. ME1VYN DOUGLAS as well aswbjects, from the be originaHistory books made -GfaremontPJfice. ' Union College aiidnii -ninth, • ONEHACXMAN im na MM an fm t*n AT* "elective sewing', courses^ 8ih by 12th graders in. the child ' By that time, tjie heat and annual concert. •/;. ; * INKER through lithe grades.- (Jar- ,development classes, job SMTOFOnV : the romp had pettered out Kilo • As a. special feature, Dr.' SO.ELM5RA 1760 : , . cinq l_jnents • fronV " the . pat^ manuals made" by'. the w ne Rlchner will; play his own MVWTHEH £XXON SERVICENTER1 Dinners .": • '.,In Historic'" tertmaking classes will snow cooperative home economics, 'tontin,, M . »h, b • 'i'''••/ 'i' & seemed happy>to4e» : Richner- Ser«dlTil9 continued trotn P v... ,| . Ditzd, who produced bridle ; Toccato. South'Elmora Ave. Cor. Erico Ave.' Wrn. Phf the students' work'from the" class and nutrition displays aoo 51 III.I. »EI4T» 51 Ihildten'sMenu Colonial VUhge and took off west on Orange wimd i^ p£back" to the^barn.V Other ' program" selections' BeJjseeiL St.- George ' A\ie X,'. _ :'deyelopmeni.of-.t Baywsy Circle • Et 3 924a; Ave. .— ••" ".•' '—^--^-Ha^G4ced-up4h8-suiTey--ajiid- -include-Fantafeia-iri-D-mjnor; PARK ^ r % r "RESERVATIONS ',' the completed- it -,-•: das -Arriving;-to--cbhjfront , tn> wand-1 6352323" I" moil iptctacMfr, —UMutauMAcludiog^tfrwfafr-^ Ritiii»tihnJin ypnrshpfn>P I ipa«rtitnnrtf V 'til 8 P,M<r-Call for AppofnJ merit,' 94 MAIN ST.,.CHATHAM , the Bicentennial theme will economics student- time.was Cranford Patrolman vesterdhv whpn rf>rntv>rninreK: licorgeCiSeon CLOSED MONDAY ~ • 'by <Mozart', rifpeturhe in V IE Am* Bancroft be carried but in articles such ganization also will have an Jerry Andrews, whtf can halt droppe^lntotneS major, Opus 62, and Four itlei Second Class Postage Paid.Cranford M J. 0701615,CfeSlTS Etudes by Chopin and Reflets "The : Thursdayf April 29, 1976 dans Teau by. Debussy. Hindcnbum "•-'..' VOL. 85 NO. 17 Pubhshed'Ev Thursd Tickets at $2.50 may be y-< v purchased at the door or may ^-reserved^by-writing-MrSi Bedford H.- -^ydon • Sr., Mlchaef Sarrailn Jennifer O'Neill' - T-H E REIN newspaper's decision was 'amendment, the committee when'the mayor ;announced construction of a building of personally disappointed -that CARNATION OF '• ... ....« t'ownship-owniBd" the Chronicle Nammii Hot the PETER PROUD property at Orange and Birch- followed by >the Township promised in the words of the operiing of bidding on the masonry'and ste^rframe with property ahd inquired: "Is not less than 28,000 square feet committee shhouo ld have been ; The College>Wdmeri's Club wood Aves. which had been Conunitteeydropplngan or- Mayor Daniel, J. Mason "to 1 . there any bidder in this room at a minimum cost" of the ones to tell youyou, , said .. .that Aaron Burr, Mama» Ogden't boyhood companion; claumate and wartime comrade- of Cranford will hold its spring OF WESTFIEUO ' slated for useras a newspaper dinance ^amendment that review Uus and other amend- book sale April 29 and 30, and would^ease- restrictions in . ments", with' the Zoning who would .like to submit a $1,260,000, .The specifications Irlbeck. "I feel badly and in-arms, was "defeated 109 NORTH AVE. W. 'plant, will remain, in its : nYet requirements of -the you'll be informed jf anything n he ran for governor of New York because of Alexander May 1 in theiiasement of the presensent virgin-lanvirginland sstatt e for office building zones. The site Board in the near future and •bid?" ' .,',. 1 like this tomes up again." Hamilton's control of the ilitt vote in that state. Uttew Wrirturi by H«mil*o^in whirh ho Gohimiinity. Center . Hoiirs will feee forbforeseeabJJ e futinreft . ; had been proposed for the to discuss the zoning code with: There was no response and ,._.. 5papeF-raocaaon4s4n-ther- " Planning Rnard at a' Mason stated:. "I move we/ Warns on usage, Irlbeck's comments" drew ! This was JBte-consehsus-of-^ v labeled- Burr * a dangerous n" and one of whom he entertained "a still more dispicable" 0B (office building) - i zone 'eommittee workshop meeting close the time tor bids.; As"" The cohtmittee plaiJB»r^HJawse**B p.m.; •Friday';": i-9 p.m.; Jot, .opinion following the . wi" Mary Sullivan,, comrnumty opinictn" led to a duel betwee) - Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. .\ drawalbythe'DaflyJi and the amendment would May 4.L.XT"'' '. '• ' ' -•• ~ there are no bids, the property Anthony Palumbo, attijrney the two men in which flqmilton Was mortally Wounded^ will not be sold." Applause for residents in the -wicinity of affairs chairman of the It Proceeds .are Used for Cat! 9.- 5 MonTthru Sat^ Elizabeth of plans to relocate have paved the way for usage Announcement by Mason League of. Women Voters, sfcholarships given to Cfari- V'••:•.• 233*160'.>/'•••:• the newspaper there/Ther_ e "for production purposes. that the Journal had with- again greeted this staienient. the Orange Ave.-Birchwood Original terms .for sale of calling for" an. expression of -lord girls.," • ; had been'wide objections^. ' AH plans' for sale _of the drawn "its bid was received Ave.. sue.site,, aiiacattackn uithee cjuaiuiexjslingg . ^.—....o -— —.••—f;.rr--••--. _-\ 1 with 'applause , by the the .property were . for a gttude to the Citizen and AH kinds of books for the Journal's .plans by: local Cpwn-owned property were : office building zone provisions gratitude to thef Citizen and children and adults will be residents. • - abandoned forithe present. In "audience. , • ".'• .. minimum of $40,000 an acre as permitting product testing Chronicle for informing the I The^re was silejice, hbweVer, ,for'the six-acre tract and for "With an community of the proposed Offered . for sale, including Announcement of. the agreeing to drop the- zoning ><\,,,tu nn ""limited potential usage of, the land. Did fiction and non-fiction. haro> of causing, an even worse Annual Cranford Kiwanis disaster fthan that threatened Palumbo, who lives at 4 cdver^' • ahd • sofwoyer, Hemlock Circle near the town*- biography and autobiography, by- the Journal." •:••.'•;•;•:.• •':"••••-•••' •'••i •••'•••'•••'• '•'*'••:••:«'';•'••*: owned site, galled upon the textbooks and ,rttiVs.t^ries,; PalUtabp said ah example 6f pepmitted usage.would"b^a; commjttee." to •'• impose a '-'•'•»Jj.vi;i"> . .fc.. that Ht^moiiia Savings.Barik^rjio iebratin|p jt't 125th anniversary, first opened its doorsu '^fatibnal Gepgraphio moVatorium, 6h a1l*heW coif magaztries,: ahd some old arid 5,000-pound stress-testing for business only 47 yearsVafter th»{lu Hamifton "diilsiaf Weehawken, New Jersey in 18Q4. otnachine that would 'thump struction-in the township-unUl GENERAL MATTHIAS rare cojlectors^ items. ' brooks' are widened /and Since that time, everyone who enters doors is mads aware of a spirit of cordiality and; ; down on automobile tires 24 . Elizabethtown Patriot " '''C6-GnaiUng'' ,the''.''book" sale hours a day.- detention basins are installed. helpful service that hasbeen the means winning thousands of loyal friend* and customers are Mrs. Patrick McDonough In pressing his objections to "Not until then can you JW^La^weJPJternaajLgnj tlhe newspaper operation, make an assessment of the - During 4h* Revolution th«r« wai no more"patriotic ' "Mrs.-RoBert S. Sm the—conv—flooB-conditionSp^Palul m . or daring toldlsr in New J«r(«y than Matthias Ogden. "mittee that for the Journal's Stated. His remarks drew At the ag»of 21 he left Eliiabethfo.wn and, with his TJC. Israel ADULTS $2. CHILDREN $1. purposes .approximately 6,000. applause from the audience. <IOM friend, Aaron Burr, journeyed toBoiton to join tons of newsprint- would be The committee is presently Photo by Dick Thompson the embattled format* of that.area in their fight studying recommendations by to feature Bikel trucked into, the plant each NO SALE — AAayar Daniel J; Mason, flanked by Democratic Township Committee ' against the British. ' .' Invest Your Money In Killam Associates, consultant year at a weekly rate of 120 members Barbara Brandeand Ronald Marotta, announces Daily Journal has.with- Israel Awareness -Week, will tons or 12 truckloads at 10 tons engineers; for brook flood Shortly after they arrived in Cambridge, Mauachu- > drawri bid ort towrr-owned property and Won't relocate here from Elizabeth. —be-lobserveoUby_the—Jewish. 'Abominable Srtowrnart" footprint con/ronted^ oIiee-Lt.-mide-ear-IylSaturday nearJffidnhole.. each." ' * control. * tetti, a call was Issued for volunteers to undertake a, Student Organization at Union Joseph A.
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