I? Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada DFO - Library / MPO - Bibliothèque C') 12039469 1% y Catalogue and Synopsis ofCaligus, A Genus of Copepoda (Crustacea) Parasitic on Fishes L. Margolis Z. Kabata R. R. Parker ^ Fish Can SH 3ULLETIN 192 Z 2 ^z Dttawa 1975 13 Environment Environnement Zo. 192 Canada Canada Fisheries and Service des pèches I c Marlne Service et des sciences de la mer CATALOGUE AND SYNOPSIS OF CALIGUS, A GENUS OF COPEPODA (CRUSTACEA) PARASITIC ON FISHES Bulletins are designed to interpret current Les bulletins sont conçus dans le but d'évaluer knowledge in scientific fields pertinent to Canadian et d'interpréter les connaissances actuelles dans les fisheries and aquatic environments. Recent numbers domaines scientifiques qui se rapportent aux pêches in this series are listed at the back of this Bulletin. et à l'environnement aquatique du Canada. On trouvera une liste des récents bulletins à la fin de la présente publication. The Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Le Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada is published in annual volumes of monthly Canada est publié en volumes annuels de douze issues and Miscellaneous Special Publications are issued numéros, et les Publications diverses spéciales sont periodically. These series are for sale by Information publiées périodiquement. Ces publications sont en Canada, Ottawa KlA 0S9. Remittances must be vente à la librairie d'Information Canada, Ottawa in advance, payable in Canadian funds to the order K I A 0S9. Les remises, payables d'avance en monnaie of the Receiver General of Canada. canadienne, doivent être faites à l'ordre du Receveur général du Canada. Editor and/ Rédacteur et Director of Scient* Information J. C. STEVENSON, PH.D. Directeur de l'information scientifique Deputy Editor WATSON, PFI.D. Sous-rédacteur J. Assistant Editor Rédacteur adjoint JOHANNA M. REINHART, M.SC. Production-Documentation J. CAMP G. J. NEVILLE MONA SMITH, B.H.SC. Department of the Environment Ministère de l'Environnement Fisheries and Marine Service Service des pêches et des sciences de la mer Office of the Editor Bureau du directeur de la publication 116 Lisgar Street, Ottawa, Canada 116, rue Lisgar, Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH3 BULLETIN 192 Catalogue and Synopsis of Caligus, A Genus of Copepoda (Crustacea) Parasitic on Fishes L. Margolis Z. Kabata R. R. Parker t Department of the Environment Fisheries and Marine Service Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K6 DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT FISHERIES AND MARINE SERVICE Ottawa 1975 1 Present address (R.R.P.): C.S.I.R.O. 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Canada: $5.00 Catalogue No. Fs 94-192 Canada: $5.00 N° de catalogue Fs 94-192 Other countries: $6.00 Autres pays: $6.00 Price subject to change without notice Prix sujet à changement sans avis préalable Information Canada Information Canada Ottawa 1975 Ottawa 1975 Contents vi Abstract/ Résumé 1 Introduction 3 Descriptors in Catalogue Entries 3 Abbreviations of Names of Institutions Storing Type Material 7 Catalogue 86 Synopsis 95 List of Species Transferred to Other Genera 96 List of Junior Synonyms 97 List of Nomina Nuda, Species Inquirendae, and Rejected Names 98 List of Misspellings 99 Acknowledgments 100 References Abstract MARGOLIS, L., Z. KABATA, AND R. R. PARKER. 1975. Catalogue and synopsis of Cal/gus, a genus of Copepoda (Crustacea) parasitic on fishes. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 192: 117 p. This book is a detailed source of literature information on the parasitic copepod genus Cal/gus. The catalogue gives in capsule form the contents of all publications known to us on members of this genus. In all, 315 nominal species of Caligus are catalogued. The synopsis gives information on synonymy and distribution for 208 species of Caligus currently ranked as valid. When deemed necessary, comments on published records, validity of species, and hosts are provided. The synopsis is followed by four lists: species transferred to other genera; junior synonyms; nomina nuda, species inquirendae, and rejected names; and misspellings. The work concludes with a comprehensive bibliography. Résumé MARGOLIS, L., Z. KABATA, AND R. R. PARKER. 1975. Catalogue and synopsis of Cal/gus, a genus of Copepoda (Crustacea) parasitic on fishes. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 192: 117 p. Le présent travail constitue une source détaillée de renseignements extraits de la littérature sur les copépodes parasites du genre Cal/gus. Dans la section catalogue, nous résumons succinctement toutes les publications que nous connaissons sur les membres de ce genre. En tout, 315 espèces nominales de Cal/gus y sont inscrites. Dans le synopsis, nous traitons de la synonymie et de la distribution de 208 espèces de Cal/gus présentement reconnues comme valides. Nous présentons au besoin des commentaires sur les signalements publiés, la validité des espèces et les hôtes. Le synopsis est suivi de quatre listes: espèces transférées à d'autres genres; synonymes juniors; nomina nuda, species inquirendae et noms rejetés; fautes d'ortographe. Une bibliographie détaillée complète le travail. vi Introduction Cal/gus Willer, 1785, is the most abundant obscure journals and/or languages that are genus of Copepoda parasitic on fishes. Since not widely known. Far from all publications its foundation in the late 18th century more have titles that make their content obvious than 300 species have been assigned to it, to the searcher. A good deal of effort might validly or otherwise. It is not an exagger- be spent trying to locate and perhaps to ation to say that hardly any part of the translate a paper only to find that it is of world's oceans is without some species of little or no relevance with respect to Caligus. Caligus living on the outer surfaces, within On the other hand, it is only too easy to miss buccal cavities, or on the gills of their host a significant paper because the title belies fishes. Occasionally, they can be found its importance. Frequently information is penetrating the lower reaches of rivers. One tucked away in general compendia appar- species has become widespread in the ently irrelevant to a scientist following a freshwater habitats of Eurasia. Some, at narrow trail. least, cause a good deal of damage to their The net result of the foregoing is a first- fish hosts by their feeding activities. Fishes class taxonomie muddle. In view of the harbouring Caligus belong to very diverse obvious importance of Caligus (both as an groups, from the primitive elasmobranchs to object of scholarly research and an econom- highly advanced teleosts. Some hosts are ically detrimental agent) this situation is commercially important, so the ravages of clearly unacceptable. It cannot be dealt these small crustacean parasites have eco- with, however, in a piecemeal fashion. A nomic repercussions. comprehensive and thorough review of It is not surprising, therefore, that almost the genus is required and concentration of from the time of its original description the the scattered information on Gal/gus in a genus Cal/gus has been a subject of interest single, readily available source is the first for investigators of many countries. The step. This catalogue is intended to be such a voluminous literature that has accumulated source. The authors have extracted infor- as the result of this interest is ample mation from all references to nominal species testimony of its extent. of Caligus collected in more than 10 years of Understandably, the early contributions search. It is difficult to claim that none to this literature were of much lower escaped their attention, that the catalogue is standard than those of more recent vintage. absolutely complete. It is hoped, however, The technological means for investigations that no reference of major importance has were limited and the body of knowledge been overlooked. References to Cal/gus sp., small. Many errors were committed and without specific name, are left out. Also remained embedded in the literature to omitted are general references to the genus, confound those who sought information and when no species is mentioned by name. to be echoed repeatedly by successive Each reference quoted in the catalogue was generations of scientists. A prime example read and extracted by at least one of the of an irremediable error is the name Gal/gus authors. The catalogue is based on the itself. Meaning "blind," it was applied to nominal species of Caligus, and information the genus in the belief that its members were grouped in chronological order for each devoid of eyes, an obvious contradiction of species individually. Following C. curtus, the the truth. type species of the genus, all species are Much valuable data has never become arranged in alphabetical order. The authors readily accessible to the student of Caligus do not superimpose their own views on those because many papers were published in expressed by the scientists they quote. They 1 simply record in capsule form information sources.
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