EBC BikewriterM ay 2007 T he Evansville Bicycle Club N ewsletter Notes from the President's Corner by Darlene Wefel Have you seen any of the EBC's postings on local calendars such as the Evansville Courier's w eb current events, Channel 14, etc. “Co e R ide W ith U s$ that's the essage w e are trying to spread. W e w ant to w elco e new riders and pair the up w ith experienced riders so they are fa iliar w ith our routes, get a chance to know w ho w e are, and get co fortable riding. If you see a new face, introduce yourself, point the in A nn Pendley's or y direction. W e'll try to pair the up w ith so eone in their level of riding. U p co ing event* M ay 1st A nn Pendley, R on Pendley, and I w ill be doing a bicycle safety and bike, aintenance progra for the N ew burgh Boy . couts. It w ill be held at the N ew burgh Pres, byterian Church, 640 Hw y 660, N ew burgh 1 6200 p. There w ill be approxi ately 30 6 40 Boy . couts, ages 13 , 16. M ay 17 th at W illard 8ibrary, Evansville 1 3230 p. ., w e w ill be doing a bicy, cle safety progra for children ages 6 6 13 and approxi ately 30 children are expected. 9 une 01, the M ake a D ifference Foundation w ill be giving aw ay 170 bikes and hel ets at Bosse Field and the bike club has been asked to do a short bike safety progra . I do not have a ti e as of this printing, but anticipate it w ill be a orning event. I'll post this again in next onths new s. I' looking for several club e bers to help w ith this project. cott G illes has donated a fantastic gift to be raffled off at the banquet this year. It's a $ 700 (FIA E HU N D R ED D O 88A R C G illes Cycling D Fitness G ift Card for one lucky EBC e ber. E ou can't purchase a raffle ticket, but you can earn one. There are several w ays to earn a ticket for the draw ing. For every three club eetings you attend, you w ill earn one ticket. Every 700 club iles you ride w ill earn you a ticket. W rite an article for the new sletter and you w ill earn you a ticket ( ax. 0 tickets.C Participate in a club bike safety event or help w ith a bike club sponsored event w ill earn you a ticket. W orking the G PM w ill earn you a ticket, and if you at, tend the banquet, you w ill earn a ticket. Pretty si ple. o lets get out there and ride. 8ooking for opinions, suggestions, and ideas on w hat you w ould like to see done as a e orial for . a W olf w ho died at the G PM last year. o far, ideas have been all over the place. The G PM organiFers have been eeting onthly planning this year's events. If you have any idea, please e ail the to the club's e ail address evansvillebicycleclub1 g ail.co Thanks . cott for your continuous support of our clubG R espectfully . ub itted Confessions of a Bike Trail Junkie by Charlie Miller The state of Ohio is blessed with a wonderful bike trail system, especially the southwest part of the state where I live. There are hundreds of miles of blacktop paved Rail-to-trails in Ohio and these trails are where I, as on over weight couch potato, first took up riding in 1996. I’ve been a trail junkie ever since. I do a lot of my early spring “tune-up” riding on the trails near my home. The Little Miami Bike Trail is one of my favorites. Its southern trail head is located just a few miles from my home in Cincinnati, and it follows the Little Miami River north to its headwaters in the beautiful Clifton Gorge area of Yellow Springs Ohio. But the trail does not end there. It continues on through to Springfield Ohio and finds its northern trail head currently located near Buck Creek State Park. If you begin to ride at the southern terminus, you will pass through Xenia, Ohio at about the 50-mile mark. The city of Xenia labels itself as the “Bicycle Capitol of the Midwest,” and with good reason. Upon arriving there the trail will take you into the beautifully restored Xenia Station. The old train station was torn down decades ago with the demise for the Baltimore and Ohio rail yards. But through the determination of local bicycle activist groups, it has been rebuilt to look exactly like the old station. Within the building, you will find a small railroad museum, snack vending machine area, and very clean restrooms. The top floor is dedicated to class rooms, but you can also climb a spiral staircase that will take you up into a central observation platform. If you take the climb, you are rewarded with a wonderful view of the surrounding area. Xenia station is also a focal point where five bike trails converge. The planned Ohio-to-Erie trail will utilize these trails when it is completed. This route will link Cleveland’s Lake Erie shore line with the Cincinnati’s Ohio River front. That will be close to 400 miles of beautiful trail riding that passes through some of Ohio’s most scenic areas. The trail also passes through enough cities and towns to offer many hotels, restaurants, bed-and-breakfasts, and even camping options for any- one who wants to make extended trips. In my travels, I have sought out and ridden many bike trails in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and even Florida. They are all wonderful. But My Heart lies along the Banks of the Little Miami River in southwest Ohio where it all began for me. W elcom e N ew M em bers 9 ay Porter 9 i Bush 8ee A nn G ee Page 0 Henderson T ri Fest R ide by Faye Carter The annual Tri,Fest bike tour w as held on . aturday, M ay 01 in Henderson, HE . This w as held as part of the Tri,Fest festival in dow ntow n Henderson. Proceeds fro the bike ride benefit the R ed Cross. The orning w as perfect w hen Charlie and I arrived in Henderson. W e started riding around I230 w ith plans to decide w hich route at the point w here they split. I had done one 11, ile ride and one 4, ile ride so far in 0007. Tw o iles into our ride, a rider flagged dow n to tell us a lady had a flat ahead and needed help. He said he didn't have ti e to help and rode on. A bout a ile on, w e ca e upon tw o w o en standing by the road w ith their ountain bikes. The rear tire w as flat on one bike. They didn't have a pu p, patch kit or tube w ith the and didn't have a clue how to use any of the even it they'd had tools. 9 ust after w e arrived, a . A G vehicle stopped and offered to take the back to Henderson. The ladies did not w ant to be taken in by the . A G . They w anted so eone to fix their tire for the and the . A G person w as not able to do it. Charlie re oved the tire, and I got out y . peed 8ever tool. Inspection of the tube revealed a crack a s all distance below the ste . I asked the lady if she'd put in new tubes this year. he said the tires and tubes w ere betw een ten and fifteen years old. I told her the tube w as probably dry rotting and cracking fro that. I got out tw o patches and Charlie and I put glue on the w hole crack and stuck tw o patches on trying to cover as uch as possible. The tube see ed to hold air. W e did give the ladies in, structions on patching, replacing it, checking for pinches and airing it. O ne lady had been talk, ing to her husband on the cell phone, and she told hi to buy new tubes for their bikes. They took off to try to co plete their 10, ile ride. Charlie and I stopped at the 7, ile rest stop so Charlie could w ash his hands. Before w e left, the tw o ladies rode up. They planned to continue their ride since the tube see ed to be holding air. W e couldn't have had a better day to ride. W e decided to do the 3I, ile ride so I w ouldn't be totally w iped out at the end. W hen w e got back dow ntow n, w e bought sandw iches and headed for the shade. W e w ere seated in ti e to w atch the beginning of the Elvis I personator Con, test. W e really enjoyed that and stayed to w atch tw o of the contestants perfor .
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