DOWNTOWN MOBILE DISTRICT DOWNTOWN MOBILE ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION DOWNTOWN MOBILE DISTRICT DOWNTOWN MOBILE ALLIANCE STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES Modied Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 MANAGEMENT CORPORATION STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Modied Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 REVENUES REVENUES Cash & Cash Equiv. Cash & Cash Equiv. Total Current Assets 607,673 CURRENT ASSETS Total Current Assets 673 FIXED ASSETS 607, Office Furniture & Equipment 97,187 CURRENT ASSETS Leasehold Improvements 49,430 Software 5,937 TOTAL ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Accumulated Depreciation -132,241 Total Property & Equipment 20,313 627,986 0% Office Furniture & Equipment 97,187 TOTAL LIABILITIES Payroll Liabilities :: 2,796 5% Leasehold Improvements 49,430 Prepaid Annual Meeting Sponsors :: 6,200 & NET ASSETS Prepaid Assessment Income :: 352,554 Software 5,937 TOTAL ASSETS Accumulated Depreciation -132,241 NET ASSETS 2% 266,436 Total Property & Equipment 20,313 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 627,986 627,986 266,436 74% 0% STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES 6% Payroll Liabilities :: 2,796 5% Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 13% TOTAL LIABILITIES Prepaid Annual Meeting Sponsors :: 6,200 & NET ASSETS Prepaid Assessment Income :: 352,554 REVENUES 2% 0% NET ASSETS 266,436 627,986 266,436 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 0% 39% 74% STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 13% 6% 3% 0% 2% Total Revenues REVENUES 1,253,916 1% 2% OPERATING DOWNTOWN MOBILE DISTRICT DOWNTOWN MOBILE ALLIANCE MAIN STREET MOBILE, INC. 0% 3% EXPENSES MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Statement of Revenues & Expenses Public Space Management :: 687,840 REVENUES & 52% Communication & Marketing :: 184,752 DOWNTOWN MOBILE DISTRICTModified Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 DOWNTOWN MOBILE ALLIANCE Business Recruitment/Retention :: 173,730 Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Net Assets EXPENSES Office Expenses :: 70,362 Modified Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 MANAGEMENT CORPORATREVENUEION Special Projects/Landscape :: 56,480 113,153 CONTRIBUTIONS 0% STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES Education & Meetings :: 33,493 CURRENT ASSETS Modied Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 Annual Meeting :: 45,853 Cash and Cash Equiv.........................................................607,673 STTOTATEMENTAL OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES & NETGeneral ASSETS Donations..................................................................3,124 39% 14% Professional Services :: 32,848 Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 REVENUES Endowment................................................................................950 Depreciation :: 15,372 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS.....................................................607,673 Misc. Income & Products Sold................................................1,088 Office Repairs & Capital :: 13,521 109,765 REVENUES 13% FIXED ASSETS TOTAL Cash & Cash Equiv. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS..........................................................5,162 Office Furniture & Equipment..............................................97,187 Total Current Assets 607,673 4% EXPENSES CURRENT ASSETS 3% 5% 1% Leasehold Improvements.....................................................49,430 EXCESS REVENUES PROGRAM REVENUE & GRANTS Total Operating Software................................................................................5,937 OVERFIXED ASSETEXPENSESS Community Foundation Endowment Proceeds........................8,950 DOWNTOWN MOBILE ALLIANCE Expenses Excess Revenues Accumulated Depreciation..............................................(132,241) Office Furniture & Equipment 97,187 North Pole Stroll......................................................................3,890 1,314,251 Over Expenses -60,335 Leasehold3,388 Improvements 49,430 SouthSounds Music Festival...................................................2,500 Total Property and Equipment..............................................20,313 DOWNTOWN MOBILE DISTRICTSoftware 5,937 TOTAL ASSETS DOWNTOWN MOBILE ALLIANCE Storm Drain Marker Program..................................................2,000 Accumulated Depreciation -132,241 BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF TOTAL ASSETS....................................................................627,986 StatementMANAGEMENT of Revenues CORPOR & ExpensesTotal PropertyATION & Equipment 20,313 627,Fluxus Project............................................................................100986 Modified Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES3% Poinsettias..............................................................................6,681 Modied Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 MEMBERS 0% LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS 0% 2% TOTAL LIABILITIES Payroll LiabilitiesRetail Incubator....................................................................30,000 :: 2,796 5% DOWNTOWN MOBILE DISTRICT Payroll Liabilities....................................................................2,796 REVENUEDOWNTOWNModied Cash Basis (unaudited) MOBILE as of June ALLIANCE 30, 2012 Chairman & NET ASSETS Prepaid Annual Meeting CommercialSponsors :: 6,200 Redevelopment...................................................5,000 Prepaid Annual Meeting Sponsors..........................................6,200 Membership Dues................................................................84,125Prepaid Assessment Income :: 352,554 REVENUESTotal Revenues Tyrone Fenderson, MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Prepaid Assessment Income...............................................352,554 Commonwealth National Bank* HospitalityCashSTAT & EMENTZoneCash Assessment................................................14,962Equiv OF. REVENUES & EXPENSES TOTAL PROGRAM REVENUE...................................................59,121 2% LoDa GuideModied ............................................................................2,350 Cash Basis for year ended June 30, 2012 NET ASSETS 266,436 STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES.............................................361,550 Total Current Assets 607,673 DOWNTOWN MOBILECathedral ALLIANCE Square Gallery Vice Chairman, Development 266,436 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES Commonwealth National Bank Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 Mayor’s Breakfast...................................................................6,379627,CURRENT98 ASSETS6 INVESTMENT INCOME.............................................................1,011 1,253,916 Mary Anne Ball, Bienville Properties* Crescent Theater NET ASSETS.......................................................................266,436 RetailFIXED Incentives ASSETS Program......................................................5,178 1% LEADERSHIP CIRCLE Cypress Employment74% Vice Chairman, Public Spaces REOther Income.............................................................................159VENUES TEMPORARY NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTION 2% Office Furniture & Equipment 97,187 Alabama Power Co. dakinstreet architects Margo Gilbert, Battle House Hotel* Cash & Cash Equiv. TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS......................................627,986 STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENSES Leasehold Improvements 49,430 Modied Cash Basis (unaudited) as of JuneDonor 30, 2012 Advised Public Art........................................................6,500 Alabama State Port Authority 13%Ezell House Corporation 6% TOTAL REVENUES...............................................................113,153 Total Current Assets 607,673 Statement of Revenue & Expenses Software 5,937 TOTAL ASSETS Artist Live Work Study.............................................................6,732 Hargrove Engineers & Constructors Hummingbird Ideas, Inc. Vice Chairman, Marketing & Membership CURRENT ASSETS Accumulated Depreciation -132,241 OPERRed Square Agency ATINGFort Conde Inn Richard Stimpson, Leavell Investment Modified Cash Basis (unaudited) as of June 30, 2012 Total Property & Equipment 20,313 627,986 Innerspaice FIXED ASSETS REVENUES159 TOTAL REVENUES.................................................................78,526 Management* Other Income LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Inside0% Up REVENUE 5,178 Alabama Coast Multimedia John Toomey & Company, Inc. Office Furniture & Equipment 97,187 Assessment Income............................................................692,976 TOTRetailAL Incentives LIABILITIES Payroll Liabilities :: 2,796 E5%XPENSES Vice Chairman, Parking & Transportation Armbrecht Jackson LLP Johnstone Adams Prepaid Annual Meeting Sponsors :: 6,200 3% Stephen Carter, S & A Investment Strategies* Leasehold Improvements 49,430 & NETProgram ASSETS 2,350 0% Artist Live BankTrust Jones Walker Software 5,937 Interest Charges on Assessments..........................................5,749 84,125Prepaid Assessment Income :: 352,554 TOTAL ASSETS LoDa Guide Burr & Forman LLP Kangal & Associates Accumulated Depreciation -132,241 Contracts & Main St. Program Funds.................................490,788 Membership Dues 6,732 Work Study Secretary Cowart Hospitality Services, LLC Kangal Gallery2% In The Sail Loft Total Property & Equipment 20,313 NET ASSETS Public Space Management :: 687,840 Chris Gill, Hand Arendall* 627,986 Downtown Mobile Alliance....................................................22,000 266,436 Hand Arendall, L.LC
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