1926-27. STOKE-UPON-TRENT. 1754-1812 Staffordshire Staffordshire fldarisb IRegisters Society. E d ito r a n d H o n . S e c r e t a r y : PERCYSample W. CountyL. ADAMS, F.S.A., Woore ‘Manor, via Crewe. Studies D e a n e r y o f S t o k e -u p o n -T r e n t . Stoke Hipon=n*ent pansb IRegtster P A R T IV. P r i v a t e l y p r i n t e d for t h e Staffordshire P a r is h R e g ister s So c i e t y . A ll Comtnu?ticafions respecting the printing and transcription oj Registers and the issue of the parts should be addressed to the Edttor. •% Attention is especially directed to Notices on inside of Cover. Staffordshire The transcription of the Registers of Stoke-upon- Trent was undertaken by the late Rev. Sanford W . Hutchinson, Vicar of Blurton. Before his death in 1919, he completed them down to the year 1797 for Births and Burials, and to 1785 in Marriages, when it was continued by Mr. E. C. SampleMiddleton, of CountyStreetly. The proofs for this Vol. have been corrected for the press by the Rev. Douglas Crick, M .A ., the present Rector of Stoke-upon- Trent. The best thanks are due from the Society to those three gentlemen for their voluntary work. P. W.L.A.Studies i^tnkr flmslj Ulster. Staffordshire Marriages, Apr. 14, 1754, to April 5th, 1796, nearly all signed by J. Ward (Curate), to Oct., 1775, and a few later, & nearly all the rest from Dec. 29 by Wm. Fernyhough (Curate), to June 24, 1803. So too John Poulson (until November, 1777) & Samuel Poulson sign as witnesses of nearly all the marriages. We may presume they were Parish Clerks. 1754, Apr. 14. Wm. Martin, yeoman, & Mary Eownds, by Banns. Witness : Cath. Meare & J. P. [torne\. ,, Apr. 16. Wm. X Cope, Earth potter, & Mary x SampleAmberton, wid.,County Banns. X Wit. : J. P. & Wm. Edwards. ,, Apr. 21. Ralph x Mellor, Ground Collier, & Marg. x Bott, wid., Banns. W it. : J. P. & Thos. Miles. ,, Apr. 25. Sami. Chatterley, wid., earth potter, & Ellen Meller, sp., Lie. Wit. : John Hassells & J. P. ,, Apr. 29. Sami. Allcock, husbn., & EHz. x Cope,Studies wid., Banns \torne\. Wit. : Sam. Adams & J. P. ,, May 11. Ralph Bagnall, husb., & Eydia Bullock, sp., Banns. Wit. : J. & Sarah P. ,, May 12. John x Cope, earth potter, & Edith x Ash, sp., of Eeekin the Moors, Banns. Wit. : J. P. & Geo. Bell. ,, May 27. Wm. X Wharton, E. Potter, & Mary x Hollinshead, sp., Banns. Wit. : J. P. & John Hollinshead. ,, June 20. Jno. Beech, B., of Newcastle, & Ann Allen, Lie., with consent of parents. Wit. : Josiah Spode & J. P. Staffordshire Parish Registers. [1754 July 21. Thos. Fairbrother, husbn., & Mary Taylor, Banns. Wit. : J. P. [1and one cut off]. July 28. Sami. Dale, husb., & Mary x Dean, sp., Banns. StaffordshireWit. : John Dean. July 28. Wm. X Knowles, Hatter, & Kath. x Gibbons, sp., Banns. Wit. : John Dean. July 28. Ralph X Baddiley, Hatter, & Eliz. x Harrison, sp., B. Wit. : John Dean. Aug. 7. John Edge, Earth p., & Eliz. X Bagnall, sp., B. W it. : [Cut o ff. Aug. 10. Wm. Watson, of Bradley, Staffs., Farmer, SampleWid., County& Ann Forrester, wid., Lie. Wit. : Jas Greaves. Aug. 27. Amos Jackson, taylor, & Ellen Banks, sp., B. Wit. : Eliz. Banks. Sept. 8. Joseph Ball, Earth p., & Sarah Cartlitch, sp., B. Wit. : Wm. Turner & Joseph Poulson. Sept. 8. Josiah Spode, Earth p., & Ellen x Finley, sp., B. Studies Wit. : Joseph P. & [cut o ff. Sept. 21. John X Bryan, Ground Collier, & Margt. X Broster, sp., B. Wit. : J. P. &Mich. Nicholls. Sept. 25. Ralph Wootton, yeom., & Mary Bedson, Trent ham, Wid., B. W it. : Sarah & J. P. Sept. 30. Chas. Boardman, Blacksmith, & Jane x Bloor, sp., B. Wit. : Ric. Harvey. Oct. 8. Sam. X Scarrot, Nailer, & Jane X Ball, sp., B. Wit. : Thos. Hallam. 1755] Stoke. 821 1754, Oct. 21. Henry x Hulme, Earth p., <Sc Ann x Emery, sp., B. Wit. : Thos. Astbury. „ Oct. 24. Joseph Hulme, yeom., & Sarah Eeigh, sp., B. StaffordshireWit. : Wm. Tiford. „ Nov. 5. John Hewitt, yeom., & Mary x Horton, sp., both of Whitmore within the Rectory of Stoke upon Trent, B. Wit. : Geo. Bell. ,, Nov. 24. Emanuel Forester, Potter, & Mary x Pointon, Sp., B. W it. : [Cut off]. „ Dec. 8. Wm. X Moreton, Hatter, & Cath. Steel, sp., both of Newcastle within the R. of S-, Banns. Wit.Sample : Rob. Broughall. ,, Dec. 12. Joseph Wood, Countyof Nottingham, Hosier, & Sarah Beech, of Newc., sp., B. Wit. : John Harrison. J755, Jan. 10. Moses x Alerton, & Eliz. x Bryan, Sp., B. Wit. : John x Eockett. ,, Jan. 28. Sam. X Ditchfield & Ann x Pointon, B. W it.: Robert Bagnall. ,, Feb. 4. Thos. W7arham, Cordwainer, & Eliz. StudiesPaddi- son, sp., both of Newc., B. Wit. : Wm. Bull. ,, Feb. 10. Thos. Pope, earth p., & Dorothy Taylor, sp., B., by Sam. Eea. Wit. : Wm. Hammersley. „ Feb. 11. John Pedley, e. p., & Sarah X Malkin, sp., B., by Sam. Eea. Wit. : Rob. Garner. ,, Mar. 30. Thos. x Hodskin, husb., & Eliz. x Mills, sp., B. W it.: [Cut off]. ,, Apr. 6. Thos. Deakin, Eane Delf, widw., & Ann Thurkeip Christian, of Newc, wid., Lie. W it.: Edw. Hewitt. 826 Staffordshire Parish Registers. [1756 1756, Dec. 13. Wm. Beardmore, Newc., husb., & Jane x Clewlow, Newc., Sp., B. Wit. : Wm. Worrall. ,, Dec. 28. Joshua X Chatterley, e. p., & Deborah X StaffordshireLewis, Sp., B. Wit. : Grace X Lewis. ,, Dec. 31. Thos. Hulme, Butcher, & Hannah x Prat, Sp., Lie. Wit. : Jo. Jackson. 3:757, Jan. 1. Thos. X Berks, Cavers wall, husb., & Hannah X Coxon, B. W it.: Geo. Bell. ,, Jan. 1. John X Hood, Butcher, & Sarah X H iggin­ botham, Sp., B. Wit. : Geo. Bell. ,, Jan. 1. Sampson Tams, e. p., & Margt. X Hill, Sp., Cert, from Whitmore. SampleWit. : Geo.County Bell. „ Jan. 5. Thos. Mountford, of Norton, Coll., & Mary x Adams, Sp., B. W it.: Andrew Heath. „ Jan. 5. Thos. Mountford, Norton, Coll., & Eliz. x Standley, Sp., Cert. fr. Whitmore. Wit. : Thos. X Thursfield. ,, Jan. 30. John Raven, Newc., felt maker,Studies & Eliz. x Stringer, Newc., Sp., B. Wit. : Thos. Astbury. ,, Feb. 2. Sam. Ridley, Woolstanton, Taylor, & Eliz. x Shaw, Sp., Cert. Wit. : Thos. Bagnall. ,, Feb. 9. Wm. Scrag, husb., & Eliz. x Smith, Sp., both of Norton, B. Wit. : John Slaney. „ Feb. 11. Jas. X Lowe, Hatter, & Tamer [sfc.] x Coxon, Sp., both of Newc., B. Wit. : Wm. Greatbatch. ,, Feb. 20. Rich. X Chatfield, Cordwinder, & Mary X Whitehurst, Sp., B. W it.: Geo. Baggley. 1757] Stoke. 827 x7 5 7 > Feb. 20- J0^111 x Brammer, gr. coll., & Sarah Walker, wid., B. Wit. : Geo. Baggley. Feb. 22. Peter X Mare, Taylor. & Ann X Wood, StaffordshireSp., B. W1't.: Eliz. Ditchfield. Apr. 11. John X Peacock, gr. coll., & Margt. Lockett, Sp., B. ~ Wit. : Thos. Plallam. Apr. 11. Joseph X Grindey, husb., & Ann Ditchfield, wid., B. Wit. : Thos. Hallam. Apr. 12. Wm. Chesterton, Taylor, & Mary x Warrer, Sp., both Newc., B. Wit. : Ralph Browne. May 9. John Edwards, e. p., & Sarah X Hawley, SampleSp., B. County' Wit. : John Barker. May 9. Chas. X Alcock, gr. coll., & Hannah X Bloor, ' Sp., B. Wit. : John Barker. May 29. Wm. X Hackney, Cordwinder, & Eliz. Johnson, Sp., B. Wit. : Thos. Wildblood. May 30. Rich. X Gandey, gr. coll., & Jane xStudies Bryan, Sp., B. ’ ' Wit. : Rich. Eaton. June 13. Francis X Rosson, gr. coll., & Mary x Hassall, wid., B. Wit. : John x Hatton. June 19. Joseph X Wright, e. p., & Sarah x Toft, Sp., B. Wit. : Thos. Henney. Aug. 10. John X Lockett, e. p., & Sarah x Phillips, ~ Sp., B. ' ‘ W it. : \Cut off]. Aug. 14. Joseph Cyples, e. p., & Mary x Coleclough, Sp., B. Wit. : Rich. Cyples. 1758] Stoke. 829 1758, Feb. 27. John Aberley, yeo., & Ann x Godwin, Sp., of Cheadle, Lie. Wit. : Rich. Godwin. ,, Mar. 26. Jas. x Brindley, Taylor, & Ann x Pye, StaffordshireSp., B. Wit. : Geo. Bell. „ Mar. 27. Joseph X Pool, Barth p., & Ann x Allen, Sp., B. * Wit. : Thos. Hallam. „ Apr. 8. Benj. x Bott, e. p., & Mary x Ford, Sp., B. Wit. : Sam. Pye. Apr. 19. John X Follows & Hannah x Myat, Lie. Wit. : Wm. Simpson. „ Apr. 22. John Hulm, husb., & Mary x Brindley, Sp., B. ' Wit. : Rob. Smith. >, Apr. 27. JohnSample x Knapper,County brickman, & Jane Smith, Trentham, B. Wit. : Rob. Smith. ,, May 13. John x Wood, Nailer, & Eliz. Brindley, Sp., B. ' Wit. : Jas. Brindley. „ May 15. Thos. Finney [Banns, Finn], Taylor, & Margt. Plant, Sp., B. Wit. : Thos. Astbury. Studies ,, May 16. Benj. Stephenson, butcher, & Mary x Glass, Sp., B. ’ W it.: Geo. Bell. » May 21. John X Mycock, husb. & wid., Barlaston, & Eliz. x Dawson, Sp., of Shelton. Wit. : Jas. Greaves, Andr. Heath. 1, June 4. Thos. Russell, husb., & Ellen Orm, Sp., B. Wit. : Eliz. Poulson. » July 16. Wm. X Hollinshead, husb., & Sarah X Myott, Sp., B. W it. : J. Bartlam. » July 16. Thos. x Wright, husb., & Hann. Finley, Sp., B. W it.: J. Bartlam. 830 Staffordshire Parish Registers. [1758 i 7 5 8 , July 25. Jas. x Keeling, e. p., & Margt. x Barker, Sp., Cert. Wit. : D. Ward. >> July 30. John Bolton, e. p., & Ann Coleclough, Sp., B. StaffordshireWit. : John Kent. ,, Aug. 26. Sam. Adams, Weaver, & Ann X Greatbach, - Sp., B. Wit. : Hanh. Ware. ,, Sept. 6. John Mousley, Maxstock, Warw., farmer, & Ellen Bayley, Sp., Lie. W it. : W. vSummerheld. ,, Sept. 10. John x Horlderne, husb., & Lydia Finney, Sp., B. Wit. : John Shawe. ,, Sept. 10. Joseph X Hancock, husb., &Eliz. Waterfall, Sp,. B. Wit. : John Shaw. „ Sept. 11.Sample Thos. Ford,County husb., of Norton, & Ann Stubbs, B.
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