1 G oB» e & W S — M ' i . ■J . Circulation Statement. The Weather. f Averase dally clrculatloii of THB Unsettled weather wlHt local EVENING HERALD for q 9J,9 showed tonif^t and nmrsday. MONTH OF JULY 1 f;- r Try THE HERALD’S WANT COL­ S' Established as a Weekly 1881. UMNS. Cost one cent per word for Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888^ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ' first insertion, half cent t,hereafter. VOL. m v n i NO. zei Established as a Daily 1914. M STONE URGES WILSON BEFORE CONGRESS FRDAY WIESON IS PREPARINO Brotherhood Chief Declares New England To Feel Strike U N S M SAV8 LETTER nu n n (f H iMiisiifD MESSAOE TO CONGRESS U. S. Suffers Under Au- When 3,000 Men Qait Today HN s h a n h i n g w a s N H I sits fn m iHK ( M m tocraq in Industry- PRHITST TO PRESmERII ON HIGH FOOO PRICES Urges Plumb Plan of Tri­ Boston & Maine Men to Walk qF R. R. BILL Charge Profiteering AD Along im NOT TO SEIZE Out This Afternoon-All TELLS NEED OF PLAN partite Control of Roads— Secretary of State Declares Expected to Deliver It in New Haven Shopmen Plan the Line— Packers Have Glenn E. Plumb Says Six MiUion Says Cost of Living De­ Wilson Himself Asked SHANTONIi TEORITOIIY Person Friday of Support His Solution of Raihvayt to Strike T o m o rro w - Made Excessive Profits Problem. Tkis Week. pends on Passage of For It. 19,000 Out by Tomorrow Washington, Aug. — The con­ from Hides— Plan Scheme Foreign Minister Declares Measure stantly mounting cost of living is Night is Aim of Unions. compelling a corresponding lowering Rights of China Will WON’T TELL BORAH to Consumer Whole­ GOVERNMENT OFnCIALS of the standard of American life, Washington, Aug. 6.— Declaring Glenn E. Plumb, author of labor’s that American democracy is “ con­ Boston, Aug. 6.— The first of 35,- sale Price of Shoes— Tan­ Be Respected. bill for tripartite railroad control, WHAT WAS WRmEN A U E R PROFITEERS trolled by an autocracy in industry, 000 railroad shopmen of New Eng­ today told the House Interstate and “ Warren S. Stone, grand chief of land who plan to strike were sched­ ners Also Took Big Margin Foreign Commerce Committee. Says Letter Was Personal and Is» Flour to Be Reduced $1 a Barrel— the Brotherhood of Locomotive En­ uled to go this afternoon at 3.30 “ This is the situation,’’ Plumb Probably in Possession of Presi­ TO WITHDRAW TROOPS Attorney Giuieral I’almer Takes gineers, appeared before the House o’cl6ck. Three thousand machin­ added, “ is entirely hostile to the dent Wilson. of Profit Up the Fight. Interstate and Foreign Commerce ists and helpers of the Boston and interests of humanity, and is to be Committee today to urge the pass­ Maine shops at Billerica and Concord Japanese Do Not Even Intend to resisted by all the powers of man­ Washington, Aug. 6.— “ The letter Washington, Aug. C.—The present Washington, Aug. 6‘.— President age of the Sims bill, embodying the have been instructed to quit work Hold Tsinglao as Exclusively kind. Secretary Lansing, Henry White and high price of shoes is entirely un­ Wilson will address a joint session Plumb plan for government owner­ at jthat hour. They will be joined Their Own. The Plumb plan provides for gov­ General Bliss, as three of the Amer­ justified. of Congress at noon Friday^ At that ship and tripartite control of the tomorrow by the shopmen of the ernment ownership of the railroads, ican Peace Commissioners, sent to This is the finding of the Federal time he will make public his plans railroads. “ And America must be­ New Haven, who plan to walkout in Tokyo, via London, Aug. 5.— Vis­ their operation T)y a board made up the President regarding the Shan­ Trade Commission, to be submitted for legislation designed to reduce come the home of industrial free­ a body from every shop of the sys­ count Uchida, the Japanese foreign of representatives of the public, the tung settlement,'was not one of pro­ to Congress, following an investiga­ the high cost of living. dom” , he added. tem in New England. minister, in a statement issued to­ operatives and the classified employ­ test,” Secretary Lansing testified be- tion of the activities of the packers, The President spent most of today By nightfall tomorrow approxi­ day declares that Japan does not in­ Stone told the committee that ees and a profit sharing scheme be­ for the Senate Foreign Relations tanners, manufacturers and retail­ .secluded in his study in the White mately 4,000 Boston men and 15,- tend to claim any rights affecting there could be no solution of the in­ tween the public and the employees. Committee today when it resumed its ers during the period froiii 1915 to House examining various sugges­ 000 from other New England shops the territorial sovereignty of China dustrial problem and no lowering of Six million adult producers are open hearings on the treaty of Ver­ 1918, it was announced today. tions prepared by cabinet members will be out, to be followed during in Shantung. He promises that the the cost of living as long as consun?- numbered in the supporters of the sailles. , The report of the commission to meet the existing alarming con­ the week by 16,000 others. Japanese troops will be withdrawn ers had to pay extortionate profits plan— about one sixth of the pro­ Lansing declined to furnish the shows a succession of profiteering ditions. It is known that there is a The strike is in protest against immediately an agreement is con­ on their own earnings Jor the nec­ ductive man power of the United committee with the text of the letter, all down the line. The commission wide divergence of views in the Pres­ the delay of the wage and working cluded with China. essaries of life. States and perhaps the same pro­ stating it was of a personal nature found, according to the report, that; ident’s official family regarding conditions board of the Railroad Ad­ Japan, morever, he adds, is con­ “ For whatever the worker re­ portion of the political power of the and was still, he presumed, in the 1— The larger packers control the measures to be taken and that his ministration in awarding wage in­ sidering the establisment at Tsing- ceived in wages he must spend for nation. Plumb told the committee. possession of President 'Wilson. ’si I hide supply and have taken excess­ task of reconciliating them is none creases. jl tao of a general foreign settlement, the necessaries of life. In addition Speaking of the financial power df “ The President had conferred with ive profits and have passed increased too easy. instead of a purely Japanese settle­ he is always compiled to pay to the the plan. Plumb declared that those us as to the Shantung situation and costs to subsequent steps in manu- ment. employer an exce^ive profit on his employed on the railways alone, rep­ asked us to express our views In ^^Imctvre and distrlbation. WORKS ON'MESSAGE. PARIS e rrm h a v e own wages. The cost of his living resented in this movement, receive as writing,” Lansing said. “ General 2— The tanner hae taken excep­ Washington, Aug. G.— President NEAR UPROAR IN SENATFl. is determined by the sum he earns their annual compensation upwards Bliss prepared a letter to the Pres­ tional profits. Wilson was at work today upon his Washington, Aug. 6.— The League plus the profit he is charged on his REDUCED HIGH PRICES of two and a half billion dollars a ident at the President’s request 3— The manufacturer has taken message to Congress, in which he of Nations and the Shantung settle­ own labor. And as a group, labor year. which expressed our views. That unusual margins. will call for the enactment of addi­ ment both came in for more bitter is forever prevented from bettering Merchants Respond to Popular De­ Plumb’s Testimony. was a few days before the Shantung 4— The prices charged to the re­ tional laws to meet the high cost of criticism today in the Senate’s con- its lot because of the profits exacted mand By Cuts of 20 to 50 Per Salient points of Plumb’s testi­ settlement. The letter was signed tailers aije not justifiable, each fac­ living situation. He was devoting sideratioa of the treaty with Ger­ by Lhe employer. The hope of a Cent, in Prices. mony were: by General Bliss and sent to the tor in the industry having added to practically his entire time to the many. finer life is never realized. So long 1— The constantly rising cost ofPresident.” the burden he w'as to bear. framing of the document, and, as he At a public hearing of the foreign as consumers are forced to pay ex Paris, Aug. 6.— The first organ­ living to the consumer has far out­ “ Will you tell us what was in the Other Facts. planned to deliver it in person be.- relations committee Issues of the tortionate profits on their own earn ized unofficial campaign to fight the stripped the purchasing power of letter?” asked Senator Borah. Other outstanding facts establish­ fore a joint session it was believed league controversy started a dispute ings to a third interest' there is no high cost of living in Paris has re­ the consumers’ wage. “ I would rather not.
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