Kean University Kean Digital Learning Commons Independent 1961-1964 Independent 11-13-1963 The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 13, 1963 Newark State College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Newark State College, "The Independent, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 13, 1963" (1963). Independent 1961-1964. 54. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Independent at Kean Digital Learning Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Independent 1961-1964 by an authorized administrator of Kean Digital Learning Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Faculty merri>ers are re­ Who dares to teach must minded that 1: 30 classes arecancelledthe day of the never cease to learn Townsend Lecture. Classes held at 2:30 will not begin until the conclusion of the lecture. Volume IV, No. 11 Newark State College, Union, New Jersey November 13, 1963 Guild to PresentNew Faculty Association Petition I:' lays by Alumnus Condemns Civil Defense Course ''Whereas we are deeply con­ olution stating that "the Execu­ the certainty of the course meet­ cerned that the faculty be fully tive Board of the Newark State ing the standard academic re­ involved in the processes by College Faculty Association be quirements of inquiry is which curricular requirements instructed to vigorously pursue questioned. All of the instruc­ for all students are introduced this matter on a local level and tors signing the petition, with at Newark State College, and stimulanteously to transmit this the exception of Dr. Hennings, Whereas the course' 'Individual resolution to the State Faculty accepted the statement as it was and Family Survival in Disaster'' Association f o r immediate written into the petition. has been introduced without action.'' The petition itself was Another petition was ciruclated such local faculty consultation passed by the local faculty asso­ last spring questioning the and participation, and ciation at their meeting on Oct. content of the course. It was Whereas we are not certain 17. According to Dr. Guinnane, stated in the document that since that this course would meet the the vote was unanimous. there was no certain complete a ca demi c standards of inquiry protection against an attack of which should characterize our Faculty Association this type, the course should be presented with a wider basis of general and professional educa­ The Newark State College study including other areas of tional offerings, Faculty Association is an on­ We, the undersigned faculty concentration. It was signed by campus professional organiza­ members, strongly recommend about 30 faculty members but The cast of The Death of Solly's Warren in rehearsal tion. Its membership, open to all that the introduction of.the course never gained momentum. on- campus instructors and "Individual and Family Survival Two one- act plays by Stuart was published in the December deans, now numbers 98. The Stu-Fae Co-op Desirable in Disaster,'' as a mandatory Oderman, an a lumnus of Newark 1962 edition of Storyteller, a State Faculty Association is com­ part of our curriculum, be de­ Through an interview with Dr. State, will be given a workshop British m a gazine. posed of elected members of the layed pending faculty study, con­ Guinannane, it was made known presenta tion by the Theatre G uild Following a fifteen minute in­ six local sta te college groups. sideration, and approval." that other grievences besides on November 14, 15, and 16. termission.An American Break.­ Charles Longacre, President of The above is a copy of the those stated in the petition re­ They will begin at 8:15 P.M. in fast will be pr~sented. The six our Extension Division, also characters will be played by Faculty Association petition mained on the scene. One such the Little Theatre. There is no holds the presidency of the State Ernest Whitworth (the Child); against the institution of the civil grievence involved the imposi­ admission charge. Association. This type of organi­ Bethanie Bauchner (Mommy); defense course as a compulsory tion of such a course on the work The first play, The Death of zation allows much freedom of A rthur Stadlin (Father); Bar­ subject added to the existing cur­ load of the instructors. Another Solly's Warren,, will be done as movement in areas such as this riculum of the senior schedule. involved the monetary reim­ a reading. The following students bara Orminski (the mother-in­ anc1 also the force of the backing law); Stewart Black (the escort); The petition was signed by fifty­ bursement for the teaching of the will a ppea r ; Michael Antonelli of the faculty associations of the one members of the faculty and course. Details were not given, as Warren; Linda Feldma n as and Vincent Andreski (the police­ 5 other state colleges to uphold a man). submitted to the president of the but either additional payment Eva; David Wald as Solly; Gale decision or demand. Until action college in May, 1963. would have to be made to the Kurtzer a s Mrs. Gillespie; a nd The plays a re being directed has been taken by the State Asso­ Warren Singer as M:r. Johnson. by Christine Kowal ski, a senior instructors or the work load As It Stands Now ciation, the course will continue would have to be rearranged. The Death of Solly's Warren at Newark State. on its present basis. is based on Mr. Oderman's short Mr. Ode rma n is a 1961 g r adu­ The President was unable to Both of these compe nsatio ns are s l ory of lhe sam e n a me which a t e of Newark State. H e is a take action in this m atter, and incompatible with the existing former F eature Editor o f the J:1- the issue s rai sed in the r esolu­ The Course set pattern. dependent, and provided the piano tion have never been satis­ The cr.t1rse is not under the Remaining as the main point Education Dept. accompa niment for the Fine Arts factorily resolved. The course is auspices of any particular de­ of g1·ievence was the fact that Film Club's silent film program. being offered presently on partment. Its instructors a 1·e se­ the course was imposed upon Sponsors Panel He is presently teaching in the the aforementioned compulso ry lected without regard for depa1·t­ both faculty and student. body Newark public school system. basis without faculty study, con­ ment, the stipulation being without the consent of either The Education Depa rtment's l\1r. Ode rm an has had two s hort sideration, and approval. previous courses of study in the party. Many students first fall conference will be held on s tories published: "The Death of Therefore, this fall, the area of civil defense. In the peti­ learned of the course when they Tuesday, December 3, at 4:30 Solly's Warren'', mentioned Faculty Association made a res- tion the fact is brought out that received their list of compulsory P . M. in the Little Theatre. a bove; a nd "Beyond the Amuse­ subjects just prior to fall re­ Theme of the conference will be ment Park'', which appeared in an gist1 ·ation. As Or. Guinanne James B . Conant's latest book, American magazine called The stated, · 'It is quite discouraging The Educa tion of American .-1ngry Young Man . He has a lso Didsbury Discusses to think you1· four years are Teachers. composed a n original musical plannpd for you and then to h ave The panel for the conference scor e for Bertolt Brecht's play an e)ltra course added to your will be chaired by Dr. R obert The Good Woman of Szechwan schedule. · ' E. Chasnoff a nd Dr. Charles W. The la tter was performed a t New Coininunity of. Values McCracken of the Educa tion De ­ Paltz C ollege in the s ummer of CCB to Sponsor partment. 1962. ''If you sit down and take a Members of the panel are Mrs. Following the second play, long range view, you will dis­ Myriad Programs Eliza beth D. Sanders of the Eng­ there will be an audience dis ­ cern, above the national differ­ lish Department, Mr . David K. cussion of a nd reactio n to the ences, a slow but sure drift Ward of the Science Department, plays. Both Miss Kowa lski a nd toward a common world civili­ In Coming Month Miss Christine Paproski, sopho ­ Mr. Oder man will be on ha nd to zation. This new civilization will A seminar, a da nce progra m, more; Miss Diane Monaco, comment and answer any ques­ have none of the characteristics a hootenanny, and two concerts junior; and Miss Ellen Assel­ tion• posed by membe r s of the of the free or communist world, will be sponsored by the College meyer, senior. a udience. but rather will show a widening Center Board within the next to a higher historical synthesis month. which will combine elements o f On Wednesday evening, No­ Freshinen Choose both. The individuality of systems vember 20, Newark St a te's Hi­ will be so blurred they won't be Lows will appear in concert in distinguishable.·· the Little Theatre. This was the thesis stated by On Friday evening, November Officers for 1963-'64 Dr. Howard F. Didsbury, Jr. in 22, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater Dr. Howard F. Didsbury his seminar on November 4 . The will present a progra m of jazz fifth speaker in the Freshman the urban center.
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