r «%—5i 12,500 People Read llie p-s "v *-, f" "Juslice to all: ^ • ' ! ! ^ | j l^M 1 K 1JU /^ PubliLiicd Every Tuesday - r malice toward none. -1 Ml * 1 i v--\ and Friday Hoon. ,f t-C* 3 •C 'L-4 and SUMMIT SECOND $3.50 PES YE/.r? THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NO. 69 SUMMIT, N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 8, 1923 Bridge Party For High Sctool Art Sfe&its Open SAMPLE {(ALLOTS OUT School Board Molds Over Contract For L ©o !h Candidates For fiovernor an Children's Home Friday TOMORROW On or before (tomorrow) Furnishing New Junior High Scterf The second annual bridge party An Exhibition of Work at Art Center the several district Senate Expected At Meeting Mere for the Summit Home for Children Wednesday, boards of regisiry and clee- will take place Friday, May 11th, A highly interesting exhibition tures an especially charming one latl Primary Sample fit 2.30 'oclock in the Beechwood tion will n Postpone Action One "Week—School Calendar Fo Nearly All of Large Group of Aspirants Will Be On of batik work—pain-Is and hearts is Thelma Frumkin's, little com­ Ballots? to each porsnn named Hotel. The game will start position, "Housie with Birches." A ['gistry list, as corn- Next Year Adopted—Coal Contract Awarded i-Rei! StaJ Tonight- at Lincoln School Under Auspices of promptly at 2.30 and will close ai --done by (he students, m Miss upon lite r Hrpbron's arl classes, wad opened lovely tinted charcoal landscape piled by tin; house-to-house promptly at 4.30. The prizes this by Betty Benjamin; Walilrou Day For City Schools—Speeding Past Schools Submit Republican Club year even surpass the excellence Friday aflernoon tit the Art Center (.anvass last week. Ward's, excellent pen and pencil The fact of receiving such of those of last year. An added at­ in the Library- This exhibition sketches; a striking poster of ;.. The contract for furnisming the new junior High School was b-it Tonight is Hits time net for tho Republican Club meeting at which traction will be the sale on hand- will remain open through this sample ballot will ho evidence mcdiaival castle, by Mary Kar- that the person addressed is-; open for a week when the Board of Education last evening p'jslpoiu d the II. S. Senatorial and Gubernatorial candidates will bis "present. Ail woven scarfs, couch throws and week giving every one an oppor­ lunski; and a caretul color studv baby blankets, of which Mrs,. Har­ tunity to see what really remark­ properly registered. action on the matter until next Monday evening. Bids from between of thu aspirants* for their party's nominations for these two IIIEII offices ot complements balanced in grace- If no sample ballot is re­ mon will bo in charge. able work is being done in the | l'ul design by Ave Snedeker, all iil'teeu and twenty firms were opened by the board. are expected to be hero with the possible exception of Ex-Gov. Stokes, ceived it will indicate that, such , -~—„ —__„—„„ postponement was made in field of decorative art by our high ot these, to mention but a few of per.son is not registered. The who has an engagement in another part of the Slate tonight. school students;. What Is more in­ the many studies of real excel­ order to give representatives a The meeting Is called for 8:15 lence, indicated to a surprising The election laws; provide, teresting still, the public is given a however, that in municipal Hies Vaudeville Show For chance to appear before the board o'clock in Lincoln School auditori­ chance to acquire at ridiculously degree the art interest as well as; to demonstrate their make of fur­ talent that must be present in the tinder fifteen thousand popula­ um and all Republicans arc invited Lager k Hurrell to io.jv„ cost some truly gorgeous* tion, any qualified voter whose i Benefit of «'Y" Ball Team nishings. Next Monday evening High School art classes, and sug- nf (or the to attend. This will hi: the only big halik wall panels and utterly in- name does not appear on the The Y. M. C. A. Athletic Associa- ™ < ^ f omonstration The meeting before the Primary Elec­ Exhibit Group of Orchids II So Students gcted that the methods of in­ triguiug scarfs-; that are on display register, may register and vote Hon will hold its vaudeville show Arms had nearly all shipped^sun- tion next Tuesday, which bids fair struction employed must be highly In this exhibition, the kind of thing on Primary Hay. to be the most closely contested Lager and Hurrell, Summit or­ "Guise ssiiccsjjuful, to say the least, both Friday evening at. the Y. M. C. A., j P'<-'s. but space was lacking In the primary New Jersey lias ever seen. chid growers, will exhibit a group md Disguise," you may have looked at. longingly in arousing interest aud in stimu- with a ten-ael drawing card. The offieo for any adequate demonstra- The live. Republican aspirant;! for of orchids covering Jifty square feet High School Dramatic In an interior decorating or 1 at lun talent. aets will be with local talent, ex- | tion, and time likewise was laeklnr. Unili'd States Senator on the Rc- at the exhibition to be held by the specialty shop, for yourself or To return to the batik exhibit cept for a motion picture comedy.I owing to a rather heavy schedule American Orchid Society at Madi­ publican ticket arc: Hon. Hamilton Club, Seen in Show With nome special somebody, and felt [hi \]u: Art Center, the following The show is for the purpose of ror, ule evening- son Square Garden, May 10th, Uth Joint P0=T0 A, ai F. Kean, of Elizabeth. Union County, would never come within tha; gtuduuts were represented in i purchasing uniforms for the Y. M. Fix 1938 Calendar and 12th. John E. Lager will offi­ Many Scenes self-respecting bud-1 either the display of wall-panels C. A. baseball team in the Summit a Conner National Committeeman; scope of any the display of The board is anxious;, however, to Hon. Edward C. StoltCB, of Bridge- ciate as a judge of botanical Twilight League. get. It is wonderful to think that or gt scarfsi: Frances Cornish, two arden dub Meeting award the contract as soon as can ton, Cumberland County, a former orchids and of native hardy orchids. wall-panels, both original designs The ucts will be as follows; 1, Big Cast in Presentation such lovely and decorative things be done, in order to hav.e the iui • Governor of New Jersey; Hon. can be achieved with such appar­ and both strikingly beautiful, one, A, B. Wegener, of Madison, draw­ nlshlngs in place in time lor Hi*1 Joseph S. Frellughuyficn, of Rari- "Guise and Disguise,'-' the Summit ent ease by high Hchool students, a vioi I ship with two-toned or- j Plans For Children's Flow= ing act; 2, Earl Merrill and tan. Somerset County, a former ails on an indigo sea, Charles Graydon, tumbling and opening of school. The new calen­ Power Conqtitty High School Dramatic Club, made and, what is more wonderful, put ange . the United States Senator; Mrs. L. F. Its second annual appearance at the within the easy reach ot all lovers other :i leopard In bold tones of I er Show and Rules For flown iiet; 3, Y. M. C. A. quartet. dar, set last evening, calls for I ho l-'eickert, of Dunellen, Middlesex High School auditorium on Friday of lovely (lung's. orange and blue-blacks with aj Dr. Norman W. Burrilt, George | opening of the schools Thursday, Contestants Decided HJp= King, P. T. Hammonds and 11. 11-1 County, president of the Women's Opens New Office evening before a big, expectant The students themselves, with modern touch in the subtle discord | September 6th. The plan calls; loi State Republican Club; and Edward audience. Nor were tho hopes ot Miss Adelo nephron, supervisor ot of browns and grays; Vera Prin- Met/; 4, Louis LlanSo and partner, the omission of Election Day a., a on Yesterday Spanisdi dance; !!, Krazy Katj W. Gray, a former Congressman the crowd disappointed, ior the club urt lu Hie Summit schools, and in­ t'Y, n pair of panels of equal or­ holiday and the schedule will make iginality and distinction, one, a comedy, land mouse); C, V. M. C.i from ti'isex bounty. Formal Opening, Demon* put on a show full of "pep" and spiring guide in all this art work, a 187-day school year, as is the c.i:,e surprises', from tho very start. received their guests on Friday af­ ship de:,igu. the other a perfectly Attractive Pictures Shown A. Orchestra; 7, Jack Gude and' The four aspirants on the Repub­ gorgcoi.!1, parrot hanging on a I Ernest Leathern, songs; K, Songs this year. stratioiB Tomorrow Eve= Douglas Lance, president of the ternoon at a very delightful tea. 1 lican primary ticket for Governor Alice Martin officiated at the tea branch of lemons, against a lemou- and dance by group of colored Bids on three other items wn- are: Sunator Morgan F. Larson, of nisrag of New Device For club, opened proceedings with the Yesterday afternoon at tho Bray- voting men under tho leadership of surprising announcement that tho table and wns assisted by Lillian colori'd moon, easily (ho outstand­ ton School a joint meeting was held received last evening. Only th'- Peril* Aniboy, Middlesex County; ing achievement in composition "Andy" Van Keyes; 9, "Mulligan contract for furnishing coal v.
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