University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department Classics and Religious Studies 2008 Later Christian Hebraists Stephen G. Burnett University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/classicsfacpub Part of the Classics Commons Burnett, Stephen G., "Later Christian Hebraists" (2008). Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department. 109. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/classicsfacpub/109 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Classics and Religious Studies at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Sonderdruck aus Hebrew Bible / Old Testament The History of Its Interpretation VOLUME II From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment In Co-operation with Michael Fishbane and] ean Louis Ska, S] Edited by Magne Sa-ba Gottingen . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2008 CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Later Christian Hebraists By STEPHEN G. BURNETT, Lincoln, NE Sources:JOHANNESBUXTORFthe Elder: Tiberias sive commentarius Masorethicus (Basel: Ludwig Ko­ nig 1620); Lexicon chaldaicum talmudicum et rabbinicum (ed. Johannes Buxtorf the Younger; Basel: Ludwig Konig 1639). - JOHANNESBUXTORFthe Younger: Anticritica: seu vindiciae veritatis Hebrai­ cae (Basel: L. Konig haeredes 1653). - LOUISCAPPEL,Arcanum punctationis revelatum. sive de punc­ torum vocalium & accentuum apud Hebraeos vero & germana antiquitate, diatriba (Leiden:Johannes Maire 1624; Basel UB); Critica Sacra (Paris: S. Cramoisy 1650). - CHARLESF. HOUBIGANT,Biblia eritica cum notis criticis (Paris 1753-17 54); Notae criticae in universos Veteris Testamenti libros (Frankfurt/Main: Varrentrapp Filium & Wenner 1777). - THOMASERPENIUS:"Thomas Erpenius (1584-1624) on the Value of the Arabic Language" (tr. Robert Jones), Manuscripts of the Middle East 1 (1986) 15-25. - JACOBBENHAYYIMIBNADONIAH:Introduction to the Rabbinical Bible, He­ brew and English (ed. and tr. Chr. D. Ginsburg; London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer 21867; repro New York: KTAV 1968). - BENJAMINKENNICOTT:The State of the Printed Hebrew Considered: A Dissertation in Two Parts (Oxford: Clements and Fletcher 1753); The Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MSS of the Old Testament. Begun in 1760 and compleated in 1769 (Oxford: Fletcher and Prince 1770); Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus (Oxford: Clarendon 1776-80). - ELIASLEVITA/ ELIYAHUASHKENAZI:Tl"O~:"I Tl"O~ / Masoreth ha-Masoreth (Venice 1538; ed. Chr. D. 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A. de Chalmot 1769). - RrCHARDSIMON:Histoire critique du Vieux Testament (Paris 1678, Amsterdam 1680; repro Frankfurt/Main: Minerva 1967). - JOHANNCHRIS­ TOPHWOLF, Bibliotheca Hebraea, sive notitia tum auctorum Hebraeorum cujuscunque aetatis, tum scriptorum quae vel Hebraice primum exarata vel ab aliis conversa sunt I-IV (Hamburg / Leipzig: Christian Liebzeit 1715-33). General works: D. BARTHELEMY,Critique textuelle de l'Ancien Testament iY, Josue, [uges, Ruth, Sa­ muel, Rois, Chroniques, Esdras, Nihemie, Esther (OBO 50/1; Fribourg: Editions Universitaires / Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1982); E. BREUER,The Limits of Enlightenment: Jews, Ger­ mans and the Eighteenth Century Study of Scripture (Cambridge, MA / London: Harvard UP 1996); SH. BRISMAN,A History and Guide to Jewish Bibliography (Cincinnati / New York: Hebrew Union College Press / KTAV 1977); J. BRUGMAN,"Arabic Scholarship", in: Leiden University in the Seventeenth Century: An Exchange of Learning (ed. Th. H. Linsingh Scheurleer / G. H. M. Posthumus Meyjes; Leiden: Brill 1975) 203-15; S. G. BURNETT,From Christian Hebraism to Jewish Studies: Johannes Buxtorf (1564-162 9) and Hebrew Learning in the Seventeenth- Century (SHCT 68; Leiden: Brill 1996); idem, "Christian Hebrew Printing in the Sixteenth Century: Printers, Hu­ manism and the Impact of the Reformation", Helm. 51 (2000) 13-42; T. DARLOW/ H. F. MOULE, Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society 2. Languages other than English: Greek to OPA (London: The Bible House 1903); M. 786 Stephen G. Burnett FEINGOLD,"Oriental Studies", in: The History of Oxford University, 4. Seventeenth-Century Ox­ ford (ed. N. Tyacke; Oxford: Clarendon Press 1997) 449-503;]. FRIEDMAN,The Most Ancient Tes­ timony: Sixteenth-Century Christian-Hebraica in the Age of Renaissance Nostalgia (Athens, OH: Ohio UP 1983);]. Fticx, Die arabischen Studien in Europa bis in den Anfimg des 20. [ahrhunderts (Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz 1955); M. GOSHEN-GoTTsTEIN,"Hebrew Biblical Manuscripts: Their History and their Place in the HUBP Edition", Bib. 48 (1967) 243-90; idem, "The Textual Criti­ cism of the Old Testament: Rise, Decline, Rebirth", jBL 102 (1983) 365-99; A. HAMILTON,"Ara­ bic Studies in the Netherlands in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries", in: Philologia Arabica. Arabische studien en drukken in de Nederlanden in de 16de en 17de eeuw (Antwerp: Museum Plan­ tin-Moretus 1986) xciv-cxxxi; P. E. KAHLE,The Cairo Geniza (2nd edn.; Oxford: Blackwell 1959); ]. KALTNER,The Use of Arabic in Biblical Hebrew Lexicography (CBQ.MS 28; Washington, DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America 1996); A. L. KATCHEN,Christian Hebraists and Dutch Rabbis. Seventeenth Century Apologetics and the Study of Maimonides' Mishne Torah (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP 1984); E. KAUTZSCH,johannes Buxtorf der Altere (Basel: C. Detloff 1879); F. LA­ PLANCHE,L'Ecriture, Le Sacre et L'Histoire: Erudits et Politiques Protestants devant la Bible en France au XVIIe siecle (Studies of the Institute of Intellectual Relations between the West-European Countries in the Seventeenth Century 12; Amsterdam: APA-Holland UP 1986); F. E. MANUEL, The Broken Staff: judaism through Christian Eyes (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP 1992); W. MCKANE,"Benjamin Kennicott: An Eighteenth-Century Researcher", JTS NS 28/2 (1977) 445­ 64; P. N. MILLER,"The 'Antiquarianization' of Biblical Scholarship and the London Polyglot Bible (1653-57)", jHI62 (2001) 463-82; idem, "Making the Paris Polyglot Bible: Humanism and Or­ ientalism in the Early Seventeenth Century", in: Die europdischeGelehrtenrepublik im Zeualter des Konfessionalismus / The European Republic of Letters in the Age of Confessional ism (ed. H. Jaumann; Wolfenbutteler Forschungen 96; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2001) 59-85; idem, "A Philologist, a traveler, and an antiquary rediscover the Samaritans in Seventeenth Century Paris, Rome, and Aix:Jean Morin, Pietro della Valle and N.-C. Fabri de Peiresc", in: Die Praktiken der Gelehrsam­ keit in der Friihen Neuzeit (ed. H. Zedelmaier / M. Mulsow; Tubingen: Niemeyer 2001) 123-46; F. MUHLAU,"Albert Schultens und seine Bedeutung fur die hebraische Sprachwissenschaft", Zeit­ schrifi fiir die gesammte lutherische Theologie und Kirche 31 (1870) 1-21;]. NAT, De Studie van de Oostersche Talen in Nederland in de 18e en de 1ge Eeuw (Purmerend:]. Muusses 1929); PH. DERo­ BERT,"La naissance des Etudes Samaritaines en Europe aux XVIe et XVIIe siecles", in: Etudes sa­ maritaines Pentateuque et Targum exegese et philologie, chroniques (communications presentees ala table ronde internationale: "Les manuscrits samaritains. Problemes et methodes", Paris 1985; ed. ].-P. Rothschild / G. D. Sixdenier; Louvain: Peeters 1988) 15-26; B.]. ROBERTS,The Old Testa­ ment Text and Versions. The Hebrew Text in Transmission and the History of the Ancient Versions (Cardiff: University of Wales Press 1951); D. B. RUDERMAN,jewish Enlightenment in an English Key: Anglo-jewry's Construction of Modem jewish Thought (Princeton / Oxford: Princeton UP 2000); B. E. SCHWARZBACH,"Leseditions de la Bible hebraique au xvie siecle et la creation du texte massoretique", in: La Bible imprimeedans l'Europe modeme (ed. B. E. Schwarzbach; Paris: BNF 1999) 16-67; E. Tov, The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research (2nd rev. edn.; Jerusalem: Simor 1997); idem, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (2nd rev. edn.; Minneapolis: Fortress / Assen: Van Gorcum 2001); P. T. VANROODEN,Theology, Biblical Scholarship and Rabbi­ nical Studies in the Seventeenth Century: Constantijn L 'Empereur (1591-1648) Professor of Hebrew and Theology at Leiden (Studies in the History of Leiden University 6; Leiden: Brill 1989); F. P. VANSTAM,The Controversy over the Theology of Saumur, 1635-1650. Disrupting Debates among the Huguenots in Complicated Circumstances (Studies of the Institute Pierre Bayle, Nijmegen, 19; Am­ sterdam: APA-Holland UP 1988);
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