University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department Classics and Religious Studies 2008 Later Christian Hebraists Stephen G. Burnett University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Classics Commons Burnett, Stephen G., "Later Christian Hebraists" (2008). Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department. 109. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Classics and Religious Studies at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Sonderdruck aus Hebrew Bible / Old Testament The History of Its Interpretation VOLUME II From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment In Co-operation with Michael Fishbane and] ean Louis Ska, S] Edited by Magne Sa-ba Gottingen . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2008 CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Later Christian Hebraists By STEPHEN G. BURNETT, Lincoln, NE Sources:JOHANNESBUXTORFthe Elder: Tiberias sive commentarius Masorethicus (Basel: Ludwig Ko­ nig 1620); Lexicon chaldaicum talmudicum et rabbinicum (ed. Johannes Buxtorf the Younger; Basel: Ludwig Konig 1639). - JOHANNESBUXTORFthe Younger: Anticritica: seu vindiciae veritatis Hebrai­ cae (Basel: L. Konig haeredes 1653). - LOUISCAPPEL,Arcanum punctationis revelatum. sive de punc­ torum vocalium & accentuum apud Hebraeos vero & germana antiquitate, diatriba (Leiden:Johannes Maire 1624; Basel UB); Critica Sacra (Paris: S. Cramoisy 1650). - CHARLESF. HOUBIGANT,Biblia eritica cum notis criticis (Paris 1753-17 54); Notae criticae in universos Veteris Testamenti libros (Frankfurt/Main: Varrentrapp Filium & Wenner 1777). - THOMASERPENIUS:"Thomas Erpenius (1584-1624) on the Value of the Arabic Language" (tr. Robert Jones), Manuscripts of the Middle East 1 (1986) 15-25. - JACOBBENHAYYIMIBNADONIAH:Introduction to the Rabbinical Bible, He­ brew and English (ed. and tr. Chr. D. Ginsburg; London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer 21867; repro New York: KTAV 1968). - BENJAMINKENNICOTT:The State of the Printed Hebrew Considered: A Dissertation in Two Parts (Oxford: Clements and Fletcher 1753); The Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MSS of the Old Testament. Begun in 1760 and compleated in 1769 (Oxford: Fletcher and Prince 1770); Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus (Oxford: Clarendon 1776-80). - ELIASLEVITA/ ELIYAHUASHKENAZI:Tl"O~:"I Tl"O~ / Masoreth ha-Masoreth (Venice 1538; ed. Chr. D. 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Linsingh Scheurleer / G. H. M. Posthumus Meyjes; Leiden: Brill 1975) 203-15; S. G. BURNETT,From Christian Hebraism to Jewish Studies: Johannes Buxtorf (1564-162 9) and Hebrew Learning in the Seventeenth- Century (SHCT 68; Leiden: Brill 1996); idem, "Christian Hebrew Printing in the Sixteenth Century: Printers, Hu­ manism and the Impact of the Reformation", Helm. 51 (2000) 13-42; T. DARLOW/ H. F. MOULE, Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society 2. Languages other than English: Greek to OPA (London: The Bible House 1903); M. 786 Stephen G. Burnett FEINGOLD,"Oriental Studies", in: The History of Oxford University, 4. Seventeenth-Century Ox­ ford (ed. N. Tyacke; Oxford: Clarendon Press 1997) 449-503;]. FRIEDMAN,The Most Ancient Tes­ timony: Sixteenth-Century Christian-Hebraica in the Age of Renaissance Nostalgia (Athens, OH: Ohio UP 1983);]. Fticx, Die arabischen Studien in Europa bis in den Anfimg des 20. [ahrhunderts (Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz 1955); M. GOSHEN-GoTTsTEIN,"Hebrew Biblical Manuscripts: Their History and their Place in the HUBP Edition", Bib. 48 (1967) 243-90; idem, "The Textual Criti­ cism of the Old Testament: Rise, Decline, Rebirth", jBL 102 (1983) 365-99; A. HAMILTON,"Ara­ bic Studies in the Netherlands in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries", in: Philologia Arabica. Arabische studien en drukken in de Nederlanden in de 16de en 17de eeuw (Antwerp: Museum Plan­ tin-Moretus 1986) xciv-cxxxi; P. E. KAHLE,The Cairo Geniza (2nd edn.; Oxford: Blackwell 1959); ]. KALTNER,The Use of Arabic in Biblical Hebrew Lexicography (CBQ.MS 28; Washington, DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America 1996); A. L. KATCHEN,Christian Hebraists and Dutch Rabbis. Seventeenth Century Apologetics and the Study of Maimonides' Mishne Torah (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP 1984); E. KAUTZSCH,johannes Buxtorf der Altere (Basel: C. Detloff 1879); F. LA­ PLANCHE,L'Ecriture, Le Sacre et L'Histoire: Erudits et Politiques Protestants devant la Bible en France au XVIIe siecle (Studies of the Institute of Intellectual Relations between the West-European Countries in the Seventeenth Century 12; Amsterdam: APA-Holland UP 1986); F. E. MANUEL, The Broken Staff: judaism through Christian Eyes (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP 1992); W. MCKANE,"Benjamin Kennicott: An Eighteenth-Century Researcher", JTS NS 28/2 (1977) 445­ 64; P. N. MILLER,"The 'Antiquarianization' of Biblical Scholarship and the London Polyglot Bible (1653-57)", jHI62 (2001) 463-82; idem, "Making the Paris Polyglot Bible: Humanism and Or­ ientalism in the Early Seventeenth Century", in: Die europdischeGelehrtenrepublik im Zeualter des Konfessionalismus / The European Republic of Letters in the Age of Confessional ism (ed. H. 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