UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 23 Recueil des Traites Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrgs ou classs et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 23 1948-1949 H.V. Nos. 340.348133-137 TABLE OF CONTENTS Treaties and international agreements registered from 24 December 1948 to 6 January 1949 No. 340. United States of America and United States and United Kingdom occupied areas in Germany: Economic Co-operation Agreement (with Annex). Signed at Berlin, on 14 July 1948 ........................................... No. 341. Belgium and Czechoslovakia: Exchange of Letters constituting an agreement concerning Belgian prop- erty nationalized, confiscated or transferred by the Czechoslovak National Administration. Brussels, 19 March 1947 ............. No. 342. United States of America and Greece: Economic Co-operation Agreement (with Annex). Signed at Athens, on 2 July 1948 ............................................ No. 343. United States of America and Sweden: Economic Co-operation Agreement (with Annex). Signed at Stock- holm , on 3 July 1948 ...................................... Traits et accords internationaux enregistrgs ou classis et inscrits au rpertoireau Secrttariat de 'Organisation des Nations Unies 1. Nos 340-348 VOLUME 23 1948-1949 Hl. Nos 133-137 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris du 24 dicembre 1948 au 6 janvier 1949 Pages NO 340. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et zones d'occupation des Etats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni en Allemagne: Accord de coop6ration 6conomique (avec annexe). Sign6 a Berlin, le 14 juillet 1948 ............................................ NO 341. Belgique et Tch~coslovaquie: Echange de lettres constituant un accord concernant les biens belges nationalis~s, confisqu~s ou d6plac6s par l'administration nationale tch~coslovaque. Bruxelles, 19 mars 1947 ...................... NO 342. Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et Gr&e: Accord de coopration 6conomique (avec annexe). Sign6 a Ath~nes, le 2 juillet 1948 ........................................... NO 343. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Suede: Accord de coopration 6conomique (avec annexe). Sign6 Stockholm, le 3 juillet 1948 ........................................... IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1948-1949 Page No. 344. Belgium and Switzerland: Exchange of Letters constituting an agreement relating to the free transit of the staff engaged in air services. Berne, 1 September 1948 .................................................... 139 No. 345. Iraq and Transjordan: Treaty of Brotherhood and Alliance. Signed at Baghdad, on 14 April 1947 .................................................... 147 No. 346. Denmark and Iceland: Agreement respecting the transfer of members between the State- approved sick funds and the State-controlled continuation sick funds in Denmark, of the one part, and the National Insurance (sickness insurance) Institution in Iceland, of the other part. Signed at Reykjavik, on 14 May 1948 ........................ 163 No. 347. Belgium and Netherlands: Exchange of Letters constituting an agreement for the unfreezing of assets. Brussels, 4 October 1946, and The Hague, 12 October 1946 179 No. 348. Belgium and Sweden: Exchange of Letters constituting an agreement for the unfreezing of assets. Brussels 30 December 1946 ........................... 197 II Treaties and international agreements filed and recorded from 16 December 1948 to 6 January 1949 No. 133. Belgium and France: Agreement respecting minor frontier traffic (with exchange of letters and annexes). Signed at Paris, on 21 May 1945 ............... 215 1948-1949 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traite's V Pages NO 344. Belgique et Suisse: Echange de lettres constituant un accord en matire de libre transit du personnel navigant des lignes a6riennes. Berne, ler septembre 1948 NO 345. Irak et Transjordanie: Trait6 de fraternit6 et d'alliance. Sign6 A Bagdad, le 14 avril 1947.... NO 346. Danemark et Islande: Accord concernant le passage des membres d'une caisse de maladie danoise agr66e par l'Etat, ou d'une caisse de maladie compl~men- taire contr6le par l'Etat au Danemark, aux assurances sociales (assurance-maladie) islandaises et vice versa. Sign6 A Reykjavik, le 14 m ai 1948 ........................................... NO 347. Belgique et Pays-Bas: Echange de lettres constituant un accord pour le d~blocage des avoirs. Bruxelles, 4 octobre 1946, et La Haye, 12 octobre 1946 ......... NO 348. Belgique et Su&de: Echange de lettres constituant un accord pour le d6blocage des avoirs. Bruxelles, 30 d6cembre 1946 ................................ II Traits et accords internationaux classis et inscrits au ripertoire du 16 dicembre 1948 au 6 janvier 1949 NO 133. Belgique et France: Accord relatif ALla circulation de petite fronti~re (avec 6change de lettres et annexes). Sign6 A Paris, le 21 mai 1945 .............. VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1948-1949 Page No. 134. United States of America and Canada: Exchange of Notes constituting an agreement relating to the temporary raising of the level of Lake St. Francis during low water periods. Washington, 10 November 1941; and Exchange of Notes constituting an agreement extending the above agreement. Washington, 5 and 9 October 1942 ............... 275 No. 135. United States of America and Costa Rica: Exchange of Notes constituting an agreement relating to the construc- tion of the Inter-American Highway in Costa Rica. Washington, 16 January 1942 ........................................ 285 No. 136. United States of America and El Salvador: Exchange of Notes constituting an agreement relating to the construc- tion of the Inter-American Highway in El Salvador. Washington, 30 January and 13 February 1942 ........................... 293 No. 137. United States of America and Liberia: Agreement relating to defence areas within the Republic of Liberia. Signed at Monrovia, on 31 March 1942 ...................... 301 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations,etc., concerning treaties and internationalagreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 221. Constitution of the World Health Organization. Signed at New York, on 22 July 1946: Ratification by Paraguay ........................................ 312 No. 266. Agreement between the Netherlands and Belgium concerning cultural and intellectual relations. Signed at The Hague, on 16 May 1946: Proc~s-verbalof rectification. Signed at Brussels, on 31 July 1947 .... 314 1948-1949 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traites VII Pages NO 134. Etats-Unis d'Amkrique et Canada: Echange de notes constituant Un accord relatif A l'6l6vation provisoire du niveau du lac Saint-Francois pendant les p6riodes de basses eaux. Washington, 10 novembre 1941; et Echange de notes constituant un accord portant prorogation de l'accord ci-dessus. Washington, 5 et 9 octobre 1942 .................... 275 NO 135. Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et Costa-Rica: Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la construction de la route interam~ricaine au Costa-Rica. Washington, 16 janvier 1942 285 NO 136. Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et Salvador: Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif bLla construction de la route interam6ricaine au Salvador. Washington, 30 janvier et 13 f6vrier 1942 ........................................... 293 NO 137. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Liberia: Accord concernant des zones de d6fense situ6es sur le territoire de la R~publique de Liberia. Sign6 t Monrovia, le 31 mars 1942 ...... 301 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traites et accords internationaux enregistrgs au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies NO 221. Constitution de l'Organisation mondiale de la sant6. Sign~e h New-York, le 22 juillet 1946: Ratification par le Paraguay .................................... 312 N O 266. Accord entre les Pays-Bas et la Belgique concernant les rela- tions culturelles et intellectuelles. Sign6 A La Haye, le 16 mai 1946: Proc~s-verbal rectificatif. Sign6 a Bruxelles, le 31 juillet 1947 ........ 313 VIII United Nations - Treaty Series 1948-1949 Page ANNEX C. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations,etc., concerning treaties and internationalagreements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations No. 2623. International Convention for the Suppression of Counter- feiting Currency, and Protocol. Signed at Geneva, on 20 April 1929: Ratification by Switzerland ..................................... 316 1948-1949 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites IX Pages ANNEXE C. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistris par le Secretariat de la SocitJ des Nations NO 2623. Convention internationale pour la repression du faux mon- nayage, et Protocole. Sign~s A Gen~ve, le 20 avril 1929: Ratification par la Suisse ....................................... NOTE Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in this Series have been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations. NOTE Saul indication contraire, les traductions des textes originaux des traitis, etc., publids dans ce Recueil, ont W dtablies par le Secritariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies. Treaties and internationalagreements registered from 24 December 1948 to 6 January 1949 Nos. 340 to 348 Trats et accords internationaux
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