COMPILATION OF STATISTICAL MATERIAL APPALACHIAN MARKETING AREA January through December 2011 IndianaIndianaIndiana WestWest VirginiaVirginia KentuckyKentucky VirginiaVirginia TennesseeTennessee NorthNorth CarolinaCarolina SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina GeorgiaGeorgia CarolinaCarolina MARKET ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE Federal Milk Order No. 5 P.O. Box 91528 Louisville, Kentucky 40291-0528 I N TABLE OF CONTENTS W V KY VA Map T N NC Appalachian Marketing Area Tables G A SC 1. Annual Statistical Summary – January – December 2011 2. Advanced Prices – Two Weeks Product Price Average 3. Final Prices – Monthly Product Price Average 4. Skim Milk Prices and Butterfat Prices 5. Classification of Pool Handlers Total Milk Receipts 6. Receipts and Utilization of Other Source Milk Overage and Opening Inventories 7. Classification of Pool Handlers Total Producer Milk Receipts 8. Classification of Pool Handlers Total Producer Butterfat Receipts 9. Class I Utilization – Pounds – Selected Items 10. Class II Utilization – Pounds 11. Class III Utilization – Pounds 12. Class IV Utilization – Pounds 13. Class I Packaged Products Distribution In and Out of Marketing Area by Pool Plants 14. Class I Packaged Milk Distributed In Marketing Area by Pool Plants and Nonpool Plants 15. Number of Producers by States 16. Producer Milk Pounds by States 17. Milk Pounds and Number of Producers by States and Counties – May 2011 18. Milk Pounds and Number of Producers by States and Counties – December 2011 19. Handlers – Pool Plants and Nonpool Plants 20. Mileage Rate Factor and Diesel Fuel Price Appalachian Marketing Area Federal Order No. 5 Pool Distributing Plants IndianaIndiana PrairiePrairie FarmsFarms WestWest WhiteWhite WaveWave FoodsFoods DeanDean FoodsFoods WinchesterWinchester FarmsFarms VirginiaVirginia KentuckyKentucky Pet-RichmondPet-Richmond WestoverWestover U.C.U.C. MilkMilk WestoverWestover Flav-O-RichFlav-O-Rich VirginiaVirginia HomesteadHomestead PrairiePrairie FarmsFarms DairyDairy FreshFresh DairyDairy FreshFresh HunterHunter FarmsFarms TennesseeTennessee BroadacreBroadacre MayfieldMayfield MilkcoMilkco MilkcoMilkco NorthNorth CarolinaCarolina MaolaMaola Land-O-SunLand-O-Sun SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina GeorgiaGeorgia BordenBorden Prepared by: Market Administrator Louisville, KY December 2011 FEDERAL ORDER 5 - TABLE 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Dairy Programs ANNUAL STATISTICAL SUMMARY 2011 2010 PRICES (Simple Average) : (Base Zone) Uniform Price $21.68 $17.94 Class I Price $22.53 $18.75 Class II Price $19.62 $16.02 Class III Price $18.37 $14.41 Class IV Price $19.04 $15.09 Uniform Skim Milk Price $14.61 $11.84 Class I Skim Milk Price $15.42 $12.66 Class II Skim Milk Price $12.49 $9.85 Class III Skim Milk Price $11.22 $8.21 Class IV Skim Milk Price $11.92 $8.92 Uniform Butterfat Price $2.1674 $1.8602 Class I Butterfat Price $2.1834 $1.8670 Class II Butterfat Price $2.1605 $1.8605 Class III Butterfat Price $2.1535 $1.8535 Class IV Butterfat Price $2.1535 $1.8535 PRODUCER MILK: Class I 4,207,302,389 4,133,739,967 Class II 893,705,505 938,051,234 Class III 524,774,079 447,186,613 Class IV 502,364,696 522,795,739 Total Producer Milk 6,128,146,669 6,041,773,553 PERCENT PRODUCER MILK IN: Class I 68.66 68.42 Class II 14.58 15.53 Class III 8.56 7.40 Class IV 8.20 8.65 PRODUCTION: Average Monthly Producer Milk 510,678,889 503,481,129 Average Daily Producer Milk 16,789,443 16,552,804 Average Number of Producers 2,455 2,687 Average Butterfat Test 3.69 3.65 VALUE AT MINIMUM PRICE: Value of Producer Milk at Test $1,353,035,190 $1,105,606,984 Average Value Per Farm 551,134 411,465 FEDERAL ORDER 5 - TABLE 2 ADVANCED PRICES (Released on or before the 23rd) NASS Survey Prices (Two Weeks Product Price Average Used to Compute Federal Order Prices) NASS Quotations Date Weighted Average Advance Pricing Formula 1 / 2011 Cheddar Cheese AA Butter NFDM Dry Whey Class III Class IV 2 Weeks Ending $/Lb. $/Lb. $/Lb. $/Lb. $/Cwt. $/Cwt. January 15 1.3757 1.7407 1.2423 0.3915 6.71 9.57 February 12 1.6386 2.0820 1.3467 0.4146 8.12 10.50 March 12 1.9735 2.0363 1.4733 0.4618 11.94 11.63 April 16 1.6768 1.9869 1.5698 0.4775 9.26 12.49 May 14 1.6413 2.0460 1.6065 0.4915 8.76 12.82 June 11 1.7934 2.1343 1.6462 0.5201 10.10 13.17 July 16 2.1308 2.0291 1.6571 0.5470 14.05 13.27 August 13 2.1529 2.0852 1.5804 0.5639 14.16 12.59 September 17 1.8347 1.9893 1.5461 0.5900 11.52 12.28 October 15 1.7437 1.7552 1.5328 0.6121 11.67 12.16 November 12 1.7788 1.8388 1.4783 0.6362 11.82 11.68 December 17 1.8102 1.6079 1.4419 0.6549 13.17 11.35 Average 1.7959 1.9443 1.5101 0.5301 10.94 11.96 1 / Converted to 3.5% Base Price for Class I FEDERAL ORDER 5 - TABLE 3 FINAL PRICES (Released on or before the 5th) NASS Survey Prices (Monthly Product Price Average Used to Compute Federal Order Prices) NASS Cheddar Cheese NASS Quotations Date 40 Lb. 500 Lb. Barrels Weighted AA Butter NFDM Dry Whey 2011 Blocks 38% Moisture 1 / Average $/Lb. $/Lb. $/Lb. January 1.3821 1.4365 1.4076 1.8428 1.2530 0.3935 February 1.7228 1.7699 1.7449 2.0680 1.3728 0.4234 March 1.9633 1.9834 1.9722 2.0591 1.4945 0.4578 April 1.6888 1.7104 1.6983 1.9975 1.5680 0.4808 May 1.6309 1.6790 1.6534 2.0292 1.6120 0.4929 June 1.8640 1.9439 1.8999 2.1287 1.6520 0.5233 July 2.1087 2.1445 2.1243 2.0304 1.6159 0.5494 August 2.1206 2.1658 2.1402 2.0695 1.5739 0.5691 September 1.8755 1.8427 1.8592 1.9886 1.5439 0.5926 October 1.7391 1.7569 1.7471 1.7893 1.5109 0.6152 November 1.8006 1.8915 1.8415 1.7824 1.4522 0.6380 December 1.8038 1.8106 1.8070 1.6119 1.4201 0.6538 Average 1.8084 1.8446 1.8246 1.9498 1.5058 0.5325 1 / Includes plus 3 cents. FEDERAL ORDER 5 - TABLE 4 BASE ZONE PRICES 1/ Prices @ 3.5% Butterfat Skim Milk Prices Date Advance Uniform Class I Class II Class III Class IV Uniform Class I Class II Class III Class IV 2011 Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. January 16.48 18.31 18.60 16.79 13.48 16.42 11.90 12.73 10.03 6.63 9.67 February 16.48 19.58 19.29 17.97 17.00 18.40 12.40 12.97 10.27 9.29 10.74 March 17.62 21.06 21.63 18.83 19.40 19.41 13.44 13.90 11.20 11.81 11.82 April 18.95 21.74 22.83 19.66 16.87 19.78 14.40 15.34 12.33 9.46 12.48 May 19.57 22.10 23.15 20.63 16.52 20.29 14.75 15.89 13.19 8.96 12.87 June 19.89 22.90 23.72 21.37 19.11 21.05 15.21 16.22 13.52 11.21 13.22 July 20.61 23.35 24.43 21.29 21.39 20.33 15.81 16.57 13.87 14.00 12.90 August 21.02 24.03 24.83 21.55 21.67 20.14 16.58 17.45 13.97 14.12 12.53 September 21.63 23.82 25.18 20.55 19.07 19.53 16.49 17.56 13.29 11.78 12.26 October 21.44 21.57 22.96 19.41 18.03 18.41 14.89 15.68 12.98 11.58 11.97 November 19.41 21.27 21.85 19.26 19.07 17.87 14.95 15.56 12.86 12.69 11.44 December 19.14 20.43 21.87 18.08 18.77 16.87 14.44 15.22 12.38 13.12 11.16 Average 19.35 21.68 22.53 19.62 18.37 19.04 14.61 15.42 12.49 11.22 11.92 Butterfat Prices Date Uniform Class I Class II Class III Class IV 2011 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. January 1.9494 1.8036 2.0309 2.0239 2.0239 February 2.1759 1.9343 2.3037 2.2967 2.2967 March 2.3103 2.3476 2.2929 2.2859 2.2859 April 2.2424 2.2923 2.2183 2.2113 2.2113 May 2.2463 2.2324 2.2567 2.2497 2.2497 June 2.3495 2.3040 2.3772 2.3702 2.3702 July 2.3133 2.4110 2.2581 2.2511 2.2511 August 2.2957 2.2836 2.3055 2.2985 2.2985 September 2.2588 2.3515 2.2075 2.2005 2.2005 October 2.0568 2.2354 1.9662 1.9592 1.9592 November 1.9538 1.9519 1.9578 1.9508 1.9508 December 1.8567 2.0531 1.7513 1.7443 1.7443 Average 2.1674 2.1834 2.1605 2.1535 2.1535 1 / Base Zone is Mecklenburg County, NC. FEDERAL ORDER 5 - TABLE 5 CLASSIFICATION OF POOL HANDLERS TOTAL MILK RECEIPTS 1/ Class I Class II Class III Class IV TOTAL Date % of % of % of % of POUNDS 2011 Pounds Total Pounds Total Pounds Total Pounds Total 100% January 391,958,324 67.38 88,630,239 15.24 37,728,951 6.49 63,362,665 10.89 581,680,179 February 344,725,878 64.25 84,340,254 15.72 41,583,952 7.75 65,883,932 12.28 536,534,016 March 386,073,069 65.13 107,275,604 18.10 41,868,444 7.06 57,542,283 9.71 592,759,400 April 362,245,167 64.87 92,487,781 16.56 47,478,963 8.50 56,246,317 10.07 558,458,228 May 392,673,609 62.28 98,518,637 15.63 64,051,276 10.16 75,225,204 11.93 630,468,726 June 363,461,842 60.66 98,547,682 16.45 64,719,740 10.80 72,480,121 12.09 599,209,385 July 362,851,538 63.91 97,594,035 17.19 39,960,963 7.04 67,385,500 11.86 567,792,036 August 408,709,687 66.89 98,825,303 16.17 40,423,415 6.62 63,049,325 10.32 611,007,730 September 402,729,136 69.61 87,272,535 15.08 47,774,598 8.26 40,781,580 7.05 578,557,849 October 397,399,982 67.32 93,068,546 15.77 52,814,106 8.95 47,064,914 7.96 590,347,548 November 402,738,572 68.88 86,596,764 14.81 36,388,402 6.22 58,982,545 10.09 584,706,283 December 397,243,363 65.34 72,092,528 11.86 44,153,920 7.26 94,455,790 15.54 607,945,601 Total 4,612,810,167 65.53 1,105,249,908 15.70 558,946,730 7.94 762,460,176 10.83 7,039,466,981 Avg.
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