Your New Fan Fare-1009b RADIO! ae Stir inspires the Pen John Ingle, 6937 Valmont Street, Tujunga, one's mind off the war faster than Calif. trying to figure out a "whodunit?" Sirs: In my opinion it seems the Enough clues are given to find the 'Henry Aldrich" program is rapidiy answers if a person is observant fading in popularity. With each and alert. ; broadcast the situations which arise Anyway, just look at your log and seem to become more boresome. At you will see that there is drama, one time the show was very amusing, music (popular and classical), corn- but in the last few months it has edy, news, and even a mind reader lost much of its magnetism. The on at the times that murder-myste- episodes which aim to portray the ries are heard, so that everyone's life of an average American boy are taste can be pleased. overdrawn and instead of being lu- dicrous have become silly and have lost their mirth-provoking quality. Apparently the majority of radio Announcement tellers do nut agree with you. The ratings for the first three months of this year show The Aldrich Family" This week, as you've already to be in seventh place of radio's top noticed, Radio Fanfare has blos- ten shows. somed into being as an exclusive radio magazine. It is now to be Mary Orson, 3923 Lugo, Lynwood, Calif. compiled in Hollywood by the editors of Radio Life magazine. Sirs: Don't you think it rather silly Many of you are probably famil- for Hollywood to call every actress iar with Radio Life, for it has been "Miss" rather than by her legitimate name? Why not Daisy Smith instead in popular circulation in Southern California markets for four and a of Miss Smith when she's been mar- ried eight times? half years and has gained an * 9 distinguished KW com- enviable reputation among fans inentauirs—in 50 broadcasts Recently a news item told us: and the radio industry alike for "Miss So - and - So returned from a a week—analyze and. inter- its forthright, behind-scenes re- bond-selling campaign and was met pret the last-changing war porting on radio and its stars. by her husband and six children." Now, Radio Fanfare is to enjoy stnry for ynn. Keep this Con- We get your point and agree that it vrilicnt is; hs vntir radio. sometimes sounds silly. hat it is never- the benefits of this first-hand inti- theless customary It is often neces- mate reporting, supplemented by sary to include a title before the pro- candid pictures of your favorite * BOAKE CARTER fessional name. And you must admit air programs and personalities. 9 0. in. Monday Ihru Fridal that both Mrs., Hedy Lamar:* and Mrs. John Loder might, io some pees M I . Arrangements have also been ,,,und pretty noronom lie. * GLEN N HARDY made whereby advertising can be 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. purchased at an advantageous Miss Ann Salisbury, 1125 South Fifth 7 dal, a nyrk combination rate in both Radio Street, Alhambra, Calif. Life and Radio Fanfare. This thus Sirs: Thank you so much for writ- enlarges the magazines' influence * CEDRIC FOSTER ing an article about Frank Sinatra's to the entire state of California II a.m. Monday film Fi-iday fans that actually made us sound and affords advertisers the only 7 p.m. Sunday like human beings instead of a new state-wide circulation in a market type of animal. We are really pretty publication circulated through in- * GORDON BURKE sensible kids; in fact, very few of us dependent grocers. 5:4.5 p.m. scream any more. We did scream a We want all of you to like the Monday th, u Saturday little at first, but now we know that new Radio Fanfare and we want Frank doesn't like it, so we are quiet. you to feel, right off the bat, that * GABRIEL HEATTER it is your friend. If you have some 6 p.m. Monday thrn Friday questions about radio, please ask Mrs. Sue Page, 12551 Telfair Avenue, San 5:45 p.m. Sunday us and we'll do our best to an- Fernando, Calif. swer you. If you want us to dig * HENRY GLADSTONE Sirs: A woman writes that our out some special story, just drop 7 pan. Monday e..7. hurAday children are being taught how to us a line and we'll break our "strangle, stab, drown, shoot or poi- necks. AND, if you have a pet * LO WELL THO MAS son a person." I'm not too sure just peeve, yes, even then, please feel 7:1.5 p.m. how far a small child could think free to get it off your chest by Monday Ihrii Friday through a thing, but I think that our writing us a letter. On this page murder mysteries prove as conclu- are a few of the letters sent to * CECIL BRO WN sively as possible that the cleverest Radio Life by fans. We are print- 9:1.5: p.111. of criminals make mistakes. How ing them as typical of the sub- could anyone listen to the programs Monday.. Wednrsday. Friday jects that listeners like to discuss without taking in, along with the and of the type which we always * REX MILLER methods, the results of the fictional enjoy receiving. Won't you write murders? 9:1.5 p.m. us and give us your reaction to I am a murder mystery fan. I the new Radio Fanfare? Or dis- Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday listen to all that I possibly can, but cuss any other radio subject close believe me, if it teaches-me methods to your heart. Remember, it's all of murder, it teaches just as much in the Radio Fanfare family, so that there are men around smarter let yourself go. Address us Radio KFRC than I to figure out the answers. Fanfare, 333 Montgomery St., San I think murder mysteries are good Francisco, 4, Calif. *610 O N YOUR DIAL escape programs. What can take ad it/I .1.71/11-ro talifornia Don Ler Mutual .Vlation3 FAN FARE magazine is published the second and fourth Friday of each month by Fan Fare, Inc., 333 Montgomery St., San Francisco. California, and distributed free to patrons of independent grocers. Printed in U. S. A. All rights reserved. Publisher, T. W. Anderson; Editor, Evelyn A. Bigsby; Advertising, H. 0. Jackson, Ellwood Carey. Manuscripts and photographs must be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and return postage and no responsibility is assu med for unsolicited manuscriptt or photographs. Page 2 RADIO fan fare wo o Ilirolniwarf iromf plommmi ONION 10 FF,17.•.,Brogralm• SAN FRANCISCO'S BOB BENCE ro r will emcees the northern portion of •••,.. "Quiz of Two Cities. - He became a r i . Bay City resident when he was a child, refers to himself as a -pre-bridge San .R110I i me oll1 fikiii, v o w - -- FIggi Franciscan.' 16 i ma mil10111Ai1111b, 1P. 11111 favorites for personal appearances, 11001/#' and each year Stu and Bob compare 11: FA illillianarrill, ' 1111 their lineups for club luncheons, civic 9 I drives and public welfare campaigns. A I/ Then, as we've already noted, the 11111111/11111111 itirirA lit4 V;1 11 two men are identified with old pro- III NM o w1 i N MU i: • r IMMO grams with which they are no longer associated. This is a cue to the per- 111/11 M UM MOIL' l‘ r AIME sonality of each man. Each has a 'VI M - MUM rA111111E1 I oil= way of taking over the program on , ‘MIIIM MIIIIIIIMINE WThii_ MO which he is heard and stamping it . '91E1 with his own personal charm. Which -NI maracrill111111AE.111111 may be a little hard on successors, but is fine for Stu and Bob —and for NIEN111111111111 MIL MI "Quiz of Two Cities." _ piTFAIMMIVIIT 3 M A U Bags of Tricks 4111,041A Because each fellow is a home town man, that, too, is fine for the inter-city programs. If Bob, for ex- ample, makes some claim for San Francisco that leaves the Angels gasping with hurt pride, Stu is per- fectly capable of reaching into his knowledge of Southern California achievements to bring his supportars back to normal. Now, about the differences between Stu and Bob. Physically, they're S. F. vs. L. A. great although Bob see ms to he crowding Stu's record for skinniness. Rivalry Between Two MetroPolises Stu is about 5-10 and about "that" big around —as he himself says meat Typified by Emcees Wilson, Bence was rationed for him a long time before the war began. Bob is 6-2, and a few months ago got a pretty def- Friday, I?:00 p.m. "Bob Bounce' on KF R C's 'Hodge KEW: inite reaction when he stepped on Podge Lodge'?" the scales. He's dropped off about 40 HE TWO fellows who do pounds lately, though, but still out- That program went off the air California's "Quiz of Two does Wilson by a long way. Cities," to keep seething a seven years ago. The Los Angeles man has a news- very real rivalry between Either by coincidence, or because paper background for his radio ca- Los Angeles and San Francisco are such are the qualifications for the reer. He combined work in the ad- Stu Wilson and Bob Bence. If you emcees on "Quiz of Two Cities," there vertising department with the writ- talk to a Los Angeles radio fan and are a great many similarities be- in e of a column and for a long time mention the "Quit of Two Cities," tween Stu of Los Angeles and Bob after he went on the air the newspa- he'll probably say, "Oh, yeah, with of San Francisco.
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