Transactions of the Lyceum Lodge of Research Volume 3 Transcriptions of papers presented during 1982 Published 1983 Johannesburg, South Africa i | Page W.Bro. George Kendall Master of Lyceum Lodge of Research 1983 ii | Page Foreword With the advent of micro-computers and the growing use of word-processors this issue may well be one of the last in its present form. It is quite obvious that these Transactions of Lyceum Lodge published in 1983 do not have left and right justification of its pages. It contains many spelling errors because the lectures are, for the most part, those actually used by the speaker when delivering the papers within the Lodge. In most cases they have typed the script themselves or had it typed by their secretary who may know nothing whatsoever about Freemasonry or the subject of the lecture. They are printed “warts and all” with only the more obvious mistakes sometimes altered and therefore come across with probably more of the lecturer’s true style than they would if edited. As such, they may prove in future years to become collectors’ items. Maybe there will be photocopy special editions printed for the edification of our successors long after we have departed to the Grand Lodge Above. For the record, only fifty copies of Volume I were printed and 100 of Volume 2. The first printing of this Volume 3 is again 100 but future editions will have to be increased especially in view of our rapidly increasing Correspondence Circle. So far, all copies have been made on members’ office copying machines - hence the rather varying quality. We have been very fortunate in having copies bound by WBro Neil Mankowitz in a real professional manner and on behalf of the Lodge I would like to express our grateful thanks to him. Perhaps we have got a bit “out of kilter” in that the Foreword has always been written by the reigning Master of the Lodge even though the contents are those which were delivered by his predecessor. It has also been his photograph which has appeared rather than the Master ruling at the time the Transactions actually occurred. He has therefore given a resumé of the events of the previous year. This time, however, the catalogue of events is not necessary because we have included the Master's Valedictory Report which does just that. We have also included the Officers and Members of the Lodge and, in future issues, hope to include the names of Correspondence Circle members as wel1. So we are growing up and making progress. The main point however is that subscribers receive copies of the lectures given within the Lodge. There is always a delay in bringing out an issue. Unhappily we al1 have our usual avocations to consider and have to work on the Transactions in our spare time. Nevertheless, this issue will appear a little earlier than the last and probably future iii | Page issues will appear even earlier. To those Correspondence Members who are within distance and who do not have other Masonic meetings to attend, I make a special appeal, to physically come to our meetings. As you probably know, we have a very special Festive Board and there is a very distinct style to our meetings which cannot be conveyed in any other way than actually being there and partaking of the fraternal and joyous atmosphere of these meetings. We do therefore look forward to seeing you if at all possible in the coming years. There are lots of good things in store for you. _ Worshipful Master October 1983 iv | Page Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................. iii Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... v OFFICERS OF LYCEUM LODGE OF RESEARCH ...................................................................................... vii HONORARY MEMBERS ...................................................................................................................................... ii OFFICERS OF LYCEUM LODGE OF RESEARCH 1981-1982 ..................................................................... iii PAST MASTERS OF THE LODGE .................................................................................................................... iv Valedictory report of the Worshipful Master of the Lyceum Lodge of Research no. 8682 E.C. for the year 1981/2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 SOME NEGLECTED ASPECTS OF CRAFT MASONRY ............................................................................... 9 Brother Anton Anreith - South Africa's first Masonic sculptor ....................................................................... 17 The Development of the Royal Arch from its legendary and Biblical sources ................................................ 30 A fourth Degree? ............................................................................................................................................... 31 The unanswered question ............................................................................................................................. 32 The legendary sources ....................................................................................................................................... 33 The Biblical sources ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Borrowing from Craft Degrees? .................................................................................................................. 35 Learning from another Fourth Degree? ...................................................................................................... 35 A link with Installation?................................................................................................................................ 36 Why the “Royal Arch”? .................................................................................................................................... 36 The use of the sources ........................................................................................................................................ 38 The process of adaptation ............................................................................................................................. 40 Passing the veils ............................................................................................................................................. 42 A Christian Degree? .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 45 Envoi ................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Symbols and allegories in Freemasonry .............................................................................................................. 48 South Africa and the Quatuor Coronati Lodge - 1886 - 1899 ........................................................................... 59 v | Page Lectures, papers, etc. published by Lyceum Lodge of Research No. 8682 E.C. are the sole responsibility of the authors to whom the copyright belongs. They may not be reproduced without permission, but their presentation in Lodges, with acknowledgement of the source, is encouraged vi | Page OFFICERS OF LYCEUM LODGE OF RESEARCH W. Master WBro G. Kendall I.P. Master WBro T.D. Cloete S. Warden WBro F.J. Stock PDAGDC J. Warden WBro D.E.G. Vieler PSGD (Eng) ADGM Chaplain WBro H.W. Cohen PAPGM (Tvl) GLSA, PDJGD Treasurer WBro A. Goldberg PDAGDC Secretary WBro C.M. de Beer PDJGW Dir. of Ceremonies WBro M.S.C. Nelemans P.Dep.G.Del. (GEN) Senior Deacon WBro M. Sarosi Junior Deacon WBro A. Lindeman PDG Marshal (SC) Charity Steward WBro A. Lindeman PDG Marshal (SC) Almoner WBro A.W.L. de Roos PDSGW Asst. Dir. of Cer. WBro N. Mankowitz PDJGD 0rganist WBro M. Hermer PJGD (Eng) ADGM Asst. Secretary WBro R.E. Grosskopff Inner Guard WBro D.H. Lewis GDSteward Stewards WBro T.H. Sachs PAGReg. (Eng) DGReg. WBro M. Kretschmer Bro. E. Beder Bro. P. Halgreen WBro C.J. Hagen DGTyler Tyler vii | Page HONORARY MEMBERS RWBro. E.T. Ablett District Grand Master RWBro. L.G.D. Hinett Past District Grand Master VWBro. S.R. Whiting PGSwdB (Eng), PDDGM WBro. M.S. Freeman PSGD (Eng), DDGM WBro. J. Chapman PAGDC (Eng) PADGM WBro. H.G. Summerley PJGD (Eng), PADGM WBro. G.W. Hookham PAGDC (Eng), PDGChap WBro. C. Dyer APGM (Kent) WBro. F. Turner PJGD (Eng), ADGM ii | Page OFFICERS OF LYCEUM LODGE OF RESEARCH 1981-1982 W. Master• WBro.T.D. Cloete I.P. Master WBro. R. Grosskopff S. Warden Bro. G. Kendal1 J. Warden WBro. F.J. Stock DGSteward Chaplain WBro. D.E.G. Vieler ADGM Treasurer WBro. N. Mankowitz PDJGD Secretary WBro. C.M. de Beer PDJGW Dir. of Ceremonies WBro. A. Goldberg PDAGDC Senior Deacon WBro. M.Sarosi Junior Deacon WBro. H.W. Cohen PAProvGM (Tvl) GLSA WBro. M. Sarosi Charity Steward WBro. D.H. Lewis Almoner WBro. A. Lindeman PDG Marshal (S.C.) Asst. Dir. of Cer. WBro. M. Hermer AsstDGM Organist WBro. M.S.C. Nelemans
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