CHICAGO. JAMARY 15, 1943 Vol. 10—No. 2 TEA SCANDAL STIRS MUSICDOM Miss O'Connell Glenn Miller Alumni at Meadowbrook Two Musician Leaves Dorsey SoldiersCaught In Federal Trap To Become Mrs. Ex-Guitar Player's May Continue Radio Rorida Interlude Work; Kitty KaHen Exposes Nasty Mess Take» Her Place New York — One of bandom’s biggest vocal acts will be broken up at thi- end of this week when songstress Helen O’Connell leaves the Jimmy Dorsey band, now at the Strand theater, to take up private life preparatory to marry­ permiMum to use by the army, but ing a young Maine man now in untiffirtMy tn)iuilrd tu *u du. The training in the navy air corps. fact», obtained from uuimy« h Her replactunent will be Kitty Kal­ Me Mtuzcw, «re given baton far len, formerly of the Jack Tea­ rsuunu you wilf find «m our odb garden band. tortol pago.) Green Eye* doesn't intend lo Ève up the burin era completely ■I will ukr in spartmri«« lirrr and probabf* work nor radix com­ New York—Two weeks ago, the mercial a week. She'* turned down ruuutry • newspaper» broke vne of 21.250 a week for a theater lour Jazz Unit Plans Burger and Dorso tin- naauest - -andais that ns* In­ of eitie» around here, und ha* If Your Copies volved musiedem in some time. lukl Hollywood Ui go «tuff it. Press associations all over tbe country carried a story th**- «rid Thus doses one of the most sue- Arrive Late .. ! Quit Savoy Plaza «essful singer -band relationships in For Tour Killed in part: the history of thu business. Sooner New York -Following a squab­ “A *raefer prior’ fai a New York or later most band vocalists, leave, Coca-Cola Officials ble between the active management mirri ai ner’s »uidtoww hotel room, claiming that they aren’t treated and the board of director!, of the where soldiers from wrarby canapa properly. Helen O’Connell told the Abandon Scheme to ritzy Savoy Plaza hotel here, aris­ have heeaa smoking marijuan* Beat a few day* ago that this Entertain Troops ing over the engagement of Lena never had been the case with J. Home, colored ringer, Manager Dorsey. That she and Bob Eberly Don Burger, Dick Dorso, booker, had never had anything but heart­ New York—Plans of the Coca­ and Allen Meltzer, press relations Yfral earspade »f nithw Urmia felt liking for him, and that the Cola company lo sena a jazz unit, tendered theii resignations, effec­ Parrott, rb«rg«w> »¡th «putting a only reason she was leaving was headed by Eddie Condon, to enter­ tive immediately. •oldier from a Miami guardhouse that the wanted to get married tain troops abroad definitely wen mth for your copies Despit« the fact that the Horne U» hr her iinnpaiuuu for on ere. and that she didn’t think the two air celled here last week. Although thankful that in the girl is said to have drawn custom ■ling. Hollingei tatiuiated that bo- would mix. officials of the company, ami of good, old United State« we can at least 20 percent in excess of fore the mveatigation i* fiahhod, the D’Arcy Agency, which handles •till get nhai we want to read, marks «.»stablished by such artists it may involve decan* of well" the account, refused to comment, even if it’* a bit late? Helen joined the band in Febru­ a* Hildegarde, Jean Sablon, Larry advice from Washington indicated Adler and Morton Downey, the ‘•Mis- Parrott’* friend, Pvt. Mi­ ary, 1939, after u Beat staffer here that Lieut Col. Marvin S. Young, had recommended her to Nita management and the directorate chael Bryan, formerly guitarist tn former NBC official now in spe­ could not get together on opera­ Benny Goodman1’s orchestra; Pvt. b iixrcwnj. who uaiavu cial services, frowned upon the the boss into hiring her. At that tion policy. John Mtwergrr, h «ndainan at tamp plan and it seemed apparent that Maria Kramer Dorso has established personal Kilmer (N. J.); Theodore Beig, time she was working with Larty further delays would not be over- Funk’s bund at the Greenwich Vil­ management offices in the Squibb alia* Teddy Reede, a nightclub lage Barn, and living at the same Buys the Ritz building, Meltzer has joined the master of ceremonies; Thomas Ab The unit had been organized script department of and lison an entertainer, and Kuar (Modulate to Page 2) and was in rehearsal, even hud New York—As scooped in Down Burger plana a hotel management a theme song written by Mel Beat over two months ago, Maria firm. Powell. Bud Freeman, clarinetist, Kramer, owner of several name­ went to Cleveland to be drafted, ing lo violate tbe 1937 marijuana and Condon exi to feel the bond policy hotels, is buying N.Y.’s BLUE NOTES tax taw- All -iifpl Mtw» rgr> also breeze soon. Mel Powell may join ritzy Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The price May Broadcast whv charged with illegal «ale or Capt. Glenn Miller’s air corps worked out is said to be around possession of marijuana. Miss Pae- r ill was »Mil named a >ief« -tdaot. Lonibirdo may be King uf the three und a half million dollar Duke's Concert though Hollinger «aid «he will ba mark and Mrs Kramer will run ben hut lu» earning* certainly New York—Alan C-ourtney, at an important witneaa.” indirai» it’s pop. corn. the hostelry along the same name­ pteaj time, waa atu mpting to ne­ This is part of the story that Yank Lawson band lines as her Edison and Lin­ gotiate for a broadcast, via sta­ caused near panic in some music Al th «Mig Ik coln N.Y. upots when she takes tion WOV and the Atlantic net­ reached its peak when it be. over on February 1. work, Duke Ellington’s concert at cobiti an initial band (B, G.. Follows Peewee Incidentally, bandsters report Carnegie Hall on January 23, be­ T. D.). Joe Blow has aban­ that Mitchell Ayres had to take ing staged for the benefit of Rus­ doned hit idea of according New York—Yank Lawson, trum­ his outfit off the -itand at 2 a.m. sian war relief. this honor lo Paul Pendan i«, pet, has joined Benny Goodman, During intermission at the con­ Square Helen replacing Peewee Irwin, who had New Year’s Eve because of Mrs. Kramer’s unwillingness pay cert, Ellington will be presented OW1 wants songs urging cus­ remained with the band only a few over time. The killer is that in­ with an award of merit by music On the Cover tomers Io carry home their par­ days after returning. Lawson, siders estimate the Lincoln’s Green world luminaries. cels. How about, “Shoot the Sack formerly with Bob Crosby, had Room, where the band plays, would Undoubtedly pretty Helen b> Me, Jack!” been playing a pit orchestra job have more than made up th« over­ O'Connell still i* • hep chick, here. time money in food end liquor but she's playinu aguarr on the L1MERICKY ' sold. As it was, th»- crowd dis­ Lyman Was Slow eover of thia issue by posing M 1 trumpeter named Harry Jarno appeared just as noon as Mitch the stage door like the rest of 1* winning the icky acclaim« Johnny McGee and his boys went off, and a four- —Maria Worried the hounds and asking for the The dough it roll* in piece combo took over. lulographa of Bob Eberly, her (And, boy, that ain't lint) To Break Up New York—Abe Lyman, sched­ long-time team mate in the vocal Bui Bix Booster» call him vile uled to open at the Hotel Lincoln department, and Kitty Kallen, New York -Johnny McGee will New Lunceford Sax here on January 7. was not ready her vurcraaor with the Jimmy break up his band shortly after his Dorsev « new. Heleii quit to get Coen Cola'* «-«porting a couple current Arcadia ballroom stand, New York — Newest Lunceford least another week before he could married you know (aee »lory of jam band* to AEF jitterbug* because of difficulty in making re­ recruit is Ted Hulbert, sax-clary start the engagement. At press elsewhere on thi* page). Sho Thera are not lo In confused placements in his brass section man from Detroit, who takes over time, Maria Kramer, operator of onghlii know shout Krokhina with the type of bug moat pronti, and other troubles. He probably for Benny Waters. Hulbert joir»d the hotel, was tearing her hair in nent in the Inal war, named after will take a pit trumpet job with Lunceford last week at th» Apollo an attempt to find in eleventh a famous brats man. Mike Todd’s Ziegfeld Follies. theater here. hour replacement DOWN BEAT NEWS Spivak Leaping at Pennsylvania Earns Special Beat Settles Miss O'Connell In New Office Leaves Dorsey circi Award for Band New Iteadqnartar* for Dsnsn und Boat in New Yorii have been four . «labbahnl in *u.u 2415 "I tl»r To Become Mrs stor RKO Bi is pi Achievement (Jumped from Page 1) 7-4131. Nita Barnet has Joined hotel in which the Boat formerly Every Known Record the staff, replacing Helen Bliss, had its N.Y. offices. A Toledo girl, she’s in her early Altv At Pennsy Shattered who reaigned. No other change* num in peraoatnel, Mike Levin con­ twenties, doesn't want us to reveal her groom’s name since his family mg By Charlie's Trumpet tinuing as New York editor, end Thei Frank Stacy aa aasiatant editor.
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