TECHNICAL PAPER 43 OCTOBER 1967 NEMATODES OF PUERTO RICO: ACTINOLAIMOIDEA NEW SUPERFAMILY WITH A REVISION OF ITS GENER A AND SPECIES WITH ADDENDA TO BELONDIROIDEA (NEMATA, ADENOPHOREA, DORYLAIMIDA) GERALD THOHNE University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00928 Table of Contents Introduction 5 Historical 6 Species of Actinolaimus through 1964 and their present position 7 Important Generic and Specific Diagnostic Characters 8 Diagrammatic Outline of the Actinolaimoidea 10 Key to Families, Subfamilies and Genera of the Actinolaimoidea 10 Actinolaimoidea, New Superfamily 12 Family Actinolaimidae (Thorne, 1939) Meyl, 1960 12 Key to Species of Actinolaimus 12 Subfamily Brittonematinae, n.subfam. 13 Key to Genera of Brittonematinae 13 Genus Brittonema, n.g. 13 Key to Species of Brittonema 14 Genus Actinocephalus, n.g. 18 Family Neoactinolaimidae, n.fam. 19 Genus Neoactinolaimus, n.g. 21 Key to Species of Neoactinolaimus 21 Genus Metactinolaimus Meyl, 1957 23 Genus Egtitus, n.g. 24 Key to Species of Egtitus 24 Family Paractinolaimidae, n.fam. 26 Genus Paractinolaimus Meyl, 1957 27 Key to Species of Paractinolaimus 27 Genus Westindicus, n.g. 32 Family Carcharolaimidae, n.fam. 33 Genus Carcharolaimus Thorne, 1939 34 Key to Species of Carcharolaimus 35 Genus Carcharoides, n.g. 39 Subfamily Caribenematinae, n.subfam. 39 Genus Cal'ibenema, n.g. 40 Family Trachypleurosidae, n.fam. 43 Family Mylodiscidae, n.fam. 43 Addenda to Belondiroidea 44 Genus Axonchoides, n.g. 44 Summary 47 Resumen 47 Literature Cited 47 NEMATODES OF PUERTO RICO: ACTINOLAIMOIDEA NEW SUPERFAMILY WITH A REVISION OF ITS GENERA AND SPECIES WITH ADDENDA TO BELONDIROIDEA (NEMATA, ADENOPHOREA, DORYLAIMIDA) 1 Gerald Thorne2 INTRODUCTION This work continues the production of group papers begun by the writer with the publication on nematodes of the superfamily Belon- diroidea (21).3 It is based principally on specimens now in the perma- nent collection of the Puerto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station representing new species and genera which have made possible a complete revision of the forms previously described. Many old descriptions and illustrations are inadequate in important details and assignments to new genera may sometimes be found in error when collections are again made in type localities. In some instances it has been necessary to leave the species as inquirendae. For descriptions and illustrations of previously described species the reader is referred to: Monograph on the Nematodes of the Super- family Dorylaimoidea (20). As in the previous work (21) much of this material originated in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (EI Yunque area), where conditions are especially favorable for species of Actinolaimus, Brittonema, and other groups in which tails are elongated or filiform. From cultivated and dryer parts of the Island these genera are seldom collected and members of blunt-tailed Carcharolaimidae are more prevalent. 1J. B. Goodey in T. Goodey (13) abandoned the Phylum NEMATA and Classes SECERNENTEA and ADENOPHOREA, but this act is not herein accepted. 2Consulting Nematologist, Agricultural Experiment Station, Mayaguez,Campus, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. The writer is indebted to Mrs. Carmen T. Ramirez Pagan who prepared the Cobb metal slide microscopic mounts, and to Mr. Jesse Roman who gave invaluable assistance in collecting specimens and pre- paring and handling the manuscript; and to Drs. Alejandro Ayala Almod6var and Luis F. Martorell, al'ld Miss Lucy Franqui Mendez for their kind assistance in check- ing and correcting the original publication and proofs, and indexing and typing of the same. Mr. Roy O. Woodbury, Plant Taxonomist of the Experiment Station, kindly allowed me to accompany him on several trips to the Rain Forest and other areas on the Luquillo Experimental Forest. Acknowledgment is due Dr. J. M. Good for library privileges of the Nematology Investigations Office, Beltsville, Md., and especially to Mrs. Grace S. Cobb for locating many references. Dr. and Mrs. John Ferris, Purdue University, also secured copies of certain essential papers. Dr. A. D. Baker's Check List of the Nematode Superfamilies Dorylaimoidea, Rhabditoidea, Tylenchoidea, and Aphelenchoidea has been invaluable as a reference source in nomenclature. 3Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 47. 6 Gerald Thorne Examination of intestinal tracts sometimes gave evidence of food habits and these are recorded for certain species. However, observa- tions on intestinal contents have not been very rewarding. Even when masses of food material are present it has been impossible to identify the particles. Usually we have regarded the actinolaims as predators but in not a single instance have remains of nematodes, oligochaetes or other animal life been identified. Only in Cal'charolaimus were oligocheate setae observed. One of the most interesting discoveries was the presence of two larvae of what apparently is a mermithid which were found living in the body cavity of Paractinolaimus robustus. HISTORICAL Nematodes of the Superfamily ACTINOLAIMOIDEA were first mono graphed under subfamily rank in 1939 by the writer (20). It was then noted that the group comprised species representing several types and that eventually higher rank would be justified. Meyl (18) elevated the group to family rank and erected the genera Paractinol- aimus, Actinolaimoides, and Metactinolaimus, giving the group a more substantial status. Goodey (13) suppressed Actinolaimidae and reestab- lished Actinolaiminae, but this act is not recognized herein. Numerous other species described by various workers are listed in the keys to species. Outstanding collections in Puerto Rico revealed new genera and family groups, making it imperative that superfamily rank be established. Complete references to species prior to 1939 are listed in Thorne, 1939 (20). Baker (8) and Goodey (13) should also be consulted for more recent citations. Assignment of previously described species to other genera is difficult in many instances because of inadequate diagnosis. Frequently, absence of males complicates the problem because supplement arrange- ments are important diagnostic characters in certain instances. Paractinolaimus striatus (Thorne, 1939) Meyl, 1957, is an inter- esting species combining the strong spear and numerous denticles of Paractinolaimus with deep striae similar to those of BTittonema. Acti- nolaimus l'uwenzori has longitudinal striae but supplements are in a ventral series, not in fascicles as in true Actinolaimus. Bridging fOlms like these are to be expected among extensive collections and eventually these two species will probably be found to represent groups which merit generic rank. For the present it is considered best to allow them to remain in their present status. Brasilaimus subaquilus Lordello and Zamith (16) probably repre- sents a valid genus although Clark (10) made it a synonym of Actino- laimus. More critical examination of the specimen is desil:able. Nematodes of Puerto Rico 7 SPECIESOF Actinolaimus THROUGH1964 ANDTHEm PRESENTPOSITION A. afl'icanus Filipjev, 1929-Neoactinolaimus afl'icanus (Filipjev, 1929) n.comb. A. bil'keti Altheer, 1960-position undetermined A. chappuisi Meyl, 1955-remains in Actinolaimus A. chitwoodi MOOlthy, 1937-Neoactinolaimus chitwoodi (Moorthy, 1937) n.comb. A. cinctus Cobb in Thorne, 1939-Westindicus cinctus (Cobb, 1939) n.comb. A. confol'mis W. Schneider, 1935-Trachypleurosum confol'mis (W. Schneider, 1935) Andrassy, 1959 A. costatus W. Schneider, 1935-remains in Actinolaimus A. cyatholaimus (Daday, 1905) Steiner, 1916-Egtitus cyatholaimus (Daday, 1905) n.comb. Synonym: DOl'ylaimus cyatholaimus Daday, 1905 A. elaboratus (Cobb, 1906) Cassidy, 1930-Egtitus elaboratus (Cobb, 1906) n.comb. Synonym: DOl'ylaimus elaboratus Cobb, 1906 A. filipjev W. Schneider, 1935-Paractinolaimus filipjev (Schneider, 1935) Meyl, 1957 A. frostae AUgen, 1952-Neoactinolaimus frostae (AUgen, 1952) n.comb. A. hintoni AUgen, 1952-Neoactinolaimus hintoni (AUgen, 1952) n.comb. A. hutchinsoni Filipjev, 1929-Neoactinolaimus hutchinsoni (Filipjev, 1929) n.comb. A. labyrinthstoma (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1913-Trachypleul'osum laby- l'inthstoma (Cobb, 1893) Andrassy, 1959 A. macl'olaimus (de Man, 1880) Steiner, 1916-Paractinolaimus macro- laimus (de Man, 1880) Andrassy, 1964 A. michaelseni Steiner, 1916-Neoactinolaimus michaelseni (Steiner, 1916) n.comb. A. micoletzkyi Schneider, 1935-Paractinolaimus micoletzki (Schneider, 1935) Meyl, 1957 A. microdentatus Thorne, 1939-Paractinolaimus micl'odentatus Thorne, 1939) Meyl, 1957 A. mpoumensis Altheer, 1916-position undetermined A. neocyatholaimus Kreis, 1936-Egtitus neocyatholaimus (Kreis, 1936) n.comb. A. nudus Wu & Hoeppli, 1929-Egtitus nudus (Wu & Hoeppli, 1929) n.comb. 8 Gerald Thorne A. occalescens W. Schneider, 1937- Egtitus occalescens (W. Schneider, 1937) n.comb. A. omel'coopel'i Filipjev, 1931-remains in Actinolaimus A. schuul'mansstekhoveni Meyl, 1957-remains in Actinolaimus Synonym: Actinolaimus omercoopel'i of Schuurmans Stekhoven & Teunissen, 1938 (not of Filipjev, 1931) A. palmael'i AUgen, 1953-position undetermined A. papillatus W. Schneider, 1935-remains in Actinolaimus A. propinquus Cobb, in M. V. Cobb, 1915-Egtitus propinquus (Cobb, 1915) n.comb. A. radiatus Cobb, 1913-remains as type species of Actinolaimus. Not a synonym of A. tl'ipapillatus as designated by Andrassy, 1954 A. l'otundicauda de Man, 1880-Cal'chal'Olaimus l'otundicauda (de Man, 1880) Thorne, 1939
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