SUBMIT A PHOTO FOR THE COVER OF VOLUME 7 NO. 18 JANUARY 10 – JANUARY 23, 2019 SUBMITS STORIES TO: [email protected] STRIPESKOREA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE DAEGU MALL HAS IT ALL Got a great shot of mainland Japan, Okinawa, Korea or Guam? If so, submit it and maybe it’ll end up PAGES 12-14 on the front page of :HOFRPHWRWKH3DFLÀF Photo deadline: Jan. 15 Facebook.com/stripespacific stripeskorea.com INSIDE INFO YONGSAN CATS Army garrison faces PAG E 23 furry invasion STORY ANDA PHOTOS BY KIM GAMEL, Nobody is sure where they all came from. But Command STARSS AND STRIPES Sgt. Maj. Donald Robertson has a pretty good idea. Published:Pu Dec. 26, 2018 “People left their pets behind,” he said at a town hall meet- ing last month on Yongsan, which has been steadily emptying YONGSANYONGSAN GARRISONGA — The popula- after U.S. Forces Korea and many other units moved to the tiontion on thisthis ArmyArm post has newly expanded Camp Humphreys as part of plungedplunged sincesince thethe U.S. military EXCLUSIVE NEWS FROM: a long-delayed relocation plan. movedmoved its headquartersheadquart south of “As we have more civilians and military SeoulSeoul over thethe summer.summ But one units leave … the leadership within those groupgroup isis clawingclawing itsits wayway up — stray units needs to make sure that we don’t leave cats.cats. our animals behind because that is really how TheyThey can bebe spottedspotted runningr upstairs, hiding un- this problem was created,” he added. derder cars, prowling aroundaroun trash cans and even stuck inin trees.trees. CATS ON PAGE 15 2 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION JANUARY 10 − JANUARY 23, 2019 Warriors hit the slopes, build trust downhill Max D. Lederer Jr. STORY AND PHOTO BY SGT. RAQUEL VILLALONA, Publisher 2ND INFANTRY DIVISION/ROK-U.S. COMBINED DIVISION Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Commander HONGCHEON – Warriors and family mem- Michael Davidson Revenue Director bers clad in thick jackets and snow boots boarded a ski lift, ready to embark on a trust- Chris Verigan Engagement Director building exercise. Marie Woods Soldiers throughout 2nd Infantry Division/ Publishing and Media Design Director ROK-U.S. Combined Division participated in Chris Carlson a relationship enhancement training event, Publishing and Media Design Manager open to both single and married Soldiers, Enrique “Rick” W. Villanueva Jr. to improve communication amongst family Korea Area Manager members and build trust at Vivaldi Park Ski Jinsun Song Operations Manager World Dec. 18-20. Kentaro Shimura Through a series of lectures and practical Production Manager exercises, event host, Chaplain Myung “Tim” Rie Miyoshi Ryu, deputy division chaplain, 2ID/RUCD, Engagement Manager focused on the importance of building aware- Ian Waddick ness and trust in families by having partici- Publishing and Media Design Editor pants evaluate their personal relationships. Publishing and Media Design Writers ChiHon Kim “The more we learn about ourselves and Shoji Kudaka those around us, the more skilled we will be- Takahiro Takiguchi come at accomplishing what matters most Layout Designers Ayako Kamio and avoiding misunderstandings,” said Ryu, Staff Sgt. Ruben F. Fernandez, Madill and his wife, Adriana Fernandez, guide their seven-year-old son Adrian down Yukiyo Oda Pusan native. “You can become great at creat- a beginner-ski slope during a Strong Bonds family training event at Vivaldi Park Ski World on Dec. 18-20. Yuko Okazaki Kayoko Shimoda ing trust because it’s a learnable skill, which helps you as a member of a team, and your Multimedia Consultants Sgt. 1st Class Dustin Grissom, Bedford, In- deputy coammanding general, Republic of Max Genao Doug Johnson family.” Jason Lee Hans Simpson Warriors took what they learned in the diana native, electronics maintenance NCO, Korea, 2ID/RUCD, discussed the differences Chae Pang Yi Gianni Youn 2ID/RUCD, also attended the training event in culture and community from a perspective Robert Zuckerman classroom and applied it to the slopes, relying with his family. He won a prize for his pre- of a ROK Army officer serving with the War- Graphic Designers on one another to get through each escalating Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji challenge. sentation summarizing the core attributes of rior Division. Sales Support “I’m not that great of a snowboarder, but as building trust and his example of balancing “Culture is deeply rooted in our ancestry, Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa I kept going out there with my coworkers, my differences in a relationship. governing behaviors and norms,” said Kim. Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro “During a group exercise, we were sepa- “In regard to Koreans and U.S. Soldiers, our Yoichi Okazaki Yusuke Sato confidence increased,” said Staff Sgt. Jesus Chae Yon Son Saori Tamanaha M. Cazares, Brownsville, Texas native, mas- rated into…groups identifying our different approach may be different, but we share the traits and allowing us to realize that although same goal of establishing credibility and trust. For feedback and inquiries, ter driver, Headquarters and Headquarters contact [email protected] Battalion, 2ID/RUCD. “It was a great experi- we may be different from our partner, we Understanding different perspectives can ence being out here with my teammates, but it complement each other,” said Grissom. extend to personal relationships as well. We To place an ad, call DSN 721-7145 stripeskorea.com/contact also made me appreciate and think about my In closing remarks, guest speaker, Brig. need to try to know each other, respect each family in the states even more.” Gen. Kim, Yong Chul, Gangwon-do native and other, and love each other.” JANUARY 10 − JANUARY 23, 2019 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES KOREA 3 4 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION JANUARY 10 − JANUARY 23, 2019 ,IDWÀUVW\RXGRQ·WVXFFHHGFKDQJH'R'SROLF\ STORY AND PHOTO BY SENIOR AIRMAN wouldn’t give in. KELSEY TUCKER, 51ST FIGHTER WING “Military service is some- thing that I’ve always wanted to OSAN AIR BASE – They stand do, and something that everyone before one another, right hands should want to do at some point raised. A father speaks words im- in their life,” said Samantha. “I mediately repeated by his daugh- don’t understand why I should be ter. unfairly denied that opportunity “I, Samantha De La Rosa, do and duty to my country because solemnly swear that I will sup- of things that I did as a child. I re- port and defend the Constitution fuse to just give up on it.” of the United States against all Four denied attempts at enlist- enemies, foreign and domes- ment in the Army – and one in the tic…” Marine Corps – later, the policy Onlookers attending the en- finally changed for good. Now, listment ceremony at the 25th five years after her last behav- Fighter Squadron Draggin’s Lair ioral health counselling session, at Osan Air Base, Republic of Ko- Samantha is finally cleared for rea, brave the cold to witness this military service in the Air Force. groundbreaking moment. “As a parent, you never want For the De La Rosa family, this to look back thinking ‘I wish I simple event marks the trium- would have,’” said Mia, Saman- phant end of a years-long strug- tha’s mother. “I’ll never look gle – one that began with hopes back and think that us taking her of a strong foundation, only to be to behavioral health was a bad denied before the cement could decision. Seeing who she is today even be poured. and how resilient she is, I know “I’ve always wanted to serve that any stress or obstacle that in the military, and I’ve always Samantha De La Rosa recites the oath of enlistment with her father, U.S. Army Maj. Rudy De La Rosa, 8th Army director of comes her way she’ll know how wanted to be able to pay for my policies, programs and awards, at Osan Air Base on Dec. 10. Samantha is a fourth generation service member in her family. to deal with.” own education while helping and Now, Samantha looks forward serving a bigger service,” said While children from civilian counseling with their parents resistance, the Army closed its to carrying on the tradition of Samantha De La Rosa. “I wanted backgrounds enter the military after their father’s deployments, doors to those potential enlistees military service in her family as to be able to kick-start my life in a with essentially a clean slate permanent changes of station once more. a fourth generation service mem- four-year commitment and get as thanks to the Health Insurance and other times of hardship. “I talked to so many of my ber. much out of it as I can, and then Portability and Accountability Once Juliet was discharged, Sa- peers and they said ‘yeah, my The De La Rosas hope mili- go back into the civilian world Act of 1996, military children’s mantha’s dreams of a military ca- kid did that too’ or ‘my kid is tary dependents in the same situ- stronger than I was before.” medical records are Department reer appeared bleak – but the De going through that right now,’” ation Samantha was in can look Unfortunately for Samantha, of Defense property from the La Rosas wouldn’t let anything said Rudy. “There was this con- forward to their future without there was one rather large hurdle moment they first visit a military stand in their way. ception that self-mutilation was fear. for her to pass before accom- treatment facility. “When Samantha was denied somebody in the basement driv- “The message I hope to send is plishing her dream. The disparity between en- enlistment, I immediately started ing screws in their arms, like this that being a human being is hard, “Samantha applied to join the listees became apparent to the circulating papers and pushing heinous, maniacal, horror movie and being a human being in the U.S.
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