Vol. 3 No. 18 Feb. 5, 2010 Battelle makes donation to ASU InsideASU See page 3. FSYE lecture ASU student wins $5,000 HSF scholarship to feature By Joseph West said. “At age 16 I began Publications specialist doing my own taxes, and Muriel Moton my interest in accounting The Albany State University An Albany State University accounting grew from there. At 18, I First and Second Year Experience major was recently named the winner of a began working at Eric Lectures Series will present speaker $5,000 academic scholarship. Crystal Barnes, McGlothen LLC, a Muriel Moton at 10 a.m. Thursday, a junior from Atlanta, won the prestigious small, private accounting Feb. 11, in the ACAD Auditorium. award from the Hispanic Scholarship firm in Atlanta. I con- A 1986 graduate of Albany Fund/BB&T Charitable Foundation. tinue to work there State, Moton is the author of “Live “We are very proud to have you as one of Crystal Barnes whenever school is not in Life Like It Matters: How to Get our HSF scholars and wish you continued session.” the Best out of Life without Life success in your academic and personal Barnes is the daughter of John and Cather- Getting the goals,” wrote Cathy Makunga, senior director ine Barnes. A very busy student, she works Best of You.” of scholarships for the HSF, in the organiza- full time each spring at SOWEGA Tax Serv- Moton tion’s award letter. ices as a tax accountant. Her plans include began her pro- The native Atlantan says she had no idea pursuing a graduate degree at either Wake fessional she was going to get the scholarship or how Forest or Georgia State University, being a speaking and much money it would be worth. CPA and continuing her professional work in development “When I opened the letter and saw the tax accounting. training career scholarship was for $5,000, I fell down on The Hispanic Scholarship Fund consis- in 1998. In my knees thanking God,” she said. tently ranks among the non-profit institutions 2001 she The scholarship will help Barnes get one who receive the highest ratings from the Muriel Moton founded Un- step closer to fulfilling her dream. American Institute of Philanthropy's Watch- derstanding “It has been my ambition since age 17 to dog Report and from Charity Navigator for Your Value Inc. As an advocate for become a certified public accountant,” she exceeding industry standards. the mental and emotional health care of military men and women, Moton started the Revive the ASU legislative intern impresses state lawmakers Human Spirit of Our U.S. Military Project™. By Joseph West ing his internship. “I truly believe that understand- Publications specialist “I am not at all sur- ing human value is the missing prised that Mack is doing foundation that’s needed to elimi- An Albany State University history and po- well,” she said. “He is nate the ills of societies,” Moton litical science student is doing extremely well such an exceptional said. “This foundation is key to as an intern in the Georgia State Legislature. young man. He has al- maximizing human potential, the Alexander J. Mack, a senior from Hampton, ways been very impres- basis from which individuals, com- Ga., has performed at such a high level that he sive, and I expect that he munities, organizations and busi- has earned the praise of at least one state sen- will continue that way.” nesses will excel in the 21st ator. A.J. Mack Mack’s duties at the century.” “Mack is doing a great job as an intern,” legislature consist of The First and Second Year Ex- said State Sen. Freddie Powell Sims, D-Al- working full-time Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. perience Lectures Series is spon- bany. “He is really engaged in his work, loves to 5 p.m. He is assigned to Government Affairs sored by Title III funds. what he is doing and represents the university and Insurance and Motor Vehicles committees. For more information, contact well.” His responsibilities include researching bills or Sherrell Byrd, FSYE coordinator, Nyota Tucker, the ASU legal counsel, ex- at (229) 430-1871. pected Mack to receive favorable reports dur- See INTERN on page 4. 2 InsideASU Feb. 5, 2010 InsideASU UpcomingEVENTS InsideASU is a weekly It’s a Cupid Affair for scholarships! The intensive multifaceted university review and Dekalb County Area Alumni Chapter will host a preparatory program is for college juniors and electronic publication Valentine’s affair 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, seniors interested in health careers. The produced by Feb. 13, at the Community Achievement Center, application deadline is March 1. For more the Office of University 4511 Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur, Ga. Food information, contact Taryn Thomas, HCOP Communications. All and drinks will be provided. Cosmopolitan attire. program administrator, at submissions are due by Tickets are $25 per individual and $40 per taryn.thomas@asurams.edu or 420-1095. noon Wednesday for that couple. Please contact Takeshia Thomas at kburnette_atl@yahoo.com or (678) 438-9467 The Albany Civil Rights Institute, 326 Friday’s issue. Send your for more information. Whitney Ave., is open for visitors to tour the submission to permanent and temporary exhibitions on inside_asu@asurams.edu. Albany State University will attend the 24th Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 Annual AMHPS Symposium sponsored by the p.m. ASU students will be admitted free upon Dr. Everette J. Freeman Association of Minority Health Professions producing a valid ASU student ID card at the Schools, Inc. The 2010 Symposium will be held front desk. Students will also be admitted free President at the Sheraton Hotel April 16-18 in of charge with a valid student ID for monthly Birmingham, Ala. The Symposium will be Freedom Singers Performances listed below. Clifford Porter, Jr. hosted by Tuskegee University, College of For more information, please contact ACRI Vice President Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health Executive Director Lee Formwalt at 432-1698. Institutional Advancement of Tuskegee, Ala. AMHPS’ Annual Symposium Saturday, Feb. 13, 1-3 p.m.: Albany Civil brings together high school and college Rights Institute Freedom Singers students from across the country to learn and Performance Cindy Gambill engage with leading scientists, physicians, Thursday, Feb. 25, 7:30-9 p.m.: February Executive Editor researchers, government representatives and Monthly Community Night, Lela Bond Phillips distinguished professors. Each year AMHPS and Karan Pittman, “Reflections on ‘The Lena Reginald Christian sponsors 300-400 students who have Baker Story.’” Book signing will follow demonstrated an interest in furthering their presentation. Free and open to the public. Photographer education in biomedical sciences or other Saturday, March 13, 1-3 p.m.: Albany Civil health profession careers. Students will also Rights Institute Freedom Singers Joseph West have the opportunity to visit exhibits at the Performance Publications Specialist Health Professions & Career Development Fair to obtain information on internships, scholarship “A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Pearlie Bowser applications, college admissions and career Prayer, ” a Vagina Monologues sanctioned development. Students that meet eligibility production, will be held at 8 p.m. March 5 in the Administrative Assistant requirements and are interested in attending the ACAD Auditorium. The production is a Symposium should visit the Symposium web collaboration of Darton College and Albany Questions about InsideASU? page at www.minorityhealth.org/symposium.php State University’s Department of English, Mass Contact Cindy Gambill at for more information or e-mail Communication and Modern Languages 430-1915 or taryn.thomas@asurams.edu in ACAD 328 for (Albany State University’s Women’s Symposium registration and application packets. Committee). Tickets are $10 for students and cindy.gambill@asurams.edu. $15 for faculty, staff and General Public. All Albany State University Toastmasters Club proceeds will go to Liberty House, the Check out previous issues of 5091 meets every first and third Saturday in Southwest Georgia Women’s Shelter. For more InsideASU Simmons Hall Room 344 promptly from 10 a.m. information, contact Dr. Devona Mallory at www.asurams.edu/ia/ to noon. The meetings and membership are dmallory@asurams.edu or (229) 430-4839. open to ASU students, faculty, staff and the universitycommunications public. For further information, please contact The ASU Women’s Symposium will be held /publications. the club president, Toastmaster Joyce Linkhorn, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 25 in the L. Orene Hall at linkhornj@aol.com or (229) 347-9745, or the Building. The women’s centered symposium Albany State University vice president of membership, Toastmaster will feature papers and multimedia 504 College Drive Gloria Cole King, at rose1010@hotmail.com. presentations, readings, and a panel on Albany, GA 31705 Albany State University Toastmasters Club women’s issues. For more information, contact 5091 is sponsored by the Department of Dr. Devona Mallory at dmallory@asurams.edu History, Political Science and Public or (229) 430-4839. Administration. The HPER Pool is open for recreational Albany State University’s Health Careers swimming now through April 27 from 7 to 10 Opportunity Junior Enrichment Program will p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ram ID is be held May 24-July 2, 2010. This six-week required. Lifeguards will be on duty. Feb. 5, 2010 InsideASU 3 Battelle makes donation to ASU Battelle Corp. officers present ASU President Dr. Everette Freeman with a check for $5,000. The funds will support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education (STEM), a special focus for Battelle, a company with a rich tradition of innovation and research. Participating in the presentation are (from left) Amanda Wood, Battelle administrative assistant; Dr. Freeman; Ken Harper, vice president and manager of Battelle’s Logistics Services Group; and Robert Cerney, manager of Battelle’s Albany Operations.
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