JOTHEU UNITEDR ASSOCIATIONNAL DECEMBER 2020 Season’s Greetings Heart of the UA Local 123 73-Year Member to Receive Congressional Gold Medal Brother Collins in his Army photo Brother Collins with the Merrill’s Marauders, second row, sixth from the right If you —or someone you know—have given gener- Brother James Collins in his garden in Tampa, FL ously of your time and labor for a good cause or have Brother James T. Collins was only 19 years much as the enemy, the unit of about 3,000 old when he volunteered for a dangerous mis- men sought to capture an airfield for a critical been involved in extraordi- sion during World War II. Brother Collins, a Allied supply route in the region. nary charitable activities, 73-year member of Plumbers and Pipefitters Conditions in the dense jungle were horren- we want to know about it. Local 123, Tampa, FL, is being awarded the dous, and Brother Collins contracted malaria, Congressional Gold Medal for his role as a as did many other Marauders. Others also fell All submissions for this member of Merrill’s Marauders. The Marauders ill with typhus. They struggled to get supplies, page should be made were, as Brother Collins puts it, “Special Forces and most of them came out of the jungle weak through your local Business before there were Special Forces.” and starving. Yet they pressed on, encouraged Manager, who will forward The medal is the highest civilian honor of and inspired by their leader, Major Frank them to the office of the United States, and it’s one that is well Merrill, who eventually died during the closing deserved by Brother Collins and the few re- months of the war. It was an incredible hard- General Secretary-Treasurer maining Marauders out of an original force of ship, and they took many casualties, yet in the Pat Kellett. Submissions about 3,000. Their story has been immortal- end, they prevailed over the Japanese. Now, 76 can be emailed to ized on film, but nothing can really capture the years after the final battle, Merrill’s Marauders [email protected]. courage and determination these members of will receive one of our nation’s highest hon- Images should be high the Greatest Generation displayed during ors—and they earned it. resolution (300 dpi). World War II. Congratulations to Brother Collins, and our Brother Collins and his fellow soldiers ended deepest gratitude for your courage and service Please include as much up behind enemy lines in Japanese-controlled under the most grueling conditions. Brother information as possible, Burma as members of the all-volunteer 5307th Collins exemplifies the extraordinary sacrifice Composite Unit (Provisional), nicknamed that is so characteristic of those who fought in as well as photographs, Merrill’s Marauders. Trekking nearly 1,000 World War II and proves they truly deserve to preferably in color. miles on foot, battling the elements almost as be called the Greatest Generation. 2 THE UNITED ASSOCIATION JOURNAL • DECEMBER 2020 VOLUME CXXII, NUMBER 9 (ISSN 0095-7763) DECEMBER 2020 JOUTHE UNITEDR ASSOCIATIONNAL Contents FEATURES DEPARTMENTS Adaptation—The Key Report of to One Local Union’s General President Success Mark McManus On the Job with Plumbers, A Holiday Season to Pipefitters, and MES Unite Us 4 Local 392, Cincinnati, OH 8 Editorial: General NABTU’s Tradeswomen Secretary-Treasurer Build Nations Conference 8 Pat Kellett Goes Virtual Let’s Build A Better As a result of the ongoing Future For All Of Us 6 pandemic, tradeswomen from across the United In Memoriam States and Canada gathered We mourn the loss of our virtually this year instead Brothers and Sisters due to of in Washington, D.C., 36 22 COVID-19. as planned. Local Union Reports UA Women—Amplifying Their Voices Activities of UA Members across the United States The UA Women’s Caucus and Canada 39 joins the virtual experience. 30 22 30 The UAWeb Internet address: http://www.ua.org Postmaster: Address changes should be sent to Publications Office, The United Association Journal, Three Park Place, Annapolis, MD 21401-3153.The United Association Journal (ISSN #0095-7763) is published nine times a year by the United Association,Three Park Place, Annapolis, MD 21401-3153. Periodicals postage paid at Annapolis, MD, and additional mailing offices. Printed in U.S.A. Publications mail agreement no. 40033123. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P.O. Box 2601, 6915 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, ON L4T 0A9. President’s Report A Holiday Season to Unite Us Mark McManus General President Let me start off by saying on behalf of all your coaster ride that has seemed uncomfortably long. UA General Officers, we wish you a very Merry We certainly do not want to collectively wish our Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and 2020 Holiday lives away, but I don’t think I’m the only one who Season. It is our most sincere wish that you and all feels like 2020 was more than “full enough,” and our UA families usher in a new year with health we’re ready to start anew. and happiness. Every calendar year that flips brings a renewed We hear these words often from the many sense of hope and optimism. At the same time, I’m folks in our lives, but I believe now, more than trying to be a realist, because I know we still face ever, we should be thankful for life’s blessings in 2021 those things that burdened us throughout and be appreciative of our fellow Brothers and 2020: a sense of political discord, a growing pan- Sisters. We should also remain optimistic as we demic, and an uncertainty about our livelihoods. look to the future. I also believe we may be able to ratchet down the We know how hard this year has been. We know rhetoric about our political differences. There may that too many of our UA families suffered tragic even be a glimmer of bipartisanship out there losses this year. We offer our heartfelt sympathies among our lawmakers—we can always hope! This to all those who lost loved ones in 2020. is something that would be good for all our citi- Even as we have all struggled in the face of zens. I’m also optimistic that our true, number one COVID, we have also been inspired by the kind- economic partners and friends in Canada can build ness, generosity, and courage of our fellow mem- better relations between Ottawa and Washington. bers. Even in the midst of these dark times, we Most hopeful of all, I believe we are on the cutting have been able to see the good in our members edge of ending and eradicating COVID-19, and so many others who worked, and are still thanks to the hard work of the brilliant and dedi- working under difficult conditions, or who gave cated community of scientists. help and assistance to those in need. In the face of Surely we will have setbacks and challenges with the cynicism that seemed to permeate our world, the virus, but things are looking brighter. We must these examples were a source of real hope. not let our guards down on how we take care of If nothing else, 2020 has been a wild roller- ourselves on the jobsites and at home with our 4 THE UNITED ASSOCIATION JOURNAL • DECEMBER 2020 As 2020 draws to a close, a special thanks goes out to the UA office staff and our local union office staff and education departments. Every one of you stepped up under these new and drastic circumstances. You kept the UA more than just functioning—you kept it advancing. families. Make good, clear-minded choices, and we hood and to our oaths. It is truly our duty. will soon get to enjoy all the things life has to From my family and the UA family here at the offer—many of which we may have taken for UA General Office in Annapolis and in Ottawa, granted in the past. we hope you all have the best of holidays. Stay safe In the meantime, we will continue to update the and healthy, and here’s looking forward to a membership, your Business Managers, and your brighter 2021! local unions on the initiatives that have kept us on top in the construction industry: education, organ- izing, fringe benefits, political activity, equality and diversity, apprenticeships, health and safety, and so much more. As 2020 draws to a close, a special thanks goes out to the UA office staff and our local union of- fice staff and education departments. Every one of you stepped up under these new and drastic cir- cumstances. You kept the UA more than just func- tioning—you kept it advancing. In the November UA Journal, I wrote to you about the importance of respect and gratitude. I didn’t do it just to create a “feel good” column or message. I wrote about it because it is how we are built when it comes to the obligations of union members and leadership. This is what we all com- mitted to when we swore an oath of obligation to the UA Constitution. So, perhaps now is the time to remind ourselves to get back to those fundamentals and to remain loyal to our brotherhood and sister- UNION PLUMBERS, PIPEFITTERS, SPRINKLERFITTERS, STEAMFITTERS AND SERVICE TECHS 5 Editorial Let’s Build A Better Future For All Of Us Patrick H. Kellett General Secretary-Treasurer As this year of pandemics and politics finally not let that influence us as we prepare for a new draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead to a future year—one that we hope will lead to an effective we hope includes both good health and prosperity.
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