Studenfs'leery' of safety after assa·· I.s ~ ANDY PHIPPS operating on the case. Both Business/Tech Editor department~ have also sought As a new year and another the help of other area law en­ semester begin at UM-St. forcement agencies in their Louis, fear still hangs in the search for suspects. air over t\V'0 sexual assaults Studem reaction to the that took place on campus two assaults was one of shock. late last year. Pam Berrs, senior, liberal The first incident took studies said, "It's kinda scary. place on Dec. 8 in a ladies re­ I don't travel to the south SIToom in the Social Sciences campus at ail, but just the Building on North Campus. idea of [the assault in the Though the victim was SSB] is scary; it's not even unharmed, her assailant did safe to go into the ";'omen's flourish a knife, . Lt. John' bathroom." Betts said that Schupp of the UM-Sr. Louis though in the past she had Police Department said. felt safe on campus, the as­ "Just that act in itself con­ saults have given her' second stitutes a serious felony," Sch­ thoughts. ,"Now. it's kinda upp said. like, maybe I should be a COURTESY / UMSL , Despite a search of the little leery," Betts said. (Top left) Des Lee and Tom G'eorge playing their instruments. (Right) Des Lee in his office, behind him is the hanger invention campus, the assailant man­ Matt Bohn, , senior, crimi- ' his business was founded upon. (Mid left) Des ~nd , BI~nche Touhill. (Bottom left) Des and a middle sch_ool student, go-karting. aged ro get away. nal justice, was also shocked Two days later on Dec. 10, by the two assaults. ~ JESSKA KEiL time he sold his business, the company was worth over $80 a woman was assaulted oft" "1 just think that it's crazy Editor-in-Chiel million. West Drive on South Cam­ that it happened in our own Last Tuesday, while middle and high school students filled But for Des, giving away his money seemed to make him pus. The assailant forced her backyard ... 1 guess we just me Touhill for the Des Lee Big Band Jazz Festival, me uni­ far happier than spending it. into the backyard of a private take our safety for granted on versity's flag flew at half staff, in remembrance of the life of "He's given away; clearly, when you count the dollars, residence in Bel-Nor and sex- campus," Bohn said. philanthropist,:E. Desmond "Des" Lee, who died earlier that nearly $80 mHlion, so he must have made at least that much ,; uaily assaulted her. The UM-St. Louis police morning at the age of 92. from his company,'" George said. The location of the crime department responded swift­ 'He loved that festival," Chancellor Tom George said. "He always used to tell me, 'I've given ail my money rook this second incident out ly to the incidents to ensure . "He Im.'-ed big, bands, he loved jazz. One of his favorite runes awayl'" ofUM-Sr. Louis polite juris­ that students would feel safe was 'When the Saints· go Marching in.'" Specifically, Des gave a significant amount of his money diction. on campus in the. wake of A World War II veteran~ Des Lee w?S also a successful to the Univetsity of Missouri-St. Louis. Bel-Nor police did arrest both incidents. businessman who "starred from scratch and built his own a suspect and both police business" in Jackson, Mo. after t.he war, said George. By the See DES LEE, page 2 departments have been co- ,See SECURITY, page 2 .. Smartphon~ guide ~5 2 nc: ~urrrnt JANUARY 19, 2010 NEWS~ EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief. .. ... .... .. .: ... ............................... ............... ..... Jessica Keil Managing Editor... .. ......................................................... Matthew Hill News Editor................ .... ......... ........... .. ;....... ........ Anna Marie Curran Features Editor. ...... ............................................ ............ Sequfta Bean BusinessfTech Editor. .... ........... .. ........... ... ........... ...... ... .... Andy Phipps Sports Editor ........................................ ...... , ~ .......... .... Cedric Williams . The . veteran conttibured of closest friends Assistant Sports Editor......... ......... -. ..... ... .......... ......... Anthony Padgett' hope to the St. Louis region AU Des) called to stop by and view the A&E Editor................ ............... ..................... : ......... ....... Cate Marquis over $14 millio'n to establish ".. he identified with that, · refer to .him as a "people­ proceedings) but would not Asst. A&E Editor........... .. ........ .... ......... ........................ .. Joe Schaffner . 19 endowed professorships and wanted to nurture that," person," some~ne who loved be satisfied by JUSt. watching. Opinions Editor. ..... ............... .............. ..... .. ........... ,..... .... Andrew Seal and operate the Des Lee Col­ George said. ]jfe, and loved to be cQgaged. Sranding' ar 6".foot-5-inches, Copy Editors .............. .. ... ... .. .. ..... Stacy Beckenholdt, Rebecca Nuckolls laborarive Vision, underwrite Des Leeis passion in life That . is possibly why Des Des squeezed himse).f in a Proofreader. ..... .... .. ... .. .... .: .... .........................................Chera Meyer scholarships. such as the Des was education, his -director wanred to start the innovative tiny go-cart: with a 9th-grade - . Staff Wrfter.s ... -;-..... ~:.. ..-........ .................................. .. AafOn ' Holdmeye~ Lee Scholars program. and for the Des Lee Collaborative Des Lee Collaborarive Vi­ girl. Matthew B. Henry, Jen Q'Hara l support construction on the Vision and good friend, Stef­ sion) consisti!1-g of en40wed.. "She drove off like a mani­ Kevin Korine~ ; Chris Stewart Technology and Learning fawe Rockette, said. professors who are required ac with Des in the passenger's Center as well as the Touhill "' He made his money the to spend exactly half of their sear," Rockerte s."l.id, "and he DESIGN Performing Arts Center on old tashioned way-through . time en~jng and working was wa~ving and having the Design Editor......... ,............. .. .. .. ...... .. ................. ............. Gene Doyel best time of his life. That's the . Photo Editor ....... :.............................. : ...... ,.. ....... .. .. Michelle Kaufman campus. hard. work-and education wi th the disadvantaged in the Assistant Photo Editor............. .. .. .............................Jennifer Meahan His service in wwri had made a major dLfference community. Des I know.-" _ Page Designers .. .. .................... .. ..... Zachary James Kraft, Phil Freeman mighr have something to do in his life," Rockette said. Des would often have Des Lee's memorial ser­ Staff Photographers ...................... .. .Ahmad Aljuryyed, Erin Sturguess, with his deep connection to «He believed rh.at every good lunch meetings with the en­ vice was held 1hu~sday, and Web Editor. ...................... .. .. .: .. .. ..... .... ............... Zachary James Kraft UM -S(. .La uis, considering kid deserves a chance at edu­ dowed professors just to find Chancellor George, Ste.ffanie Iliustrators ........... ... ...... .. .. .... ... .... .. ..... ...... Paul Maguire, Cody Perkins his alma mater is actuall} cation ... he believed that re­ out how their community Rocketre, Blanche Touhill, Washington Unive rsity: Dur­ gar~ less of wrong-doing, that work was going, while pre­ the St. Louis Symphony Or­ BUSINESS ing the war, D es led a uhlt of poopl a{e good, and educa.­ fe.rril1g an informal setting. chestra and his wife Mary Business Manager... ... ...................... .. ... .... ....................... .. ..Da n Pryor all African-American _oldiers tion \ s hope. He loved all Rockerte~ who frequently Anne and three children Advertising Director. ........ .............................. ......... .. .. ... ... ... Dan Pryor and would often talk of the of us." planned the meetings, said \ ere onl} a few of the near- Distribution Manager. .............. ... .. ... ............ .. ..... .. .... .. .. Erin Sturguess discrimination he "messed Des Lee has been caUed Des required three things at: 500 people '\>'\iho packed the Training Director ............................ .. .................. .... ...... .. .. Andy Phipps Adviser......... ... ...... .. ,....... .... .... ......... ... .. ...... ........ ... ..... Charlotte Petty which had lasting efFect on ' the man of 20 questions. every luncheon: an Arnold church in his memory. At the him. Nor only did he srrrve to Palmer,_ chocolate chip cook­ end) just as Des would have "We serve m re under­ ensur educa.tion for anyone ies, and decaf coffee." liked it, the congregation privileged and disadvantaged ·WWW.thecurrentonline.com who w:anted it, he also had an Des Lee essentially loved marched our of the church studenrs rhan anyone else, insaticwle appetire for Je~rrr­ engaging and me~ting llet-V singing "When the SaintS go we have the largest diversity ing. p'cople, especially children. Marching in." MCMA population, [and] we have "When he fi.rst mer you Rockette recalled a <beaudful "Des was o tie for the 'l.Y , the largest group of African­ he would ask YOll all these sunn:y day" when a group of ages," Rockette said, one Americans of any campus in questions '" and they were disadvantaged kids through thar I dare say we will never The Current is the student newspaper at the University of Missouri-St. the srate, so the kind of cam­ genuine. he really wanted to a 'progr-am sponsored by Des see the likes of again." Louis, printing we€kly through the fall and spring semesters on Mon- . pus we were, he empathized know about your life," Rock­ Lee. were crying our their Read
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