Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR s TATE: (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE West Virginia C OUNTY: : " ' NATIONAL REG ISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Jefferson INVENTOR Y - NOMINATION FORM FOR N PS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER DATE (Type all entries complete applicable sections) ^ T--JAR 14. .*V3 CO.MMON: HAREWOOD fy^ tenvflpc\ AND/OR HISTORIC: r| JUL 28 1972 B x 111 |! iiii||p||i||i|jpiiiii STREET AND NUMBER: ^ REGISTER^/ T~ ^<rt CJKitJ&T*^ J CITY OR TOWN: . :.. ST. « J -\A A £ ""/ '^ NV //>-^__ ^^^ ' W ^ * » 6 / ^M^nrfx V^ Charles Town yV^e,, ^^iili^^ STATE <**f CODE COUNTY: C O D E West Virginia 25414 54 Jet ferson 037 Jill CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP STATUS ... (Check One) '0 THE PUBLIC Q] District g] Building 1~] Public Public Acquisition: [g Occupied Yes: [] Restricted Q Site Q Structure (3 Private . Q In Process I I Unoccupied ^] Unrestricted . D Object Q Both |"~1 Being Considered Q] Preservation work in progress LD No PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) [~l Agricultural . Q Government | | Park £] Transportation 'I I Comments Q Commercial . -. CD Industrial £] Private Residence [^3 Other (Specify) PI Educational 1 1 Military p~j. Reliqious 1 1 Entertainment 1 1 Mu seum. | | Scientific .. ..'. ^ OWNER'S NAME: STATE: Dr. and Mrs. John A. Washington }VirginiaWejs-t STREET AND NUMBER: . Rural Route 2 CITY OR TOWN: ST A T E: CODE Charles Town West Virginia 25414 54 lillliiilllliiliiilliiiiiii 5;fl;|^:;§i|||i|||^p|^^^^^||^|||^SS|^^|^^^ COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: TO f-fet-V-o r»n PrM1Mi-\7 1 ' - . - - ^j C.i J-x^.l. O.wJLIi \JX/U.JLJL W V - Court House Deed Book 168-318. COUNTY: fBib. Ref.#3 contains previous registries.) STREET AND NUMBER: Jefferson Corner of Washington and George Streets CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE Charles Town West Virginia 25414 54 1 TITLE OF SURVEY: Plat of Yard Area, HAREWOOD, In lands of Dr. John A. Washington 6% acres NUMBERENTRY -n O DATE OF SURVEY: AugUSt 1971 D Federal ^ State n County |X] Local 5 73 DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: 9 2 t-* TJ Plat Book 2, Page 245, Jefferson County Court House C STREET AND NUMBER: rn O Corner Washington and George Streets zr~ CITY OR TOWN: STATE: CODE Charles Town West Virginia 25414 54 OATE (Check One) 05 Excellent Q Good D Fair 1 I Deteriorated P Ru ns | | Unexposed CONDITION (Check One) : ; ' ; (Check' One) •.', ::: S] -Altered Q Unaltered > '••',-•• [t] Moved ' tld Original Site Harewood is approximately three miles west of Charles Town, Jefferson ; County, West Virginia. This home is owned and occupied by Dr. and Mrs. John A. Washington, he a direct descendant of Samuel Washington, the ^original owner. The house is of Georgian style built of native limestone. The original structure consisted of the two storied main section plus the kitchen wing. In more recent years another wing has been added. This new wing appears to be a planned part of the house, since the door from the main block of the original house to the new wing has always been present even though for 180 years it opened out into space. «- The house exterior has been modified to move the main entrance from the east side to the west side. This change affected the appearance of the structure in the design of the woodenpdrches only . f Limestone used for the original structure was quarried locally. It is claimed that Harewood m was one of the first homes in the Shenandoah Valley to be built of this rn . material. ^% . Harewood ! s interior, like its exterior, is designed with a dignified simplicity. The house has a graceful stairway but perhaps its outstand­ ing feature is the paneled drawing room which many authorities have acclaimed as one of the best of the colonial period. Paneling is 6f native pine\and the original paint is still on the walls of the room. C It contains a beautiful marble mantelpiece which tradition says was a gift from the Marquis de Lafa'yette. o H Records concerning the house and property are in the courthouses of Frederick County, Virginia, and Jefferson and Berkeley Counties, West Virginia. - • Harewood' ; " ..... has been...... continuously . in ownership of. members of ...the Washington oo family; these owners have had great care and taken particular pride in maintaining the property in excellent repair and with due regard for the integrity of the original structure and design. PERIOD (Check One or More as Appropriate) [ | Pre-Columbian 1 I I 16th Century I 8th Century Q 15th Century [D 17th Century '19tK Century SPECIFIC DATE(S) (If Applicable and Known) 1768-70 AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Abor iginal | | Education Urban Planning [~~| Prehistoric . I | Engineering r (Specify) [jjg Historic | | Industry I | Agriculture [ | Invention ^j Architecture I| Landscape D Art Architecture HI Commerce f~l Literature | | Communications Q Military a TH I | Conservation [~~| . Trans STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE , While surveying land in the Shenandoah Valley for Lord Fairfax, George Washington became favorably impressed with the prospect of farming virgin land. For this reason he purchased a tract within the present county of to Jefferson, West Virginia. This action may have influenced his elder half- brother Lawrence, for he soon bought large areas close to George's property In 1752 Lawrence willed 230 acres of his Valley land to Samuel Washington, his half-brother and George's full brother. On this land Samuel built Harewood, the oldest of eight standing Washington homes in Jefferson County and the only one presently occupied by family members of the Washington name. The date of construction may be fairly accurately fixed by examina­ tion of George Washington's diary. In 1768 George mentions two visits to Samuel's house in Stafford County, Virginia, but in entries for 1770 the same diary mentions visiting Samuel's home in Frederick County which then included the site on which Harewood stands. Soon after moving to the Shenandoah Valley, Samuel Washington began to UJ amass considerable real estate holdings. At his death in 1781 he owned nearly 4000 acres of good farm land, .all of it connected with the original 230-acre tract on which Harewood stands. Besides being an important land owner, Samuel was also a prominent public servant. He had served as justice of the peace in Stafford County, and he continued to be a judge when he moved to Frederick County. When Berkeley County, now in West Virginia, was formed from a part of Frederick County in 1772, Samuel continued to serve as justice in the new county. In Frederick County he served as colonel of the militia, and he served the County of Berkeley as sheriff and county lieutenant. Poor health forced him to ask for relief from these duties in 1777, and the same ill health prevented his service in the Revolutionary War. He died at age 47 in 1781 Harewood has had the honor of entertaining many famous people, and was the site of events of historic significance. In 1794, in the paneled drawing room, Dolley Payne Todd was married to James Madison. Reason for the marriage in this home was that Harewood then belonged to Samuel's son, George, whose wife, Lucy, was Dolley's sister. Other famous visitors include Louis Philippe, later king of France. As noted, George Washington was a frequent visitor, as were undoubtedly such Revolutionary War figures as Generals Gates, Lee, Stephen, and others who T?gprvrf-g r>f a y-fg-ff- Ivy T.afflypf-f-p probably arnsp from his j:;:5i:;ijHi:i:|:;:::;S:!:::i:i:j Waterman, Thomas . Mansions of Virginia, The University, of North Carolina Press, 1945. Way land, John W. The Washingtons and Their Homes , McClure Printine Conipany, S taunt on, Virginia, 1944. Washington, John A. and Washington, Dic . John A . Har ewo od , Magaz ine o f the Jefferson County Historical Society , Vol. XXIII,. 1957. Dalgarn, David. Washington Family Hoines in Jefferson County, Annual Re port, West Virginia Antiquities Commiss ion, 1970. ITS LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PROPERTY ( J DEFINING THE CENTER POINT' OF' A' PROPERTY ., OF LESS THAN TEN ACRES ————. ——— ——————————————————————— ——————————————————————— |< ———————————————— —— ———————————————————— , ——— ; ——— —— —— —————— - ——————————————: ————— CORNER. LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE . LONGITUDE : Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds NW o , „ o . 39° 18- ION' 77° 55' 2 W" NE- '. °. ;.v : ••;:.-- "". •'• ° ;::!s-E:.';v r:; ;° . - ; ...... ... ./ o r -.- , . -. ... SW • -.rr-.r- -° •',•• •',-• - '" - ' ° ]•,.:• v ? .-- -' * " APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: €-<^'.5 '""fix (/V W ' i H / (ft ^yL^ [LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING ST A TE° OR COUN TY BOUNDARIES. STATE: CODE COUNTY CODE •-...-••'.,,••'!•-,.. ' - ' . " ,'•••, . •- -• ' *•* STATE: . ... .. , CODE COUNTY: CODE STATE: , CODE COUNTY : " ' ; ' CODE STATE: , . CODE COUNTY: ' ' • ' CODE NAME A'ND'TITLE:' " ......... David Dalgarn, Field Research Agent, for ORGANIZATION DATE West Virginia Antiquities Commission : July: :18, 1972 STREET ANC5 NUMBER: ' ' - ' . ...:....:.. Old Mountairilair, West Virginia University CITY OR TOWN: STATE ' ..... ... CODE Morgantown West Virginia 26506 54 |ilMi^W^^^^l^^^lMMMi^M»i As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na­ I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act. -of. 1966. (Public Law, National Register. 89-665), I hereby .nominate this .property for inclusion, in the National Register and certify .that it has been Yp . &/ ^1/ ; evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set :'(|^lCw->^. 4^^ forth by the National Park -Service. The recommended Chief, Office "of Archeology arid Hi.6/oric Presetvaiion level of significance of this nomination is: National 0^ State Q. .. Local Q . .':•.liate •.•: -.-••/"'/.'••^7ffi2> •••.'•" : . •. : Names/J/^Ls^ts^^fl.*/^ W ' S\/Slf^y±/ ATTEST: / ^ j ' Title State Liaison Officer Keeper of The National Register] DatUo^^^ W 12, Date ^JX * O < SJ> .
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