TTT- urn- - - I — EDGER UP and DQwg NTRIES •f •r LMMU i FIFTY-FIRST YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, SEPT. 16,1943 No. 19 = 1 First Grid Game rHF. NEW SCHOOL TEAR Kent County's War Loan Quota Will Build War BoDd Sales OPENING of »cbool» for a This Friday Night | new y«ar of study Is on« of tl»« Lowell High school will introduce i Fifty Great FlyBg Ships, Eack Costing at events of American life. Our Its new football edition, this Pridayj have became so accuMomed Under Way Here evening when it plays host to Wy- i annual parade of their fwn>f- oming Park on the local field. on the flret day of acbool and $375,000 Hou»e>tD-Housc CanTass Very little is known about either J ; days, that they may fail Enough war bond sales to buy a whole squadron of 50 four-motored News of Our Boys team This is Wyoming Park's flrrt Canning of tomatoes has been By Salespeople Its full algnlficance. Flying Portress bombers—that Is how Kent county will Wk the year in the conferencf, and un- ii least they reoognlte It m a attack" in the third war loan campaign that began Sept 9. That is proceeding at a steady pace at the n,, Lowell Community War Bond doubtedly they will be Intent on L W. Rutherford and Son. factory, p was opened by a By K. K. Tlnlng srene, when these youngsters Bob Bllia, located at Tumwater, how It will keep the faith with the 14.000 Kent county men now In the rofniIn making a good showing. except for a day or two the first haw been frolickinr about Wash, has been made a corporal. service of their country. well attended committee meeting i Lowell must rebuild its line and of the week when operations were [ vacation play or toiling at some Kent county's bomber squadron last week Wednesday. L V. Mulnlx. | Good Showing at State Show fill in some vacancies left by grad- It Is our solemn duty to help pro- temporarily halted because of Mon- Job, become school pupils Sgt Orton K. Seese is now pat- bought with the $19,521,000 this Sr., and Henry Schantx, co-chair- uation of previous veterans Local ride the superior equipment day's rain. Mr. Rutherford states Kent County 4-H Clubs did well. and march to and from the ting hit mail at Grenada, Miss, at county has promised to raise during men of Kent County outside of that the light frost last week caused Grand Rapids, addremed the meet- nothing coiuidered. at the second The sight of so many the Army Air Bast, having been fans are expected to turn out and In planning for the third war the campaign, will go into battle to no material damage to the crop. 4nnual St te them In new and attractive moved from Westover Field. help the local team get off on the loan campaign. Prank N. Isbey of Ing. Over forty committee mem-; « umbrella the attack of America's Mich mn S,4tp ow clothes, shows the comfort right foot Detroit, state chairman, informed ben and ntapcople from four * ^ Invading forces and destroy enemy There are 419 names on •he Serv- I bcr American life. Pvt. Carroll Kyser of the Marines the Kent county committee that townships were In attendance and ^ ^-end. supply lines. One of Boeing's big ice Men's Honor Roll at the Lowell came home from Kalamasoo for $7,815,000 of Kent's quota should received instructions- Showing cattle for the first time used to be repre&enled that Flying Portreaees costs $375,000, so City Hall, all of whom are from the n numb over the week-end. Health be made up of sales of the popu- It was exptamed that the average ' * " ^ J™* the boys usuaHy dislike to go to Kent must not fall short of its goal a lar series E bonds to the Individ- Lowell area. That means 419 rea- quota for the country over, was showman tricks, and go there with unwilling Warns About P if Its squadron is to have a full sons why we should back t .e attack Harry Bickhoff, recently induct- uals Realisation of the magnitude $110 per person but that the quota frsthered some prise money and had Now they seem very willing to complement of 50 bombers. of our own boys by investing in ed. is now in the medical corps at Many deaths and serious Illnesses of this task is gained from the set for Lowell Community i, J80 » ^ood time. Kent's eleven heao and few if any of them would The Lowell area share of the Third War Loan Series E bonds Camp Gruber. Okla from poisonings can be prevented fact Jut April E bond sales here per person. To go over the top Low- ^ Lincoln, of out if they could. They realiee In Michigan homes each year if a Kent County Quota is $2*0.000, and totaled only $2,757,205. which will return $100 for every ell Community murt purr^^te $240.- Spencer township, with two Brown education is necessary to earn $75 invested. Kent county has a 9 & fir5t and firih Glendon Swarthout, who reported few simple precautions are taken, W. W. Gumser. general chairman It will be a matter of sellin}r 000 of bonds during September andi®*"* Pi***- and win succees. Sometimes total of 24,000 men fighting for their at Port Custer last week, has been according to Dr. H. Allen Moyer, for the Lowell area etates that Kent an extra $100 bond to every man, this means that «ch must do his William Friend, of Paris township, do not folly realise that educa- country. afsigned to the Army Air Corps. state health commissioner. county has met and exceeded every woman and child in the county, share. To establish this record the * Guernsey cow. had third means real and steady work, "All containers which have poi- recent quota in Community Chest, on the average, in addition to pur- Lowell Bank and Post office will P^ce. Sharon Davis .of Oakfield youngster wfco should take the The Paul Kellogg Vinegar Co. is Sgt. Albert C. Kyser. who has been sonous substances In them should War Chest and war bond cam- chases now being made out of In- have to sell the entire amount, township, and J. C Nielsen, of Nel- to play hookey for a time, humming now as this year's apple stationed at Port Sheridan. Bl.. has be properly labeled so that they paign a. and must succeed again come. It's a huge task, but It will Bonds purchased elsewhere cannot ^ township, had fourth place on soon feel lonely enough with crcp comes pouring in to the their bren transferred to Port Bliss, Tex. can be easily identified," said Dr. this time, because success will mean be done. The money is here. Idle be counted as part of the quota, I Jerseys. the rest of the kids marching presses for the making of vinegar Moyer. "The wore' 'poison' Should the saving of American lives per n-nst win the war. Fathers of Service men. Gallants Kenneth El hart, of Grattan town- to the sohoolhouses. Or if his — - . for tne year 1943-44. Mr. Kellogg Walter Gumscr has been trans- be lettered clearly on ail such con- haps the lives of brave Kent county The following persons have been ... - who sold bonds in the Second Drive ship, with a two-year-old Belgian ents should refusp to let him , _ , . _ i states that for the year ending ferred from Great Lakes Naval tainers Poisons should be kept out men who are only asking us to do as chairmen of the Third and other salej^eople will conduct mare, won first in his diss, had a id. he would probably be beg* Sept 1 the company sold 16.000 Training Station to San Diego. of the reach of children. the lending while they do the fight- War loan for the Lowril area; a house-to-house canvass. These :-e«rve championship and finished soon enough to let htm follow ^^ bbls. or 30.000 dozen cases of vine- "If a person has been poisoned, ing. Seymour Hesche. Lowell township; same salespeople are permitted to *1*® day by winning the showman- rest of the children flocking _ gar, which is more than has ever a nd the first thing to do is caH a doc- A superior army, equipped with approach any prospective buyers, ^"P - * bridle Cook. Cascade; Henry John- been sold in any previous year. The the school doors We hoar that Capt George Got tor. Before the doctor arrives the so in all probability many citi*ei» Dale Johnson, who switched to a superior weapons, means quicker Bowne; Merle Cramton, Ada; Kellogg plant has a storage capac- The open schoolhouse for all chiV m1th tht fcrcn best first aid measure is to induce will be ast-ed more than" once to pig P^ject, when his calf died, took victory. We have the superior army. O. J. Odell, Vergennes. ity of 750,000 gallons. has been one of the most comjnMdPa by General Jimmy vomiting. Another good first aid purchase bonds The canvass will third place with his Poland China ital conceptions of our life, j Doomtle measure is to give the victim milk be completed by Saturday, Septem- tfU *nd with no previous showing The WPB announces that col- traditional aims of "life, Ifcerty. _ or eggs to slow absorption in the ber 18, and reports are to be in experience won third place in the Respected Citizen lections of used silk and nylon the pursuit of happinest' would Juxnes Gaunt has received a cer- stomach." Lowell Man by September 20.
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