J Quaternary Geology of the Grand and Battlement Mesas Area, Colorado GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 617 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF THE GRAND AND BATTLEMENT MESAS AREA, COLORADO View southwest across Mesa Creek drainage toward west end of Grand Mesa Quaternary Geology of the Grand and Battlement Mesas Area, Colorado By WARREN E. YEEND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 617 Description, distribution, and geologic history of surficial deposits on and adjacent to Grand and Battlement Mesas, western Colorado UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1969 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. GS 68-329 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Abstract.._ ________________________________________ 1 Quaternary geology Continued Introduction _______________________________________ 2 Slump blocks, talus, and solifluction deposits, un- Location and size of area________________________ 2 diff erentiated as to formation. __________________ 30 Methods of study_______________________________ 2 Causes and age of slides. ____________________ 30 Previous work__________________________________ 4 Nature of the slip surface__-__-___-__---_____ 33 Acknowledgments _ __________________________ 4 Post-Pinedale(?) deposits--__----_--__--------__- 34 Physiographic setting.______________________________ 4 Climate ___________________________________________ 5 Alluvial, eolian, and lake facies. ______________ 34 Rainfall and temperature._______________________ 5 Alluvial, eolian, and lake sand, silt, and Moisture source regions _______________________ 6 34 Snow survey reports.___________________________ 6 Low-terrace and flood-plain deposits. _____ 35 Vegetation zonation________________________________ 7 Colluvial f acies_ ________---______--_-_---__- 36 Pre-Quaternary geology____________________________ 8 Frost rubble, talus, and rock glaciers (?) __ 36 Stratigraphy. _ _________________________________ Earthflow and soil creep_ ________________ 36 Structure._____________________________________ Mudflows _------_---------__-----_--- 37 Quaternary geology _________________________________ Active (?) earthflow, slump, and landslide Pre-Bull Lake(?) deposits._______________________ Pediment gravel.___________________________ deposits- ________--___-______--_----_ 38 Till. ______________________________________ 11 Recent movement of landslide blocks adjacent to Grand Terrace and fan gravel._____________________ 11 Mesa _ . ____________-___---___-_______--------_- 38 Colluvium. ________________________________ 13 Fabric studies of till and mass- wasted deposits- ________ 39 Bull Lake(?) deposits__________________________ 14 Methods of study__________ _ ._ __ _________ 39 Lands End Formation.._____________________ 14 Interpretations ____________-_--__-_---------_--- 40 Till. __________________________________ 14 Reconstructed profiles of the Colorado River _ ________ 40 Aberrant quartz-rich cobbles and peb­ Rates of downcutting_______-_--_--_--_----------__- 42 bles on Grand Mesa_____________ 18 42 Terrace and fan gravel-_________________ 19 Stream aggradation and degradation __________________ Pinedale(?) deposits..___________________________ 20 Summary of age and correlation of glacial deposits..-.-. 43 Grand Mesa Formation _____________________ 20 Summary of late Tertiary and Quaternary history. _____ 43 Lower till member______________________ 20 Economic geology _______________________________ 45 Upper till member._____________________ 25 Road metal___-_-_-_-----_------_-------------- 45 Ice extent during Grand Mesa time_ ______ 25 Concrete aggregate _________________-------_- 45 Older and middle terrace gravel._________ 27 Riprap _______----____------_----_-----_------- 45 Younger terrace and fan gravel___ ________ 28 Pediment graveL_______________________ 29 References cited. _ ______--___-____--___---__----_--- 46 Mudflow and fan gravel.________________ 29 Index-. ___________-__-_-_----_--_-----_----------- 49 VI CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS FRONTISPIECE. Photograph of the west end of Grand Mesa. Page PLATE 1. Geologic map of surficial deposits in the Grand and Battlement Mesas area, Colorado. _ In pocket FIGURE 1. Index map showing location of the Grand and Battlement Mesas area.-____________ 3 2. Diagrammatic cross section from Grand Mesa through Battlement Mesa__ __________ 5 3. Diagram showing source regions for precipitation in the upper Colorado River Basin__ 7 4. Bar graphs showing frequency of storms from three moisture source regions.________ 7 5-8. Photographs: 5. Pre-Bull Lake(?) pediments flanking the west side of Battlement Mesa______ 10 6. Kansas Mesa and Mormon Mesa terraces._______________________________ 12 7. Buried pre-Bull Lake(?) soil on alluvium overlying alluvial gravels-.--.______ 13 8. Top of Grand Mesa_________-_--_____-__--___-______-_____-____-______ 15 9. Triangular diagrams showing size analyses of tills and soils-_______________________ 16 10-15. Photographs: 10. Till of the Grand Mesa Formation on weathered loess of Lands End till______ 17 11. Till of the Grand Mesa Formation on truncated soil of Lands End till---___ 18 12. Kahnah Creek embayment-___________________________________________ 21 13. Till plain in the Mesa Creek dramage-_____----_-------------___-_-_-___ 22 14. Till plain at the mouth of Cottonwood Creek.___________________________ 23 15. Crevasse-fill deposits of the upper till member of the Grand Mesa Formation. _ 25 16. Map showing postulated maximum ice cover during Grand Mesa time. ____________ 26 17. Photograph of low-level pediments north of Plateau Creek adjacent to Battlement Mesa.__________________________________________________________________ 29 18. Photograph of the landslide bench adjacent to Grand Mesa.______________________ 31 19. Map showing landslide bench and trace of slump-block ridges on Grand and Battlement Mesas___-------------_----_----___-_-----_-_-__-__----_--------__-_-__- 32 20. Oblique aerial photograph of Crag Crest and the surface of Grand Mesa__________ 33 21. Photograph of the isolated basalt remnant of North Mamm Peak on Battlement Mesa_ _ 34 22. Diagram showing a typical slump block...______________________________________ 34 23-31. Photographs: 23. Preglacial drainage of Kahnah Creek on Grand Mesa.____________________ 35 24. Fill of eolian and alluvial sand and silt----__-_-___-_-__-__--________-__- 35 25. Talus creep(?) near divide between Leroux Creek and Leon Creek drainages. 36 26. Downslope edge of the mudflow filling the old Big Creek outwash channel- _ _ 37 27. Recent mudflows originating on the upper member of the Wasatch Formation. 37 28. Recent slump in till along new road to Mesa Lakes. ______________________ 38 29. Recent slides on new road to Mesa Lakes.______________________________ 38 30. Incipient slump blocks on the northeast side of Grand Mesa_______________ 38 31. Recent opening of fracture in basalt on west end of Grand Mesa___________ 39 32. Diagram showing a typical staking locality on Grand Mesa.______________________ 39 33. Map showing location of fabric studies__________ ________________________________ 40 34. Fabric diagrams for till and mass-wasted deposits._______________________________ 41 35. Diagram showing projected longitudinal profiles of the Colorado River.___________ 42 TABLES TABLE 1. Monthly and annual temperatures and average annual precipitation and snowfall at Fruita, Palisade, Collbran, and Rifle, Colo__________________________________ 6 2. Pre-Quaternary stratigraphy of the Grand and Battlement Mesas area__________-__- 8 3. Average values of samples of sand-, silt-, and clay-sized particles in the C and B hori­ zons of tills of the Grand Mesa and Lands End Formations.___________________ 23 4. Minimum elevations of Quaternary ice lobes and measured land area above 10,000 feet for selected mountain localities in Colorado and Utah._______________________ 24 5. Correlation of some Quaternary glacial deposits in the Rocky Mountains with those in the Grand Mesa area______-_______-_-___-_________-______-__---------- 43 6. Summary of gravel characteristics________________.-__________-_-_-_--__-_-_-- 46 QUARTERLY GEOLOGY OF THE GRAND AND BATTLEMENT MESAS AREA, COLORADO BY WARREN E. YEEND ABSTRACT During Bull Lake(?) time, ice covered the entire surface of Grand and Battlement Mesas, erosional remnants of a large Grand Mesa and flowed into the lowlands at least as lov^ as late Tertiary (early Pliocene) basalt plain, are the major topo­ 5,800 feet. In the stream valleys, till of this age and the soil graphic features in the area. Grand Mesa is about 20 miles east formed on it (Lands End Formation) are buried by younger till. of the junction of the Gunnison and Colorado Rivers in the arid Terminal moraines are not present; consequently, a mininum to semiarid lands of western Colorado. Both mesas rise above elevation for the lower limit of this glaciation is difficult to de­ 10,000 feet, towering more than 5,000 feet above the adjacent termine. Outwash deposits of Bull Lake(?) age in Plateau Colorado River and Plateau Creek valleys. Grand Mesa, a basalt- Creek are buried by younger outwash gravels. Bull Lake(?) capped plateau about 50 square miles in extent, occupies the alluvial terrace and fan gravels are present along the Colorado southwestern part of the area. River. Epeirogenic uplift in the late Tertiary caused streams to cut The ice that
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