![Democrats Keep Big Cities, Republicans Take Stamford](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IMS FAQK FOURTEEN iSIanct^Bt^r lEo^tting Kiwanis Radio Auction Continued Tonight over WINF, 8:30 to 11 oommtttea, tookiturns rettow- Is helped to get tos ^ Tha exeeutlva board of the home he weaU at a pr»e ne FORRm Mr*. T. a BuHlngton of Cor- kig for the directors the several • and 16 mm. Fteiss- The Weather dele, Oa., left for home Sunday Oreen School PTA will meet to­ site plahs attempted betoie the can afford," WorUjjaM. Arenge Dally Nfit Preai Roa night at 6 at the home of Mra Martin W ill Favor Director Harlan 'Pfcykw. tore—eoond or * i^ t, alM Foreeast ef U. K Weathei About Town after a two-week vtelt with her aco^tance of the prseent one. 65 Fer «M Weak Ended brother, Cecil A. Fenn of 395 Robert BanUy, 4 Garth Rd. "Every plan we studied—and ever, voiced the oplrdoo that BBOi. elkto pnpeton. "We toould make very *ire we Nevanber 8, 1668 Mainban ot Nutmeg roreet, Woodland St., and relaUvee In all told there were seven,’’ WELDON DRU# CO. RockvUle and. Danbury. The DAV Auxiliary wUl meet stre thtoe homeowneni me Rata tonight and ThuredM wMh Wu CMwa of LebMon. wiU Buying School Land Cnmmlngn eaW, 'Ted \is back $01 Mata ■A-4M, M f-Sm taoreaatag wtade tonight, tfrartsal M tOBlght at 7:16 at WiU- tomorrow at 7:80 p.m.'at the to the ineecapetole oonduslon saiiM oarefii oonidderatton thrt Reservations win close Thurs­ VTW Home. hae gone into the planning of 13,891 I clearteg late Thnreday. *««»■ Idna-Waat rimeral .Home, 142 that to prepay place this MmthtBtn X. Center *t, to pay reepwsU day morning for a Harvest ■choid on the site would re­ the echool addition." Member of the AudH psmtaree hi 50« throaghout Supper to be held' Thursday The executive board of the Aftor two hours a t discussion on the. proposed Rob­ Bufsoa ef OrcnlatloB to the Ihte Piuil Dougan, a Manchester Association for the quire the purchase of the ad­ Mmeheater^A CUy of Village Charm from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at St. ertson School projecti General Manager Richard Mar­ ditional five parcels.'’ ' For W adne^SIS^^U^ membee. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Help of Retarded Children will Those to attend may call Mrs. meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at tin last night told a subcommittee of the board of di­ Bdward Rybesyk. dlreetor of TUNE-UP TIME A fun dreaa rehearaal for rectors he will rgoommend appropriating funds to buy the M anchester B*'**|** (Ctaeetfled Adverttstag ea Page 88) PRICE SEVEN CENTS “Boy Meeta Olri" Hut been caU- Myron Bogllsh, 669 W. Middle Bunce Center. 6 OfUnder Oats *11.88 VOL. LXXXIH, NO. 82 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1963 Tpke., or the church office. mors land tor tha bchooi addl-e---------------------------- ------------ Agency, said that if the •d by Philip Blirgeea Sr., di­ The drill team of the J < ^ tton. rectors approve the land rector for toAiorrow night at the location of the addttlon and 8 OyHnder Care 15.88 BAKE S H O T Hose Co. 2 of the Eighth Dis­ Mather Chapter, Order of De- In stwwer to k qusaticfi from the Consequent need tor addi- chase, proceedings tor scqiM- * T:*0 a t BOWera School. The L4t- Molay. will meet tomorrow at tlon of land couild begin im­ fie llMater of Manchester’s trict Fire Department will hold Director 'Theodore Powell, who tkmal laiKl. its monthly meeting tomorrow 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Tem­ presided af the Informal meet­ mediately through a "letter of Inolndee osw AO * P ^ produetloa will open Thursday TMs would be purchased un­ ocmaent’’ obtained from federal plage, heavy duty pointa, SOUR ORHM Events ftgsir toe a three-night run. at 8 p.m. at fire headq\iarters, ple. ing, Martin said money oouM der a plan of “early acquialUon” Convoy Blockade Lifted; be made available from the urban renewal authoritiee. condenser add rotor Democrats Keep Big Cities, Main and Hilliard Sts. through the Manchester Re­ LagsUriee of the procedure, th e Darla E. Story Circle of An open board meeting will General, Fund's Capital Tm- newal Agency, thtu t3dng the OOFFEEimW ■oath Methodist Church will Mias Kathleen Stoith, daugh­ be held by the Hartford Dia- provemiinta Rsseme' Ftoid with­ school to the ^poO ed North however, wlU re«pMre s e v ^ In State malt toanorrow at 10:30 am. at ter of Mrs. Isabelle S. Smith, trict of Oongregatolnal Chris­ out deploring H. End Renewal plan. months, Rybceyk said, and im­ g B W O * the church. Mrs. Jcdin E. Wy- 27 Madison St., has bee*v elect­ tian Women at th’e Faith Con' The dost of the five parcels Superintendent of Schools mediate action h derirtole. 71 e War Loomed^ Nikita Says Htnlaeeld win be devotional ed secretory of Converse'^all gregational Church, Hartford, of privtte land next to the pres­ WiUlam H. Curtis eoq>lained Dual referenda on the school on Nov. 12 commencing at 6:30 ent school, which are needed to addttlbn and the North End State Continues Republicans Take Stamford women’s domiittory at Becker that the Robertson site is the leader. urban renw al project are ten­ 681 Mata St, Mancheeter He declared the dispute was Junior College in Worcseteri pm. with dinner. The program build the sddltion ohossn by tH« only one avelMble in the North BERLIN (AP) _ Two^Weri Germany and Berlin. TOet $ Mass. Miss Smith is a fresh­ heme wlH be "The Growing board of ednearidh, has beon es­ End area that seeme adequate tatively elated tor late April or __ ^ *1— . 4... convoy moved into Berlin witlt solved only because the com­ Prisoners Move, man majoring In the two-year Chrlstlap in Our Changing Cul­ timated by Bldward Rytoexyk, to meet educational specifica­ eoriy Mhy. days of crisig on the a u ^ Western officials reporting the mander of the U.S. convoy executive secretarial program ture.” Devotions will abo be ManotMster Renewal Agmcy di­ tions for the addition. It is J. Edward McKeever, 60 N. bahn ended today apd1 Soviets had dropped their de­ agrtod to "observe the estab­ Trips Uneventful Obrittaai Fair held Reservations tor dinner rector, at 8^,000. planned' to be built in two School S t, one of the home- viet Premier Khrushchev mand that they be allowed to lished procedure" regarding Both Parties There will b e a business meet­ will be accepted th ro u ^ Frl- Martin said there is about stages, and eventually to be­ ownera whose land would be said it was a good thing be­ make a count of the U.8. forces. Soviet checking. day jvay M «. Albert L. Thom] 856,000 in.thS'Capltal Improve­ taken under • the acquisition This was dlrecUy opposite to Unless this had been done, the ing of the VFW Poet tonight at ments Fund tfiat is unallocated, come a 20-room unit. Dr. Cur­ cause the incident held the HARTFORD (AP) — Hail Results Tiriiey Sapper 8 at the post horns, 608 E. Cen­ son, 87 Rosemont St., Hartford. tis said; and to meet proper procedure, was one of three FAIR the picture Khruahehev painted Soviet premier said, "We could With a heavy accompani­ ter St. and that anothar $10,000 sur­ eduoatlcnel requirements, it towTispeople present a t the threat of total war. in a Moscow meeting, with a not have yielded and they would All leaders of mothers’ cir- plus from last year’s ,'oudgqt meethig, ei»d ths only one to SPONSORED BY ST. MARYTJ group of visiting U.8. business­ have had to move over our ment of armed men, five ■peaaaored by WSCX could bs tinmed over from the should be placed on a 17-ecrs BWSCOPAL G ^ D Khruahehev expressed this Of Elections Members of the Army-Navy ctes are reminded that reserva­ site. sptiBk. - view, holding that American men. dead bodies.” busloads of prisoners from HiiitBd MsHiodlst tions and gifts for the annual General Fund if the directors Mcksever voioed ooooem "It is possible that you and I More trouble may come on Club will meet tonight at 7 at UGUzing part of Robertson THURSDAY, NOV. 7—1 P ^ * P» authorities had given in and the old prison at Wethers­ Church the clubhouae, then proceed to banquet are d\>e this week' and desire. over problems his family might PARISH HOUSE, CHURCH STOE Soviet authorities in Germany would not be here today’’ if the the 110-mile road leading NEW HAVEN JA P )— Park, and ^ five neceseary face in trying to find another through East Germany to the field made an uneventful Watkins-Weet Funeral Home, are to be turned over to Mrs. The question of the land pur parcels. Dr. OufUs sold, the atte TEA WILL BE SERVED 2 P -^ ^ 4 VM, luted a blockade of a U.8. Army argument had not ended. Democrats look to next BOtffOW—ROUTF 44 142 E. Center St., to pay re­ Edward Kosak, 304 E. MkSdle chase Is expected to oome up at hrnne. "Will renewal authorities eohvoy op the autobahn Joining Khrushchev said. Berlin garriaons, Khrushchev trip this morning to the tonight’s meeting of the board 'wouM be slightly under the 17- guarantee us a oomporable BAKED BEAN, HAM ^ P ^ warned. year’s presidential eleCtio* spects to Paul R. Dougan. and Tpke. acre requirement . sparkling new one at Som­ Sofxrdoy, Nov. 9 to the John F. Tierney Funeral of dirsotoni. i home here in MenehesterT” be SALAD, HOMEMADE D E ^ E ^ He said Western convoys will ers, in Connecticut heartened Dr.
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