Edward Hasted The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent, second edition, volume 10 Canterbury 1800 <i> THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. CONTAINING THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF IT, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL; COLLECTED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, VIEWS, ANTIQUITIES, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED, CORRECTED, AND CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TIME. By EDWARD HASTED, Esq F. R. S. and S. A. LATE OF CANTERBURY. Ex his omnibus, longe sunt humanissimi qui Cantium incolunt. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis, Nec imbellem feroces progenerant. VOLUME X. CANTERBURY PRINTED BY W. BRISTOW, ON THE PARADE. M.DCCC. <ii> <blank> <iii> TO THE REV. EDWARD HASTED, VICAR OF HOLLINGBORNE. MY DEAR EDWARD, I AM certain you will accept this Volume, with the greatest pleasure, as a small token of my parental affection to you, who have ever been an example of duty and filial affection to me; in it you will find a description of that part of the County in the near neighbourhood of which you received the early part of your Education, under our most amiable and much respected Friend, the late Dr. Beauvoir, whose talents as a gentleman and a scholar are universally known. To his instructions you was indebted for that proficiency of Learning which introduced you with iv credit to be a Member of that University, which has ever held its pre-eminence, as the first seminary of learning in this king= dom; where your mind was enriched with that further progress of knowledge, and with those mental accomplishments which has enabled you to fulfil with propriety the pastoral charge com= mitted to your care, to the benefit as well as the universal satis= faction of the flock entrusted to you, by the most reverend and highly respectable Prelate, to whose liberality you owe your ad= vancement to it; but your suavity of manners, and benevolence of heart, at the same time that it gains you the friendship and esteem of the respectable neighbourhood, in which you are so happily situated, endears you to all who know you. That you may, by the blessing of Providence, long enjoy the fruits of your goodness and amiable conduct, is the fervent prayer of my dear Edward, Your sincere well wisher, And ever affectionate Father, EDWARD HASTED. LONDON, JULY 1, 1800. <v> INDEX. The letter A refers to the Appendix of additions and corrections to the ninth and tenth volumes, added at the end of this volume. A. ABBOT, JOHN, possesses Upper Each, in Woodnesbo= rough, 123; Thomas, 384; Rev. William, 397; Mr. 442, A. Abbot’s, of Rams= gate, 123, 400, 401. Abbot’s wall, in Thanet, 266. Acol Achole FARM, in Thanet, 279, 306, 345. Acholt ville, in Thanet, 311. Adam, Thomas, 303. Addelam, now Deal, 2, 4. Adelold, 2, 137. Adisham, MANOR OF, 145, 147; parish of, 429, A. Æstuary, near the Isle of Tha= net, 218. Agar, Hon. Gertrude, 350. Aimolde. See Hamwold. Aislabye Rawson possesses Dane Court SEAT, in Tilmanstone, 82. Albineto Albini, William de, 88, 136, 138. Albrincis,; Simon de, 28; fa= mily of, 435, 436, A. Alcher, earl, 368. Alday’s, of Sandwich, 180. ALDELOND, ALLAND, Grange, in Minster, 281. Alexander, Alexander, LL. D. 350. Alga, or sea-weed, 224 Alkin, Thomas, possesses the White Friars in Sandwich, 182; Alkins, of Canterbury, 129. Alland, Allen, Grange. See Aldelond. Allen, John, 345. ALL SAINTS, parish of, in Tha= net, 245; borough of, 238, 245; church of, 236, 247. All Saints church, in Bread- street, 118. Alterages, what, 289. Amber found in Thanet, 220. Ambry or Almonry FARM, in Monkton, 260. Amulets, British, found in Tha= net, 229. Amyand Claudius, 176. Anchoress, one at Sandwich, 201. Anglo-Saxon architecture, cu= rious specimen of, 76. Anlaf, the Danish chief, 296. Anschitill, the archdeacon, 4. Antiquities found, 229, 230, 329, 330, 363, 368, 432, A. Appleton, Thomas, 114, 131, 139, 284; Appleton’s, 143. APULTON, DISTRICT and MA= NOR OF, 57, 58. Archer’s Court MANOR, in Whit= field 436, A. Arcis, William de, 430, A. Arden’s, 86. Arderne, Thomas, 180. Arundel, Albini’s, earls of, 136. Ash, parish of, 429, A. Ashenden, Thomas, 397. vi Athanaton, now Thanet. Athol, Strabolgie’s, earls of, 30. Atte-Hall’s, 112. Auberville’s, of Westenhanger, 25, 28, 435, A. Augustine, lands in Thanet, 266. Avere, William, 33. Avercorn, service of, 260. Austen’s, 308, 401. Austone, tenement of, in St. John’s, in Thanet, 339. Awstyn’s, or Astyn’s, 82. Ayerst, Robert Gunsley, clerk, 389. Ayling, John, clerk, 259. Aythorne. See Eythorne. B. Bacun, John, 411. Backhouse, J. H. present rector of Deal, 23. Badlesmere’s, 30, 31, 65. Baiæ, coast of, 362. Baieux, Odo, bishop of, 4, 38, 51, 57, 67, 72, 74, 88, 125, 130, 133, 135, 137, 155, 156. Baker, John, 324, 360; Ba= ker’s, of Caldham, 96, 350. Balam, Anthony, 54. Baldock, Mr. 132, possesses Ham= mill-court, in Woodnesbo= rough, 442. Baldpates, Roman coins so called, in Thanet, 230. Banks, Sir Joseph, bart. 26. Baptists, meetings for, 166. Barfield. See Barville. Barfreston, Amicia de, 72. Barfriston. See Barson. Bargander frequents Thanet, 232. Bargar’s. See Bargrave’s. Bargrave, Isaac, lessee of Eastry court, and resides there, 105; dean, account of, ibid. Bargrave’s, 86, 104; account of, 105, 115, 116, 117. Barham, parish of, 434, A. Barne’s, of London, 138. Barnes, Elizabeth, 131. Barnsole, borough and hamlet of, 36, 123. Barracks erected at Deal, 13. Barrett, Thomas, 279. Barrowe, Ethelred, 328, 344. BARSON, parish of, 71, 440, A. church of, 431, A. Bartholomew’s gate, in Thanet, 362. BARTLETT’s, alias THONE= TON, in St. Nicholas, in Tha= net, 240. Barton-field, in Canterbury, 196. Barton’s, 131; chantry in Sand= wich, 215. BARVILLE, GREAT and LIT= TLE, in Tilmanstone, 82. Bathing in the sea; preferable at Margate, 321; machines for, 323. Baths, warm ones at Margate, 323; at Ramsgate, 387. Battely, Dr. his Antiq. Rutu= pinæ, 410. Baugh, Isaac, lessee of Bekes= borne parsonage, 431, A. Beacon, one, in Thanet, 357. Beagrims, in Sandwich, 197. Beake, William, possesses Saper= ton, in Wickhambreaux, 429, A. Beale, Benjamin, inventor of the bathing at Margate, 323. Beaumont, admiral Basil drowned. 15. Bede, Venerable, 218. Bedford, Mrs. lessee of Newland grange, in St. Laurence, 382. Bekesborne, parish of, 431, A. Belknap’s, 31. Belmont SEAT, near Ramsgate, 378. Benchkin, John, 141. Benskin’s, of Woodnesborough, 138, 139. vii Bere’s, alias Byer’s, 250, 303, 383. Bereham, land of, 65. Beresford, Gilbert, present rector of Fordwich, 427, A. Berewic, J. de, iter of, 273, 333. Berry, Thomas, 131. Bertie, Henry, 53; hon. Susan, 53, 59; Peregrine, ibid. 283. Bethlem hospital, governors of, possess Hartanger MANOR, in Barson, 75; a farm at Cly= vesend, in Thanet, 385. BETSHANGER, parish of, 44, 439, A. Bifrons SEAT, in Patrixborne, 105. Billingsley, Samuel, 59; Bil= lingsley’s, 86. Bing’s, 350. BIRCHINGTON, parish of, 227, 236, 258, 294, 312, 345, 444, A. chapel of, 259, 262, 263; church of, 311. Birchington, Stephen, monk of Christ-church, 234. Bishopsborne, parish of, 434, A. Bix, William, 129. Black wand, borne by the mayor of Sandwich, 164. Blanch, John, 205. Blaxland, Henry, 244. Blean, alias Hothe MANOR, 444, A. Blechenden, Thomas, 140; John, 307; Blechenden’s, 143, 258, 259. See also Bly= chenden. Blengate, hundred of, 236. Blome, Elizabeth, 287. Blychenden, Thomas, 138. Bobdale wood, in Thanet, 225. Bocoland. See Buckland. Bodkins FARM, in Swalecliffe, 192. Bolder flints, 210. Bolingbroke, George, viscount, 41, 283, 284, 381. Bookey, Mathew, cl. 143; capt. William, 400. Borlase, Dr. his history, 330. Borowart, lath of, 255. BOTANY, 19, 232. Boteler, William, 74, 112; pos= sesses and resides at a house at Brook-street, in Eastry, 99; Katherine, 114. Boteler’s, of Eythorne, 69; of Brook-street, account of, 99; of Heronden, account of, 107, 109, 137, 138; of Eastry, 116, 117, 441, A. Bowdon, Sir John, 65. Boxley, MANOR of, 121. Boyman’s, of Sandwich, 211. Boys, Thomas, 21; Christo= pher, 27; Edward, of Bets= hanger, 39; Boys’s, of the same, 40; account of, 45, 48; Sir Edward, 173; John, 172; Boys’s, of Fredville, 68; of Eythorne, 68, 73, 77; of Barson, 76; of Denton, 77; of Hoad, 73; William, of Tilmanstone, 79; of the same, 86; William, of Sand= wich, 112; possesses Staten= borough, with Gore FARM, in Eastry, 113: account of him, ibid. 441, A. his Col= lections for Sandwich, 122; Boys’s, of Sandwich, 134, 181; account of, 441, A. John, of Betshanger farm, 438, A. 440, A. possesses Each FARM, in Woodnesborough, 442, A. his treatise on the state of agriculture in Kent, 223. Brabant, persecution for religion in, 160. Bradley’s, of Sandwich, 211. Bradstow, in Thanet. See Broadstairs. Bradstow, our lady of, 365. Bradhall, William, 239 Brandon, Philip, present curate of Upper Deal, 14. viii Brandred, MANOR of, 5. Bray, John, junior, lieutenant of Sandowne castle, 13. Braybrooke, Robert de, 411. Brent, Edward, 175. Breton, William and Eliab, possess Downbarton MANOR and Shoart, 239; Bartlett’s, alias Thoneton, in St. Ni= cholas, 240; Richard, 301, 421. Brett, John, 66; Charles, 176; Jerom, 240; Brett’s, of Wye, 46. Brewse, William de, 429, A. Brice, Richard, possesses Manston MANOR, in St. Laurence, 381. Bridger, Peter, 360. Bridges, Sir Brook William, possesses South, alias Upper Hamwold, in Woodnesbo= rough, 134; lessee of the de= mesnes of Monkton MANOR, 256; resides at Gunston, 431, A. —- lady, possesses Gun= ston house and park, and re= sides there, ibid. Bridges, Mrs. Mary, possesses a house in St. Nicholas, 237; John, lessee of St.
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