Simcrkutt.' ~~ .. "... —m.. T r VTTT | f»»*ctrwiM raid, ti.eo ni (Eltawortl) \(,l. LAiii1 I ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 15, 1917. i No. 33. annfrtisrmmtf. LOCAL AFFAIRS and Mra. William Brook* and daughtal Maud of Auburn were recent guests ol i NBW ADTKKTI ifc H KNii Ttfll.M U'KRK Mr*. C. S. Cottle. They made the trip by automobile. Bijon theatre Hancock Co Havings Bank Mr. and Mra. John Clement Shrinei The Barrill National bank Probate notice-John M Houston et als of Weat Newton, formerly of Ellsworth, —Daniel 8 La moot are u receiving congratulations on the — Ignatius R Grotsmann —Edwins Booth Grossmann birth of a daughter, Phoebe Elizabeth, House for sale born Aug. 11. Pig found .*> Gold Watch its 30 chain lost rad Mrs. Harold H. Clark and son During Years Home made marmalade for sale h|r. of Linnehan’s auto livery Richard, Pittsburgh, Pa., are visiting Farm at Lamoine for sale. Mr. Clark’s slater, Miss M. A. Clark. Mr. of successful the Mb.: experience, Burrill Na- Blubhill, Clark was; unexpectedly called to Wash- Bank has Buckboard, phaeton, motor board for sale ington Monday. tional steadily grown in Nbw Yobk City: deposits Mrs. Carrie and the good will of the Schooners and steamers wanted Bellatty, Mrs. C. E. Bellatty, people, and it is with three daughters, and Miss Margaret now in a Franklin of Rnxbury, Mass., are at the stronger position than ever be- SCHEDULE OF MAILS Bellatty cottage at Contention Cove. Mr. fore to extend the most at bllAwobtb ros-rorncs. efficient service. Bellatty i* expected the 2&th. !n effect, June 96, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. DeCaittre arrived are after Checking Accounts solicited. MAILS BSCBIVBD. Saturday two weeks at the Castine Week Daye. normal alumni encampment at Sandy for a abort visit with _l From Wbst-6.55, 7.15. 11.46 a id (except Mon- Point, Capt. Addison day), 4.21, 6.43 p m. Maddox. They will leave to-day for Bar Fboh Harbor and East—12.28,*4.11, .6.89, 10.97 p m. (10.97 vicinity. mail not (distributed until following morn- Fred, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and ing) Mr*. Albert N. Cushman, who has been In Sunday. the Bangor hospital for treatment for LENOX From West—6.56, 11.46 a m. mastoid abscesses in both ears, is im- KEROSENE No mall from east Sunday. proving. His parents hope to bring him home the latter BY THE BARBEL MAILS CLOSE AT POSTOmCB part of the week. Week Day. Robert P. King and Ludike Hall of who Goino West—11.40 a in; 8.40, 4.50 and 9 pm. Ellsworth, are with the 1st Maine Going East—6.80 a m: 3.40 p m. heavy artillery, have received appoint- GASOLINE Sundays. ment to the officers' training camp at Going West—3.40,5.10. Plattaburg, N. Y. It i* expected that No mail east Sunday. BY THE DRUM they will receive a furlough from their regiment for the three months’ training Registered mail should be at postoffice half at Plattsburg, beginning August 27. an hour before mail closes. Rosie Shapleigh and Winnie Brady, aged fifteen, both of Ellsworth, were last WKATHKK IN ELLSttOKTH. C. W. week committed to the industrial school GRINDAL lor girls at Halloweil, on of Por Week Ending at Midnight complaint Tuesday, Juliette Aug. 14, 1917. Nickerson, agent for the preven- tion of to children. Water Street, Ellsworth (From observations taken at the power cruelty Both ap- station of the Bar Harbor A Union Rivei pealed, and bonds were furnished for Power in Co., rfllsworth. Precipitation is their given in inches for the twenty four hours appearance at the October term of ending at midnight.] the supreme court. BOY DROWNKI). Trenton Child Injured. Weather Precip- Marguerite, aged thirteen years, FOR SALE Temperature condition* Ration George W. tbe veteran Massa- daugh- Leavitt, Stewart Loses Life Jay While Bath- ter of Charles Davis, jr., of Trenton, was chusetts known on 4am 12 ni forenoon horseman, every big afternoon ing In Leonard Lake. thrown from the board of an track in tbe running Wed 56— 76— fair country, was in Ellsworth Boat Actaeort fair,cloudy aged fourteen soh of Mr. automobile on the Trenton road Saturday Freight — one last Jay, years, Thurs 62 66— rain .56 day week to call on E. H. cloudy,rain Greely, serious his and Mrs. John J. of Ellsworth afternoon, receiving injuries, in- 50 Frl 61— 66— rain rain.fair 2.78 friend of more than forty years. It Stewart, 65ft; draft 6ft: a fracture of skull. She is in Length, candying capacity, Sat 59— cluding the 76- fair fair will be remembered that it was Mr. Falls, v as drowned last after- Saturday a tons one and one Ellsworth — serious her recovery ; Jaeger engine, 40hp Sun 68 80— fair fair Leavitt and Mr. who condition, though Greely brought the noon, in Leonard lake. Mon 62— 6*2— fair fair is considered probable. about 8 knots; derrick con- famous stallion Bingen, then a yearling, engine,"'Shp; speed Tues 60— 81— clear clear The boy, with bis was from to Maine. mother, spend- neeted with power. Kentucky COMING EVENTS. ing the afternoon at the home of relatives, The Ellsworth dramatic club, under the Elba W. of Brewer is in Mr. and Mrs. William on Third at Nicolin Mayo visiting management of Fred E. Cooke, will make Chapman, Tuesday evening, Aug. 21, Ellsworth and vicinity. grange orchestra. its fifth annual appearance Thursday street. With Grace Stewart, the fourteen- hall—Dance; Higgins’ Dance tickets 50 centB; ladies free. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Rowe are on an evening, Aug. 30, in the five-act drama, year-old daughter of Mrs. Chapman, automobile to Portland. “East Lynne.” Though the is an old Thursday, Aug. 30, at Hancock hall— BIJOU THEATRE play they went to the lake at the foot of Third N/IAIfM STREET one, it has been selected as it “East Lynne,” bj' Ellsworth dramatic Charles W. Jordan of Everett, Mass., is especially street, where the two children went in has never been known to fail in club. Tickets, 25 and 35 cents, on sale at in Ellsworth for a week, bringing while the mother sat on the AUG. Utah in “The Children of the Feud.” | wading, WEDNESDAY, IS—Dorothy forth a crowded house. The cast will be R. H. Smith’s store Monday, Aug. 27. Tr angle Co. Miss Addie Salisbury i» visiting her bank. Neither of the children could by Miss Doris Hal man in TIH TODAY, AUG. 16- Charlie Chaplin in hi* t>urlea<jue on “Carmen,” 4 reela. sister Beulah in supported the swim. FAIR DATES. , lJucksport. a the late war news. Price for this Juui role of isoaeue und Also tfclig Tribune showing picture, Lady Madam At the where the oc- Mrs. Ada Johnson is to place drowning ; Tuesday, Wednesday, 10 and 20 cenla. to-day moving Vine. The remainder of the has Thursday, Sept. cast been the shore is treacherous because AUG. with Mabc1 Taliaferro. Metro. where she will reside. eurred, 4, 5, 6- Bluehill fair. FRIDAY, 17-“The Sunbeam” Portland, and will be announced suitably selected, oi seamed and holes. The KWUhDAY, AGO. lii “Tba Conay leland Prior m.” Paramount. ledges boy, | Wednesday, Hept. 19—Highland grange wilbS-reel feature. Miss Mabel N. Joy of Portland is the later. The proceeds of tbe production Hre MONDAY. AUG. 20 tfixtn nth episode of *erial “Liberty,” who was wadiug out up to bis neck and North Penobscot. of Mrs. Bertha to be used in j fair, 1 UK-DAY. AUG. 21— l.eoora Ulrich in “The Road to Love.” Paramount.” guest Joy Thompson. furnishing a carpet for the his trying to swim ashore, got beyond j Thursday, Sept. 20—Pamola grange fair, NS KPNKsDAY, AUG. 22-Feature “The Wolf Woman,” with Louiae Glaum. a most-needed addition to the im- Mrs. Dana H. Smith of Warren is visit- stage, in one of these and sank. AUG. 23 -“Enlighten Thy Daughter.” depth holes, Hancock. her Mrs. Austin K. Russell. provements already made in the hall. ing aunt, When his mother realised that he was J Wednesday, Sept. 26 — Narramissic K. of will have an in Mrs. May Houghton Prince of Chicago Donaqua lodge, P., drowning, she rushed into the water grange fair, Oriand. and IQ cents this Admission,_5 is the guest of Miss Mary F. Hopkins. important meeting evening, which an attempt to rescue him, and got be- Wednesday, Oct. 10 — Grange fair at will be in tbe nature of a district But for the Miss Margaret Monaghan of Houlton is meeting, yond her depth. presence Eastbrook. as all the lodges of the district are invited. of mind of the there would have spending her vacation at her home here. girl, FAMILY REUNIONS. C. & SON Knights are expected from tbe lodges at been a double drowning. She waded out C. BURRILL Mrs. Ida Chase of Boston is visiting her Aug. 22—Rice at Birch Harbor. Prospect Harbor, West Sullivan, Bar Har- as far as she could, reached a long stick fami’y sisters, Misses Carrie and Harriet Baker. -UKUbllshed 1807— bor, Seal Harbor, Bluebill and Sedgwick. to Mrs. Stewart, ana dragged her ashore. August 23—Murch family at grange hall, church be | Services at the Baptist will There will be a reception to the grand Mrs. Stew’art became hysterical, and it j Bayside. resumed next and even- — Sunday morning lodge officers resident in this district was with difficulty that she was prevented ; August 25—Fiost family at George A.
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