TOLEDO SALES: 419-870-6565 Your Hispanic Weekly DETROIT, Since 1989. www. laprensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! July/julio 17, 2009 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 45, No. 19 DETROIT SALES: 313-729-4435 Buy your Toledo Mud Hen Tickets for Latino Day at El Camino Sky, 2072 Woodville, on Saturday, July 18 between Noon - 2PM. LATINO DAY with the Toledo Mud Hens July 26, 2009. Sponsored by La Prensa and the Spanish American Organization, with Bankruptcy…No Credit… entertainment provided by El Camino Real and Toledo Bad Credit…Divorce La Prensa Members of the Spanish American Organization and met July 11, Mud Hens, starting 5PM. Ask about our 2009 at Mi Hacienda Restaurant to sell $12 tickets to Latino Scholarship Buy your tickets NOW! ✔ Day with the Toledo Mud Hens—$3 of each ticket sold will be applied for 419.870.6565, Guaranteed scholarships to deserving students. Call 419-870-6565 or 290-3082 for tickets. 419.290.3082, or 419.290.8872. Credit Approval Gina Duran Jim Duran Credit approval – go to citywidecreditapp.com DENTRO: HOT BUY! Federal Stimulus funds more MI art groups ...4 02 Chevy Monty Carlo 78k ‘Fish Smart’ and ‘Eat Smart’ .........................4 Toledo Mud Hens .......5 TMA Area Artists 01 Ford Exployer Sport Track 98k Exhibit winners ..........5 02 Buick RENDEZVOUS 82k Judge Skow helps AS LOW AS convicted man ............5 $45 WEEKLY Finkbeiner urges better DRIVES! census count ................5 Special Free Warranty! Horoscopes ..................6 04 Chevy Trailblazer 70k loaded Strickland to authorize CITY WIDE AUTO CREDIT racetrack slots ............6 Sacred Heart Festival 7 Everyone Gets Approved! Dementia on the rise 10 La Liga de Las 1-866-477-4361 City Wide Americas .................. 11 Se Habla Español! Auto Credit Deportes ................... 11 419-698-5259 Wheeling Obituaries ................ 12 citywideautocredit.com Woodville Rd. I-280 Commentary by Hugo 2251 Woodville Rd. Brown Rd. Oregon, OH 43616 E. Broadway Urizar ....................... 12 Guaranteed Credit Approval! Steve Steel and Bob Vásquez: The Political Shuffle, see page 2 Classifieds ............ 14-15 • Grandma’s Country Cookin’ • Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner • Comida Buena • 3312 Glendale Ave. • 419-382-1115 • LORAIN SALES: 440-320-8221 CLEVELAND, Since 1989. www. laprensa1.com FREE! LORAIN: TINTA CON SABOR OHIO CITY & RIDGE ROAD HISPANIC SPECIALS! Ohio’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! 8 OZ. PACKAGE 7 OZ. BOTTLES July/julio 17, 2009 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 45, No. 19 GOYA 10 PACK TOMATO SAUCE MALTA GOYA Sacred Heart’s Festival July 10-12, Page 7 $ $ 99 CLEVELAND SALES: 440-320-8221 399FOR 3 SAVE 30¢ SAVE $1.00 DENTRO: Vásquez and Steel: 20 LB. BAG 7.62-8.25 OZ. Political shuffle thrusts GOYA FRESH DUX WHOLE WHEAT two activists into key CANILLA RICE CILANTRO OR SODA CRACKERS roles .............................2 ‘Fish Smart’ and ‘Eat $ 99 ¢ $ 49 Smart’ .........................4 9 79 ea. 1 SAVE $4.00 SAVE 20¢ SAVE 50¢ Toledo Mud Hens .......5 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., JULY 15, THRU TUES., JULY 21, 2009 TMA Area Artists Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Exhibit winners ..........5 Judge Skow helps 3565 RIDGE ROAD • 216-961-2000 • 2700 CARROLL AVE. • 216-274-2940 convicted man ............5 Finkbeiner urges better census count ................5 Horoscopes ..................6 Strickland to authorize racetrack slots ............6 Dementia on the rise 10 La Liga de Las Americas .................. 11 Deportes ................... 11 Obituaries ................ 12 Ohio woman writes her own obituary ........... 12 Commentary by Hugo Urizar ....................... 12 Classifieds ............ 14-15 BUY THIS MENDOZA’s The best Mexican Food SPACE CONTACT RUBEN TODAY! Call (440) 320-8221 101 E. Perry St. Port Clinton OH 419-734-1693 ABOGADO Oscar E. Rodriguez, Esq. • Incapacidad/Disability Attorney at Law • Beneficios del Seguro Social / SSI • Casos de Worker’s Compensation Law Offices of • Lesiones de Trabajo Oscar E. 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We help people file bankruptcy. –Photos by Ingrid Marie Rivera [email protected] 7KH/DZRI¿FHRI John Paul Oreh El Kefón Attorney At Law Necesita un ABAGADO, Grand Buffet Yo le puedo ayudar: -Casos de Worker’s The First Spanish Buffet in Town Compensation Established in 1998 %HQH¿FLRVGHO6HJXUD6RFLDO -Accidentes de Transito (auto, moto, camiones) El Kefón Buffet El Kefón -Accidentes en el Trabajo -Incapacidad/Disability 3156 W. 25 St. 1836 Broadway -Bancarrota 4290 Oberlin Ave., Lorain, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Lorain, OH 44052 0XHUWRSRUQHJOLJHQFLD 1-866-349-6011 / 1-216-896-0935 Lunes - Sábado 11 AM - 10 PM Tues.-Thurs. 11-6:30 440.246.6396 [email protected] Fri.-Sat. 11-7:00 Open 11 am-7 pm &KDJULQ%RXOYDUG :HVWWK6WUHHW Sunday 8 AM - 8 PM 6XLWH 6XLWH0 Closed Lunes Cada Día! Cleveland, Ohio 44122 Lorain, Ohio 44052 Serving Breakfast también! • Old Century Buffet, 451 Griswold Rd., Elyria — Coupons on Page 5 of La Prensa • 440-324-2237 • Página 2 La Prensa—Política July/julio 17, 2009 Vásquez and Steel: Political shuffle thrusts two activists into key roles Power of By Alan Abrams, La Prensa Senior Correspondent ethnic press: July 14, 2009: Although to a vacancy on the Toledo one of the first Latinos in Ohio grams and not wait for the state benefit from hiring,” says it has only been slightly more City Council. Steel’s resigna- hired by the U.S. Postal Ser- to do so,” says Vásquez. Steel. urging than a week since longtime tion made it possible for vice, died February 16, 2009, However, Vásquez is par- He says he is especially Toledo Latino community Vásquez to succeed him in the at the age of 87. “It was quite a ticularly proud of one of his interested in focusing upon immigration activists Bob Vásquez and TPS board presidency. blow,” says his son, adding, accomplishments during his “small to medium size busi- Dr. Steve Steel were sud- Steel is married to Latina “My older brother Lou, a long- tenure: the program that, be- nesses with eight to 40 em- reform denly thrust into new jobs, educator Catherine time Toledo Police Department ginning with 2009 high school ployees that will grow and NEW YORK, July 6, their election campaign Hernández; they have an 8- officer, has stepped in to try to graduates, extends financial expand, hiring more workers signs have already started year-old daughter, Ruthie fill the void.” Vásquez has two aid to needy TPS students with over time as their success in- 2009 (AP): Ethnic media flowering. Steel Hernández. Steel for- other brothers, Mike and Brian, a 3.0 grade point average and creases. We need to look at organizations are demand- Newly appointed presi- merly served as communica- who are also Toledo Police provides full tuition for four their business plans and do ing urgent action on fed- dent of the Toledo Public tions director for Baldemar officers. years of college through the what we can to help them. We eral immigration reform— School board Bob Vásquez Velásquez and the Farm La- Bob and his wife Kathy, University of Toledo Guar- are in a good market posi- in the languages their au- has neither publicly nor for- bor Organizing Committee who is Associate Vice Presi- antee program or the Success tion.” mally announced his candi- (FLOC). dent for Governmental Rela- Program at Owens Commu- As an example, Steel diences speak. dacy for a full term, but there The local spike in the need tions at the University of To- nity College. points to “the old Sofo pro- La Prensa has been ad- is no question that he is off for new business cards was ledo, have been married 28 Meanwhile, across town at cessing plant on Belmont vocating immigration re- and running for the post. triggered by the resignation years. They have two sons, Government Center, newly which has found new life form for a decade. For Vásquez, it is not a of Toledo City Council presi- Stephen, 27, a Development minted Councilman Steel also under the operation of Over 275 broadcast, question of if, but when. As dent Mark Sobczak. On the Officer with United Way of has some thoughts to share Martínez Food Products Vásquez clearly told this re- same day that Joe McNamara Greater Toledo, and David, 25, with La Prensa readers. LLC. The company, which print, and online ethnic porter, “I intend to run again was elected as the council’s a supervisor at BAX Global at “I think as an at-large coun- Steel says is only four years media outlets have run or for this seat, and I will make new president, Steel was cho- Toledo Airport. cilman. I have a vision for the old, makes pickles and sauces plan to run an editorial a public announcement sen by a 7 to 3 vote to fill the Bob Vásquez says he was entire city, not only its dis- for Meijer, Kroger, and other calling on the White soon.” vacancy on council, serving well prepared for the change tricts.
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