2021 Atlanta's Champion Tree List RANK YEAR update SPECIES COMMON NAME LOCATION CIR (ft) CIR (in) HEIGHT(ft) SPREAD (ft) Total Points Location Type 1 2014 Acer buergerianum Maple - Trident corner of Peachtree Rd and Peachtree Way 2.2 26.0 36.0 18.0 66.5 Public Access 1 2015 Acer japonicum Maple - Japanese Callanwolde Arts Center - in dedication garden area 2.3 27.5 23.2 22.5 56.3 Public Park 1 2020 Acer rubrum Maple - Red Mason Mill Park at creek 10.0 120.5 87.0 110.0 235.0 Public Park 1 2011 Acer rubrum Maple - Red McLendon Ave, across from Lake Claire park on boardwalk 9.2 110.0 109.3 52.5 232.5 Public Park 2 2012 Acer rubrum Maple - Red Dearborn Park, Decatur, GA - south end 9.5 114.5 95.2 50.0 222.2 Public Park 3 2010 Acer rubrum Maple - Red East Palisades, Chattahoochee River National Recreation 8.5 101.5 88.0 45.0 200.8 Public Park Area 1 2010 2021 Acer saccharinum Maple - Silver Herbert Taylor Park (has marker) 13.7 166.0 101.6 91.0 290.4 Public Park 1 2002 Acer saccharinum Maple - Silver 310 Robinhood Rd Atlanta 30309 14.9 178.8 85.0 95.0 287.6 Private Residence 1 2012 Acer saccharinum Maple - Silver Herbert Taylor Park 12.6 151.0 111.0 60.0 277.0 Public Park 1 2014 Acer saccharum Maple - Southern Sugar 207 E. Parkwood, Decatur, GA 10.9 131.0 81.8 70.0 230.3 Private Residence 2 2010 2018 Acer saccharum Maple - Southern Sugar Beecher Hills (just west of PATH cut through) 8.0 96.0 104.3 52.0 213.3 Public Park 2 2012 Acer saccharum Maple - Southern Sugar Beecher Hills 6.2 74.0 119.4 50.0 205.9 Public Park 1 2021 Aesculus flava Buckeye - Yellow Westview Cemetery - Section 1 9.3 112.0 57.4 58.0 183.9 Public Access 2 2016 Aesculus hippocastanum Chestnut - Horse Woodlands Garden 2.0 24.0 48.0 20.0 77.0 Public Access 1 2010 Aesculus parviflora Buckeye - Bottlebrush Emory University, across from Cox Hall 0.7 8.5 12.7 18.0 25.7 Public Access 1 2014 Aesculus pavia Buckeye - Red 1730 northeast expy ne, atlanta, ga 30329 3.7 44.0 20.4 25.0 70.7 Private Residence 1 2011 Amelanchier arborea Serviceberry Frazer Center - Cator Woolford Gardens 1.2 14.8 23.4 20.5 43.3 Public Access 1 2013 Aralia spinosa Devil's Walking Stick Woodlands Garden 1.2 15.8 33.1 10.0 51.4 Public Park 2 2016 Aralia spinosa Devil's Walking Stick Emory University, Lullwater (seen from bridge) 0.8 10.0 25.5 13.0 38.8 Public Access 3 2010 Aralia spinosa Devil's Walking Stick Fernbank Elementary Forest- Heaton Park Drive 0.6 6.8 26.6 10.0 35.9 Public Park 3 2010 Aralia spinosa Devil's Walking Stick Emory University, Lullwater 0.6 7.2 24.4 11.0 34.4 Public Park 1 2010 2018 Asimina triloba Paw paw East Palisades, Chattahoochee River National Recreation 1.6 21.0 36.5 11.0 60.3 Public Park Area 1 2014 Betula nigra Birch - River Atlanta Memorial Park- just west of Nside Drive along 10.0 120.0 74.2 75.0 213.0 Public Park north bank of Ptree Creek 1 2020 Betula nigra Birch - River Mason Mill Park - beside creek 10.8 129.0 63.5 80.0 212.5 Public Park 1 2010 Betula nigra Birch - River East Palisades, Chattahoochee River National Recreation 8.5 102.5 83.5 53.3 199.3 Public Park Area 2 2012 Betula nigra Birch - River Emory University - Wesley Woods facility at creek 8.6 103.6 67.9 50.0 184.0 Public Access 2 2012 Betula nigra Birch - River Medlock Park along PATH east of Willivee Dr. 8.1 97.0 71.9 50.2 181.4 Public Park 1 2012 Calocedrus decurrens Cedar - Incense Agnes Scott College at Candler Rd 9.4 113.0 82.1 40.0 205.1 Public Access 1 2012 Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood Candler Park, SE side in forested gully 4.4 52.6 44.9 46.5 109.1 Public Park 2 2016 Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood Fernbank Forest 2.8 33.0 60.8 39.0 103.6 Public Access 2 2016 Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood Emory University, Lullwater 2.5 30.2 62.3 40.0 102.5 Public Park 3 2013 Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood Cascade Springs on trail at falls 2.5 30.0 61.5 35.0 100.3 Public Park 1 2020 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Lionel Hampton-Beecher Hills Park on PATH 9.9 119.0 115.5 50.0 247.0 Public Park 2 2021 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Lionel Hampton-Beecher Hills Park 9.0 108.0 111.0 50.0 231.5 Public Park 2 2017 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Herbert Taylor Park (Daniel Johnson NP) 7.3 87.0 128.0 52.0 228.0 Public Park 2 2012 2020 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Frazer Forest 7.1 85.5 124.0 45.0 220.8 Public Park 3 2017 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Fernbank Forest, below pond 6.5 77.5 127.7 45.0 216.5 Public Access 3 2012 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Emory University 5.5 66.0 133.9 45.0 211.2 Public Access 3 2017 Carya cordiformis Hickory - Bitternut Clear Creek Nature Preserve, Brookwood Hills 6.4 77.0 122.0 45.0 210.3 Private Greenspace 1 2010 Carya glabra Hickory - Pignut Fernbank Forest 8.1 97.6 141.6 57.0 253.4 Public Access 1 of 9 2021 Atlanta's Champion Tree List RANK YEAR update SPECIES COMMON NAME LOCATION CIR (ft) CIR (in) HEIGHT(ft) SPREAD (ft) Total Points Location Type 1 2010 Carya glabra Hickory - Pignut Glenn Lake Park, Decatur, GA 9.5 114.0 116.3 78.0 249.8 Public Park 1 2013 Carya glabra Hickory - Pignut Orme Park 9.1 109.5 120.4 60.0 244.9 Public Park 2 2010 Carya glabra Hickory - Pignut Beecher Hills 6.7 80.5 145.4 32.5 234.0 Public Park 1 2015 Carya Illinoinensis Pecan Entrenchment Creek, South DeKalb County 15.3 183.5 94.0 103.0 303.3 Public Park 2 2021 Carya Illinoinensis Pecan Herbert Taylor Park (near champion cherry) 120.0 130.6 80.0 270.6 Public Park 2 2014 Carya Illinoinensis Pecan 1st Ave, Avondale Estates, GA 11.3 135.5 91.7 96.0 251.2 Private Residence 3 2012 Carya Illinoinensis Pecan Brookwood Hills neighborhood- private property 9.8 118.0 118.2 50.0 248.7 Private Residence 3 2017 Carya Illinoinensis Pecan Ridgewood Dr NE, near Haygood dr (Emory/DHHS area) 10.0 120.0 99.0 80.0 239.0 Private Residence 1 2012 Carya ovata Hickory - Shagbark Lake Charlotte Nature Preserve 7.8 94.0 118.1 50.0 224.6 Public Park 2 2012 Carya ovata Hickory - Shagbark Forrest Park Rd and Hutchens Rd, Atlanta, GA 5.9 70.6 100.0 40.0 180.6 Public Access 1 2012 Carya tomentosa Hickory - Mockernut Emory University 7.2 86.0 119.2 45.0 216.5 Public Access 1 2010 2020 Catalpa bignonioides Catalpa - Southern Westview Cemetery- Section #12 10.2 122.5 46.7 55.0 183.0 Public Access 2 2010 Catalpa bignonioides Catalpa - Southern 53 Rockyford Rd, Atlanta, GA 30317 5.8 70.1 81.0 31.5 159.0 Private Residence 3 2010 Catalpa bignonioides Catalpa - Southern Oakview Rd at Spring St, Decatur, GA 7.3 87.0 53.2 39.0 150.0 Private Residence 1 2019 Cedrus deodara Cedar - Deodar 735 Brookline st atlanta ga 30324 16.5 198.0 80.0 50.0 290.5 Private Residence 3 2010 Cedrus deodara Cedar - Deodar Fernbank Museum - across creek from WildWoods 6.6 79.6 129.4 42.5 219.6 Semi-Public 1 2012 2021 (h) Celtis laevigata Sugarberry - S. Hackberry Clear Creek Nature Preserve, Brookwood Hills 11.3 135.0 112.6 86.0 269.1 Public Park 2 2021 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry - S. Hackberry 632 2nd Ave NE, Decatur, GA 12.0 144.0 59.4 77.0 222.7 Private Residence 2 2010 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry - S. Hackberry Freedom Park, Inman Park area (adjacent to Carmel Ave, 10.1 121.0 81.1 78.0 221.6 Public Park NE) 3 2010 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry - S. Hackberry Herbert Taylor Park 9.6 115.0 78.5 62.0 209.0 Public Park 1 2014 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Cabbagetown Park along low lying trail/bridge 1.2 14.4 16.0 16.0 34.4 Public Park 1 2012 Cercis canadensis Redbud - Eastern Gilbert House (Avery Park) 3.8 45.0 43.0 38.0 97.5 Public Park 2 2018 Cercis canadensis Redbud - Eastern Fernbank Forest- behind HH near trail intersection w N/S 2.0 24.5 51.8 20.0 81.3 Public Access 1 2011 Chionanthus retusus Fringetree - Chinese Atlanta Botanical Garden 3.9 47.0 26.0 43.5 83.9 Public Access 1 2015 Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree - American Atlanta History Center 1.6 19.0 28.9 22.0 53.4 Public Access 1 2011 Cladrastis kentukea Yellowwood Lullwater Preservation Garden (marker) 2.2 26.0 50.4 32.0 84.4 Public Park 1 2010 Cornus alterniflora Dogwood - Alternate leaf Fernbank Science Center (behind building) 1.3 15.5 26.2 22.5 47.3 Public Access 2 2016 Cornus alterniflora Dogwood - Alternate leaf Emory University 0.9 10.6 23.5 22.5 39.7 Public Access 1 2014 Cornus amomum Dogwood - Silky forest behind 136 Murray Hill Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 0.5 6.2 19.0 24.0 31.2 Private Residence 1 2011 Cornus controversa Dogwood - Giant Atlanta Botanical Garden 5.3 63.6 35.2 50.0 111.3 Public Access 1 2009 Cornus florida Dogwood - Flowering Grace United Methodist, 458 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta 6.2 74.4 30.0 45.0 115.7 Public Access 30308 on Charles Allen Dr 2 2017 Cornus florida Dogwood - Flowering Peachtree Christian, 1580 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 4.0 48.0 42.3 40.0 100.3 Public Access 2 2017 Cornus florida Dogwood - Flowering Lynwood Park 3360 Osborne Rd Brookhaven GA 30319 5.7 67.8 30.0 25.0 104.1 Public Park 2 2017 Cornus florida Dogwood - Flowering Lynwood Park 3360 Osborne Rd Brookhaven GA 30319 5.7 67.8 25.0 30.0 100.3 Public Park 3 2017 Cornus florida Dogwood - Flowering 650 Delmar Ave (tree is on Marion Ave) 3.3 39.0 45.0 27.0 90.8 Private Residence 1 2016 Cornus kousa Dogwood - Kousa 2414 Glenwood Dr.
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