Glossary and acronyms Glossary broussard European long-term resident of New Caledonia living mainly on farms or in rural villages Caldoche European long-term resident of New Caledonia, often second and third generation Indigénat (native code) system confining Kanaks to designated areas, taxing them, subjecting them to punishment by administrators rather than judges, and requiring them to work on government projects, from 1887 to 1946 événements (events) term used by the French for the civil disturbances in New Caledonia from 1984 to 1988 Kanak indigenous people of New Caledonia, Melanesians metropolitan expression deriving from the French métropolitain meaning from the métropole or continental France Mwâ Kâ (big house) totemic monument in central Noumea outre-mer (overseas France) collective expression referring to all French departments, territories and collectivities overseas régalien (regalian) sovereign, pertaining to the French sovereign state, often referred to in the context of the Noumea Accord as the five powers retained solely by the French State by the end of the Accord (2018); i.e., defence, foreign affairs, currency, justice and public order Acronyms French and historic institutions ADECAL Agence de Développement Économique de la Nouvelle- Calédonie (New Caledonia Economic Development Agency) AFD Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) xi France in the South Pacific: Power and Politics CEP Centre d’Expérimentation du Pacifique (Pacific Experimentation Centre): name for the French nuclear testing facility in French Polynesia CFP Currency of the French Pacific entities, variously translated in the early years as ‘Colonies Françaises du Pacifique’ or ‘French Pacific colonies’; ‘Change Français du Pacifique’ from 1947; and, in recent years, ‘Cours’ or ‘Comptoir’ ‘Français Pacifique’. It has a fixed value relative to the Euro, CFP1 = Euro.00838. COM Collectivités d’Outre-Mer (overseas collectivities) COMSUP Commandant Supérieur (commander of French armed forces) DOM-TOM Départements d’Outre-Mer, Territoires d’Outre-Mer (overseas departments and territories) EFO Établissements Français d’Océanie (French Pacific establishments, the former name for French Polynesia) EUR Euro FANC Forces Armées de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonian armed forces (French)) IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (French Research Institute for Marine Exploitation) INCO now Vale INCO, multinational nickel company operating in New Caledonia INERIS Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risk) INSEE Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies) IRD Institut de recherche pour le développement (Institute for Development Research) ISEE/ ITSEE Institut de la statistique et des études économiques/Institut territorial de la statistique et des études économiques (Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies/Territorial Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (New Caledonia)) ISPF Institut de la statistique de Polynésie Française (Statistics Institute of French Polynesia) LMS London Missionary Society RFO Radio France Outre-Mer, France’s overseas broadcasting service SLN Société le Nickel (The Nickel Company), French-owned nickel company in New Caledonia STSEE Service Territorial de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (Territorial Service for Statistics and Economic Studies) (Wallis and Futuna) xii Glossary and acronyms Regional Pacific institutions ADB Asian Development Bank CRISP Coral Reef Initiative for the South Pacific CROP Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific EDF Economic Development Fund FFA Forum Fisheries Agency FRANZ France, Australia, New Zealand Arrangements MSG Melanesian Spearhead Group NFIP Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific, anti-nuclear NGO OCO Oceania Customs Organisation PACER Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations PECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Council PICTA Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement PIDP Pacific Islands Development Program PIF Pacific Islands Forum (formerly South Pacific Forum (SPF), 1971– 2000) PITA Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association PPA Pacific Power Association PREPARE Pacific Regional Endeavour for an Appropriate Response to Epidemics RAMSI Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands SOPAC Secretariat of the Pacific Applied Geoscience and Technology Division SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community (formerly South Pacific Commission, 1947–1998) SPF South Pacific Forum SPNWFZ South Pacific Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program SPTO South Pacific Tourism Organisation xiii France in the South Pacific: Power and Politics International and Australian institutions ACP EU Africa–Caribbean–Pacific developing country assistance program ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation C24 Committee of 24, or Special Committee on Decolonisation within the Fourth (Political) Committee of the United Nations CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation EC European Commission EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EU European Union FAST French Australian Science and Technology program FAUST French–Australian Seismic Transect, program exploring offshore resources around New Caledonia NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation OCT Overseas Countries and Territories of the EU members OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development STABEX EU support for agricultural exports SYSMIN EU financing for mining products UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea UNGA United Nations General Assembly New Caledonian institutions ADCK Agence de développement de la culture kanak (Agency for Kanak Cultural Development) ADRAF Agence de développement rural et d’aménagement foncier (Rural Development and Land Management Agency) ALK Académie des Langues Kanak (Academy of Kanak Languages) Cadres d’Avenir (‘future executives’) or 400 cadres (‘400 executives’) positive action program for training and placement of Kanak executives NMC Nickel Mining Company, company involved in nickel mining in the north of New Caledonia SLN Société Le Nickel (The Nickel Company), French-owned nickel company SMSP Société Minière du Sud Pacifique (South Pacific Mining Company) SNNC Société du Nickel de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonian Nickel Company), company involved in nickel mining in the north of New Caledonia xiv Glossary and acronyms SOFINOR Société d’Économie Mixte de Développement Contrôlée par la Province Nord (Mixed Economy and Development Company of the Northern Province) SPMSC Société de Participation Minière du Sud Calédonien (South [New] Caledonian Mining Participation Company) STCPI Société Territoriale Calédonienne de Participations Industrielles ([New] Caledonian Territorial Company for Industrial Participation) Zonéco Program for resource assessment of New Caledonia’s EEZ Vanuatu political groups, pre-independence MANH Mouvement Autonomiste des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Autonomist Movement of New Hebrides) UCNH Union des Communautés des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Union of the Communities of New Hebrides) UPNH Union de la Population des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Union of the New Hebrides Population) New Caledonian political groups AE Avenir Ensemble (Future Together), pro-France party AICLF Association des Indigènes Calédoniens et Loyaltiens Français (Association of Indigenous Caledonians and French Loyalty Islanders), 1946–1953 APLC Alliance pour la Calédonie (Alliance for [New] Caledonia), pro- France party CE Calédonie Ensemble ([New] Caledonia Together), pro-France party CNDPA Conseil National des Droits du Peuple Autochtone (National Council for Indigenous Peoples Rights), Kanak rights party FCCI Fédération des Comités de Coordination des Indépendantistes (Federation of the Independentist Coordination Committees), grouping of pro-independence parties FI Front Indépendantiste (Independence Front), pro- independence group FLNKS Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front), pro-independence group FN Front National (National Front), pro-France group FNSC Front National pour une Nouvelle Société Calédonienne (National Front for a New Caledonian Society), pro-France group FULK Front Uni de Libération Kanak (United Kanak Liberation Front), pro-independence xv France in the South Pacific: Power and Politics GFKEL Groupe des Femmes Kanak et Exploitées (Group of Kanak and Exploited Women) LKS Libération Kanak Socialiste (Socialist Kanak Liberation) pro- independence party MCF Mouvement Calédonien Français (French Caledonian Movement) pro-France party MDD Mouvement de la Diversité (Diversity Movement), pro-France party Palika Parti de libération Kanak (Kanak Liberation Party) pro- independence party PFK Parti Fédéral Kanak (Kanak Federal Party) pro-independence party PSC Parti Socialiste Calédonie ([New] Caledonian Socialist Party), pro-independence party PT Parti Travailliste (Labour Party), pro-independence party RDO Rassemblement Démocratique Océanien (Democratic Oceanic Party), pro-independence party Rheebu (‘eye of the land’) Kanak-based movement to protect the Nhuu environment in the wake of nickel production RPC Rassemblement Pour la Calédonie (Rally for [New] Caledonia), pro-France party formed by Jacques Lafleur in 2006 RPCR Rassemblement Pour la Calédonie dans la République (Rally for [New] Caledonia within the Republic), pro-France party formed by Jacques
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