Saunders Military Insignia PO BOX 1831 Naples, FL 34106 (239) 776-7524 FAX (239) 776-7764 www.saundersinsignia.com [email protected] Marines Pricelist as of 03/01/2011 Product # Name Style Years Price 91 American Flag Marine white Patch 12/1983- 3.00 border Current 94 Marine Transfer 'Marine' For Pocket & Cap 1940's-2002 1.50 450 1st Marine Division Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 2/1941-1/1948 6.50 Edge 452 2nd Marine Division Patch, Embroidered on felt 1941-1947 4.50 453 3rd Marine Division Patch, Embroidered on felt 1940-1967 6.50 454 4th Marine Division Patch, Embroidery on Felt 8/1943- 6.50 11/1945 455 5th Marine Division Patch, Embroidery on felt 3/1944-1949 6.50 456 6th Marine Division Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 1940-1967 5.95 Edge 457 5th Marine Brigade Patch 1940's 9.00 Unauth. 458 Londonderry Detachment Patch, Embroidery on felt 5/1942- 6.00 10/1944 459 Marine Ships Detach Patch, Embroidery on Felt 1940-1967 5.95 460 3rd Amphibous Corps Patch 4/1944-1950's 4.00 461 Marine 5th Amph Corps Patch, Embroidery on Felt 1940-1967 5.00 462 704th Raider Battalion Patch, Embroidery on Felt 1940's 5.95 463 13th Marine Defense Battalion Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 1940-1967 4.85 Edge 464 Marine 18th Defense Battalion Patch 1940-1967 4.00 465 Marine 51st Defense Battalion Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 1940-1967 5.49 Edge 467 Iceland Detachment Patch 6/1941-3/1942 11.50 468 26th Marine Regiment Patch, 5 inch Hand Maid 1940's 7.50 469 Marine Para Troop Patch 1940's-? 5.50 470 Amphibious Corps I Corps Patch, Authentic WWII Cut Edge 7/1943-1/1948 5.49 472 Raider Battalion I Corps Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 6/1942-1/1944 5.99 Edge 473 Supply and Service I Corps Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 1940-1967 7.00 Edge 474 Parachute Battalion I Corps Cut Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 4/1943-1948 6.25 Edge Edge 475 Corps Defense Battalion I Corps Patch, Authentic WWII Cut Edge 1941-4/1944 5.50 476 Aviation Engineer I Corps Patch, Authentic WWII Cut Edge 7/1943-1/1948 5.49 477 Artillery I Corps Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 7/1943-1/1948 5.95 Edge 478 FMF Unassigned Troop Patch 3/1943-1/1948 9.00 480 FMF Headquarters Patch 9/1944-1/1948 16.00 481 FMF Engineer Battalion Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 6/1944-1/1948 7.95 Edge 482 FMF Amph Tractor Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 8/1943-1/1948 7.95 Edge 483 FMF Supply Service Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 6/1945-1/1948 7.95 Edge 484 FMF Dog Platoon Patch, Authentic WWI Repro Cut 3/1943-1/1948 8.50 Edge 485 FMF DUKW Company Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 2/1944-1/1948 7.95 Edge 486 FMF Artillery Battalion Patch, Embroidery On Felt 3/1943-1/1948 5.95 487 FMF Bomb Disposal Company Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 3/1943-1/1948 7.49 Edge 488 FMF Anitaircraft Patch, Authentic WWII Repro Cut 4/1944-1/1948 16.00 Edge 489 4th Base Defense Air Wing Patch 1940-1967 5.50 491 1st Marine Air Wing Patch, WWII Reproduction Cut 1940's-1968 6.00 Edge 492 2nd Marine Air Wing Patch, WWII Reproduction Cut 1940's-1968 5.49 Edge 493 3rd Air Wing (III) Patch, WWII Reproduction Cut 1940's-1968 5.49 Edge 494 4th Air Wing Patch, WWII Reproduction Cut 1940's-1968 6.00 Edge 495 Headquarters Marine Aircraft Wing Patch, Embroidery On Felt 8/1942-1967 6.00 496 1st Marine Aircraft Wing Patch, WWII Cut Edge 8/1942-1949 5.95 497 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Patch, WWII Cut Edge 8/1942-1967 5.49 498 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Patch, WWII Cut Edge 8/1942-1967 4.00 499 4th Marine Aircraft Wing Patch, Authentic WWII Cut Edge 8/1942-1967 5.95 1601 Marine Military Police Patch 6.50 1610 1st Air Wing (I) Patch 1968-Current 4.50 1611 2nd Air Wing (II) Patch 1968-Current 4.50 1612 3rd Air Wing (III) Patch 1968-Current 4.50 1613 4th Air Wing (IV) Patch 1968-Current 4.50 1615 Marine Exec Flt Detachment Patch 10.00 1616 11th Marine Regiment Patch 7.00 1617 Marine Military Police Patch, 3 inch 6.50 1618 Marine Police Officer Patch, 3 inch 6.50 1630 Sergeant Major of the Marine Chevron, Cloth 8.00 Corps. 1631 Private First Class Chevron gold Chevron 1940-1954 6.50 on red 1633 Sergeant Chevron gold on red Patch 1930's-1954 9.00 1640 Marines Tab Tab 3.00 1655 Marine 4th Force Recon Patch 11.00 1660 Marine French WWI Cord Shoulder Cord, black tip 31.00 1670 3rd Recruit Training Battalion No known 9.00 1800 Combat Readiness Ribbon, slide 1.50 1806 Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon 1.50 1819 Air Medal Ribbon Slide Ribbon 2.00 1820 Airmans Medal Ribbon 1.50 1821 American Campaign Ribbon 2.00 1822 American Defense Ribbon 2.00 1823 Antartica Service Ribbon 1.50 1824 Armed Forces Reserve Ribbon 2.00 1825 Superior Unit Award Ribbon 3.00 1826 Medal of Freedom Ribbon 4.00 1827 War with Spain Campaign Ribbon 1898 4.00 1828 Porto Rico Ribbon Ribbon 4.00 1829 Cuban Pacification Ribbon 1906-1909 5.00 1830 Mexican Border Service Ribbon 4.50 1831 Armed Forces Exped Ribbon 2.00 1832 Reserve Achievement Ribbon 1.50 1833 Joint Service Achievement Ribbon 1.50 1837 Meritorious Service Ribbon 1.50 1844 Asiatic Pacific Camp Ribbon 1.50 1845 Bronze Star Ribbon 1.50 1846 China Service Ribbon 1.50 1847 Distinguished Flying Cross Ribbon 1.25 1850 Navy Distinguished Service Ribbon 1.50 1851 Defense Meritorious Ribbon 1.50 1852 Defense Superior Service Ribbon 1.50 1853 Distinguished Service Ribbon Ribbon 1.50 1854 Europe African Middle Eastern Ribbon Ribbon 1.50 Campaign 1855 Haitian Campaign Ribbon 1919-1920 5.00 1857 Humanitarian Service Ribbon 1.00 1858 Joint Service Command Ribbon 1.50 1859 Korean Service Ribbon 1.50 1860 Legion of Merit Ribbon 1.50 1861 Kosovo Campaign Ribbon 3/24/1999- 1.50 1862 National Defense Ribbon 1.50 1863 Occupation WW I Ribbon 1.50 1865 Prisoner of War Ribbon 1.50 1866 Philippine Campaign Ribbon 4.50 1867 Philippine Defense Ribbon 2.50 1868 Philippine Liberation Ribbon 1.50 1869 Philippine Independence Ribbon 1.50 1870 Purple Heart Ribbon 1.50 1871 Reserve Special Operations -old Ribbon 1.50 design 1872 2nd Nicaraguan Camp Ribbon 1926-1933 5.00 1873 Silver Star Ribbon 1.50 1874 Soldiers Medical Ribbon 1.50 1875 United Nations Service (Korea) Ribbon 1.50 1876 United Nations Observer Ribbon 1.50 1881 Gold Life Saving Ribbon 2.50 1882 Silver LifeSaving Ribbon 2.00 1891 USMC Expeditionary Ribbon Slide 1.50 1892 USMC Good Conduct Ribbon slide 1.50 1893 USMC Reserve Ribbon slide 1.50 1894 Org Marine Reserve Ribbon 1.50 1896 Combat Action Ribbon 1.50 1897 Navy and USMC Merit Award Ribbon (Unit) Slide 2.00 1898 USN MC Medicalal Ribbon Slide 1.50 1905 Navy USMC Presidenal Unit Ribbon (Citation) Slide 3.00 1907 Reserve Meritorious Ribbon Ribbon 1.50 1908 Unit Commendation Ribbon 1.50 1910 Sea Service Ribbon 1.50 1914 Distinguished Mark and Pistol -old Ribbon 4.50 design 1915 WWI Victory Ribbon 2.00 1916 WWII Victory Ribbon 1.50 1917 Vietnam Service Ribbon 1.50 1919 Yanctze Service Ribbon 9/1926- 5.00 12/1932 1920 Armored Forces Service Ribbon 1.50 1922 WWI Croix de Guerre Fr Ribbon 5.00 1923 WWI Croix de Guerre Bel Ribbon 5.50 1924 WWII Fr Croix de Guerre Ribbon 2.00 1925 WWII Belgian Croix de Gr Ribbon 2.50 1927 Vietnam Campaign Ribbon 1.50 1928 RVN Cross Gallantry Ribbon 1.50 1929 Korean Presidential Ribbon 3.00 1930 Philippine Presidental Unit Citation Ribbon 2.00 1931 RVN Vietnam Presidental Unit Ribbon 2.00 Citation 1932 Mexican War Service Ribbon 1911-1917 5.00 1933 Commanders Civil Service Ribbon 2.00 1934 National Security Ribbon 16.00 1935 Reserve Campaign Overseas Ribbon 2.50 1936 China Campaign Ribbon 1900-1901 2.00 1938 Korean War Service Ribbon 3.00 1940 DOD Merit Civil Service Ribbon 8.00 1942 Outstanding Volunteer Service Ribbon 1.50 1943 Kuwait Liberation Ribbon 4.00 1949 Joint Merit Unit Ribbon No Frame 2.50 1950 Bronze Star Ribbon 1.50 1966 Army Citation Frame Ribbon 3.00 1967 Citation Frame Small Ribbon Ribbon 4.00 1970 Global Expeditionary Ribbon Ribbon 2.00 1971 Global War Service Ribbon Ribbon 3.00 1972 Korean Defense Service Ribbon 1.50 2000 Ribbon Mounting Bar - 1 ribbon Metal 2.00 2001 Ribbon Mounting Bar - 2 ribbons Metal 1.50 2002 Ribbon Mounting Bar - 3 ribbons Metal 1.50 2003 Ribbon Mounting Bar - 4 ribbons Metal 2.50 2011 Iraqi Campaign Ribbon Bar Ribbon 2004--Current 1.75 2012 Afghanistan Campaign Ribbon Ribbon 2004--Current 2.50 1202A Marines Branch Tape subdued Patch, sew on 5.00 1202B Marines Branch Tape no edge Patch, sew on 4.00 subued 1202C Marines Branch Tape subdued Patch, sew on 2.00 1202D Marines Branch Tape desert Patch, sew on 3.00 1202E Marines Branch Tape desert Patch, sew on 5.00 1202M Marines MARPAT Branch Tape Patch, sew on 4.50 subdued pattern 1202MD Marines MARPAT Branch Tape Patch, sew on 4.50 desert pattern 1205M Marine Name Tape MARPAT <a href='nametape.doc'>Fill in 14.50 subdued (Personalize) Form</a> 1205MD Marine Name Tape MARPAT <a href='nametape.doc'>Fill in 14.50 desert (Personalize)Set of 3) Form</a> 1206D Marine Name Plate Black <a href='plasticplate.doc'>Fill in Plastic 6.00 (Personalize) Form</a> 1554G Marine Corps Defenders of Our Patch Sep-05 7.00 Freedom 1601A 1st Marine Division Patch 1968-Current 4.00 1601B 1st Marine Division Patch, subdued 1968-Current 4.25 1602A 2nd Marine Division Patch 1968-Current 4.50 1602B 2nd Marine Division subdued Patch 1968-Current 6.00 1603A 3rd Marine Division Patch, Merrowed Edge 6.50 1603B 3rd Marine Division Patch (1968-Current) Subdued Cloth 6.00 1604A 4th Division Patch 1968-Current 4.00 1604B 4th Marine Division Patch, subdued 1968-Current 7.00 1605A 5th Marine Division Patch 1868-Current 5.50 1605B 5th Marine Division Patch, subdued 1968-Current 5.50 1606A 6th Marine Division Patch 1968-Current 4.00 1607A Marine w Bulldog large Patch 6.00 1607C Marine Globe and Anchor Patch, 4.5 inch 7.00 1607D 3rd Amphibous Corps Patch, subdued 6.00 1607E Marine Detachment USSOCOM USMC,US Sp.
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