DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018 -20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2020, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM FELUDA TEST SOON: MINISTER First in line for Covid vaccine: UddhavjunksAareyMetroshed, ` 110 per kilo those at high risk, exposure shiftsprojecttoKanjurmarg ` 138 per kilo KAUNAINSHERIFFM Avoid big gatherings, ostentatious NEWDELHI,OCTOBER11 festival celebrations: Harsh Vardhan BJP lashes out, Fadnavis underlines hugecostescalation, ‘indefinite’ delay ` 171 per kilo LAYINGOUT the sequence of dis- test is likelytoroll out “within the youhavetocelebrateinanos- THE CITY ` 72 per Dozen tribution of Covid vaccines that next fewweeks”. tentatious way, that youhaveto SANDEEPASHAR areexpected to be available in The test,whichuses gene ed- visit pandals and temples and MUMBAI,OCTOBER11 GOVT REVIVES AN India, Union Health Minister iting technology to detect the mosques to pray... thereisno OLD OPTION, WITH MAHARASHTRA Dr Harsh Vardhan said Sunday virus in less than 30 minutes, has needtocongregateinlarge num- REVERSINGTHE decision of the that the firstpriority will be for been developedbythe New bers to proveyour faith or your previous BJP-ledgovernment, HELP OF A MASKNOTPAIROF those facing occupational Delhi-basedCSIR-Instituteof religion. If we do this, we maybe MaharashtraChief Minister TECHNICALITY GOGGLESYOUCAN hazards from the virus and ex- Genomics and Integrative heading forbig trouble,” he said. UddhavThackeray on Sunday posurerisk,indicating that Biology (IGIB). Responding to aquestion announcedthe scrapping of the ACTIVISTS, TRIBALS, WEARONHEADFOR healthcareprofessionals at the Harsh Vardhan also warned during his weeklysocial media construction of the Colaba- PARTIES SAY CITY STYLE:UDDHAVIN frontline would be among the againstlarge congregations interaction on whether the gov- Bandra-Seepz Metrocar shedin WILL BENEFIT ADDRESSTOPEOPLE early recipients. forthe festivals that arecoming ernment will ignorethe elderly Mumbai’s AareyMilk Colony. PAGE 3 PAGE 4 The Ministersaid that the up. and prioritise the young and The decision, communicated much-awaitedFeluda paper strip “Noreligion or God says that CONTINUEDONPAGE2 during an online address, came days afterthe Maha Vikas Aghadi Thackeray had stoppedthe work coalition government withdrew on itsconstruction, and ordered AN EXPRESSINVESTIGATION cases againststudentsand ac- At AareyMilk ColonyinMumbai. File areviewofthe feasibility of re- tivists who had protestedthe pre- locating it elsewhere. vious regime’s overnight felling On Sunday, Thackeray said Untold story of lockdown: of trees at Aarey—one of the last in the DevendraFadnavis-led out in opposition to the move. the newsitewould be at vestiges of green space remain- regime, had backedthose who The Aareycar shedhad been Kanjurmarg. “The costofacquir- ing in Mumbai —afew weeksbe- were protesting the felling of the abone of contention between ing this land is zero. We will not fore the Assemblyelections last trees, with Thackeray’s son the former allies. On November letthe moneyalready spent on October. Aaditya, nowthe state’s 29 lastyear,aday afterbeing the construction at Aareygoto sharp surge in child trafficking The ShivSena, then apartner Environment Minister, coming sworn in as Chief Minister, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Despitecurbs, spikeininterventions afterdistress calls; stategovernments DECISION Jagan letter against scramble to cope, manyinCovid hotspots yettoset up monitoring systems 2020: BIHAR BUSINESSASUSUAL SC judge comes as he BY UNNY faces rising legal heat petition seeking fast-tracking of ANANTHAKRISHNANG pending criminal cases against COVID ABUSE-1 &SREENIVASJANYALA sitting and former legislators. NEWDELHI,HYDERABAD, Indeed, it wasafter an order OCTOBER11 by this benchthat proceedings DIPANKARGHOSE againstReddy,inadispropor- NEWDELHI,OCTOBER11 WHY THIS ELECTION ANDHRA PRADESH Chief tionateassets case, resumedina MATTERS, AND MinisterYSJagan Mohan CBI Special CourtinHyderabad AS THE pandemic struck, and the Reddy’s letter alleging impropri- on October 9. government imposedanation- TO WHOM etybyJustice NVRamana, asit- The very next day, Principal wide lockdown, the country ting judgeofthe Supreme Court Advisor to the AndhraPradesh HASHTAG POLITICS: CPMMPWRITESTO woke up to countless images of JDU’S TECH REVAMP and next in line to be Chief Chief MinisterAjeya Kallam re- migrant workers returning to Justice, comes when abench leasedthe CM's letter to Chief PMSEEKINGSTAN their villages with their children, PAGE 8 headedbythe judgeishearing a CONTINUEDONPAGE2 SWAMYRELEASE P5 on cycles, buses, lorries and trains, manywalking hundreds of kilometres. But as the eco- nomic distress begantosink in, a moresinistermovement of chil- dren gathered pace —ofthose being takenawayfromtheir A1098Childline booth at the NewDelhi railway station on homes forillegal labour,traffick- SOSAT1098 Sunday. Trains serveasvital transportlines in child trafficking. ing and forced marriages. The lockdown should have brought the numbers down but The crisis ledtoaspikein“in- movement wasdivertedtointer-state buses. GajendraYadav terventions”whereofficialsoraid 27 lakh workers steppedintorescue chil- DISTRESS CALLS drenindistress,andexposedanill- During the same period lastyear, guidelines mandateatleast50 equippedgovernment apparatus the number was1.70lakh. per cent police districtsineach with toomanyholes to stem the 1.92 lakh ■ In those six months, the statetohaveAnti-Human flow, letalonepreventit,aninves- INTERVENTIONS childline received27lakh dis- Trafficking Units, severalkey tigationof Childlinedataobtained MARCH-AUGUST tress calls. Officials who logged states, including UP and by The Indian Express has found. 36 lakh calls in the same period Maharashtra, have fallen farshort. Consider some of the key lastyear arealarmedbecause CONTINUEDONPAGE2 findings: 10,000-plus theyhad expected the numbers ■BetweenMarchandAugust, CASES OF CHILD to fall sharplythis year due to the officials manning 1098,the na- MARRIAGE nationwide curbs on movement. PART II: CRACKS tionalchildlinefordistresscallsset ■ Between April and August, IN SYSTEM: WHY upby theMinistryforWomenand Source: Datalogged by officials trackedover10,000 STATES NEED TO Child Development, tracked1.92 national childline 1098 cases of child marriage. WAKE UP lakh interventions on the ground. ■And, although government Property cards launched; Hathras case: CBI takes will end disputes, says PM over probe, registers FIR formallytook over the case. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE The agency registeredanFIR NEWDELHI,LUCKNOW, Howthe NEWDELHI,OCTOBER11 under sections of the IPC dealing OCTOBER11 E with gangrape and murder,and ● cardworks EXPLAINED AWEEK afterthe UP government thoseundertheSC/ST(Prevention HITTINGOUT at the Opposition said it would hand over the probe of Atrocities) Act. CBI spokesper- forits protests againsthis gov- TO BEGIN with, over 1 intothe alleged gangrape and son RKGaursaid that ateam has ernment's farm reforms, Prime lakh beneficiaries will be death of the 19-year-old Dalit been constituted and investiga- MinisterNarendraModi Sunday able to download these woman in Hathras to the CBI, fol- tionshave begun.Sourcessaidthe launchedthe Survey of Villages cards through an SMS. lowing outrageoverthe statepo- case has been handedovertothe and Mapping with Improvised This will be followedby lice’s handling of the incident and Ghaziabad unit of the agency. Technology,orSvamitva, anew the distribution of cards. hurriedcremation of the victim's “The CBI has todayregistered CONTINUEDONPAGE2 body,the central agency Sunday CONTINUEDONPAGE2 EXPERT Climate changedriving butterflies, EXPLAINS Amitabh Mattoo mothshigherupHimalayas: study FromTheIndianExpresspanel ofspecialists,exclusiveinsight PAGE1 ANCHOR WHAT’SATSTAKEONNOV3 Part1ofspecial3-partserieson USPresidentialElection,2020 EXPLAINED PAGE 9 ESHAROY NEWDELHI,OCTOBER11 RISINGAVERAGE temperatures At least66species have been found 1,000mhigher than in the Himalayanregion have their previouslyrecordedmean habitat altitudes. Photos: ZSI drivenseveral dozen species of butterflyand moth to habitats higher up the mountains, anew —the order of insectsthat in- siderable newupwardaltitude study commissionedbythe gov- cludes butterflies and moths – records”, with adifference of ernment has found. species found in India. morethan 1,000metres between The findings of the study will The survey,fundedbythe their current and previously beusedasabaseline indicator to MinistryofEnvironment, Forest recordedmean habitat altitudes. trackthe impact of climate and ClimateChangeand carried Sevenspecies in particular changeonanimal species over out by the Zoological Survey of have startedtoinhabit altitudes SUKHBIR BADAL the coming decade, officials said. India (ZSI), identifiedatleast49 morethan 2,000 metres higher SAD PRESIDENT The Himalayasare home to more species of moth and 17 species of than the previous mean, officials PAGE 7 than 35 per cent of Lepidoptera butterflythat have shown “con- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,MONDAY,OCTOBER12,2020 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUAL STORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS FARMER’SSONCRACKSJEEADVANCED,SAYSMSDHONI’SSTRUGGLEINSPIREDHIM ■ CUSTOMIZABLE Eighteen-year-oldsonofafarmer,VijayMakwanahascrackedtheJointEntranceExamination(JEE) Is the worstpartofthe NEWS EXPERIENCE AdvancedforadmissionintothepremierIndianInstituteofTechnology(IIT).Hisfatherisasmall-timefarmer
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