Page 20, Hourglass, Fnday, November 27, 19X7 World News Iranian Frigate Shells Christmas Sales The Kwajalein · Lackluster Season .t PubU..catwn of Romanian Tanker Forecast For Retailers By Aly Mahmoud Lloyd's Shlppmg IntellI- _!t:m_U;~~_a~~[ete_t.~ Associated Press Writer gence Umt of London saId the able mcome along WIth a dose of .ttoU, M-arshaU vessel attacked was named Da- By Joyce M Rosenberg fnghtcaused by the stock market H O U rg_f!~SI l.slands MANAMA, Bahram - An CIa, addmg "apparently preVIous AP Busmess Writer crash" Iranian fngate shelled a tank­ name Umm AI-Jathathel, whIch Analysts srud theIr negative Volume XXIV No 222 Friday, November 27, 1987 er Thursday that may have been IS a Kuwruu motor tanker NEW YORK - The Chnst­ predlcuons also stem from the Romaman or dIsgUised, settmg owned by the KuwaIt OIl Tanker mas shoppmg season that begms fact that consumer spendmg has It ablaze as Its captam yelled Co" today wIll probably get off not picked up thIS month after mto hiS radIo "Any RUSSian Spokesman for the organlza­ to a slow start, hurtmg retrulers bemg slow all year whIle Amen­ warships, I need ImmedIate who tradluonally get half theu cans prud off heavy debts Inmates Still Hold Hostages Uon srud It appears to be a dIffer­ help'" ent vessel from the Romanlan­ profits from hohday spendmg, "People have been extreme­ By DaVid Simpson Suarez and Cuban-Amencan shoulder The mmate was turned Greg EnglIsh, an Associated owned DaCia lIsted m Lloyd's analysts say ly pessImIstIc," srud Jeffrey B ASSOCiated Press Writer homeland they fled 10 1980 exIle leaders arnved 10 Atlanta over to authonues by other Cu­ Authontles have SaId that Press photographer, saw the at­ RegIster of ShIPS, but they could "I thmk It'S go1Og to be Edelman, an analyst WIth Drexel today to offer themselves as bans, federal offiCIals saId tack from a helIcopter "The not be certaIn lousy," saId Robert Buchanan of Burnham Lambert Inc Cuban mmates negotIated a whIle a deSire to remam m the hostages 10 exchange for those The Cuban 10mates m Geor­ Umted States was the central tanker got fIve or SIX hits," he Shlppmg sources saId the L F RothschIld & Co Inc "I "I don't thmk there's reason pOSSIble release today of26 hos­ held there, but they acknowl­ gIa and LoulSlana noted after a SaId "The rest of the shots were tanker was not flymg a flag, thmk the consumer IS not m a for alarm, but I don't thmk there tages bemg held m a detention demand, the Cubans have dIs­ edged It was baSically a symbolIc US-Cuban agreement was an­ agreed among themselves over hke stones skIppmg m the wa­ which IS not necessary m open buymg mood because of very IS reason to be ebulhent," said center 10 LoulSlana, but talks to gesture nounced Fnday that could result ter" sea meager growth m real dIspos- Edelman free 94 hostages 10 the Atlanta whether to also hold out for free­ Most of the aCUon occurred 10 their bemg returned to the dom and clemency No Soviet ships were m that federal pemtentIary broke off, away from pubhc VIew, mSlde part of the southern Persian Gulf offICials said the fIre-ravaged Oakdale, La, to protect the tanker The fngate Gorbachev Might Extend U.S. Visit One LoUiSIana hostage was detentIon center and Atlanta Sahand opened fIre when a U S By Carol J WillIams At ItS weekly meeung Thurs­ reductIOn agreement r nbed today by an mmate and pnson 2 FRENCH HOSTAGES warshIp left the area after trymg ASSOCiated Press Writer day, the rnlmg PolItburo en­ Both natIons have expresse\ > ~ hOSPitalIZed m faIr condi­ However, a Cuban mmate to warn the vessel away from the dorsed the mtennedIate-range support for a 50 percent reduc­ tIOn MIamI mayor XaVIer and a federal offiCIal 10 Oakdale IranIan vessel MOSCOW - MIkhrul Gor­ miSSIle accord and praIsed the Uon 10 long-range miSSIles, but shook hands before a teleVISion FREED IN LEBANON No 10Junes were reported m bachev wIll stay an extra day or results of meetmgs earlIer thIS have been unable so far to re­ Quake Hits camera Thursday mght and the shell1Og, WhICh started an two m Washmgton If success IS week m Geneva between SovIet solve dIfferences over Reagan's spoke of slgnmg a hostage-re­ engme room fIre that the crew By Rodema Kenaan Gremer, France's ambassador to at hand on an accord to cut strate­ ForeIgn Mmlster Eduard A space-based miSSIle defense sys­ Pacific Isle lease agreement today ASSOCiated Press Writer Syna are among the negotIators, ext10gUished The tanker was gIc nuclear miSSiles, a semor Shevardnadze and Secretary of tem, known offICially as the Stra­ "We need to have all four loaded With crude 011 from the offiCials saId SOVIet adVIser on U S affrurs State George P Shultz tegIc Defense ImtIatIve and WELLINGTON, New Zeal­ (Cuban negotiators) to sIgn," the BEIRUT, Lebanon - Two The message was delIvered Kuwrut, which Iran accuses of saId Thursday At a summIt meetmg last year popularly called "star wars" and (AP) - A strong earthquake umdenufled offiCIal said on a ald10g Iraq m the 7-year-old war French hostages were released fIve days after SheIk Moham­ The Soviet CommunIst Party m ReykJavIk, Iceland, Reagan The SovIets claIm SOl VIO­ jolted the central PaCific ISland WBRZ-TV VIdeotape released safely m west BeIrUt today by med Hussem Fadlallah, between the two Persian gulf general secretary plans to arnve and Gorachev outlIned a broad lates the 1972 Anu-BallIstlc natIon of Vanuatu on Thursday to news organIzatIons "That's neIghbors pro-Iranian Shute Moslem cap­ Lebanon's most mfluentIal pro­ m the U S capItal on Dec 7 for a plan for ellmmatmg all nuclear MissIle treaty, while U S nego­ but there were no Immediate when the other 27 Will be re­ tors, polIce and witnesses said Iranian Shute Moslem e1enc, The tanker captam IdentIfied leased " three-day summIt With PreSident weapons by the year 2000 uators contend a broader mter­ reports of damage or casualties Jean-LoUtS Nonnandm and srud Amencan and French hos­ hiS shIp as the 86,940-ton DaCia, Reagan They Will use then thIrd At a ForeIgn Mmlstry news pretaUon of the agreement al­ The Seismological Observa­ One of the hostages taken whose port of registry IS Con­ Roger Auque were released at tages probably would not be meetmg to SIgn a treaty ehmmat­ conference, George A Arbatov lows research mto such a mIssIle tory m WellIngton, one of sev­ when the 950 Cubans seized the 630 p m (11 30 a m ESn freed before U S and French stanza, Romama, but the state­ mg both nations' medIUm- and and other semor offiCIals ex­ defense system eral South PaCIfic staUons that compound m a not Saturday was run Romaman 011 company saId The two fonner captIves sur­ preSIdentIal elecuons next year shorter-range mISSiles, and to pressed the hope that Reagan and The SDI Issue proved msur­ recorded the quake, srud It regIS­ released Thursday mght rounded by scored of French The statement SaId PremIer later the DaCIa was m the Black talk about future reductIons m Gorbachev wIll make long mountable dunng the October r tered 6 4 on the RIchter scale and At a news bnefmg early to­ Sea , Embassy offiCials and Synan Jacques Chlrac' s government "IS long-range weaponry stndes toward a strategIc arms 1986 Reykjavik summIt was centered at latItude 160 day, U S JustIce Department secret servicemen walked sepa­ currently dlsplaymg some POSI­ ~outh, longItude 1680 east spokesman Mark Sheehan re­ rately to the mrun gate of the uve mdlcauons despIte the errors Vanuatu IS about 620 mIles fused to confum an agreement seaSide Summerland Hotel un­ It has committed m the Middle WIlliams, but the flames appeared to have started on the fIrst floor east of AustralIa's northern had been reached of the frame house, fire department spokesman Tony DeStefano der the fmng flashbulbs of news East" It dId not elaborate Briefly coastlme and has a populauon of "I wIll not confum or deny photographers saId 130,000 Fonnerly the Anglo­ In ParIS, Chuac summoned that the negotIators' comments Officers from a Synan army hiS Intenor Secunty CounCIl thIS *** French New Hebndes, Vanuatu are valId," Sheehan said "I don't WASHINGTON (AP) - Contenders for the 1988 Repubhcan HONOLULU (AP) - More than 2,()()() of Oahu's needy and conungent 10 charge of west mornmg 10 response to the state­ achIeved 10dependence m 1980 known With certamty what wIll BeIrut's secunty Immediately ment, hiS office srud presIdential nommaUon and followmg PreSIdent Reagan's lead and elderly resIdents jo1Oed together Thursday to attend the Salvauon happen tomorrow" The RIchter scale IS a meas­ took delIvery of the two freed "At the present stage, we are refusmg to say whether they would pardon Iran-Contra figures Army's annual Thanksglvmg dmner at the BlaIsdell Exhrbluon ure of ground mouon as recorded As to how to mterpret the OlIver L North and John M Pomdexter hostages and whisked them mto saymg nothmg but we share the Hall on a seIsmograph Every 10- VIdeotape, he said, "The hand­ the hotel lobby hopes of everyone," srud Derus "I thmk It'S too early to even speculate," Senate Mmonty Leader Mayor Frank Fasl was on hand to carve the first 54 turkeys crease of one number means a shake was an mmcatlOD of the French negotiators were 10 Baudoum, Chfrac's spokesman Bob Dole saId recently m Santa Fe, N M The d10ner also mcluded 550 pounds of stuffing, 50 gallons of ....- tone of the negotIations " "We're not gomg to get mto It," srud Stephen Hart, a spokesman gravy, 70 gallons of yams and 250 pumpkm pies, all prepared by BeIrut's western sector to handle Twenty-two foreigners, m­ NegotIators planned to meet the release, French Embassy of­ cludIng eight Amencans,
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