Index A anesthetization , 763 Abdominoperineal resection incision , 763, 764 (APR) informed consent , 762 anesthesia , 432–433 packing abscess cavity , indications , 430–431 764, 765 patient positioning , 432 potential risks, disclosure post-operative care , 446 of , 762 pre-operative imaging and protective equipment , 762 procedures , 431–432 skin preparation , 763 procedure A C C . See Adrenocortical cancer anococcygeal ligament , (ACC) 441, 442 Achalasia . See Esophageal anterior dissection plane , achalasia 442, 444 Adjustable gastric banding elliptical incision , 441 (AGB) , 237, 244–245 perineal incision , 442, 445 Adrenalectomy robotic , 445–446 indications for , 62 Abscess drainage laparoscopic (see anesthesia , 761–762 (Laparoscopic antibiotic therapy , 759 adrenalectomy) ) complications , 766 open (see (Open indications , 760 adrenalectomy) ) patient positioning , 761 Adrenal incidentaloma , 63 post-procedure Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) instructions , 766 laparoscopic adrenalectomy pre-procedure evaluation , (see (Laparoscopic 760–761 adrenalectomy) ) procedure open adrenalectomy (see abscess cavity, loculations (Open of , 764, 765 adrenalectomy) ) H. Chen (ed.), Illustrative Handbook of General Surgery, 793 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24557-7, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 794 Index A G B . See Adjustable gastric Antirefl ux procedure (ARP) , 194 banding (AGB) Dor fundoplication Aldosterone producing advantages of , 200 adenoma , 71 completion of , 201–202 American College of creation of , 200–201 Radiologists (ACR) , 88 Nissen fundoplication , 199 American College of Surgeons Toupet fundoplication , (ACS) , 88 202–203 Anal fi ssure advantages of , 199–200 diagnosis , 498 drawbacks of , 200 etiology , 497–498 wound closure , 203 LIS , 499 Antrectomy postoperative indications , 309 considerations , 502 surgical technique , 310 preoperative care , 499 Appendectomy procedure anesthesia , 379 general anesthesia , 499 complete blood count , 377 internal sphincter , 500–502 imaging , 377 open sphincterotomy indications , 376 technique , 500, 501 laparoscopic appendectomy Anemia , 154 abdominal access , 382–384 Anorectal abscess advantage of , 377 anesthesia , 467 appendiceal base, fi stulotomy , 469–470 visualization of , 385, 386 indications , 464–465 appendix, identifi cation of , patient positioning , 466 384–385 postoperative appendix transection , 387 considerations , 470 bipolar vessel sealing preoperative preparation , system , 385, 386 465–466 mesoappendix, ligation of , procedure 385–386 bedside drainage, patient positioning , candidates , 467 379, 380 digital rectal pre-tied endoscopic examination , 468 ligature , 387 elliptical incision , 467 skin closure , 388, 389 18-gauge needle , 467 staple line and transected intersphincteric abscess , areas, inspection of , 468–469 387–388 ischioanal abscess , 468 non-operative management , local anesthesia , 467 378–379 patient positioning , 468 open appendectomy , 378 perianal abscess , 468 abdominal access , 380–381 sterile packing tape , 468 appendix, identifi cation supralevator abscess , 469 of , 381 Index 795 appendix, ligation of , B 381–382 Bariatric surgery inspection , 382 benefi ts of , 214–216 mesoappendix, factors , 216–217 ligation of , 381 global number of , 216 skin closure , 382 indications for , 217–218 patient history and physical laparoscopic RYGB (see examination , 376 (Roux-en-Y gastric pelvic examination , 376 bypass (RYGB)) ) postoperative care , 388 sleeve gastrectomy (see pregnancy test , 377 (Sleeve gastrectomy preoperative preparation , 379 (SG)) ) Appendicitis Barium esophagram appendectomy (see esophageal achalasia , 186, 187 (Appendectomy) ) LARS, preoperative Meckel’s diverticulum , 336 workup , 129 APR . See Abdominoperineal type III para-esophageal resection (APR) hiatal hernia , 156–157 A R P . See Antirefl ux procedure Basilic vein transposition (BVT) , (ARP) 753–754 Arteriovenous fi stula (AVF) Bassini type primary repair , 528 anesthesia , 749 Beger procedure , 733, 734, 736 brachiocephalic fi stula , 752 Bilateral neck exploration indications , 748 disadvantages , 48 patient positioning , 749 “fried egg” appearance , 43 postoperative care , 756–757 inferior parathyroid glands , 45 preoperative care , 748–751 initial dissection for , 42–43 radiocephalic fi stula merits , 48 Allen’s test , 751 recurrent laryngeal nerve, anastomosis , 752, 754–756 relationship of , 44, 45 preoperative single parathyroid adenoma , 46 ultrasound , 751 skin closure , 46 Scribner Shunt , 751 subtotal parathyroidectomy , 46 Axillary lymph node dissection superior parathyroids , 43, 44 (ALND) . See also vascular pedicle, isolation and Sentinel lymph node ligation of , 46 (SLN) biopsy Biliopancreatic diversion with morbidity of , 116 duodenal switch operative technique (BPD-DS) , 236 anesthesia , 121 Bilroth I (BI) dissection and excision , gastroduodenostomy , 121–122 313 patient positioning , 121 Body mass index (BMI) , 213 skin incision , 121 Brachiocephalic fi stula , 752 wound closure , 122 Braun enteroenterostomy , 314 796 Index Breast biopsy . See Image-guided preoperative preparation , 20 breast biopsy procedure Breast cancer bilateral central neck ALND , 116, 121–122 dissection , 21 image-guided biopsy (see boundaries , 21 (Image-guided breast curvilinear incision , 20 biopsy) ) Delphian lymph node , 20 lumpectomy (see left central neck (Lumpectomy) ) dissection , 21–23 mastectomy (see (Mastectomy) ) left recurrent laryngeal nipple exploration , 103 nerve, partial dissection oncoplastic surgery , 98, 103–104 of , 21, 22 partial mastectomy , 98, 103–104 postoperative care , 24–25 SLN biopsy (see (Sentinel post-resection specimens , lymph node (SLN) 21–22, 24 biopsy) ) strap muscles, surgical biopsy , 98 division of , 20 lesion localization , 99–101 total thyroidectomy , 20 surgical procedure , 100–102 unilateral central neck Breast conservation surgery dissection , 21 factors , 99 wound closure , 23 lumpectomy (see Cholecystectomy (Lumpectomy) ) completion of , 638 nipple exploration , 103 laparoscopic surgery oncoplastic surgery , 98, 103–104 critical view, exposure of , partial mastectomy , 98, 103–104 636, 637 radical mastectomy , 98 patient positioning , 636 surgical biopsy , 98 port placement , 635 lesion localization , 99–101 robotic-assisted surgery surgical procedure , 100–102 critical view, exposure of , Breast Imaging and Reporting 636, 637 Data System patient positioning , 636 (BI- RADS®) , 89 port placement , 635 B V T . See Basilic vein Chronic pancreatitis transposition (BVT) clinical presentation , 730 etiologies , 730 pathogenesis of , 729–730 C surgical management Cameron’s ulcers , 154 anesthesia , 735 Carcinoembryonic antigen drainage procedures , (CEA) , 397 734–736 Center for Disease Control and ERCP , 732 Prevention , 760 EUS , 732 Central neck dissection Frey procedure , 735 indications , 18–19 indications , 730, 731 patient positioning , 20 MRCP , 732 Index 797 pancreas, exposure of , lipomas 737–738 defi nition of , 782 pancreaticojejunostomy , dissection of , 787, 789 740, 741 lobulated lipoma pancreatic resection for , pre- excision , 782, 784 734–736 post-excision by ruler , parenchyma resection , 787, 790 738–740 preoperative care , 782 patient positioning , 735 soft tissue mesenchymal preoperative CT scan , 732 tumors , 782 postoperative care , patient positioning , 784 740–742 personal protective preoperative workup , 731 equipment , 786 procedure selection , 733 postoperative care , 787–789 treatment of , 730 risks , 786, 787 Core needle biopsy , 91–93 Distal pancreatectomy Cryptoglandular disease anesthesia , 716 anorectal abscess (see CT imaging , 716 (Anorectal abscess) ) indications , 715–716 fi stula-in-ano (see laparoscopic (see (Fistula-in-ano) ) (Laparoscopic distal Cushing’s syndrome pancreatectomy) ) laparoscopic adrenalectomy open distal pancreatectomy , (see (Laparoscopic 717–718 adrenalectomy) ) patient positioning , 716 open adrenalectomy, postoperative care , 724, 727 postoperative care , 58 Diverticulectomy , 340–342 Diverticulitis Meckel’s diverticulum (see D (Meckel’s Degree hemorrhoids , 507–509 diverticulum) ) Delayed gastric emptying sigmoid colectomy , 414 (DGE) , 712, 713 stoma , 450 Delphian lymph node , 20 Dumping syndrome , 313 Dermal and subcutaneous Duodenal surgery, PUD . See lesions Peptic ulcer disease anesthesia , 785 (PUD) benefi ts , 787 epidermoid cysts contraindications , 782–785 E defi nition of , 782 EBTI . See Endoscopic infl amed cyst , 782, 783 botulinum toxin preoperative care , 782 injection (EBTI) equipment , 786 Elbow fi stula , 752 indications , 781–782 Endorectal advancement fl ap , Langer’s lines , 787, 788 477–478 798 Index Endoscopic botulinum toxin abdominal stage injection (EBTI) , celiac 191–192 lymphadenectomy , 272 Endoscopic dilation (ED) , 185, cervical anastomosis , 274 192–193 diagnostic Endoscopic retrograde laparoscopy , 270 cholangiopancreatogram esophageal (ERCP) , 732 mobilization , 270, 271 Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) , gastric conduit, 716, 732 creation of , 274, 275 Epidermoid cysts gastric-emptying contraindications , 782–785 procedure , 274 defi nition of , 782 gastrocolic attachments, infl amed cyst , 782, 783 division of , 272 preoperative care , 782 gastrohepatic ligament, Esophageal achalasia division of , 270 annual incidence of , 184 intrathoracic barium esophagram , 186, 187 anastomosis , 274 EBTI , 191–192 jejunostomy feeding tube endoscopic dilation , 185, placement , 274, 276 192–193 Kocher maneuver , 272 esophageal manometry , left gastric
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