Kansas City, Ma. Trcnton, N. J. South Bend, Ind. Minneapolis, Minn. San Francisco, Cal. The Stamp of Character --Means Cross Ties Plus- Plus - That security which has its foundation upon the ownership in fee of thousands of acres of standing timber- Plus -- A stock of cross ties always on hand, assembled with foresight and held in preparedness for those who depend upon us- Plus - The ownership and absolute control of treating plants where value is added to the natural product, not only through the mechan- ical and chemical processes involved, Lu t also through- the experience, care and business integrity that are an integral psrt of the seller's obligation- 4 Plus - A warranty that the product bearing this brand is delivered in accordance with the terms and spirit of our promises and that this warranty survives acceptance by the purchaser-and last, but greatest of all- Plus - The pride and ambition of all the men who stand back of this brand eager to carry on the good name of a business founded over forty years ago and to make this brand truly a present-day symbol of their very best efforts. T. J. Moss TIE CO. SAINT LOUIS Orfober, 1925 11 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE II 827 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGGINS. Jr.. Editor II MARTHA C. MOORE. Associafe Editor WM. McMILLAN. Adoerfising Manaqcr OCTOBER. 1925 No. I Permission is given to reprint, with credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PAGES New "Clcrks' C;ror~p" !~isurancePlan ;\~~iiouncc(lI)y Prrsitle~~tKuni .................................... -1 "'J'hc Si1nnylant1"-A Sew Train to Floritla ................................................................................ 5 Twe~itySew 1.ocomotivcs 1)elivcrerl to Frisco in Srptcmbcr............................................... 6- 7 Circatest Intli~strialI<sliil)it in Modern Rusiness at l'ulsa ........................................................... S Sew A,lission Style Pasxc~iper Station at Springficltl. Mo....................................................... 9 Forty .\.lilts of Frisco Track with Automatic Trait1 Control ............................... d Enginccr Scutltlcr to Ti~ls:~\4.lien Main Streets \\'ere A,lutl-ljy 1Pillitrrrr 3. 12:rr1rlolph, T/rl.w Trihirrre ................................................................................................................................ 11 The Harley Fariiily-A Story \\;ith a Moral .............................................................................. 12 Employes tIclp 'I'hc~iisclves I)y Helping Frisco, Co~~tluctorSays ................................................ 1.3 Oil 41a1i l'lia~ik?; I<nginc Crew for Sa\,ilig 1,ifc............................................................................ 14 Frisco Agc~itTaught 'l'clc::ra~hy to Present Cnio~iPacific Hcatl ................ .. .................. -15 "The Frisco Nut I:~~~tcr"-r\~iI~ivc~itio~i hy Jaso~iThurston .................................................. 16 \ictcra~i \\Tho \\"elit to Jail tor F'rim). Has Thirty-six Years' Scrvice........... .. .....................17 Splc~itlitl Atl\,ertisi~inDisplay ill Clm~icctio~iivitli "Tlicfi Iro~i Horsc" ............................... 3 (;rc:~t Strides llatlc Si~iceEarly L)afi, I-ngi~ierr Says................. ....... ...................................19 Frank llillikcn. Rrcak-in I.:~igi~icerat Sprin~1.ficltl Has Exacting Joh ....................................2C ariick, Clem Scrvicc (iivc.11 I),. Fri~coMotor Cars ............... ...... .................................... 22 Frisco I<~ifii~iecroi \\'icliita Former lia~is:~sState C:licckcr C:lia~iil)......................... .... ....2.3 C'1a.t~of C'lii~icwCook5 :~1i(1 I~;ILII~~~~I~~cI~Taught I)y St. 1.ouis l<niployc........ .. .......... .....a C'. H. Clail~or~ic.\\:idel!. [<I~O\\.II S~~~~cri~itentluit,Dies Scptc~iilwr 11 ....................... ....... 23 I'ropcr Xlctli~~tloi Firing- Oil I3urnc1-s 12el:~tctl I)y Sul)crvisor Fuel I<co~ioniy-By G. I,. .sc.lrrlc.itlrr ....................................................................................................................................25 1tngincrr FIarl-y 1)avic.s lic.eps His I;i~c.l Rccortl ............................................................................27 Frisco Rrl)uiltling Prog--1-alii on Freight Cars \,lost ICstcnsivc ................ ..................................28 Tile Pension lioll............................... ... ..................................................................................................20 Tiic T\vilight Flour-"Sonny's Gun" ..................... .. .....................................................................32 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frisco ICmployrs' RIa~azinc~is tr monthly ~uhliciltiondevoted ~)l'inl;lrily to tile interests of the more than 30,000 active and retired employes of the Fr'isco Lines. It contains stories, items of current news, personal nolex about employes and the~rfamilics. xrticles dealing will1 various i11i;tsrs of railroad work, poems, cartoons and notices regarding tllr SPY~~CP.Good CleL\I. 11i1oto~,'l'npllssuitnhle for repro- duction are esl)c.cially dcsired. and will bc rcturncd only when requastecl. i\ll cartoons and ,lrawings must be in black India drnwinc ink. Employes are invited to writ<. nrticlr*~for tllc nlnC'~zir1c. (3ontril~ulions sllnuld he t,ypc\orittcn. on one side of the sheet nnly. and shoulrl he addressed to the Editor. Frisco Building. St. I,ou~s. 310. Distributed free among Frisco emplosres. To other's. price I5 crntn rr copy: subscription rate S1.50 a year. :\dvertisinc ralcw will br rnnrle known ulmn .i~)r,lication. New " Clerks' Croup" Insurance Plan Announced September Eighth by President Kurn Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Offers $1 000 and $2000 Policies to Clerks, Office and Station Employes -Rate Fifty-f iue Cents Per $1 000 news Lor :dl clerl\-s :ind other office and are entitletl to enroll after the com1)lction of 00 clays' employes on the Prisco Lincs. is con- service, and thereafter must avail themselves of the in the anno~ulcen~entof extcucled group privilege within thirty tlays. If this is not done the ~wwInsLIr;mce to be known as the "Clerks' Croup", Insuraucc Coml)an!. Ilia): require evitlence of in- iss~~etlfrom the office of I'rcsident J. 11. Kurn on surability. September 8. 'l'he plan will inclutle the following benefits : Class 'I'he announcement concerns itself wit11 thc extension ;2--171nplo!.cs earning $4.00 per day or less, entitletl of the Frisco groul) insurance. carrietl with the Metro- to $1,000 life insurance, \\rith $51.04 total ant1 1)errna- politan Life Insurance Company, by which employesl nent t1isal)ility benefits [or t\venty months. Class U- under the extension plan heading, may receive $1,000 l.hployes earning more than s.00 per day, entitletl to of life insurance for fifty-fivc cents a month, \\ritll the $2,000 life insurance, with S.52.30 totaI antl pernlanetit 1:risco assuming the balance of the cost. disability for 40 months. Rmployes eligible to participate in the plan are: t,I he life inmrance is payable in the event of natural clerlis, office boys, messengers, chore boys, station or accidental death, and payment of claim will he made hclpers, train announcers, gatclnen, checliers, baggage I)y the insurance company to the beneficiary named 1)). and parcel room emplo).es, train and engine crew call- the inb~~retl,im~netliatcly ul)on receipt of proof of tleath. ers, operators of certain office or station equipment Disability R~~tefitsGenerous devices, telc1)hone switcI11)oarcl operators, elevator o~)cr:~tor&ticliet and \\laybill assorters, machine ol)cr;l- 'I'he tlisability benefits are payable if and when an tors, employes operating appliances for 1)erforating ins~~retlbecomes totally and permanently clisablecl clue ant1 atltlressing envelopes, numbering claims or other to sic1;ness or accident froni any cause. any\vhcre con- 1);~1wrs,or adjusting dictaphone cylinders ; office, station tractetl, while his (or her) insurance is in force and ;und \\w-eho~lse\\xtchmen antl janitors, station, 1)lat- prior to the age of 60 years. form, \vareho~~se.transfer, (lock, storeroom, stockroom. ) I Ihe termination of service terminates the insurance, and team track freight or material handlers or truckers, antl others similarly eniployerl : sealers, scalers, fruit Imt the insured has the right to ol)tain from the in- antl perishable inspectors, sto\vers, stevedores, callers, surance com1)any Ivithin thirty-one tlays, \vithout medi- Inatlers. locators, coopers antl otllers si~nilarly ern- cal examination, an equal amount of int1ivitlu:~l lifc ployetl; and laborers employetl in and around stations, insurance at rntcs applicable to your age. offices, storehouses ant1 \\rarehouses and stocliyarcl la- Another splendid feat~lrcof the service is that of borers. a free visiting nursc. in the employ of the insurance , , 1 his insurance. as extended. does not apply to cm- comlxmy, \vl~o\\rill call at your home rluring si~li~~ess~ ployes no\\- covered by other Frisco group insurance assist in carrying out the physician's instructions, ad- plans, r're5itlent K~~rn'sstatement reatls. It does cover vise those in your home regarding proper care, and do cmplo~-es\\.ithi11 the above classification, \vho complete dl ~)ossiI)leto hring you 1)ncl.r to good health. 'l'lle the regular application card and wl1o are actively en- nursc will call at your request providing j.0~1 are in- gaged at \\-ork on the effective date of the entire plan. sured under this
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