M. McRae, /do Federal, Alta. .15 r 374/33 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL AND OTHER PROVINCIAL MARKETING POOLS Vol. 12 CALGARY, ALBERTA, APRIL 1st, 1933 No. 4 **The Old Order . Has Passed Away*' "Sometimes in old buildings which have stood firm for centuries a little insect enters the woodwork and gradually eats away its strength. To all Outward appearances for a long time it seems as solid as ever, but the mischief is gradually reducing the core of the timber into dust. "Our economic system is crumbling, not from external pressure, but from insider Can Mr. Baldwin persuade the death-watch beetle to stop nibbling at the rafters for three whole years? Time is pressing. Governments are too dilatory and easygoing in dealing with this tremendous emergency. What- ever happens there must be fundamental changes. No one doubts this. They are in process now of being effected; everywhere the old order is passing away; nay, it has passed away already. What will take its place? Are states- men thinking out that problem? "The existing industrial, financial, and economic order, with its blind and cruel greed, with its extravagance and its poverty, its luxuries and its miseries, its waste and its chaos, with its tens of millions of honest workers reduced to eating the bread of charity while the riches of Providence are rotting in the fields because they are not permitted to reach the needy; with its slums where no humane man would house his cattle, with its nations organ- izing to starve and slaughter each other—this system" has been tried and found wanting." (From a speech by the Right Hon. David Lloyd George at Carnarvon, Wales, January 19th, 1933, as reported in the Manchester Guardian of January 20th.) 2 (98) THE U. F. A. April Ist, 1933 GREAT WEST DISTRIBUTORS, LTD. CALGARY and EDMONTON Head Office—212 LOUGHEED BUILDING, CALGARY ALBERTA DISTRIBUTORS OF RED HEAD PETROLEUM PRODUCTS The new Edmonton plant of Great West Distributors Ltd., Cor. of 1 05th Avenue and 106th Street. Serving U.FA. Locals and Co-operatives in the Eldmonton district. (A similar plant wais built, last year, in Calgary.) RED HEAD Gasoline and Tractor Fuels and RED HEAD Oils and Greases are now being sold from MORE THAN EIGHTY POINTS IN ALBERTA A FLEET OF LARGE TRUCKS SERVES U.F.A. CO-OPERATIVES Every member of the U.F.A. and every farmer wishing to join the U.F.A. should take care to secure an invoice for any purchase of Red Head products and see that his name and the name of his Local U.F.A. are clearly marked on the invoice. Patronage dividends are paid by U.F.A. Central Office every three months. April l8t, 1933 (99) 3 SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVEBTIBINO (Commercial Display) One Year »2.00 .30c per agate line ($4.20 per inch) Single Copies 10 ce^tB No discount for time or space Make remittances by money order or postal Classified^ 5o per word prepaid note. We cannot accept responsibility for cur- Published on the 1st ot each month by New copy must reach us 8 days in advance of rency forwarded through the mail. THE n.F.A. UMITEO publication to insure insertion. LoQgheed Boilding ordering a change Change ol Address.—When CALOART. ALBERTA No advertisements taken for liquor, patent present of address, the former as well as the medicine, or speculative investment schemes. Official Organ of address should be given; otherwise the altera- None other THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA than reliable advertisements will be tion cannot be made. knowingly THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL accepted. Readers will confer a favor by advising CIBCDLATION THE ALBERTA DAIRY POOL us promptly of unsatisfactory dealings THE ALBERTA EGG AND POULTRY POOL with advertisers. Average net paid circulation, 6 months ending THE ALBERTA CO-OPERATITE WHOLESALE ADVERTISING March 1st. 1933 42.768 MANAGER THE ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE OH. POOL A. M. TURNER Managing Director Editor NORMAN F. PRIESTLET W. NORMAN SMITH Eastern Representative: H. ROSE Vol. 12 CALGARY, ALBERTA, APRIL 1st, 1933 No. 4 Principal Contents Page in the minds of the pubUc which in view of his subse- quent attitude it seemed evident Editorial 3 Mr, Howson desired, News of the Organization 4 he denied that the words had been used. New Life in Alberta Farm Movement 4 In respect to that matter, the issue is between Mr. Committee's Bulletin 5 Co-operative Howson and the press. He appears, however, to be Charges Made bt Liberal Leader Prove Mare's Nest 6 Webster Dissociates Himself From Howson Charges 7 so httle concerned even for his own good name—so FEATUKEfe OF Federal Budget 8 little concerned that words expressing the most serious C.C.F, Amendment to the Dominion Budget 8 charge that can be brought against a Government and Fails to Deal With Fundamental Goveknment which no public man of honor would ever use falsely, Issues 9 Alberta Wheat Pool Section 10 should have been (according to his own showing) im- The Header Barge 12 properly attributed to him—that he decUnes to take A Review of Pool Operations 14 up the issue, or to state, definitely, that he was mis- Principal Producing Countries. 15 Wheat Acreages in represented. Clearly Mr. Howson should Interests of the United Farm Women 16 withdraw Enchanting Life" 16 from public hfe. "The * * * U.F.A. Junior Activities 18 "The U.F.A." Junior Essay Contest 18 When the report on the inquiry came before the Committee Plans FOR THE Junior Conference 18 for discussion, no daily paper in the Province, with the ex- The C.C.F. and Agriculture 22 ception of the Edmonton Journal, gave publicity to the facts that the Conservative members of the committee in a motion by Messrs. Duggan and Payne, found that there was no evi- dence of scandal or dishonesty by any official of the Depart- EDITORIAL ment; that the Labor group, on motion of Messrs. White and Smeaton, agreed that officials had acted with complete w honesty; or that the Independents without qualification sup- ported the Chairman's report. Only the Edmonton Journal, A SPLENDID VINDICATION among all the dailies, even reported the fact that Mr. Webster On March 15th, W. R. Howson,. leader of the Liberal had disagreed with his leader, and refused to support Mr. Howson's motion. The report is still to come before the in the Alberta Legislature, charged that grave party Assembly as a whole. irregularities had occurred in the Provineial Highways * • * Department—irregularities of such a nature that they Mr. Webster's comment on the subject of "force accounts," constituted "a scandal and a crime". He declared that which we have been obliged from lack of space to omit from our report elsewhere, substantiated what Mr. McPherson the maladministration had been so serious as to make had said on this subject. Mr. Webster declared that he could to resign. it obhgatory upon the Government not see that the check by the engineer for value received Immediately challenging the Liberal leader, Hon. resulted in any loss to the Province. He also substantiated 0. L. McPherson, Minister of Public Works, demanded the Minister's statement that in awarding contracts on approximate quantities only, the final quantities being taken an inquiry into all matters concerning contracts to which by the engineer, the Department had followed approved referred. The investigation has been Mr. Howson had engineering practice. These, it may be said, were two of the held, at great length, and Mr. Howson has been given matters in respect to which Mr. Howson's manner of examin- every opportunity to prove his charge. According to the ing witnesses tended to create a mistaken impression among unanimous verdict of every group in the Assemblj^ the uninformed. Mr. Webster, who is a strong opponent of the Government which is not unanimous, he has failed except his own, upon almost every controversial issue of public policy, made to produce any evidence of scandal whatsoever on the it clear that he disagreed most reluctantly with his leader, and part of any official of the Department. The Committee he offered one or two minor criticisms, differing with the has found that the Minister and the Department acted judgment of Government engineers in respect to one contract. He said with reference to the letting of contracts, that railway honesty and without any irregularity. with complete companies seldom advertised for tenders, but that a Govern- A splendid vindication of the Government was given ment should get bids, even though the Minister should use by some of its chief opponents. his authority occasionally in refusing to give a contract to a did not consider competent finish In deference to every tradition of our public life, and contractor whom he to the project. (Mr. McPherson gave the reason, as we have in fairness to the party which he leads, Mr. Howson reported, why in the case of emergency relief contracts it should resign. was necessary to depart from the Department's usual practice * * • in order to get the projects under way at short notice). * • • According to the original press reports, Mr. Howson To cover the inquiry the current issue has been delayed, charged the Department with "dishonesty" and "graft". and several features, including accounts of important Pro- When the reports, widely broadcast in the press, had vincial legislation, of plans for Federal redistribution, as well been given time to create the uneasiness and suspicion as much local and other news, etc., have been held over. 4 (100) THE U. F. A. April l8t, 1933 NEWS OF THE ORGANIZATION Activities of Loc^s and District Associations and Information from Central Office—Notes on Co-operation be under national control, to private or New Life in Alberta Farm Movement corporate control.
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