Received by NSD/FARA RegistrationUnit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM ESCAPE TO THE ISLA_Ni:>S OF THE BAHAMAS WITH All NEW . 2018 DEALS AND OFFERS . ' Janu_ary 10, 2018-With the New Year in iuil swing, there is no bettertimethon now for travelers to escape the cold and book an affordable getaway to the beautiful Islands Of The BahcJ°mas. Whether_ travelers. are looking to get a taste of Bahamian culture in the capital of Nassay, explore the charming history and ecological wonders of Grand Bahama Island or sodk up the sun throughout the exotic and adventurous Out Islands, there are plenty of deaJs that will help travelers land their dream vacation. See below for The Bahamas' best offers this New Year: EXPLORE THE GEMS OF NASSAU AND PARADISE ISLAND The country's main tourism hub is boe>ming with luxury re_s9rts, casino_s, d_in_ing, shopping and a vibrant nightlife, all while offering visitors authentic Bahamian culture. Below are a few deals that the capital has to offe[ in 2018: • Atlantis, Paradise.Island - The_ newly updated Atl_antis, Paradis_e lslan_d, an_nounced two incredible winter deals, timed with the New Year. o Warm Up Your Winter: This deal is perfect fe>r travelers looking to escape t_he brutal cold winter months and find warmth on.Paradise Island. For more information visit: www.aflantisbohamas.com/wednesdayoffer or call 1-800- ATLANTIS. The special offer includes: • Rates from.$209 per night with up to a $300 Resort Credit* • Booking Window:-January 15-February 2, 2018 • Travel Window: January 17-May 31. 2Qi8 • Bonus: Stay on a Wednesday and receive breakfast for two daily and additional $1 bb resort credit *Blackout dotes: February 21, Moren 14, Morch 21, Morch 28, April 4 o Bc>ok Surnmer Early and Save: This offer caterE;ic:J _to travelers loo~ing to escape the winter, while also planning the summer months ahead. For more information visit: www.atlantisbahamas.com/specials or call 1-800-ATLANTiS. The special offer includes: • Rates from $209 per night, with up to a $300 Resort Credit* • Booking Window: Now through January 31. 2018 • Travel Window: Now through December 23, 2018. Please Note: Resort Credit valid for travel through September 30_. *Blackout dates: February 18-25, March 17-April 9 • Bay View Suites, Nassau - This_ peaceful, private and tropical enclave located in the heart cif Paradise_ Island is just minutes away from th_e beach, Marina Village a_nd the Casino .. at Atlantis, Paradise Island resort. Guests looking to travel between January 8 and April 30, 2018 willreceive25 percent off published rates on all room categories when they book before January 3 i, 2018. For more information visit: www:bayviewsLiitesparadiseisland,com. · Received by NSD/FARA Registration Uriit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM ~abaHamas 0QIC111 t.0.- •111"0. 0 • Sa_ndCJ!s Royal Ba.ham_la_n - Thi.s elegant.resort is a ble_nd of ~uropean s,9phistication a_nd exotic offshore island adventure. Guests will receive a 65 percent dlscou·nt when they book a minjmum of three nights through Dec. 28, 2018. Prices at this re.sort start from $244 per person/per night di the Luxury Level. For more information visit: www.sandals.com/main/bahamian/ba-home. • Wal"tllic_k Parac:lis.e l_s_lan_d - With the "Valentine Love in Paradi_se'' promotion, couples will enjoy romantic perks including prosecco and chocolate-covered strawberries upon arrival, 16 oz. rum cake and a $1 QO spa c_recl.it per pers~n .. The package is ava.Ha.ble for Harbour Deluxe Balcony and Harbour Premium Balcony rooms, double occupancy, vvit_h all-inclus_ive rates starting from $661 per night for travel February 1-14, 201.8_. For travel February 15-28, 2018, rates start from $675 per night. A minimum stay of three nights is re.quired. For more informationvis_it:www.warwickhotels.com/paradise"island­ bahamas/special-oflers/valentine-love-in-paradise/. IMMERSE YOUl!~~lF IN GRA_NI;> BAHAMA ISLAND Grand Bahama Island is home to one of the world's largest underwater-cave systems, boasts miles of beautiful.beaches and ho_lc:ls a unique smaH .town charm with a ric.h history. Jyst a short distance from Ncissciu dna Florida, visitors looking for a quick and inexpensive warm weather getaway have new offers to enjoy: • Llghthou_se Pointe - This blenc:led, beachs_ide property is offering guests the opportunity to save up to 35 percent with the Grand Bahama Getaway deal. Travelers·inust book an all-indusil(e stay at Grand Lucayon's Lighthouse Poi_nte by February 28, 2018. For more information visit: www.grdndlucayan.com/sbecials. • Flamingo Bay Hotel And Marina - Guests can stay at the Flamingo Bay Hotel and Marina wfth rates from just $75 per nighi. For more information visft: www.flamingobaymarina.com.. I • Pelican Bay Hotel - Couples hove the chanc:e to enjoy a spectacular view with the E«tremely lntjma_te Honeymoon an_d Ro/nonce Pac_kage. The offer includes the Waterside Stateroom for two, roundtrip airport transfers, doily bullet breakfast for two, an exotic SO-minute couple's massage and more. For more information visit: www.belici::Jribayhotel.com/special-_oflers(~xtremelyintimate. DISCOVER THE OUT ISLANDS From the Exumas and Abaco to Eleuihera and Harbour Island, the Out Islands are known for their rustic yet charming appeal. Travelers looking to go off-theabeaten-p9th can take advantage of these seasonal deals: · • Out Islands Promotion Board~ Travelers can receive a $250 Air/Cruise Ferry Creditwhen they pre-book an air/cruise ·ferry-inclusive vacation for four consecutive nights or longer. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM • I Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35PM ~obaliamas ooae. ~.o ... a 08 ••a at a participating Bahama Out Islands Promotion Board memb_er hotel. Book before January 31, 2018 for travel through June 30, 2018. Travelers who presbook an air­ inclusive vacation for four to six _conse_cutive nights at a participating hotel (single or double occupancy) will receive one free rouncltrip airline or ferry ticket from Nassau. Those who pre-book an air-inclusive vacation for.seven consecutive nights at a participating hotel will receive two free rouncltrip airline oi feny tickets from Nassau. For more information visit: www.myoutisands.com/SpecialOffers. 0 B/qckout da_tes: March 29-Aprif 1, 2_018 • Sanc!a_ls Ernerald._Bay- This luxu_ry resort local~ in Great Exuma is currently running a promotion of up to 65 percent when guests book a minimum of three nights through December 2_8, 201_8. Prices start from $269 per person/per night a_t the Club Level. Couples who book their all-iriclusive stay at Sandals Emerald Bay will receive unlimited cornpHrnentary ,itness classes, all lanq and water sports, scuba diving., 5,star Global Gourmet dining cind much more. For more information visit: www:sandals:com/main/emerald/em-home. • Treas!,Jre Cay Beach, Marina & Golf Resort i_n Abac_o - Guests who boQk by February 28, 2018 and stay four or more nights can expect wonderful deals including a daily ·breakfast credit of$20 per room on three night stays or more, one.free golf credit per night per room, and one free 60 minute massage For more irif6niiciti6n visit .WWW .treasurecay.com or call Treasure· Cay Reservations l -800-;}27-1584. • Grand Isle Res_ort & Spa - The tranquil resort a_nd spa is offering three n~w special offers this season. For more information visit:www.qra"ndisleresort.com. o Swimm_ing With The Pigs: This package includes daffy breakfast for two at Palapa Grill and a half day swimming pig excursion for two guests. There is a three-night minimum and rat~s start at $699 :for o 6ne Bedroqm VHla per night. _ o Stay More, Save More: Stay 3,_4 nights and save 15 percent; stay 5-6 nights and · save 20 percent; Stay seven or more nights an_d save 25 perc_ent. o Pamper and Play: This special includes one round of golf and a one hour Serenity Swe_dish Massage. Guests must b~ok at least two night?. Rates start at $835 for a One Bedroom Villa per hight. \ · • Valentines Residences Resort_ & Marina on Ha·rbour Island - One of Harbour Island's most treqsured resorts is offering credits incremental credits for guests staying three to seven nights. Guests must book by Jariuaryl 2, 2018 and travel by February 28. 2018. For more information visit: www.valentihesresort.com/special-offers. Offer details cire as follows: · · · • Stay 3 nights - $50 credit • Stay 4 nights - $75 credit • Stay 5 nights - $1 oo credit • Stay 6 nights - $150 credit • Stay 7 nights - $200 credit *Blackout date: February 14, 2018 Received by NSO/FARA Registration Unit 07/2:5/2018 6:57:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/25/2018 6:57:35 PM I oob,. anamas LnullUINDl011"" 0000,.o .. ' ••" o e . I 0 • Romora Bay' Resart a·nd Marina - This Harbour Island gem is offering an exclusive selecti9n ol'pa,ckages and ofiers th.is season for an unspoiled getaway to Harbour, Island. For more information visit: www.romorabay.com. · o The ~oman~ic: Th.is packqge perfect for cour:iles qnd honeymooners al,ike includes a private dinner for two on the bay"side dee~, orie ~5-niinute couples' ,massgge, roundtrip qirport transfers fr9m North Eleuthera and more. Guests r:nust book three nights to receive the $2,000special rate, o l~lan,d Discovery PCJckage: This offer indudes a private boat charter for a day of island sightseeihg,.atces·s to golf cart rentals for four days, roundtrip airport transfers from North Eleuthera and more. Guests must book four nights to receive, the $2,500 special rate.
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