Your local source since 1951. $1 Thursday, April 10, 2014 A W.4.PP(TS company ACHICAGO SUNTIMEScompublication niles.suntimes.com Nues Herald-Spectator (t GO COMEDIAN TAKES ON PARKINSON'S AT SKOKIE THEATRE FOOD)) SEARCHING FOR CUTEST New look forresale shop EASTER CAKES Remodeled Avenues Thrift Shoppe is bigger, brighter, cleaner i 23 © 2014 Sun-Times Media All rights reserved Nues Herald-Spectator I I COMMUNION ANt) COFlRMATh)N GiFTS: DRESSES, BIBLES, ROSARIES, VEILS, ACCESSORIES, FRAMES. ALSO. C.1F1'S Ft)R BAPTISM, WEDDING, GARDEN GIFt'S T oc-og ii S31IN AND MANY MORE LS NO»O f096g _LsIcÌ J.dU.Lw;jq Monday -- F'riiIalOam OüOûû San,r4a' lOHn) -1pm ;000000 5-o %:i,kegai Rd Northbro4k. It. 5Q-jc..LO7 (847) 272-7605 THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION NIL create yours. KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOM Visit our luxury showroom at: I 020 East Lake Cook Road. 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OHIO; JUST 12.00 FOR UP TO 3 PLEASE VISIT BLOOMINGDAIES.COH OR CALL STORES FOR HOURS. MEDINAFI TEMPLE, CHICAGO, 312-324-7500. HOURS, REGULAR RATE APPLIES THEREAFTER. OLD ORCHARD CENTER, SKOKIE, 847-675-5200. SORRY, NO FURNITURE AT OID ORCHARD. 4 THURSDAY, APRII. 10,2014 A PIONEER PRESSUBUCATION NIL Nues Herald-Spectator COMMUNITY LOCAl. NEWS SINCE 1951 Notre Dame kids raise limothy P. knight CEO money for John Biais Robert L Elder Jill McDermott 'bravest kids' VP and General Editor in Chief, VP of Advertising Manager VP of Digital Content 847-682-5907 Steve Nowotarski, Conor Williams and EDITORiAL ADVERTISING Pat Hennelly teamed Ben Meyerson, News Editor Rke Harvel, Advertising Director up with the Notre 312-321-2864 312-646-9552 [email protected] [email protected] Dame student council Ryan Nlsson. 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A PIONEER PRESS PUBUCATION THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 C1CT394 EDUCATIONAL Distinguished FOUNDATION INSPIRING MINDS CitizenAward presented to Elizabeth Drucker Thursday,April 17, 2014 Michigan Shores Club911 Michigan Avenue, Wilmette 6:30-7:30 pm ' Cocltail Reception & Silent Auction 7:30 - 9:00 pm.' Award Presentation Tickets: $65 (adult), $45 (student) Reservations may Le made online at www.D39Foundation.org Questions? Call 847-853-3939 Sponsored b Wilmette Life HKHER Thg '2i11gREog Noim Si-iopE Cg-fr nd KnnI-frg COMMUNFY J3ANK cdÌfl$ fld S TRUST COMPANY e! THURSDAY, APRIL 10,2014 A PIONEER PRESS LICATION NIL 6 I III DISTRICT 70 Park View School reaks ground on$2.7 million addition BY MARCm.LA S. KREFFER For Sun-Times Media Grove School District 70 Friday Mortonbroke ground on a $2.7 million, 7,500-square-foot addition that will add five classrooms to 60-year-old Park View School. Superintendent Dr. Phil Collins said enrollment at the 850-student school has been growing steadily this decade, prompting the expansion. "This year we had a significant increase in the number ofthird-grade stu- dents, but we didn't have an extra classroom to allow us to open another section. This addition will give us that flex- ibility," Collins said before the groundbreaking ceremony attended by members of the school board. 'We're very ex- cited about the opportunities this will afford our students." Architect Alan Armbrust, of STR Partners, said the most innovative aspect of the addition, which is expected DtrÍCt 70 Superintendent Phil Collins looks on as children participate in a undbreaking for the new addilion at Park View School. The children are (left to right) Anthony Valdes, to be completed for the fall Sammy Yaras, Delaney Gin, Tffani Barber, Hamzah Mousa. Cindy Slephosh, Whitney Nguyen, Jason Johnston and Mohammad Manzooe i wceu- s.KREnEWFOR SUN-nMS Miola semester, is the use of a "day- light harvesting systeim" locations for the expansion, Park View originally was The addition fas south including a proposal to add a built in 1954. Two additions and will be fronted by a glass second floor. Armbrust said were added in the 1960s, a wall that will have louvers the second-story option was third in the 1970s and a fourth at the top. Armbrust said rejected because the build- in 1999. Construction on the this will allow winter light in ing's supports would have newest addition had been ex- ftilly, but block the summer had to be shored up, disrupt- pected to start March 15, but sun and its attendant heat. A ing classes for the rest of the was delayed by the weather. corridor along what is now school year. Blustery winds and 40-de- the front of the building will School Board President gree temperatures aceompa- be topped by high windows Tony Stegich said the district med Friday's ceremony under that will allow natuml light will be able to pay for the cloudy skies. into interior classrooms that project without raising "I'm ready to go back no longer will have a view of property taxes, using existinginside, but I don't want to ge the parking lot and adjacent funds and the district's oper- back to class," said seventh- park.
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