WEEKLY UPDATE | Voluntary Repatriation of Somali Refugees From Kenya. CUMULATIVE AREA OF RETURN FROM KENYA 2017 DADAAB SUMMARY CONVOYS SUMMARY CUMULATIVE DEPARTURES FROM DADAAB 2017 DEPARTURES FROM KENYA CUMULATIVE DEPARTURES FROM KENYA Area of Return Grand Total Details Totals ROAD CONVOYS 141 Location Female Male Total Location Female Male Total Kismayu 49,014 Year Female Male Total No. of Households 7,445 Dadaab 16,735 16,663 33,398 Dadaab 36,496 36,216 72,712 Mogadishu 13,315 2014 255 230 485 No. of Individuals 33,398 FLIGHTS 491 Nairobi 23 18 41 Nairobi 32 33 65 Baidoa 9,558 2015 2,862 2,754 5,616 No. of Females 16,735 Mogadishu 228 Kakuma 959 1,009 1,968 Kakuma 1,224 1,296 2,520 Luuq 3,340 2016 16,644 16,569 33,213 No. of Males 16,663 Kismayu 234 Grand Total 17,717 17,690 35,407 Grand Total 37,752 37,545 75,297 Afmadow 30 2017 16,735 16,663 33,398 No. of Special Needs 1,368 Baidoa 29 Afgoye 40 Total 36,496 36,216 72,712 Total 75,297 Cumulative departure trends from Dadaab 2017 Departures from Kenya 40,000 40,000 \ 33,213 33,398 35,000 33,398 35,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 16,644 16,569 16,735 16,663 20,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 5,616 10,000 5,000 2,862 2,754 255 485 230 5,000 1,968 - 41 2014 2015 2016 2017 - Dadaab Nairobi Kakuma Female Male Total Areas of Return in Somalia Year of Arrival Male Female Departures from Refugee Camps in Dadaab. Baidoa Luuq Mogadishu 10 149 140 30 9 861 853 1,069 12,860 168 8 786 830 3,191 7 877 819 kismayo Afmadow 6 898 777 8,257 5 1,135 1,058 4 7,478 7,319 3 1,694 1,815 4,760 28,940 3,873 3,648 2 606 735 1 2,179 2,389 8,0007,6007,2006,8006,4006,0005,6005,2004,8004,4004,0003,6003,2002,8002,4002,0001,6001,200800 400 0 400 8001,2001,6002,0002,4002,8003,2003,6004,0004,4004,8005,2005,6006,0006,4006,8007,2007,6008,000 Dagahaley Hagadera Ifo Ifo 2 Kambioos Occupation Analysis Cases of people with special Needs Female Male Male Female 1,851 Other 365 1,469 854 Single Parent 306 Farmers (crop and vegetable) 738 698 Dairy and livestock producers 197 209 438 9,085 No occupation 115 118 8,462 4,147 Student 21 - 16 3 8 10 2,896 Disability Older person at risk Woman at Risk Unaccompanied or separated child Single parent Specific legal and physical protection needs 28 Housekeepers 2,732 - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Source: UNHCR S.O Dadaab (ProGres) Contacts: Mr. Denis Alma Kuindje, Senior Protection Coordinator: [email protected] UNHCR SO Dadaab, December 2017 1 / 4 Profile of Voluntary Repatriation Departures Cumulative Analysis Reported Departures from the 1st January to 22nd December 2017 Breakdown by Camp of Asylum, Age and Gender Breakdown by Marital Status 0 - 4 5 - 11 12 - 17 18 - 59 60+ Grand Total Marital Status Female Male Total % Camp F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total Persons % HouseHolds Divorced 468 142 610 1.8% Dagahaley 364 329 693 620 641 1,261 317 346 663 680 469 1,149 64 43 107 3,873 11.6% 865 Married 3,943 2,604 6,547 19.6% Hagadera 756 827 1,583 1,165 1,194 2,359 648 753 1,401 1,533 1,137 2,670 132 112 244 8,257 24.7% 2072 Single 11,703 13,800 25,503 76.4% Ifo 347 400 747 514 504 1,018 267 308 575 694 503 1,197 54 57 111 3,648 10.9% 958 Separated 32 8 40 0.1% Ifo 2 1,076 1,138 2,214 1,728 1,941 3,669 1,160 1,476 2,636 2,140 1,839 3,979 136 226 362 12,860 38.5% 2593 Widowed 589 109 698 2.1% Kambioos 416 444 860 673 710 1,383 426 520 946 780 673 1,453 45 73 118 4,760 14.3% 957 Grand Total 16,735 16,663 33,398 - Grand Total 2,959 3,138 6,097 4,700 4,990 9,690 2,818 3,403 6,221 5,827 4,621 10,448 431 511 942 33,398 - 7,445 NB: 22008 returnees are minors representing 68% and 11390 are adults (34%). 22,008 66% 6800% Marital Status Analysis Breakdown by Year of Arrival in the camp 16,000 Breakdown by Year of Arrival in the camp 11,390 0.34 Breakdown by Education Level 16,000 15,200 Arrival Year F M Total % 14,400 Education Level Total % 14,000 Before 2000 455 312 767 2.3% 13,600 With Education 7,083 21% 12,800 2000 37 28 65 0.2% 12,000 Informal education 3,610 11% 12,000 P 2001 41 29 70 0.2% 11,200 Kindergarten 457 1% 10,400 2002 83 93 176 0.5% 9,600 Information Not available 22,248 67% 10,000 2003 44 49 93 0.3% 8,800 Grand Total 33,398 - 2004 64 65 129 0.4% 8,000 8,000 Female 7,200 Education Level Analysis 2005 98 111 209 0.6% 6,400 Male 2006 377 389 766 2.3% 5,600 6,000 4,800 2007 260 256 516 1.5% 4,000 Information Not available 2008 930 847 1,777 5.3% 3,200 4,000 2009 735 606 1,341 4.0% 2,400 Kindergarten 1,600 2,000 2010 1,815 1,694 3,509 10.5% 800 2011 7,319 7,478 14,797 44.3% - Informal education - 2012 1,058 1,135 2,193 6.6% Divorced Married Single Separated Widowed 2013 777 898 1,675 5.0% With Education 2014 819 877 1,696 5.1% - 10,000 20,000 Breakdown by Place of Return 2015 830 786 1,616 4.8% Return Area Female Male Total % 2016 853 861 1,714 5.1% Baidoa 496 573 1,069 3.2% 2017 140 149 289 0.9% Others 3,320 Kismayo 14,568 14,372 28,940 86.7% Grand Total 16,735 16,663 33,398 - Luuq 74 94 168 0.5% No Occupation 17,547 Breakdown by Occupation Mogadishu 1,577 1,614 3,191 9.6% HouseKeepers 2,760 Afmadow 20 10 30 0.1% Occupation Total % Grand Total 16,735 16,663 33,398 - Student 7,043 21.1% Farmers (Crop and Vegetables) 1,592 Place of Return Analysis Female Male Dairy And Livestock Producers 1,136 3.4% Dairy And Livestock Producers 1,136 Farmers (Crop and Vegetables) 1,592 4.8% HouseKeepers 2,760 8.3% Student 7,043 No Occupation 17,547 52.5% 16,000 Others 3,320 9.9% - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 14,000 Grand Total 33,398 - 12,000 14,568 14,568 14,372 14,372 Breakdown by Vulnerability 10,000 Vulnerability Individuals % 8,000 Disability 671 2.0% Older Person at Risk 233 0.7% 6,000 Woman at Risk 21 0.1% 4,000 Separated Child 406 1.2% Specific legal needs 18 0.1% 2,000 496 573 74 94 1,577 1,614 20 10 Single Parent 19 0.1% Disability Older Person at Risk Woman at Risk Separated Child Specific legal needs Single Parent No Vulnerability - No Vulnerability 32,030 95.9% Baidoa Kismayo Luuq Mogadishu Afmadow Grand Total 33,398 - UNHCR SO Dadaab, December 2017 2 / 4 Trends of POCs Approaching the Return Help Desk Trends POCs Approaching Return Help Desk Per Year Per Camp as of 22nd December 2017 Years Dagahaley Hagadera Ifo Ifo 2 Kambioos Total 2013 463 627 494 1,186 1,009 3,779 2014 470 929 276 1,619 703 3,997 2015 1,222 2,949 1,694 6,733 2,384 14,982 2016 5,869 13,050 7,505 22,990 10,138 59,552 2017 2,778 4,372 2,090 3,331 455 13,026 Dec-17 - 14 35 7 - 56 Grand Total 10,802 21,941 12,094 35,866 14,689 95,392 Trends of POCs Approching the Return Help Desk per year per camp 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 - Dagahaley Hagadera Ifo Ifo 2 Kambioos 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Trends of POCs Approaching the Return Help Desk between January 2016 and December 2017 25500 25190 24000 22500 21000 19500 18000 16500 15000 13500 12000 10500 9000 7500 7631 6000 6132 4768 4500 3820 4614 3000 2541 2564 1500 1642 2133 1117 1479 1080 1499 818 977 995 0 579 579 742 652 728 298 56 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 UNHCR SO Dadaab, December 2017 3 / 4 Return Help Desk Statistics Per Camp for those willing to Return as of 22nd December 2017 0 - 4 Years 5 - 11 Years 12 -17 Years 18 - 59 Years 60 + Years Camp Total % Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Dagahaley 244 242 423 379 222 270 530 393 39 38 2,780 16% Hagadera 331 371 508 587 340 430 898 933 80 75 4,553 26% Ifo 205 213 362 338 229 248 557 448 61 49 2,710 15% Ifo 2 564 590 1,018 1,075 659 784 1,390 1,158 118 118 7,474 43% Grand Total 1,344 1,416 2,311 2,379 1,450 1,732 3,375 2,932 298 280 17,517 - 1,500 1,000 Dagahaley Hagadera 500 Ifo - Ifo 2 Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male 0 - 4 Years 5 - 11 Years 12 -17 Years 18 - 59 Years 60 + Years Place of Return to Somalia Time of Return to Somalia per Camp Is it Area of Origin? Camp Place of Return Yes No Unknown Total Return Period Dagahaley Hagadera Ifo IFO 2 Total % Kismayo 4,673 7,459 56 12,188 3 Months 2,770 4,530 2,641 7,387 17,328 98.92% Mogadishu 1,172 785 19 1,976 3 to 6 Months 1 17 39 72 129 0.74% Baidoa 985 1,488 23 2,496 In one year period 4 - - - 4 0.02% Dinsor 23 - - 23 Other 5 6 30 15 56 0.32% Luuq 59 151 6 216 Grand Total 2,780 4,553 2,710 7,474 17,517 Belet Hawa 11 7 5 23 Buale 26 8 5 39 Other 333 214 9 556 "Other" Place of Return refers to: Sakow, Bardera, Afmadow, Jamame, El Waq, Jilib, Marka, Afgoye, Belet Weyne, Garbahare, Abduwaq, Grand Total 7,282 10,112 123 17,517 Wajid, Kurtun Warey, Barbera, Qansah Dere, Jowhar, Bosaso and Galkayo Status Total From the launch of Return Help Desk in all Dadaab's camps at the end of November 2013; 95,392 PoCs were interviewed and Total Interviewed 95,392 94,786 among them have expressed their intention to repatriate to Somalia.
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