,-t.- <, / t ■ ■■ MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19B6 PAAE IftCfitfiSR Avfrage Daily NefPress Run ■;'i' id&trtifstc^r ^tKtting H^ralb •'Fo||^ the tVeek Rnded ThaW atther D«e.,8,lB56 Fbroeaot of O. A W eetkerBarsea The We*t Side Qrcie of the A C.. Fuller, chairman of the The Im nm culate C o h c e p t i o n Fcllowa hall tomorrow at. 8 p.m. Cloudy, wfady, mild taalakt. Coinmunlty Boptiit Chui^ will board of Fuller B niah Go., and-one M othera Circle Will hold*'a Chriat- Election of offictra for the coming , ^ i2;4i2^.„ ." Low near 4a. latennitteat light -"JUioutT^ of the foundera' of the company, maa party Wedneaday evening at year will be on the agenda. Plana min tViQilMeedaiy toward nooa. meet at the honje of Mm Harold will be igueat apeaker at the meet­ 6:30 at the home of-Mra. Kdmond for the an^al Chriatmas and an­ Member of the Andh^ . cloudy In afternoon.' High tat mid tM BM .of th* Army-aad N *vy t<ehman, 3l Carroll Dr.> Wednea- Morancey,'Notch Rd., Bolton. Bureau of Circulation V day night at 8 o’clock. The group ing of KiWahia Club Thuraday niversary p a rty •will also be dl.s- . AoxlMtry wfU MM a card noon at 12:15 at Manche.ster Coun­ cuased. A social will follow, with- Manchester—■-■A City of Village Charm ...................lit atll:8d a t the: clulH Will do White Croaa work, and will exchange M-cent gifta. try Club; M emorial 'I’emple, No; 33. 'refreshinents served by the stand­ Pythian Sistera. will meet in' Odd ing entcrtalnmentwommittee. The regular monthly meeting of VOL. LXXVI, NO. 61 (TWENTY PAGES) Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., Tu e s d a y , De c e m b e r ii , is-ie (Clneslflcd Advertising on Page 18) the Hilliard Aaan. will be held a t! PRICE FIVE CENTS 8 o'clock tonight in the cpmmu-' nlty room.of the Waddell School. I The Budkiey Child Study Group I will meet in the library Of the HALEYS i achool tomorrow at 1 p.m. Mra. , I Mary . Quinlan will lead the gfbup. ! in w '(llacu.<taion on ’’Gifta Good for n a n ation Q uits D eLate in gam ing." All are Welcome. Robert A. Pearaon. ^n of Mr. : SELF SERVE ON THESE HALE’S and Mra. Hugo S. Pearaon, 113 ' ' ............ ' '■ A Lovelier Home Pearl St., played trombone in the . 80 '^ c e Ithaca College marching : band, which performed at football' - ^ A N D gamea and' before alumni at the | $Jl<4 Million Needed for New 76-Bed Wing at Hospita _ fall homCfcomlng weekend. T he i H A LE'S j band ia compoaed of- afudenta from I : the School of Muaic. | MEAT DEPT. Domestic Department ' A dvertiaem ent i------ i _ c ----- ORIGINAL CAMPUS ^ M A W FLOOR. ' Inatall clean, dependable Gaa Local Su hscription Assails Interference Heating, and forget. service and TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 3 pc. delivery problema. Rent a Gas Another Shipment! "" Conversion Burner—82.95 monthly PANTIES —Buy a Gas Conversion BUmer To Raise i830.000 In Internal Matters 8285.00,less 850.00 allowances for REGULAR $2.34 PKG. Dresser Set BLANKET ENDS old equipment. Guaranteed . heat­ Pastel colored. Comb, b r u ^ and ing estimate. The Hartford Gas * / % DON FRIEDMAN PBm SRELI, K I ^ N aad RAYON RUEND Co., tel. M I .0-4503. Band leg or elastic leg briefs in all mirror ^for adiilts. Also .children’s United Nations, N.Y., Dec. 11 (/P)—The Hungarian delega­ sizes. Nylon bristle hair brush with A minimum of $1,470,000 - used i to 227. Although the ad- tion today walked out of the General Assembly in protest LESS THAN white and colors. Small, medium will b e needed to erect the dition will contain 76 ^ds the LARGE SIZE DEAL PACK and large. » matching comb anff double face jevfuj jj-A* overall gain will only be 60, be- against what it called U.N interference in Hungary’s internal Va FMCE pound Sj*28 .. mirror. proposed 76-bed addition to Qf g reallocation of spare in affairs. the Manchester Memorial the most efficient and functional Box of The surprise move came as the 79-nation Assembly debated •8" to 20” wide, 1 yard to H i, yards long. Be here aarly. INSTANTSANKACOFFEE Hospital. Raj'mond Goslee, manner possible, a U.S.-sponsored move to condemn the Soviet Union for re­ —ayery ahlpmant-a complete aelkait. For crib, blankets, THE COFFEE THAT LETS YOU SLEEP. 6 Pantias $2-00 chairman of the ho.spital According to Gosiee. the new Uutywa, bathrobes .and amaller size regular blankets or Sirafforil s e t , .j structure .Avlll have a total of four fusing to withdraw its armed forces from Hungar\-. building Committee, said of rngjjtg basement, ground floor, put two together for a .larger blanket. Colota: Pink, yel­ PREM IER Commenting on the. Hungarian walkout, U.S. (:hief Dele- low, light blue and aqijk this total $850,000 mu.st, be first and ..second floors. It is tech- k^Ienry Cabot Lodge Jr. said “one Soviet agent the less, 3-TRACK raised b..V a public sub.scrip- nically called a 2-story building, ould^save a lot of wasted time if all the other satellites PRINCE^ PLA^tlC CREAM STYLE CORN 1I'”’49c tion Cflrnpfliffll. The addition will be behind the would do U iesam e thing.” “* ---- / 1957 *T)r. Thomas M. Healv. president existing West Wing and will be Hungarian Fbreign Miniates 1 P U C E MATS ALUMINUM BETTY CROCKER BALL POINT PEN fbOc of the Manche.ster Chamber of Joined tp the central building, with I Imre Horvath .led hWdelegation 29c-lft*59e-7te i«(L Commerce. in charge of the gen-. allowance made to permit the . from the room after chai'giijg that A A./UL Calendar Slbnii WMowi A pushr type—Perfect writing ball ppjrtt pen in pocket case. All for . , ernl campaign. economical addition of four more aome delegationa, influenced%r4 he — . __ _ ■auuii-/Practical piaca maU floors in' the future. ^just wipe them off. DATE BARMIX 3"•’’HSc Already the ho.apilal medical United S tates, ‘‘haVe attemptedm A * * |- . I 4 n r l o v * The 60 additional beda will pro­ Interfere in Hungary'a domestic af- ■ zA E lU "A m ctU U A Towels IN XMAS.WRAP—THIS YEAR GIVE FOOD! staff including affiliated dentists, vide apace for 2,800 more patienta CHENILLE has contributed 8131.000 and six each year. There will be anew lab- local fndustrlal firms another ^ "We reject these-, attempts and •ATH SETS ^ TENDER MILD FLAVORED 8.37,100, for a total of $168,100. or ornlory. pharmacy and an emer­ I shall continue to do so in the fu­ ALUMINUM gency department as well aa ex­ Strike LOOSE POWDER ture," he aaid. , $1.98 S«t ea. 20 per cent of the 88.50,000. panded x-ray. obatetrical. aurgical 99c Goalee explained the capital I Hor\-ath told newsmen later he _ __ S pattams. An unVitual STORM DOORS diclar.v, ph.valcal therapy, admim Budapest, Dec. 11 Tens pf valuo in'flna quality bath Be sure to include LAMB LIVER Lh. 27c needs to more than 300 prominent & p « t . ^ ° tomorrow for then^aw'ds^of H u ^ q s^ riw '^ atU. Six colors. COMPACT CASES Manchester and area citizen., al iatration and other departmen to­ thesd'in y o u r^ ft plan­ day launched a wide^read pr Other bath aata Attractive, riietal round and square styles. Regular $1.00. ..... the campaign kick-off banquet al Also included In the In his statement to the Aa- 82.M to 8«.98 ning; pure linen and Us« Your CENTER CUT SHOULDER the Ma.aonie Temple last night. He | space for a new laundry, additional sembly. he declared thSt the U.N. strike in defiance of the Russian- hand'.block'ed. Six pat- said the balance of the 81.470.000 . «qutpn'enl.. *l<»*8e amKaupplle.-, , fBi depicta addition completed in 1952 and tCl an earlier wing. had offended tlie Hungarian dele- .imposed govemment^of Premier not to be raised by public sub- C. Elmore WatkimK^ president of ^ gallon in a way inconsistent with f Janos Kadar. W ^ C L O T H S terni yith rod for ClMlrfo AceouRt Lb. the hospital Board^f Tniateea and . To tha extreme right ia another addition completed In 19.52. The FW olitlMtt la MouM- LAMB CHOPS 59c acription.s, consists of $2.30,000 basic structure, built in 1918. ia between iCi and the east wing. the honor of the Hungarian people.' Transportation, in Budapest was lirimirinR. Unusual de­ from the Mary'Chapman e.state, one of the pripdfpal apeakera la..t ! "Therefore," he said, "the H un-1 badly crippled, but the work atop- kaUar. Mlckay. MOuM add night, trn<-eid the background of (Ebbets, Frid and Prentice, Architects 1. DonaM Duck! signs of Penn, Dutch, BONELESS 880,000 from the Ford Foundation . , garian delegation will not par.tic- '. page, did not appear to be 100 per harvest, -Old Devon, Coll For ^ JEWEL CASES ea. grant, and $290,000 which may be- | the loca^ospltal and in urging r Ipate In the work of the General 1 cent effective. Some business ac- 49erSo. Junior size. Attractive simulated leather covered cases with self rising come available when'construction I the IqWn.speopIe to support the Assembly as long as the present Alvity apparently Waa continuing Xakaaiwvahlar-fun.
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