f, V / ■ \ ' *mUB8DAt, APRIL 10, } U 1 V I^AGE EIGHTEEN ^anr^i^Btrr lEit^hing ljgyali& A Averaga Dally Circalatlon / The Weather Fee Um lUatk ef March. IMT 'araeaat ef D. a. Waafher BaraM ' MM* captain Walther L.. Orunder^ of Oeeaataaal Mght sbew en, te- M SH___ llliard____street, has returlied .Solo Darirer Quota Given 9 3 3 5 . eight eiallag fletarday aiondagi About Town to the nitoh General hoapltal, FofC M fl ie aC the AadK eaatiaaed mild; atceag aeothwest- DIk. N. J., for further treatments/’ Bar see eC ' e ^ wtade. ^ ' AH boy* who WOT* piwwnl ot While on limited furlough from To Red Cross IL the hospital he attended the TTnl* fho orcmnlutlaii mcoUng cf • jun­ M » r -ir —1 Manci^e ittr- ' A CHy -of Village. Charm, ior Owwife lodgr him lr M»rcB vertlpir of Conn. Fort TrtmbuH JA arc reqiiiotod by ArehW Hough Brpvh.*' New Ixihdon. fTonn. l^rgr Number of Wa^li to ftwot again Oita evening at aev- VOL. LKVL, NO. 163, tChtaiiaai Adrerttalag ea Paga 16) MANCHESTER. C0NN„' FRIDAY. APRIL 11, 1947 (HlGHl'EEN PA^KS) PRICE FOUR LYNrS tn o'clock In Orange hall for The Past Matron* As.vK lsIlon. (.IfttliN Neeileil Loriil Order of Kisjitem Star, >vHl hold - buidtwaa meeting and to knk ov f^apler Informetl __________ ^ _1 ____ __1_____________ ____ J__ —_______ the equipment on h i^ . Its annual meeting, and sorlal time, tomorrow evening April 11.. ' i ■ y \ . Tornado Wrecka^" at Woodward, Okla. The April meecfng of tb^ Man­ at Masonic Temple, John Mather Mr*. Frank Watts, the. recently - 1 chester Garden Qub ritU take [room at 7:30. All Pa'st Patrons| japiHilpted chairman of the Pro- Wallace^Speeches ptace Monday evening at eight ' frohi other Juii.Bdlrtions, now IW-' ' Uhicflon Corps, of the Manchester Marshall Asfes Korea o'clock hi the RobWiB room of ing In Mancheater aic cordiafly. Itcd l/roHS Miapter, has just fe/ :'w..7,v Center church hopae. Mre. Valen* Invited to attend this inceflng. i cVlved the quota of artlylea And garments requested from th^lpcal. Prom HALE'S SELF SERVE Uiw raMan ,of Wkllingford n1U be the guest speaker. Mre. rablan ta Loren J. Andreo, seaman, iwsvond Corps for this i'Car. X ffl Performing A real "dirt gardener" and TCrit- claaa, aon of Mr. .and Mra. D. An*. One request Is fof a Wrge num- cuiturtat an well as a flower______ show dreo. of 52 Bell atrect, .Manrhea-! i Iwr of waah cloths. Vfilch m aje^ Be Granted Freedom t u ^ and cornea highly eecom- i ter. la aervlng aboard the aircraft 'either knitted or ,crochelcKl. The and HEALTH MARKET i— A cordial pivlUtnn ta ex- carrier I W Sicily. Antire.. entered string '.from whlpfi they are to he to alT Interested, whether the Xavsl .seryl'e In :lupe, l'.M6. made Is «w»w Irt the MeadqiiArterH vCat Disservice ihen of tbs'Garden cltib or «nd reirlved his rern ii|‘ IraiiilnK office In iiifiIfie House and ii*ta St the Naval Training 'M-enter,, I Building, li'i.'l .Main street atfd FOR WEEk4SND FOOD SBO ^ERS Balnhrhlge. M'l- ■ ' ^ ' I mav la* iibtalned there liy any.per- EM dand Says \O pposi. i P g > n k As Soon as Possible ' son who would like lo/m ake one O an McLean No. 252. Onler of MnxwrII Hoiine Uon to Greek^rkeyl*^*^*^^ MTHUK gcMttah- Clans, 'S'tll meet ttmior- Mr. ami Mrs. George P. Morrill ' of these single articles. tow evening at eight o"rlork in of 42 Hull street snnoiincX thi^ ^ I The direi tions. of i-iijlirnf, will be Fresh Fruit & Vegetables .Miss lairralne Hcn\j|le .^Included wllh the lykterlal., Coffee . Aid Program , in \Ad- F w P t i C B S Calls on Russia .to Co­ the Masonic Temple. birth of n son, tlm r first cJilldv at )^ Large, r'lwah ’ / , . .' Hartford hospllal. April I*. ,M>a. ' dreaaes Abroad At- A n j Molotov Blocks Saar operate With UhIIinI Mr. and Mrs. John A'. Mortimer Morrell, the fn.tnrr Phyllis May ; Miss Ix.rr.vlnc.i, .Sroville. ^All of g2 Ptymouth Lane have had as Chrijilrnjirn of \Vr>tHr<>ok, in « ’’Unou^n Rolo liaiurr, wllt^bo otip of Pineapples - Each 2 ?c > tempt to Induce AI*n - ^ S m OSSCU Stales in Restorllm thalr guests the past faw days. of T<8rh**rrt PnlUipo, fWKufTd nt thr Soloda Tea Bags ' ^ lies* to' Desert U. S. ------- : •Mr. Mirtlmer's sister. Mrs. George Merger France Asks Independence; Warns' New Ovpsv .^tnslrcl Ihowlvlilch Center ftci’fart and her two children, Mary R .rmdtmtr «»f \\r#h‘y»n nivrr- v / N'aHve . Say$.Only Bar-' Jane and George. They ?lty, Middletown. / Church Co-\ycds pfe lo present In Washington, April America Intends to morning for their home In Phila­ the aiiditoriunr' of the Hollister -^-Senator Eastland (0 ., r ie r \^ o Price Cuts, Repeats Insistence So­ Co Ahead Witb Free-’, Franeo-Americaa Winesop Apples 2 Lbs. 25c delphia. The Second *CT(pgregstlonal achnot, TlnirSd.iv and Friday eve­ Miss.), told the Senate today SUncinlf^ Up" o / Pro­ viet NeeDs Time to Rushes Report dom Measures ii| Own ^ r-.,»/.nedi« ru- Men'a club will have a meeting io- nings, April. 17 end 18. ' that Henry A. Wallace is Mambera -of th t^ n c o rd la morrow evening a t eight o'chu k Cans Duction ^ by .SttDiies thwan Ladtaa | gt the church. It will l>c ,a mem- Miss' HcovHle, a talented pupil ^Spaghetti 2 “performing a great disserv­ CoPsuleri InDepenDent Zone; Tw4» Steps\Told miaatad to meat this ovenlng at " nrooram • of Mrs. Rolrlii Gibson Marl Ifl for ■/ Grapefruit 3 t.r 25c On Organizing ''' and Center street#. From j Program. ice to the American people'' Ruhr Plan Opposetl the past seven yea'ra. Is now as­ / .Manchester's Piano by speeches abroad opposing Washington, April ll-^d’)_Rep Moscow, ASril 11.— thara Vson was boni yesterday nt the Wolcott (R.. Mich.1 said today sisting Mrs. Martin wllh her cisss- Distributor for P k g s. iJMTge ^ . Ih’esident Truman's GreeK- Moscow, April 11.—(4*)—' SecreUi^ of State George C. w i! H alford hospital to Mf. and Mrs. Flako Pie Crust 2 "the peak of inflation. haa passed' World Police to Mrs. Katherine Roth who was »y“ . Cadleiix^ . f of. 22 Ardmore. , *'*• She has played a prominent TurKey aid program. Wallace, Soviet Foreign Ullnhter Molo-1 . _ Marshall called 'on Ruflaia tp - I'llfred f'ln Mrs. Olbron's reeltgls, andt t'ampben and the f only ,barrier to lower a member. road. •SOHMER Iceberg Lettuce KasUand doclared, ”haa attempt­ tov blocKed toniffbt Inaigtent 0 1 1 g __ d ajr to cooperate with the Jn a number of entertainments iryi ed to induce the frienda and allies' prices "ta a albwihg up of pro- United States in restorli^ ytss Bernice Jtiul and Manchester and.other places. / : •GUI^BRANSEN attempt* by France to get Important !9ec- The Italian American Club will Tomato Soup Cans Fresh of hta Country to dea«hrt her.” ducUon as a consequence of the independence of Korea a s. Dorothy Houle of the. We Mias Scoville will appear at both ; atrikea.’^ immediate approval by the tors of Disagreement hold a sports meeting Sunday af­ •WURI.ITZER Invited to Fraaee by Beds soon as possible' and warned Beauty Salon. Mra. HarrWt ternoon at 1:30 at the clubhouse. Go-Wed minstrel perfornmuces I Lb. Saying that Wallace was Invited The Michigan Republican, who Council of Foreign MlRifltera Remain in Secret Mili­ wiss Blanche Hebert, anp Mlm All members Interested In sports and dance a gypi y tap and a toilet. ^ilA R IT M A N LIhbv' that,'in the meantime, Amer­ Baikara 'Dombe of JRatriet’a to France by Oommuntat leaders, as , chairman of the House Bank­ of an economic merger of the are urged to. attend, Refre.shments She is the daughter of Mgl and Eastland addad: ing committee m anats legislation Saar .with France. U. S. SOc* tary Staff Committee ica intends to go ahead with Baanty Salon, motored tu New will be served following the nieet- Mrs. Harold R. ftcnville /it 228 Can ”No American clUaen baa the dealing with the naUon's economy, independence measures in her own York yeaterday and H m t the day Center atreet. / Corned Beef Hash retafv of State Marshall and ing. moral r^ht to conspire with for­ made the statement to re^rters Lake Succeos, N. Y.. April ll— aone. a t Um Halrdrsaaera* yisariventlon at , - — . i • Mr. and Mrs. William/Aatlcy of Alaska Summer Squash British Foreign Secretary Brneat Two Steps OntSaed eign people* in order to undermine In commenting on President Tru­ Bevin had agreed to tho creation (45--Several important arSas of Grand Central Zipser Club Auxiliary members [ Center street are dii/ctlng the KEMPT and to wreg)t4n the... hand of hta man's declaration that if prices Marshall mad* public a lettar t« A tornado, sweeping through the town of Woodward. Okla.. left acenea of deaolatlan like thia while at once of a- commlaslon to work diaagraement rsmalned today aa ara ask^ to meet thia evening at [ minstrel, a reheorsal fpt which will '■ -,INC. 1 Lb. Can cojmtry. kre not brought.down wage 'In­ Soviet Foreign Minister V- 1C, ■7 7:30 at Winter and.............................. Center streets Like place tomorrow evening Irr Pink Salmon creases will be JuaUfled. exactifig.a death toll estimated at 100 parsons out' of the popuintion of 5,500.;—(AP wirephoto). out details of auch a merger.
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