UT pledge Card matures as leader for By Mike Craven Hookem.com Heis No.17 on tbel\merican­ mcr;aven@stalesnwi.~om Statesman's 2020 Fabulous let Mike Craven keep y0u up on 55 and the No. 2 dual-threat The legacy of elite quar­ the latest recruiting develop• quarterback in the country, terbacks at • , , High ments at hookem.com, our according to the 247Sports School dates back to 2004. home for Longhorns news and composite rankings. Every starting quarterback analysis. Card record ed more since that year signed with than 1,000 yards as a wide a Football Bowl Subdivision receiver his sophomore year program. gotBaldwin, be is now looking as be waited for Baldwin to Ohio State bead coach Ryan to transfer.) graduate. Day once joked with Cavaliers Next in line is Hudson isclearly Card's head coach Hank Carter that Card, a four-star dual-threat team in 2019, with five-star was theonly place prospect who is committed wide receiver Garrett Wilson be needed to recruit quar­ to Texas. Card, a 6-foot-2, off to Ohio State. It's a role Hudson card is going into his sKOnd season as the Cavafiers• terbacks when the Buckeyes 179-pound athlete, isenter­ thathe accepts. quarterbac:11. He threw for 3,543 yards and 50 touchdowns with just were pursuing Matthew ing bis second season as the four interceptions as a junior. (JOHN GUTIERREZ/FOO STATESMANI Baldwin in 2018. (Though they quarterback for the Cavaliers. Sec CARD, C10 theatmosphere and help CARD recruit. "The pitch is thecityof f)-omPageCJ Austin and competing fo r n.1tional championships under a great coach­ "I'm a senior and the ing staff, " Card said. quarterback. I take that "Ispent time with guys respons.ibility seriously, like Chad Lindberg, andit'san honor tolead a Troy Omeire and Vernon program like ,. Broughton. We hope to That's part of the posi­ dosomething•-pecial and tion that I enjoy," Card keep the recruiting suc­ said. "I feel like I'm cess flowing.• growing as a leader for Texas hassigned back­ this team, and that pro­ to-back No. 3-ranked cavaliers quarterback Hudson Card finds running room cess continues in times recruiting classes, a.nd against San Antonio Madison during the playoffs last like spring practice.• many ofthose prospects year. card is the No. 2 dual-threat quarterback in the Card made a relatively are expected to start i.n country, acconling to the 247Sports composite rankings. smooth transition to 2019. (JOHN GI/TIERll!Z/fOR STATtSMAHJ quarterback last year. Card's bead coach He had been a quar­ has watched his devel­ at least 5 more pounds "I've watched that terback playing wide opment and thinks the before his senior season. event since I was a kid, receiver, not the other Longhorns are getting a An offseasonor two with and I can'twait togo and way around; the pla.n fine prospect. UT strength and con­ learn," Card said. "It was when be moved to t "I couldn't be more ditioning coach Yancy a confidence booster, for from Cypress pleased with Hudson's McKnight would surely sure. It's a unique oppor­ was to start at quarter­ development,• Carter help build hfa muscle tunityTwant to take full back for t be Cavaliers. said. "We'll clearly go mass and help bis arm advantageofbecause it'll Hethrewfor 3,543 yards as be goes this year, and strength. only help me getbetter." and 50 touchdowns with it's his second year in this Card recently achieved And ifyou're worried justfour interceptions as new offense. Everything a childhood dream by about ,,,quar­ a junior. He also rushed was new last year, even qualifying for the Elite terback situation once for 619 yards and nine for the coaches, and he 11 quarterback camp, Card departs for Texas, touchdowns. had a wrist injury in the which coincides with don't. Sophomore Nate Card became Texas' spring. He'sfully healthy the Opening. Texas' last Yarnell is a 6-5 pocket first commitment of and improving.• quarterback pledge to passer with a cannon for the 2020 class on May Card is admittedly make it to the final 11 at anarmwho'swaitingbis 25, 2018. He grew up a lanky. He's worki.ng to the Opening was Sam turn. Longhorns fan and was change that and is up 10 Eblinger, a product of "He's going to be at the Orange-White pounds from his junior nearby West High good," Card said with a game April 13 to take in season. He hopes to add School. smile. Optimism abounds as spring football kicks off ByJll)'Plolldu end of the. previous season. played key roles - have Ameritan•Stlltt'Stl'Ull "Our coaching staff and matured and are ready lo con,_. ow kids do a pretty good job shoulder even more of the of placing the appropriate workload. A welcome sound started emphasis on either the cele­ "'I think that om kids are resonating across the prac­ brations or the shortcomings excitedabout expanding their tice fields a top the of how weperformed in the role," Carter said. "'The ones 7' , lligh School campus past md turn the pase and who were sophomore sand onMQnday. move on," Cavaliers coach juniorsla.lityear, they'vebeen 111c Cttvaliers beg.1.n spring Hank Csrter said L'lst week. eager to trytohave1their crack football pra(:.ticc, officially Thefrushation..o;ofthc 51 ~10 at it." markingthe beginningofthe loss aside, Cartersaid the.re Overthe course ofthe next 2019scason. ll1s ·• was a great deal to like about monlh. lhrCavaliers will pul first on-fieldactivity since lht2018season, includinga together the building blocks the sea.son-ending loss to lotto build upon for 2019. of what manyexpect wiU be Galena Park North Shore in (IIWe bad a lot ofyoungkids another championshipcon­ Dcccm~t'$Class6ADivision lhal were playing last y~ar. tender.Springpraeticewraps I state semifinals. Though playing meaningful snaps," up with the annual Spring spring prac:Uce startsa new Cartersaid. Jamboree on May t;. qoarterbact tlucl$0ft ~111 (I)illld running bodl -ton season, the Cavaliers bave Those young players - as Stephens (ll) both retum for the cavs next season. be9im already moved on from the many as nine sophomores see rooTBALL. /\Jo It$ spring footbal this. week. IJCltlN GUl l(:lflG / rOA SlAltSMANl FOOTBALL Htrc'saposiUoo-by-pos-1- Uoooverviewof the Cavalltts as theyenterspring practice. Quarterback Hudson Card, a 1'exas comut.il atquarterback, tlutw so touchdownpasse.s and ran for nine more while amass• ing more t han 4,000 yardc; of offense in hls llJst y«rr as a st41'tcr. C41'tcr Cl!J)(!Ct! tosec conlhlucdlmpro,•emtttt from bis senior quarterb3ck. "t think that Hudson had an amazing yea, and I thjnk that he'll bwld on tb.atdra­ malically because hlsoomfort level with what we're.doing bas btt-ome second nature," C'.arter said. Runnlna Back W~lon Stephens jwnpcd into lhe lineup and flour· ished both running lbe ball and catching it, tallying QO-O yard.$ from $Crimmage wtth 17 Lake na-vts llnebacktt' Ma.uriclo Tre-Ytno (30) forces H lncompltte pass against sa.n Antonio Madison touchdowns. In l&St stuon'S ~Orts. TttVlnO and Lakt n-avts begin spr~ footNll llllSwctk. (JOUN GIJllOIRCZ / rOA •·--··-1- ~ , .., . •_ -··-" ,., __ , _,, Ma.rttlo Alao.i.s andWesley SIAllSMANJ Erwin also made key cou­ tributions, and sophomore Oerriclc Johnson, projected eight receivers return. Grayson Sandlin and r Otrenslve line as a key defensive con ­ awehave lot of kids back McRec, who burst on the tributor, moyalsogct a few with great experience and sceoc. at tightendaftetbat­ While the Cavaliers wUl baudoffs. great abllity." Carter said. tllu,g early-season lujuries, need to find a few pieces and ..Weknow reccivt:r isa place give Cardtwobig targets . rebuild theirdepth, Dawson Receiver that we've always gots few Back.up quarterback: Weiss, Todd Moon and a guJ$ that can run around and Peyton Janecek will again pull healthy Andrew Salem return Garrett Wilson'sabsence catchtbcball." double-duty atreceiver, and toprovidethr,.s-Olidbuilding wm be noticeable, bot the Kyle Baves caught 69 Carter said defensive back blocks. cupboard is far from bare. passes for more than 1,000 Aden Nava could also find .. l 'm excited about our five of the Cavaliers' top yardsand14 louc-hdowm. himselfinthe reccivi.ng mix. offensive line,• Carter said. "Andrew Sakm'shc:.tlthy and he's lootinggreat."' De1'ensfve llne The Cavaliers must replaoe lh,lrbfWstlluom,nInKaleb wcosou, butRalclgb Erwinls poised lobuild ontheruccess he:.aw a.,; a sophomore.. Spring will be thetime for new start~ MS toemergelll<111gsldei,;rwtn to form the first line of e:n ,1.. 1$" dcforuc. Trey Sofia sawconsiderableplayingtime at defensive end last season,as did Trey Wright, and theyare among the young Cavaliers looking to expand theirroles lo 2019. "'Tb:isiswberewe'llhavethe most newbees,"Cartersaid. Linebacker/Defensive back lf the Cavaliers can the defensive tine settled, thereis plentyofe,rperien.ce return• ing among the back seven. LlncbookcrsNldc Villarealand MauiTrcvino both rackc-d up more tlwttootacklesin 2018, andCopelandGothardlooks to becomeathree-ye.arstarter at oomerb3clc. A host of pl3yen - lncludlngbut notlimited to Nava. Jacob Hopkins, Kaleb Hallmann, Max 1.-oit. Tag Humble and Cam Correa - all played inkey situations in 1018. foh"""' coold figure ot safety, llocbackcr orcvc-n on offenseas a receiver or run­ nillgbaok. "'We'vegot a great feel for what those guys can do, and their bodies have changed/' Carter said, i.•1bey are bigger and stronger, and it wUl be exciting thls spring.• PR£PBASEBAll SUMMARY GmllGETOWN 1•;:::c:;;i:g15 5 ~ Ill 111 1 - 77 1 l:.a.fl>n> • llll - S 51 w.~(6-1).1.:0lsan.S:GrinocsO~ ~--0llmil-2HR l -Dompsaol-<IIIIS2ABISJIIS.
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