
■•-'v'*"- r^*-j ^ 4.‘, cZ‘ P^f.-.. ^ f ■-■•■Vi f V 0 L .:L L , n o . 282. (ClassHled Adverllslag ,oa Pago IS.1^ 30, lo sit ' w o t 1 CASES IN COURT WHESf THE FIREWORKS STA R ^ ; ‘ DROPRINCOME OFFHjNAYEAR Rtcord of Fiscal Year Cios- ■ I Today Sliows K{ D ^ Democratic Platform FARLEY CLAIMS 705 cnaae—388 Cases This Briefest in History Year aid 771 Year Before ~ % I FOR N Y. GOVERNOR Chioago, June 80..—(AP)— ThsAtionate result", and a »balanced Demoteatio Party, will go to th# budfst. Today markad the end of the country this year with a mUltant A "eompstitivt tariff for rsvsnus" iaeal year of Ifanebeeter Police platform, sensational in its fiat and repoal of prslidontial powtr to That b JM 6S.Len Than Twe-llurdi — Wild Ranwri Court and, aeeordiaf to the record! dsclaratioB for repeal of tbs 18tb obangs ratsi. of Clerk Tbomae Ferfuion, the year Amendment, aad conspicuous in its Flat oppotition to caaeoUation of FIjr O m Daab Baiwaan Roofwdt Paopb and SoBM ft 1181^2 show! a tremendous de> unprsosdsntsd brevity. tbi war debts. Only ths problbiUon plank which Federal aid to states for Jobloss ofjMife.ln total numher of casei and carried also a demand for imms- relief when states exhaust tbsir re­ thaFiToi^SMlkuididata-^lliNiiiiiifi To Bnck reisalpti over the preceding fiscal diato Volstead Act modification to lief. fund! aad expansion of "aoeos- year, the number of oases being re­ isgallM beer aad other btvsrtfss, sary aad ussful" pubUo eoastruo- duced by more than half and the re- bM b4sn approved by tbs satire ooa- tion. New York Gwamor—PlankiPropoMd^Mnmjind eeipta vy nearly one>quarter. vsatioD in a stisioa, but adoption Uasmploymont aad old age pta- RaoelDts 111,000 of tbs rtmaindor today w m aM urtd. slon iasuraaoo, under stats laws. McAdoo Are Dftiatid On Fber. A total of m cases came before OoBtosto stiU wars faesd on tbrss Rsflnanoiag of farm m ortgifti at the Court during the past year, in **We favor theI rMrepeal cal of the Bightssntb Amendment."lent." The reeding of thoNtboN eight' wordawords touchtouched off ptaaki» favoring OMb paymont of low iatartit ratat, txtansm of eompwiion with 771 eases for the long-espccted-enpsetodr firewoim in the Dsmoeratio convention as the majority of the platform■ *.............................. tommittee presentite d tb e tbs bonus, bi-motallism and protoo- farm oooporativss, eoatrol of crop yaar ending July 1,1081. The total wsttsstrtist plankplank submitted since prohibition bsoame law.V. This spontaneous demonstration > foretold tbsthenww auewwla ter toa of do^sitori la Fsdtral rsNrvo ObiMfo, J u a t 10.—(A F )~ T bt T H I FHOO i m i TQIRAT raeeinta for' this■ year were 111 surplusM «sd "ovsry ooBotitutiM yai oveiim ‘ ^ m in■ g succcm of the r^sal plank. Nwkit msaturs" to givt ^ famisp "pidMt firtt ballot oi tbt Dtmoeratle prttl- IM4T, of whieh 15,814.74 went to [ p a rty '! oxtMRM w st doolara- OMciyo, JuBO 10,—(AF)—Tbo the town and 16,480.78 to the state. 4~ Tbo iB MOfM of eoitF deatial eoatottod atartd todi^ la a U et ye^the total reoeipts amount­ tiott oams to tbt ooavtBtioa last fiound Ourasnoy latt miauto dnvt by the ftoettvilt proiraat of tbo Domeoratto Hb» ed to 115,271, of whieh 88,868.40 night M majorito m ort tbrou^ MaiBtoBABot of a sound ourronoy ferett for tbt ftw votot tbty btUtvt HOBAl OoBvofttioB todftyi tbo lurpriiiag to to 17 voto of tb t aad aa XAtonational Heea—OoBvtBttoa toBvtatt, went to the town and 86,004,61 to m EN TSK N S ooaioroooo to atotttary to lift Mm iato nomiaa- the etete. CUR'nS SAID A D O a O R platform eeauBittot, Xt twuBg eoBtidtr tbt rtbabUitattos of tilvor, XavecfttieB — M r y o IbftftL The draetlo deereaM in the num­ b re u fb tb t eenvoBtiOB 884 1-4 to •iFtdtral rtfulatioh ot tttu r lty tiea. Cook, toMbM O b^ftB lOiOHM^ ber of eases for the year is attribut­ TREtCOMniYBIU 111 l-4,ifaiB tt tti|i minority rtport and eemmedity tMbABgtt, iator- Amid tbt MtivitiM ia tbf Frtil* OMcftyo. ed to large part to the rsduotion in t • ■ • • r ’ oaUiBf for tubmittiOB of a rtptal ttato utility ratoi > a ^ boldiag dtat btadquartort at tbt Oeayrtti Winiftm 0, McAdoo, uryn minor motor vebiole violations, in- T R EA 'T ED UNDY INFANT dmtnt to tbi ttotot, witbrat oompasiM NiUBff N o u rltltt ia la> betoi, JaBMt A, Fartoy/ BMaaiifr for miBority rtport for baak dtpoH* eludiiif failure to stra for stop signs party rMommoBdatioB, tortlato eommtrot, Oevtraor Reetfvtlti teuadid a olalm tort yuaraatN plaak, Mto improper parking. The stop BotUti prebibitioB rtptali tb f ItoUff of dtpotitort of tutptBdid for T06 votot OB tat flrit ballot— Ron ta ll OA Oov, WlUtaia M, stoas were iMtailed during the yi Will $ir(i A l ^ ISO Mlffioiu Blatferm dtmaiidt "drMHo obaaft baakt aad prebibltlBg tbt iwt of Jutt 88 liM tbaa tbo two tbirdt, A Murray's miaority ptatform, Il804l and a huge number of KkfaMpm ThrMiMcd Km DRYUWDEBATE la NBBomit aad fovtnm m tal poTi* ibtir moBty far tMouiatteB "to tbt wbirt of rumert aad opMulatioa Roll tall oa MtAdee miMrlty reiti followed wmob lessened eon- olM" tad ameiiff etbtr tbiagt ad> ditrim rat of letaT eridito." ever, doali botwtoa tbo Heotovtit rtp o rt, sideraMy after June of last y u r WBIiDMdilfHe ToU of h Ex^Mft»--How«r Not v etato ti ArmamiBt rtdutUoB, adbtrtutt poop 0 aad tome of tbo favonto loa Ad^tioa of platfern, U Nenths Year EXCITED CROWD Out iBBtaditwit to tbf Wend Court witb tbt pond- eanditetot twopt tbo boa^uartoni, Roll tall of itatii for priiit • The fiseal year ending today was PiMNdWitkIt, A MUtoa dollar o u t» F td tra l ia« iBf riftrvattaii aad aoa-iaterfir- but all roperto wire doaiid* doatlal aoffliaatiay ipiN kiii remarkahle, m that not one arrest Viiii, Norfolk Hoizor Slid t ' ataiMiiNft w itl^ ttotot maklaff a W bilfi 6 # f U tortti WIN eeourrsO during the month of reb- ■ ■ I ■ t "italeuf iffertjlo atktovi a -------- (CaallBMi 81 Pai8 f m f statoha^ ^ ^ ! a $ uyoa Tm Mi ruary, and therefore the total n> t MtoieurT aad Obto, tbt ilowir tbaa usual oeipu are oemputed for only eleven b S h to m o il. M apitii HowM ud Kofi* WM|iiiiitM,; jfuii io,^(A F)-i ilMittoa, 'Wfeifh had . b________ tr i uadorw raff way,wA|rf Tbo nsenths of tbs year. Xa not one in- FiMidfBt HfioPM iwliy im l iito r HifPlly into tbf stance this year did the receipts of Iftw tb# nuib fitbitMl i m ' Iftttif- w u :.I fV fr either the town or state sncesd 81>> In flemingten, tf. J;, June 10,^ a i Until d u S m llllM ri of N ftv n d ' nftttoHftl' NOBomy M li iitt- WET PLANK IS ADOPTto Mvt thiffi to tH Htw Ttrk ftvir* yultrifi ilffloitilin ifflpty 000, but two such iastaocH occurred ■or oa tin fini Mlot. aftir ^tbf_____ ihfiMIM hourbou o f ___ last year in July and leptember, (AP)-«A statement was read into fflfttotf to fftvf 'ftw ugd 81M;000,000 the court record today is which Todaf. , A thick«yp, bowtvtr, ibawid no pMIld,Mild, At tWItwMvi thirty oot b ill.. when the receipts of the town were ‘ iMNfi tadiffttioB M ft Mtiftpit ia tiM Hail tbi iMViatiob ptriMiMi hid arriv< in encess of that amount. John Hughes Curtis said that the tb iO b to f BY UNUSUAL MAJORnY of tbf ItoONVfll epfoamtoi Id, Md tbf Ml itaton wiiIN ju il bfk Of the 8M cases hr ' is relics Lindbergh baby became siek after _ OflMf Omdldatot ytoaiai^^teii^^ifi ib imail VMupi, Court this you,^nearly enentoird or Obtoftffo, JuB i 10 — (AP) A f , fflM iypri,in, aftir a 101 sasos imre before tbs Court eu being kidnaped and was treated by ■( 1 . Tbt miAftyiri of Isiftbir OariMr, * dooter who w if piidgofi to n <n - fifty, ffttob-M-6fttob-«Ao (tobftto m 4 h I MBfOMfY rUAMI to a n r would oterges of Intonioatlos, and n ma­ tb t M pleiivi quMliOB of prebiMtifB Sm u A. Itotd lad ^ifb o v . Wtaito ittAd'*Mraii)it jority of the remaining oasu were oy--------------- UBdtr piM-- of Moth,- Q ^4i if on V fti f t 9343.4 Apdiiit direotly Iraeeable to the use of triil 8B ' ffttoije tiM J^fwoaifttto y u d rM rp tM A tUN 8f lOBVMtlra bftftlliff, bo«ti4 wefirinaho a rial aoiiit of it ri* iaeludtoi sueh eases as illim p i ff tW m iiniiffllh iiiSft For R d^:ft naiitod to bo fiM, Tho plaak'toil _ o f the poses, i 1 bfoififf UBtll tb f ifttiy bouri Ths Ifsaiivtlt 'dPPOUttoBaBMMtlsa tooktoeb exa out la loiBBHtii by a viry maU' irivini under the iniluehesT Oip&BJflifiJ.^Limb of tfcf How ^ ^ iM f it IP tS ftlM B f 6f b f S n im B i flw Vast llciitb Jonty lltto peliiN nad • losgthy . evt-ftftd-eut rtMAliito "impMM MliANlfMlf .Anendiiinl;flad|a Modi, tori for NiwtM D, 1 ^ , of During the mentb of June, ending M-Oov4»er Alftftd iJ. _ _ „ --------lM Bt6fi|pli^' to the OoayroM S, firit 0* ttai dark horto tftfldi- ' 'nil tbainBaB, iMAtor Walih of itatomint Ounii ludfOB tho Ho- BfOBOM^ to truw rtpriMBta Moatana, Miflwd bMt m fi1tlfly> to ^ , a total ofTl eases were beard Olid u d third dtyi iftor tho bol^ Miw York, Oev.
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