Roll of Honour 1914-1919

Roll of Honour 1914-1919

mmm WmWm¥$ mm fictle School m m mmmrnm ROLL OF I 1914—1919 mm I National Library of Scotland lilllllllillilllillll *B000502457* Merchiston Castle School ROLL OF HONOUR 1914-1919 EDINBURGH H. & J. PILLANS & WILSON, 86 HANOVER STREET 1921 &&. "&* ® 317 ^MY 1 ^A? CONTENTS. PAGE Preface ..... 5 List of Orders, Decorations, Mentions Roll of the Fallen .... List of those who served— Merchistonians 27 —Masters 52 and 54 — Preparatory School 53 Summary ..... 55 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 PREFACE. THIS War List, which has been compiled from material published in The Merchistonian from December 1914-December 1919, is issued by the Merchistonian Club free to members. The records are no doubt incomplete and may be inaccurate. It has not been possible to track promotions, and the rank given is, as far as the School records show, that held at the end of the war. The list of those fallen includes those who were killed and those who died of wounds or on service. The date in brackets is the date of birth, the dates after the name show the years at School. Any corrections of errors and further information will be welcomed, and will be useful for future editions of the School Register. C. E. Edwarbs. Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, October 1921. HONOURS LIST. THE VICTORIA CROSS. Elstob, Lieut.-Col. Wilfrith. K.C.B. Geddes, Eric Campbell. K.C.M.G. Geddes, Eric Campbell, First Lord of the Admiralty C.B. Gray, Col. Sir H. M. W., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.CS. Lamont, Lieut.-Col. J. W. F., R.H.A. Ogilvie, Lieut.-Col. T., Gordon Highrs. C.M.G. Charteris, Brig.-Gen. J., R.E. Duffus, Lieut.-Col. F. F., R.A.S.C. Gray, Col. Sir H. M. W., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.CS. Lamont, Lieut.-Col. J. W. F., R.H.A. Mackenzie, Lieut.-Col. J. H., R. Scots. Neilson, Lieut.-Col. W. G., A. and S. Highrs. Ogilvie, Lieut.-Col. T., Gordon Highrs. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER. Bingham, Lieut.-Col. D. A. Lamont, Lieut.-Col. J. W. F. Charteris, Brig.-Gen. J. Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. C. L, Cowan, Capt. I. C. Mackenzie, Lieut.-Col. J. H. Craig-Brown, Lieut.-Col. E. Madden, Capt. J. G. Duke, Capt. R. N. Ramsay, Major J. G. Elstob, Lieut.-Col. W. Roberts, Major G. Fearenside, Lieut.-Col. E. Simson, Lieut.-Col. J. R, Forsyth, Major M. H. Stuart, Lieut. G. F. Gavin, Lieut. A. G. D. Sutherland, Major T. D. Gourlay, Capt. K. I. Turnbull, Lieut.-Col. G. 0. Hay, Major S. Utterson-Kelso, Lieut.-Col. J. E. Holland, Lieut.-Col. L. Watson, Lieut.-Comdr. B. C. Hutchison, Major C. R. M. Watson, Lieut.-Col. C. S. M. Jack, Major F. C. Watson, Comdr. W. W. Jack, Lieut.-Col. J. L. Wolff, Lieut.-Col. A. J. Merchiston Castle School BAR TO DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER. Hutchison, Major C. R. M. Jack, Lieut. -Col. J. L. Macdonald, Lieut. -Col. C. L. Sutherland, Major T. D. Utterson-Kelso, Lieufc.-Col. J. E. MILITARY CROSS. Adam, 2nd Lieut. R. P. Hendry, Capt. J. Alexander, Capt. U. Hodgart, Lieut. J. Allan, Lieut. W. N. Hodgart, Major M. Bartholomew, Capt. I. Hourston, Capt. W. E. C. Brown, Capt. A. L. Hunter, Capt. D. M., M.B. Brown, Lieut. J. Hutchison, Major C. R. M. Brown, Capt. J. W. Inman, Lieut. W. C. Burton, Capt. R. W. Jack, Lieut. F. C. (with Bar). Cameron, Lieut. D. M. Lawson, Capt. R. W. Carmichael, Lieut. W. M. Logan, Capt. J. Caven, 2nd Lieut. R. J. Lusk, Capt. J. P., M.B. Considine, Lieut. A. E. (with M 'Crone, Lieut. R. W. Bar). Macfarlane, Capt. R. Cowan, Capt. I. C. Macfarlane, Lieut. W. S. Darling, Capt. J. W., M.B. M'Gown, Lieut. J. Duke, Capt. R. N. M'Gregor, 2nd Lieut. M. J. H. Duncan, Capt. G. W. Macgregor, Capt. R. F. D. Elliot, Lieut. F. M. Mackay, Capt. A. S. Elstob, Lieut.-Col. W. Mackay, Capt. G. R. E. G., M.B. Fairweather, Lieut. R. M. D. (with Bar). Falconer, Lieut. I. C. M'Kersie, Lieut. W. M. Findlay, Lieut. H. C. Mackinnon, Lieut. G. Findlay, 2nd Lieut. R. S. Mackintosh, Capt. H. C. Fletcher, Capt. G. D. A. M'Lachlan, 2nd Lieut. B. Forman, Lieut. A. N. M'Laren, Lieut. A. I. Forsyth, Major M. H. M'Whirter, 2nd Lieut. J. J. Fulton, Capt. J. D. Mansergh, Lieut. R. F. Gardiner, Lieut. E. F. Mitchell, Capt. A. W. S. Gourlay, Lieut.-Col. G. B. Mungall, Lieut. H. L. Gourlay, Capt. K. I. O'Ferrall, Lieut. E. A. (with Grant, Capt. C. E. Bar). Gray, Lieut. A. F. Pearson, 2nd Lieut. R. F. Heath, Capt. J. T. Phillips, 2nd Lieut. R. C. Henderson, Capt. J. R. (with Pringle-Pattison, Capt. H. S. S. Bar), (with Bar). Roll of Honour 9 Eiddel, Lieut. R. Thom, Capt. J. F. Ritchie, Lieut. A. S. Thomson, 2nd Lieut. G. D. Roberts, Capt. G. (with 2 Bars). Torrance, Capt. P. W. Robertson, Capt. D. Utterson-Kelso, Lieut.-Col. J. E. Robertson, Capt. D. N. Wallace, Lieut. J. C. Robertson, Lieut. W. Jex. "Webber, Major J. W. F. Smith, Lieut. G. A. C. Wells, Rev. E. G. (with 2 Bars). Smith, Lieut. I. S. Welsh, Capt. T., M.B. Spencb, Capt. G. C. D. Whitaker, Capt. EL, M.B. Stewart, Capt. J. G. Wilson, Lieut. P. H. Stitt, Lieut. J. H. Winkler, Lieut. E. R, Sutherland, Major A. Workman, 2nd Lieut. C. S. Sutherland, Major T. D. Young, 2nd Lieut. C. J. M. DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS. Mackay, Lieut. M. S. THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. G.B.E. The Right Hon. Sir Eric Campbell Geddes. K.B.E. Gray, Col. H. M. W. Houston, A. C. C.B.E. Roberts, Lieut. -Col. A. F. O.B.E. Bell-Irving, Lieut. -Col. A. Murray, Capt. W. A. K. Burn-Murdoch, Major Ian. Ramsay, Major J. G. Fearenside, Lieut. -Col. E. Simpson, Lieut. -Col. A. P. Fulton, Capt. J. S, Smith, Major G. W. Ker, Major H. T. Tennent, Capt. A. K. Mackenzie, Capt. A. D. Usher, Capt. C. M. Melville, Major E. P. A. M.B.E. Broadway, Lieut. E. E. 10 Merchiston Castle School M.V.O. Alexander, Lieut. J. W. Greig, Staff-Surgeon Louis. Houston, A. C. BREVET LIEUT.-COLONELS. Holland, Major L., D.S.O. Neilson, Major W. G., C.M.G., D.S.O. Turnbull, Major Bruce. MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES. Bartholomew, Lieut. G. H. F. Bartholomew, Capt. I. (twice). Black, Capt. A. E. 0. Blair, Lieut. R. Brown, Lieut. J. D. Brown, Capt. K. Paterson, M.B., Ch.B. Burn-Murdoch, Major Ian. Cadell, Capt. H. M. Charteris, Brig. -Gen. J., C.M.G., D.S.O. (five times). Craig-Brown, Lieat.-Col. E., D.S.O. (five times). Cumming, Capt. J. Cunningham, Lieut. J. G. Davidson, Capt. W. C, M.B., Ch.B. Duffus, Lieut.-Col. E. J., C.B. (twice). Duffus, Lieut.-Col. F. F., C.M.G. (three times). Duke, Capt, R. N., D.S.O., M.C. (three times). Duncan, Capt. G. W. Fasson, Capt. F. H. Fearenside, Lieut.-Col. E., D.S.O. (twice). Forman, Capt. G. E. Grant. Forman, Lieut. R. Forsyth, Major M. H., D.S.O., M.C. Fulton, Capt. J. D. (three times). Geddes, Sir Eric, K. C.M.G. Gourlay, Lieut.-Col. G. B., M.C. (three times). Gourlay, Capt. K. I., D.S.O., M.C. (three times). Grant, Capt. C. E., M.C. (twice). Gray, Col. Sir H. M. W., C.B., C.M.G., M.B., F.R.C.S. (twice). Gray, Capt. John (twice). Hardie, Capt. J. S. Hay, Major S., D.S.O. (twice). Heath, Capt. J. T., M.C. Hedderwick, Lieut. Cedric. Hedderwick, Lieut. Cyril. Holland, Lieut.-Col. L., D.S.O. (five times). 1 Roll of Honour 1 Hunter, Capt. D. M., M.B. Hutchison, Major C. R. M., D.S.O., M.C. (twice). Jack, Major F. C., D.S 0., M.C. (twice). Jack, Lieut.-Col. J. L., D.S.O. (twice). Kenwortht, Capt. S. Ker, Major H. T. Lamont, Brig.-Gen. J. W. F., C.M.G., D.S.O. (four times). Lawson, Capt. J., M.B., Ch.B. Lloyd-Jones, Capt. E. W. Longmuir, Lieut. A. M'Credie, Lieut. J. M'Crone, 2nd Lieut. R. W. Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. C. L., D.S.O. Macfarlane, Capt. R., M.C. Macgregor, Capt. R, F. D., M.B. Macgregor, Capt. W. Mackay, Capt. A. S., M.C. Mackenzie, Lieut.-Col. J. H., C.M.G., D.S.O. (five times). M'Lachlan, Lieut. B., M.C. M'Millan, Capt, W. S. (twice). M 'William, Lieut. A. R. Madden, Capt. J. G., D.S.O. Mellis, Capt. G. D. Mitchell, Lieut. T. G. Murray, Capt. W. A. K. Neilson, Capt. R. T. Neilson, Lieut.-Col. W. G., C.M.G., D.S.O. (five times). Ogilvie, Lieut.-Col. T., C.B., C.M.G. (four times). Rae-Arnot, Lieut. G. Ramsay, Major J. G., D.S.O. (three times). Roberts, Lieut. G., D.S.O., M.C. Simpson, Lieut.-Col. A. P. Simson, Lieut.-Col. J. R., D.S.O. Stuart, Lieut. G. F., D.S.O. Sutherland, Major T. D., D.S.O., M.C. Tennent, Lieut. A. K. Tod, 2nd Lieut, A. J. Ure, Lieut. W. A. Utterson-Kelso, Lieut.-Col. J. E., D.S.O., M.C. Wallace, Lieut. J. C. Watson, Major C. S. M., D.S.O. Watson, Commander W. W., D.S.O. Welsh, Capt. T., M.C, M.B., Ch.B.

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